Thursday, November 15, 2018

Do you have respect for the crypto-market? Do you like the crypto-market? If yes, then please read!

This whole situation involving the BCH fork is honestly one large contamination to the entire cryptocurrency market. I am not saying that this bear market has anything to do with the BCH fork, but it definitely attributes to the current state and the future state of the market. I don't care about what the real bitcoin is, and I can care less about their motive. Bottom line is, this will NOT help adoption, new comers, and bootstrapping crypto to traditional markets. Stop trying to find the details of an event such as this fork. Use common sense! True or fake, any threats towards any cryptocurrency is completely immature and dangerous. There are many reasons that signal a red flag.

  • A single major mining entity is apparently mining at a loss just to drive hashing power away.
  • Shifting mining operations with the intent of a 51% attack.
  • Then you have a person that claims he is "satoshi" yet acts like a 12 year old and claims he can crash the price of bitcoin and bring bitcoin cash to $0.
  • Then you have bitmain and it's co-founder that is most likely working in the interest of Chinese politics to start a hash war and he doesn't care if the price drops because he will "fight will death".

Come on people! Fuck the details, fuck the science, and fuck all the niti griti little bullshit detail. Those points above are just a few obvious reasons that is common sense! If you have even the slightest interest in cryptocurrencies, you should NOT support anything to do with bitcoin cash, bitcoin abc, bitcoin sv or anything the roots back to bitcoin cash! I swear I don't give one shit about the "this is the real bitcoin" arguments. This is about respect to the market and respect to ourselves. Since bitcoin cash has came into the picture there has been problems. Okay, we let it slide. But what the actual fuck is wrong with you now? They took it too fucking far.

This looks extremely bad on the entire market. Imagine being a new comer and you bump into that the first day being interest. Newcomers will generalize due to the lack of knowledge and it's not their fault. Imagine being a new institution getting into the market. They'd say "wtf was I thinking?". Imagine not a new institution, they will find an opportunity to make money and fuel this contamination, because it's a quick in and out for them at that point. Imagine being a judge or a commissioner having into approve an ETF and you bump into this shit. Why should that judge or commission even waste their time, when you having a bearish market and a bunch of immature people.

If you like crypto and you want to stop contamination at it's root, then please do NOT support Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Cash ABC, and Bitcoin Cash SV. We, the people are the only ones that can stop them. Many of us are more capable than some of us, but none of us is as capable as all of us!

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