Thursday, June 17, 2021

Svetlin Nakov a.k.a. Satoshi Nakamoto - The Bitcoin Creator Revealed

The S.Nak. Github Book Poster

Associate Professor, Docent, Ph.D., Dr. Svetlin Nakov a.k.a. Satoshi Nakamoto, The Bitcoin Creator remains silent on the subject itself.

Creator and programmer (developer) of BitcoinBitcoin (BTC) together with his brother Preslav Nakov (Преслав Наков, some bio at Wikipedia here [1]**)**. He (Preslav Nakov) then obtained a Master of Science degree in Informatics (Computer Science) with specializations in Artificial Intelligence, Information and Communication Technologies from Sofia University in 2011. During his MSc studies, he worked as a teaching assistant at Sofa University and The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (about [2]), as well as a guest lecturer at University College London during a visit in Spring 1999. Subsequently, he enrolled in the Ph.D. program at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley, partly supported by a Fulbright Program Scholarship. Under the supervision of Marti Hearst, he wrote a thesis on the topic of text mining from the Web and graduated with a Ph.D. in Computer Science from UC Berkeley in 2007.

Exactly on which day Svetlin Nakov (Satoshi Nakamoto) was born remains a mystery to the general public. The year of his birth is known well - 1980. The month too - June.

He has written numerous free books in the fields of blockchain, programming languages, cybersecurity, and computational linguistics, and Svetlin Nakov [4] (alias Satoshi Nakamoto) was Awarded a Doctor of Philosophy(Ph.D) Degree in Informatics of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (2010)/B.A.S. official website[5] / More info about B.A.S.[2]).He (Nakamoto - Svetlin Nakov) is about to finish his work in Cryptography For Developers[7], which he publishes in stages in Guthub[8]...Practical Cryptography for Developers is a modern practical open source (github) book about cryptography for developers with code examples, covering core concepts like:hashes[9] (SHA-3 [10] and BLAKE)**2** [19]#BLAKE2), MAC codes (like Hash-based message authentication code/HMAC/ and Galois Message Authentication Code (GMAC)[11], key derivation functions (like scrypt**,** Argon2), Key-agreement protocol s (like Diffie–Hellman key exchange (DHKE), Elliptic curve Diffie–Hellman, symmetric ciphers (like Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and Salsa20, cipher block modes, authenticated encryption, Authenticated encryption (AEAD), Cipher suite (AES-GCM), ChaCha20-Poly1305 [12], Binary relation, asymetric ciphers[13] and public-key cryptosystems [RSA), Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), Integrated Encryption Scheme (ECIES), I-SECG elliptic curve sect256k1, Curve25519), digital signatures (ECDSA [14] and EdDSA [15]), secure random numbers (PRNG [16],**CSRNG quantum-safe (quantum resistant) cryptography DApps,** Solidity**,** InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) by Svetlin Nakov and SoftUni Team, 2018, ISBN 978-619-00-0802-6.


He is known for co-founding the Telerik Computer Academy[22] (together with his brother and powerful associates) and after that The Telerik School Academy[23] to teach children (students) in computer science.

In the city of Sofia, Bulgaria with his colleagues co-founded Software University Ltd. (SoftUni/СофтУни)[25]. Then, due to the increased interest of thousands of parents, he founded also a school named after him SoftUni Svetlina[26] (meaning Light, as Svetlin) - the first Private Vocational High School of Digital Sciences in Bulgaria the increased interest of thousands of parents, he founded also a school named after him.

Nakamoto's early years - a childhood spent with computers

Svetlin Nakov wrote his first computer program in 1991 in the programming class at the Center for Work with Children in Veliko Tarnovo. He entered the computer programming class at the age of 11 with many difficulties and reservations, because then he studied in 4th grade, and the code camp is for students from 5th to 7th grade. Along with him, his brother Preslav Nakov took the first steps in programming, often helping him with more complex tasks. Proto BootCamps at that time was a popular form of extracurricular education for students and covered all kinds of creative, technical, and sports areas such as dance, karate[27], ship modeling, aircraft modeling, chess, illusionism, folk art, and many others. Programming (coding) is one of the disciplines in which Bulgaria was a leader at that time in the former socialist block, with traditions in piracy, copying, and adaptation of computer hardware and software (as it happens today in China)., With two working factories for the production of computer equipment.

