Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Edmonton Bitcoin Meetup - Mining w/ Stranded Natural Gas

This evening (Wednesday the 21st) at 6:30pm, the Edmonton Bitcoin Meetup will be hosting a speaker coming in from Lloydminster to talk about technology he has implemented for utilizing flared (i.e otherwise wasted) natural gas for Bitcoin mining.

This technology takes advantage of a unique situation where industrial consumption of energy can be moved to the source. This allows putting stranded/wasted sources of energy that aren't connected to the energy grid and displaces less efficient Bitcoin mining ventures. This is a compelling made-in-Alberta piece of technology.

The venue is the Bitcoin Solutions Cryptocurrency Center on Whyte Ave. at 101st street in the back of the blue Goodwill building. Main entrance is facing west from the side parking lot.

On Saturday from 9am-5pm, the group is also hosting a Bitcoin Hack Day to get people together to build stuff and explore project ideas. A casual, non-competitive event where the goal is to simply get productive on something you are interested in.

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