Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Stock insights and strategic inspiration


While I'm quite heavily invested into two primary stocks at the moment, FFIE and OPTT, a large portion of my investments are spread out over multiple things to spread out the risks. I'll discuss my analysis why I'm into these two stocks in another post.

I'm invested in 5 seemingly stable funds with good growth record in the past 3-5 year, with different risk levels from medium to medium-high.

Then I currently have a couple of stocks that seem like relatively safe "tickers" that grows steadily at a decent pace: NuScale Power (SMR) and Eos Energy Enterprises (EOSE). EOSE is especially interesting because: They managed to avoid bankruptcy, the shorts haven't covered apparently, they have a 400 million dollars loan guarantee from the Energy Department of US government. They have managed to ramp up production of their advanced patented batteries and are projecting revenue of around 90 million this year and next year their are projecting a whooping increase up to 800 million dollars. And that's not even all the interesting prospects.

I'm also on and off entering and selling off some Swedish stocks in time for the USA stock market to open.

Additionally I hold some Ethereum, which I'll probably buy more of because of the speculation that crypto are in the beginning of a long growth cycle, nothing guaranteed but it has started out promising. Right now crypto has dipped pretty hard, so it seems like a good time to invest, in case the predicted bull season is about to finally take off and chug along for a few months. Some speculate that Bitcoin will reach 100k dollars (currently at 58k dollars) while Ethereum is specaulated to reach 10k+ dollars (currently at 3k dollars). So we'll see, I might pick up some Bitcoin as well, but mostly interested in Ethereum because it's predicted to get a higher % gain.

Those are the two crypto I feel mostly comfortable getting into, the others generally need research and luck. Because the experts say that Bitcoin is the digital gold and Ethereum its silver and Ethereum has a lot of utility among other things supporting it (Used in several digital market places, like NFT markets among other). Though I might put some into Dogecoin, because it seems like the most well known memecoin AND there's a rumour that Elon Musk is going to allow Dogecoin as currency on X/Twitter when/if he adds marketplace features to the platform, which could potentially stimulate Dogecoin's price quite a bit.

Then I have a portion pile of money for playing volatile high risk high reward rocket stocks with action daytrading, which is basically my main investment focus.


The latter hectic version of daytrading I can only recommend if you're stress resistant and can stomach some losses. I've been up 8k dollars one day, down 7k dollars another day and so on. My biggest issue is when to sell when riding such rockets. I think I should probably sell the moment I greedily think, "it might go a liiiittle bit higher", plus I've started selling increments here and there on different price levels, Which is how I would ride a proper squeeze as well, taking smaller amounts of profit here and there instead of trying to time everything on hitting the top of the spike. I would leave like 20-40% of the shares to try and hit near the top, but even if I think the top has been reached, I'll probably leave 10-15% of the shares juuust in case the squeeze go beyond expectations into ridiculous sums, like the 2021 GME squeeze that reached 450 dollars before getting subdued by illegalness.

It takes a while to build up a sense for how stocks may play out, because every stock tend to have its own personality, its own character and own style. Such tendencies can remain trending day after day, like I discovered a pattern in how GME was moving almost every day back in 2022, which I used to daytrade it and made about 4k profit each month from just that. But be cautious, because stock personalities can drastically change and be entirely different one day.

The hard lesson, which I mentioned, I've learned is to not get greedy, instead focus on taking profit in increments and don't worry if you miss out on the peak. I would much rather earn 20-50% of the maximum profit from a stock ride/stock play, than get a 10% loss! Getting smaller gains outweighing the losses each stacks up and eventually become a big profit. Small streams can make great rivers. And the more profit you earn, the more you have to play with and the bigger your smaller gains can become.

But of course, sometimes you can get unlucky, especially when playing volatile stocks, because they can be a bitch to ride and crash unexpectedly.

Sure, there's more calm versions of daytrading, which require a lot of research, time and patience. While also utilizing trading tools and you've probably seen pictures of those people with like 6 computer monitors to following a large quantity of stocks simultaneously. But I prefer the risk of high risk high reward stocks which can provide quick gains with less effort. Because I'm seemingly starting to get better at the playing them. It's been up and down and I'm essentially overall down a bit. But lately it's been up up up, so I'm starting to recover my losses. Plus I have hopes in my two big stock sacks that they will eventually yield a nice profit. Well, technically I've realized quite nice profit from OPTT already, but I've re-invested pretty much all of it back into it for various reasons.


This post is just for inspiration (not financial advice) for you to develop your own investment strategy. If you wanna go wild and all in on high risk high reward stocks, then that's up to you. If you wanna invest with less risk but decent growth prospects, then a diverse portfolio like mine COULD work, but no guarantees for that either. Like, if another Covid-ish event occurs, then even safe bet funds can drop significantly and so on.

Oh and when I can afford spare money for it, I'll most likely also get a gold bar. Mostly because owning a gold bar would be freaking cool. But they also tend to have rather stable price throughout the ages, a security in case of a market crash. I think it can also be used in the post-apocalypse to barter with, perhaps for a shotgun to fend off bandits with, plus 5 loafs of bread.

Speaking of which, (sorry if this post is all over the place with topics) some people speculate that another economic crash is looming on the horizon and some even suggest that we've already entered it. I don't wanna be doom sayer, but I noticed the gold price rising and that could be an indicator that a lot of people are expecting a crash. Plus we're already in a recession and there are some other factors. What I feel certain about however, is that if a crash happens like in 2008, it will have MUCH heavier consequences globally than the 2008 one, for reasons that is another discussion. I'm wondering if crypto will actually hold or rise in value in case of a crash? I have no idea really. Don't mean to scare ya, just potentially prepare ya, as there's a bit of turbulence in the world so...

Anyways, that's enough of my ramblings for this post. If you feel I'm wrong about something, you're welcome to argue why I'm wrong, I encourage it. Be well!


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