Nakov's First Software Program

The first program in programming code camps at that time was far from fashionable to be "Hello World", as neither teachers nor students knew English. At that time, the technical literature was mainly in Russian, coming from the fraternal side of the USSR, which boldly distributed pirated translations of leading world authors, but also had its contribution. Instead of "Hello World", Nakov's first program, written in 1991, was "number addition" - two numbers are entered from the keyboard, added up and the result is printed on the screen. It was written in a primitive version of the BASIC language for 8-bit Pravetz-82 computers [30]. Тhe computers from that time were Pravetz 82, Pravetz 8A, and Pravetz 8C (eights) and were a Bulgarian pirated version (clone) of the 8-bit Apple II machine, which works with MOS 6502 processor at 1MHz, has 64 KB memory [total RAM (Random Access Memory) [34]**+ ROM (Read-Only Memory)** [35]**]**, has no hard disk and loads its operating system from a 5.25” floppy disk with a capacity of 180 KB. They had a monochrome monitor (called a "green") that used green dots on a black background in 40 by 24 text mode, which was an integral part of the computer (along with the keyboard). Watching green monitors for a long time was not good for health at all, so children were not allowed to stand in front of the computer for a long time. For two years Nakov wrote to BASIC[32] and Assembler [31] about Pravets-8. BASIC programming Writing BASIC for Pravetz-82 was no easy task. There were no text editors yet and the programs were written as a series of console commands (such as LIST, GOTO, PRINT, INPUT, GOSUB, RETURN, RUN, CATALOG, and others). The program consisted of numbered lines with commands and the numbering was done in 10 so that rows could then be inserted. For example, if we have lines 10, 20, and 30 and need to insert a new command between lines 10 and 20, we can create a new line 15 and write the new command to it. Instead of a text editor and an integrated development environment (IDE), a primitive command interpreter and a Basic interpreter were used. Everything that could not be written in BASIC was written in assembler and entered as machine code.

I still remember writing assembler programs on paper and compiling them manually to machine code, then entering them as a series of decimal numbers separated by commas," Nakov said of those years. You can imagine how the debugging was done after the compilation was done by hand (without a compiler).

In those days, Nakov began writing BASIC's PopCorn game with friends for Pravetz-82, but soon the source code (several thousand lines) overflowed the memory of the computer he had and the project failed.

Nakov's first programming competition

Archaic programming competition During his first participation in a national programming competition during the winter math holidays in Pleven in 1992, Svetlin Nakov won 3rd place with a semi-working BASIC program forPravets-82. Some coincidence ranked him at the age of 12 in the top three in the 5th grade, when he first participated in a more serious national programming competition. After this success, Svetlin Nakov started studying programming firmly and seriously. In the 5th-6th grade, he read almost all the literature available at that time for programming in Bulgarian and switched to the classic Russian books on algorithms. At the age of 13, he already knows the basic data structures, recursive algorithms, the basic algorithms on graphs and easily solves the problems of the then competitions, tournaments, and competitions in computer science and programming (for his age group).

His Transition to Pravets-16 computer

Already at the end of the fifth grade, Nakov switched to programming Pravetz-16. He initially wrote to QBasic for MS-DOS, and a year later moved to Pascal [33]). For both BASIC and Pascal, he began winning most programming competitions for his age group. He prepares for the competitions together with his brother on the tasks for 12th grade and then easily solves the tasks for 5-7 grade. He was programming of Pravetz-16 with a text editor and development environment, compiler and debugger and a larger amount of RAM (640 KB) allow solving significantly more difficult tasks and implementing significantly more complex algorithms. This allowed Nakov to make significant progress and start writing not only algorithms but also application software (for MS-DOS).

Nakov-Nakamoto: Champion in Competitions and Programming Olympics

Champion of the Olympics with a cup Between the 5th and 8th grade at school Nakov is a regular winner of awards from competitions, tournaments, competitions, and Olympiads in computer science and programming. He often wins first place, and if he fails, he becomes second or third in Bulgaria. In the meantime, he read all the books on algorithms, data structures, and programming from the local libraries in Bulgarian and Russian and fell into a lack of teaching materials. At that time, the Internet had not yet entered and access to English-language literature was severely limited. He prepares together with his brother, but mostly on his own. Teachers from the programming classes, the local math high school, and the local university are not at the level of national programming competitions and are not able to help Nakov and his brother advance in programming (other than freeing them from chat-pats for hours on end). preparation at home). Thus, the two brothers teach themselves programming, mostly on a trial-and-error basis.

Nakov Wins Two Bronze Medals in International Olympiad in Informatics

In fact, Nak(amoto)v won 4 bronze medals at the international computer science olympiads. The following (next to 1995) year, Nakov qualified for the Bulgarian national team and won a bronze medal at the Balkan Games in Cyprus (Nicosia ’96), 1996. At that time, all athletes without the 12th-grade students participated in the Balkan Games in Informatics. Everyone participates in the international Olympics and the struggle to get into the national team is harder. In 1997 and 1998, the Balkan Informatics Games were not held for political reasons. Thus, Nakov participated again in international programming competitions only after 2 years[36]. He won a bronze medal at the International Olympiad in Informatics in Portugal (Setubal’98). In 1999, he earned points for a gold medal at the Balkan Games in Greece (Ioannina ’99), but due to a wrong translation, one task was canceled and he was awarded a bronze medal again. At the International Olympics in Turkey (Antalya ’99), Nakov once again won a bronze medal. meanwhile, the computer specialist known at that time, not only in Veliko Tarnovo, won many national tournaments, competitions, and Olympiads in informatics and programming and at the same time dealt with applied programming. At that time there was no IT Olympiad and his performances in the field of applied programming were less.

