Wednesday, November 21, 2018

In a war, nobody wins, but the blood of the victims are on the hands of the aggressor.

I was prompted to write after reading how the hashwar has affected real lives such as this

I cannot imagine the others who had their life savings in cryptocurrencies affected by the recent events, where CoinGeek/nChain threatened to burn everything down. Source:

How would you feel if someone threatens to kill you or burn down your house if you do not do as they say? What kind of people would do that?

In a war, nobody wins, but the blood of the victims are on the hands of the aggressor. Unfortunately, the only side that seems to support the war and enjoy seeing people suffering (including their own BSV supporter in that article above), is Bitcoin SV. For this reason alone, I cannot with a clear conscience support Bitcoin SV at all. It is no longer about the issue of money, but a matter of principle.

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