Saturday, August 31, 2024

[Altcoin Discussion] - September 2024

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Discussion related to recent events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • General questions about altcoins

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • All regular rules for this subreddit apply, except for number 2. This, and only this, thread is exempt from the requirement that all discussion must relate to bitcoin trading.
  • This is for high quality discussion of altcoins. All shilling or obvious pumping/dumping behavior will result in an immediate one day ban. This is your only warning.
  • No discussion about specific ICOs. Established coins only.

If you're not sure what kind of discussion belongs in this thread, here are some example posts. News, TA, and sentiment analysis are great, too.

Tip Fellow Redditors over the Lightning Network

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Need advice on a unique Bitcoin OTC business

Hey everyone. I started a Bitcoin OTC firm in 2016. At the time no one knew about bitcoin, I was just entering into my 20's. We ran the first brick and mortar business you could walk into and buy or sell Bitcoin at. We have 3 Bitcoin atms. It is fully compliant, Registered as a Money Service Business, I have updated compliance documents, Did and independent audit, and passed a title 31 examination.

At that time no banks wanted to work with us because they didn't understand bitcoin. The ones that would accept us wanted $1 Million in the account which we didn't have at the time.

In 2021 we decided to pause operations after an event with dealing with an issue at a bank. (I still maintained compliance and the business is still in good standing)

And the crypto landscape is much more inviting now. I've even found a bank based in Puerto Rico that will work with us.

Really what I need is someone with like $1-5M to inject into the company to be able to facilitate trades and maintain a bank account that services MSBs in the crypto space. I have lots of ideas on how to expand.

We started with $50k, and more or less "closed" with $2.4M.

I dont know anything about selling a business or raising capital but im more or less moved on. I would love to retain some equity and hang around as an advisor and plug in my vast network in the industry and get paid for this gem I built but dont have the proper capital or know how to take it to scale.

Any suggestions?

🚀 Bitcoin DD: The Rocket Fuel You’ve Been Waiting For 🚀


Alright apes, listen up. Grab your tendies, put on your diamond hands gloves, and get ready to ride the crypto rocket. We’re talking about BITCOIN ($BTC), the granddaddy of all cryptos, and why it’s about to make you stupidly rich. I’m not talking Lambos – I’m talking rocket ships to the moon 🌕.

What the Hell is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is digital gold, plain and simple. It’s the OG cryptocurrency, launched in 2009 by a mysterious Chad named Satoshi Nakamoto. There are only 21 million Bitcoins that will EVER exist. Think of it as the rarest Charizard card, but instead of nerds trading it, it’s big-brain institutions, billionaires, and us degenerates.

Key Points:

  1. Supply and Demand: Limited supply + infinite demand = 🚀. There will never be more than 21 million BTC, and every day more institutions are FOMO’ing in. Simple economics, apes.
  2. Inflation Hedge: Your stonks may go red, but Bitcoin is the hedge against that funny money the Fed keeps printing. No one’s printing more Bitcoin, and that’s the point.
  3. Decentralization: No government, no banks, no paper hands messing with your cash. It’s just you, your seed phrase, and the blockchain.
  4. Adoption Curve: We’re still early, boys. Institutional adoption is just starting. Remember when Tesla bought in? MicroStrategy? Next up: Apple? Amazon? 🚀

Why Now? Why Bitcoin?

Alright, I know what you’re thinking: “Why Bitcoin now?” Chill, my ape. The crypto market is hotter than your ex when she realized you made tendies off Doge. But Bitcoin is the king, and here's why you need to pay attention now.

🚀 🚀 🚀 Current Catalysts 🚀 🚀 🚀

  1. Institutional Inflows: Big money is waking up to Bitcoin. They’re realizing that holding cash is for boomers. Pension funds, hedge funds, and even normie ETFs are now deep in the BTC game.
  2. Halving Event (2024): In 2024, the Bitcoin block reward gets cut in half. Less supply, same demand = price explosion. The last two halvings kicked off insane bull runs. Buckle up.
  3. Global Debt Crisis: Governments are drowning in debt. The US, Europe, Japan – they’re all up to their eyeballs in IOUs. When the traditional financial system starts to crack, smart money will flood into Bitcoin as a safe haven. Bitcoin doesn’t care about your debt ceiling drama.
  4. Weak Dollar Due to Interest Rate Cuts: The Fed’s ongoing interest rate cuts are making the US dollar weaker. When interest rates go down, it becomes less attractive to hold dollars, which leads to a decline in the dollar’s value. A weaker dollar is bullish for Bitcoin because as fiat currencies lose purchasing power, investors look for alternatives to store their wealth. Bitcoin, being decentralized and deflationary, is the perfect hedge against a devalued dollar.

Numbers Don’t Lie (But Boomers Do)

Bitcoin’s price action is enough to make a grown ape cry tears of joy. We’ve seen 50% drawdowns followed by 300% run-ups. If you’ve got diamond hands, this is your ticket to generational wealth.

Price Targets:

  • Short-term (2024): $100k - $150k. Halving hype + global instability = BOOM.
  • Medium-term (2025): $200k - $300k. The adoption curve is parabolic.
  • Long-term (2030): $1M+. Hyperbitcoinization, apes. Don’t be left holding fiat bags.

Risks (Because Not All DD is Moon Talk)

Let’s be real – this isn’t a YOLO into some penny stock. Bitcoin is volatile as hell, and if you can’t handle a 50% drop, you don’t deserve the 300% gains. Here’s what could go wrong: - Regulation: Governments hate what they can’t control. But the more they try to ban it, the stronger Bitcoin gets (hello China). - Market Manipulation: Whales are real, and they like to shake out paper hands. Be the whale, don’t feed the whale. - Competition: There are thousands of altcoins out there. Most are garbage, but keep an eye on ETH and other top cryptos. Diversification isn’t for cowards; it’s for apes who want to keep their tendies.