Nakov writes to Delphi with databases in 9th grade

Borland**Delphi 2** [38]) - 32-bit Delphi for Windows 95 A year later Nakov already writes in Delphi and uses databases and SQL. At the time (1996-1997), Borland Delphi was an unsurpassed (IDE [39]) environment for rapidly developing graphical user interface applications under Windows. Borland's Visual Component Library (VCL [40]) is very similar to Microsoft Windows Forms, and Delphi allows the use of component-oriented visual programming. At that time, Microsoft still had no analog of Delphi and lagged behind the market for rapid software development tools with its primitive development environments Visual C ++ and Visual Basic. A few years later, Borland was late and Microsoft bought their chief architect, Anders Heijlsberg, who then took the lead in inventing and developing the.NET platform. Amid the transition to democracy, companies that exchange currency legally in their offices and replace the so-called money changers (thugs and swindlers who exchange currency on the street) are emerging. At the request of some companies from Veliko Tarnovo Nakov creates modern (for his time) software for managing an exchange office. It is written in 32-bit Delphi for Windows 95, uses SQL and Paradox (database),) and allows you to set exchange rates, perform currency exchange transactions, print receipts, track movements, cash register, operators, revenue, expenses, and more reference.

Nakov works in a software company for a salary in 10th grade

When studying in tenth grade, Nakov was invited to work for a local software company that develops software for BTC (Bulgarian Telecommunication Company PLC[41]). Nakov started working in the company's office on a part-time basis and at the same time went to school. This was done secretly by the teachers in the high school because at that time it was perceived as something wrong for a student to work. Gradually, Nakov began to earn his own money by developing software, which gave him relative independence from his parents.

Nakov became a hacker in 1998

In 1998, the Internet slowly began to enter Bulgaria. Nakov won a modem race at a speed of 14,400 Kbps. Then Internet access is insanely slow and terribly expensive. Nakov pulls at speeds from 1 KB / s to 3-4 KB / s and hacks local ISPs to access the Internet for free. Later, Nakov learned network programming and wrote software for security testing and penetration testing tools for research purposes. Due to the lack of legal restrictions at the time, he had the opportunity to experiment freely with the development of viruses, Trojans, and tools for DDoS [43] attacks. In 1999, Nakov gained the fame of a famous hacker in Veliko Tarnovo and the region after his experiment with proprietary DDoS tools made the Internet access of the entire city very difficult and almost stopped in a few weeks. After this incident, he was given free internet to leave users alone. With the advent of the Internet, access to modern computer books and teaching materials gave a new impetus to the development of Nakov as a programmer, programming competitor, and software engineer. He also learned other programming languages (C [44]**, C++** [45]**, Java** [46])), started making websites, and learned to develop complex software systems. In 1998, Nakov bought the domain and made his own website

Nakov created his own magazine for computer algorithms - Infoman...

..**Short CV of Svetlin Nakov** (a.k.a. Satoshi Nakamoto) HERE [47]

Meanwhile, Nakov (Nakamoto) Rejected a Program Manager Position at Microsoft Dublin after a Successful Interview at Microsoft.

Microsoft - Dublin 2008, Svetlin Nakov was invited by Microsoft to work in their development center in Dublin, as part of the Microsoft Office team, in a managerial position. Such offers often come to him, but he does not pay attention to them. One day he went to an interview in Dublin at the insistence of his friends, without any interest in a position at Microsoft. He passed the interview successfully, impressed the interviewers and they invited him to work for them. For better or worse, Nakov does not want to leave his job in Bulgaria, which brings him a better quality of life, and refuses[50].

Gradually, over time, he revealed his long-hidden passion for cryptography and blockchain...and Philantropy

Creating DApps with Ethereum, Solidity, Web3 and MetaMask [58];

Teaching the Blockchain Dev Camp Sofia (Jan-March 2018) – Intensive 240 Hours Training [59];

Algorithms for decentralized consensus - Nakov @ jProfessionals [60];

Blockchain Cryptography for Developers: ECC, secp256k1, SCrypt, AES, Wallets [61];

Speaker at the Blockchain**** Technology Conference 2018 | Berlin[62];

Multi-Signature Crypto Wallets: Nakov @ SoftUnit Conf 2018 [63];

Crypto-Wallets: A Technical Perspective – Nakov @ OpenFest 2018 [64];

Speaker at BlockWorld 2018: Client-Side Wallets and Cryptography [65];

CryptoBlockCon 2018 (11-12 December Las Vegas**)** [66]...

...and so on...

Along with his successful business and great respect in his boot camps, Svetlin Nakov, more popular worldwide, but hidden by his pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto - the Guru of Bitcoin and blockchain, did not abandon his philanthropic inclinations and for many years continued to conduct free trainings, courses and seminars, including as a computer messiah in places after places everywhere in Bulgaria:

Free programming courses for absolute beginners in 28 Bulgarian cities and towns [67];

Free programming school for children (grades 3-6) in Sofia - Bulgaria [68];

Free courses and lectures: ASP.NET MVC and Cross-platform mobile applications [69];

Free courses and trainings at the Telerik Academy: for job seekers, students, pupils, and children [70]

To be continued

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