Tuesday, November 6, 2018




Bitcoin tumbling, also referred to as Bitcoin mixing or Bitcoin laundering, is the process of using a third party service to break the connection between a Bitcoin address sending coins and the address(s) they are sent to. Since the Bitcoin blockchain is a public ledger that records every transaction, mixing coins is critical for anyone who doesn’t want the entire world to know exactly where they send and store their BTC, or from where they receive it.

Properly mixing coins may seem like a daunting task to those who aren’t very familiar with Bitcoin, but it is actually a simple process that will only take a few minutes of your time for each deposit.

There are good reasons for everyone to mix their coins, but for those who use Darknet Markets in particular, it is a necessity. New tools are being built all the time to increase the ability of the public, as well as private corporations and government agencies, to follow coins through the blockchain and track those who use it. It may seem like a waste of time now, but in the near future it may be simple for anyone- including friends, relatives, employers, and law enforcement, to track every Bitcoin transaction you’ve ever made and see exactly where it ended up. Breaking the connection between your addresses and the coins’ destination by mixing them is certainly a precaution that all DNM users should take.

In this guide we attempt to provide the simplest possible step-by-step instructions to help users unfamiliar with the process of Bitcoin tumbling do so effectively. This guide assumes the reader already has a basic understand of how to send Bitcoins and how to use .onion sites.

To mix your coins using this method, you will need:

-Bitcoins, or the ability to buy them. -The Tor Browser -The ability to create new Bitcoin wallets, both via Tor and on the clear net. We recommended using Electrum, but any client that functions over Tor will work. Alternately, you could use Blockchain.info and their Tor hidden service to create all or some of your wallets.

NOTE: Always make sure you get the .onion link for this and every hidden service from a safe place (like Darknetmarkets.org), never from Wikipedia, Reddit, or Hidden Wikis! Also make sure that you never use the blockchain.info clearnet url over Tor; doing that opens you up another possible vulnerability (malicious tor exit nodes). A good place to make sure you are using the correct URL is from our Darknet Resources page, or memorize our short link for it: drk.li/BC.

The Steps

Step #1: Create a wallet on the clearnet. (We will refer to this as wallet #1)

Step #2: Buy Bitcoins, and send the amount you want to mix to wallet #1.

Step #3: Create a second wallet, this time over the Tor network. (wallet #2)

Step #4: Send your bitcoins from wallet #1 directly to wallet #2.

The reason for this is to add plausible dependability between your clearnet wallet and in-person purchases. If you are ever investigated by law enforcement or the company from which you are buying coins (this happens with Coinbase.com especially), you can reasonably claim that you sent them to someone else who controls wallet #2 (for whatever made-up reason you have in mind as your excuse for your BTC purchase). After that you have no idea/don’t care what that person did with them, nor should anyone expect you to.

Step #5: Create a third wallet, also over the Tor network. (wallet #3).

Step #6: Select which mixer you will be using, and set up your transaction there using the address(s) from wallet #3. It is best to use multiple addresses, and to set random time delays.


Scams are rampant everywhere online, and the darknet is no different. You can choose your mixer(s) and get the correct URLs from our list of darknet Bitcoin mixers.

We recommend Helix by Grams first, and then Bitcoin Fog, as the two seemingly best in a group of imperfect options. They have both been extremely reliable so far while processing millions of dollars. DO NOT use blockchain.info’s shared send or any other coinjoin product as your mixer, as those do not completely hide your trail like the others.

Mixers in DarkNet:

braveb6iya2flzc2.com - BraveBunny - Down

btcwashzcpqkxkwt.online - Bitcoin Wash Down

Bestbitcoincleaner.com - BestBitCoinCleaner ONLINE

btc-swap.com - Helix Light - ONLINE

Bitcoinfogg.com - BitcoinFogg DarkNet Mixer -ONLINE

NOTE: Turn off JavaScript before doing this step if you are using Helix, Bitcoin Fog, r or other mixers that function without it. (Click on the “S!” icon before the address bar in the Tor browser, then >Forbid Scripts Globally”.)

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