Thursday, September 5, 2024

Trader Novato acreditando que vai espancar o mercado...

Quase todo trader novato acredita que vai chegar chegando no mercado depois de assistir alguns gurus de fralda ainda e já vai ganhar tudo do mercado! Sem estudar e sem uma estratégia vencedora não vai a lugar algum...
A Estratégia das agulhadas do Didi Aguiar é a escolha certa, basta estudar e aplicar, mas pra facilitar e agilizar o processo, que tal uma ferramenta que busca oportunidades de trade em mais de 300 janelas gráficas em alguns segundos? Além de contar com sistema de alertas, log de agulhadas e muito mais...
Saiba sobre nossa solução em nosso site

Trader Novato se achando...

#didiaguiar #agulhadasdodidi #mediamovel #adx #trix #forex #forextrader #forextrading #eurusd #bolsadevalores #btcusd #scalping #goldusd #didialert #didiindex #daytrade #swingtrade #analisetecnica #indicadores #mediamovel #grafico #candle #padraografico #rendapassiva #trader #mercadofinanceiro #dolar #euro #criptomoedas #bitcoin #ethereum #suporte #resistencia #Fibonacci #MACD #BollingerBands #opcoesbinarias #acoes #ETFs #aprendaainvestir #educacaofinanceira #investidoriniciante #analisedemercado #gestaoderisco #planodetrade #sinaisdetrade #comunidadetrader #forexBrasil #investidorBrasileiro

Consensus Mechanisms Leveraged by Accumulate

In a webinar hosted by u/InveniamIO, industry leaders took a deep dive into consensus mechanisms, discussing how different types are ideal for various industries and asset types.

Learn how representatives from @SolanaFndn, @kadena_io, and #Accumulate think about consensus.

Accumulate leverages #PoS, #Bitcoin's security (PoW) through anchoring, and elements of PoA.
Watch the webinar to learn more about consensus mechanisms and the questions and challenges faced by #RWA tokenization experts today.

Can the adoption of Bitcoin by institutions overcome political concerns in the crypto space?

The relationship between Bitcoin and macroeconomic trends is becoming a key topic among experts in the crypto industry. Recently, during a discussion featuring Rob Nelson, Mason Jappa, and Craig Shapiro, they debated Bitcoin's growing correlation with traditional financial markets and whether it could eventually decouple.

Rob Nelson opened by highlighting that many previously believed Bitcoin wouldn’t be influenced by macro trends, yet correlations are now evident. Mason Jappa was optimistic, predicting Bitcoin might eventually break away from this correlation, especially after the upcoming halving event, which he believes will spark a bull market by mid-2025.

In contrast, Craig Shapiro expressed concern about the shorter-term outlook, particularly with the U.S. elections approaching. He warned of potential volatility, citing Bitcoin’s role as a safety net during recent liquidity crises.

While the experts differed in short-term views, they agreed that Bitcoin’s future would depend on a complex mix of market dynamics, political developments, and growing institutional involvement.