This is the play, apes. Bitcoin isn’t just a trade – it’s a movement. It’s about sticking it to the man, securing your future, and joining the decentralized revolution. You’ve got the facts, now it’s time to make a move. Don’t be the ape who said, “I wish I bought Bitcoin at $60k,” when it’s sitting at $1M.

HODL on tight, and I’ll see you on the moon 🌕

Disclaimer: I’m just an ape who likes the coin. Do your own research, don’t bet your rent money, and remember that this isn’t financial advice.

Not Your Keys, Not Your Crypto: Safeguarding Your Digital Assets with the Bitcoin QR Code Generator API

In the cryptographic universe, where decentralization reigns supreme and autonomy is both the allure and the responsibility, the adage "Not your keys, not your crypto" has emerged as a cardinal rule. This simple yet profound statement encapsulates a truth that every participant in the blockchain ecosystem must heed: control over your private keys equates to control over your digital assets. Without ownership of these cryptographic keys, you are merely a guest in the kingdom of your own wealth, vulnerable to the whims of third-party custodians.

The Imperative of Private Key Ownership

Private keys are the cryptographic credentials that grant you access to your cryptocurrency holdings. They are the digital equivalent of a physical key that unlocks a vault. In the absence of this key, the vault remains impenetrable, and your assets are beyond reach. The beauty of blockchain technology lies in its decentralized nature, which empowers individuals to be their own banks. However, with great power comes great responsibility.

When you store your cryptocurrency on an exchange or with any third-party service, you are essentially entrusting them with your private keys. While these platforms often offer convenience and a user-friendly interface, they also present significant risks. Centralized exchanges have been prime targets for hackers, resulting in the loss of billions of dollars in crypto assets over the years. Furthermore, the custodial nature of these platforms means that, in the event of insolvency, legal disputes, or even government intervention, your assets could be frozen or lost altogether.

The Rise of Decentralization: Taking Control

The decentralized ethos of cryptocurrency is built on the premise of self-sovereignty. Bitcoin, the progenitor of this movement, was designed to operate without the need for intermediaries. It offers a trustless environment where transactions are verified by a network of nodes, and ownership is determined by possession of the private key.

For the discerning crypto enthusiast, the solution to the risks posed by third-party custodians is clear: self-custody. By storing your private keys securely, you ensure that you and only you have access to your crypto assets. This approach eliminates the reliance on intermediaries and significantly reduces the risk of loss due to hacks, mismanagement, or external interference.

The Role of the Bitcoin QR Code Generator API in Securing Your Crypto

In the quest for self-sovereignty and secure crypto management, tools that enhance both security and usability are invaluable. Enter the Bitcoin QR Code Generator API—a powerful tool designed to streamline the process of managing and transacting Bitcoin while maintaining full control over your private keys.

The Bitcoin QR Code Generator API, available at this link, provides developers, businesses, and individuals with the ability to generate custom Bitcoin QR codes effortlessly. These QR codes can encode a Bitcoin address, payment request, or even complex transaction data, making it easier for users to send and receive Bitcoin securely.

Enhancing Security with QR Codes

QR codes have become a popular method for facilitating Bitcoin transactions due to their simplicity and security. By scanning a QR code, users can quickly and accurately input a Bitcoin address or payment request without the need for manual entry, which reduces the risk of errors. This is particularly important in the context of Bitcoin, where a single incorrect character can result in the permanent loss of funds.

Moreover, the use of QR codes mitigates the risk of phishing attacks. When users manually enter a Bitcoin address, they are susceptible to clipboard hijacking malware, which can replace the copied address with the attacker's address. QR codes, on the other hand, are generated directly from the source and can be scanned without the need for copy-pasting, thereby bypassing this potential vulnerability.

The Bitcoin QR Code Generator API further enhances security by allowing users to generate these codes programmatically, ensuring that the process is both efficient and reliable. Whether you're integrating Bitcoin payments into your business or developing a crypto wallet, this API provides the tools you need to create a seamless and secure user experience.

The Intersection of Convenience and Control

One of the challenges in the crypto space has been finding the balance between security and convenience. While self-custody is the safest way to manage your assets, it can be daunting for those who are new to the space. The Bitcoin QR Code Generator API addresses this challenge by offering a solution that is both user-friendly and secure.

By integrating the API into your applications, you can offer users the ability to generate Bitcoin QR codes with ease, simplifying the process of sending and receiving Bitcoin. At the same time, users retain full control over their private keys, ensuring that they are not exposed to the risks associated with third-party custodians.

The Future of Self-Sovereignty in the Crypto Space

As the cryptocurrency ecosystem continues to evolve, the principles of decentralization and self-sovereignty will remain at the forefront. The Bitcoin QR Code Generator API is a testament to the ongoing efforts to empower individuals and businesses to take control of their digital assets. By providing a secure, efficient, and user-friendly tool for managing Bitcoin transactions, this API contributes to the broader goal of making cryptocurrency accessible to all while adhering to the foundational principles of the blockchain.

In conclusion, "Not your keys, not your crypto" is more than just a catchy phrase—it's a call to action. It reminds us that the true power of cryptocurrency lies in the ability to control our own assets without relying on intermediaries. The Bitcoin QR Code Generator API is a powerful ally in this pursuit, offering a seamless way to manage and secure your Bitcoin transactions. As you navigate the ever-expanding world of cryptocurrency, remember that the keys to your crypto kingdom are in your hands—literally.

Explore the Bitcoin QR Code Generator API and take the next step in your journey towards complete crypto sovereignty. Learn more and get started at this link.