Wednesday, January 30, 2019

So much Nonsense! Free Serendipity, Plastic Guns, Invincible SBQ, Glass Armor. How much is too Much?

I've been lurking around the forums for months at this point. 500 hours in game as of this week. Staying somewhat quiet and learning as much as I could about the game, the community, Bethesda, and more. I was willing to remain unbiased and neutral on the new update even after reading the patch notes and the mass hysteria in the wilderness that is the reddit community. After experiencing the (new) game first hand, I understand where both sides are coming from but no matter how you look at it I'm not happy. It took a trip down to the Queen to truly see what a debacle the Bethesda monster has created, but more on that later.

My concerns started before the patch even went live when I saw they weren't testing the update on PC first. "Wow, they're getting confident and taking the training wheels off" I thought. I'm all for giving people the benefit of the doubt, but when I noticed that bobby pin weights were back up I knew the floodgates were open and we were all about to drown. I get it. Small issues happen, but when you mix code from pre-fix builds to updated builds and start mixing and matching you're setting yourself up for failure. This is coding 101. I know this because I have completed Coding 101. This is similar to saving a Microsoft Word document so you have the most recent version and not the one with the title that says "PUT TITLE HERE". Benefit of the doubt gone.

Now that they were on my bad side, I decided to dig deeper. Bethesda preaches transparency. The amount of sneaky updates (some were simply re-breaking fixed issues) they put in here is truly insulting. One example of this is I just went down to do a SBQ and was met with true broken-game frustration. My Anti-armor explosive shotgun was fully repaired to 200% as was my mole miner gaunlet. For comparison purposes, I repair my shotgun in game maybe once every 4-5 SBQ runs. Now I know what you're thinking "your gun doesn't do as much damage so you fired more shots than normal". Well for you people I tracked the bullets. I typically go through around 300 shells per run. This time I went through just over 400. However during this run, I had to repair my weapon (with level 3 Weapon Artisan) TWICE! The damage done to our guns per shot seems to be SIGNIFICANTLY increased. On top of this, the Queen was managing to kill me in full sentinel armor in 2-3 swiped of her wing and everything else down there was destroying my health bar which usually rarely even moves at all. As these weren't in the notes I can't be sure, but my gut tells me it may have something to do with the White Knight, Explosive, and other nerfs. I'll leave it up to the devs to fill in the blanks here but I'm speechless and debating moving my 5 Demo Expert points into Gunsmith. Although I'm sure as soon as I respec them they'll "fix" it and make me have to respec again. Oh, and a group of 8 people over level 100 managed to get her down to about 75% health. Good luck everyone else.

What a great segway that was into the Special Nerfs, plan flea markets, and other things that we had 0 heads up on. Someone who preaches transparency might include something in their Inside-the-vault-type weekly publication to let players know of this in advance, although that would have only helped the afterburn from the pit of fire they just dumped our emotions and souls into. I almost shed a tear seeing plans I had spent countless hours hunting for being sold for caps that are decreasing in value faster than Bitcoin.

It does seem that Bethesda has graced us with something useful after all though. Apparently even if you've never ever equipped or even unlocked the serendipity perk, it will still pop up on your screen every 10 seconds or so and give you the benefits! How exciting! Almost as cool as the 2 week special weight reduction on bobby pins before their pay to win for a week strategy of selling new (slightly above average) costumes. *At this point the sarcasm is starting to leak out my left ear.*

With regard to respeccing builds (great addition to the game), we need some sort of help here. I initially created my whole build around melee because that was supposedly OP. Then the duped TSE Handmades made their way into the game so I respecced into a rifle build. Then, upon doing this, I realize the explosive weapons are bugged and can't actually kill anything and make them invincible unless you melee them. Hours leveling to respec back to melee. Then ironically enough they fix the explosive damage glitch (that has been around since FO4) in like a week. Hours and hours leveling to respec back to rifles. Anyone else see a nauseating pattern here? Well the nerf on Tuesday can be added to the endless loop of hell we've been dealing with. If I respec to melee AGAIN (Which I DO NOT want to do or play as) then how do I know the next patch won't target melee/bloodied? Transparency would help with this. Tell us what you're thinking of doing and how things are working. Otherwise all we can do is speculate and you can see how well that works. I have even offered to pay atoms or caps or ANYTHING to get a respec other than leveling. But hey, more endgame for us right??

The weight limit of 1,500 + carryweight may hinder some dupers, but will hurt far more players who just want to have an honest bank character and run a trading post which is endgame content that WE had to come up with. I get that you're trying to solve the duping crisis, but at the risk of sounding mean, the dupers and malicious players are smarter than you and will beat you every time.

I feel like I've lost the vast majority of readers by now but hopefully my witty anecdotes and sly jokes have kept some of you around. Bethesda to be honest I'm sick to my stomach writing and reading this. I'm upset for the people you've wronged from everything from the canvas bag, to the glitches, to the unwarranted bans on innocent players, to having the nerve to sell rum that costs more than $12 in a PLASTIC BOTTLE.

The sad thing is there is even more I could add but at this point I've given myself enough reason to drop the game. Kingdom Hearts 3 is awesome. Fallout has the potential to be an all-time great game, but sadly Bethesda has failed. All I can do is be sad.

To Bethesda and the Devs,

I've stuck with you through the good times and the bad. I've helped where I can and submitted over 100 bug and glitch reports and never received any acknowledgement or even so much as an automated email back let alone a thank you. You could gain more good will with words, transparency, and an apology than you would fixing the game. You can't make everyone happy with changes to the game, you can by communicating with us. I would work for you for free to make this game better and give players what you promised.

We the players are a community. You are not a part of that community any more. To be honest, I don't think I will even be a member of that community much longer and I've been with you for almost a decade at this point. Do right by the players. Honor your promises. Stop breaking more than you fix. Be better.


SBQ is damn near impossible even with strong players.

Weapons appear to degrade significantly faster.

Transparency is not in any dictionary that Bethesda has access to (apparently including the internet)

Serendipity is now free for all players.

Bobby pin weight reduction was a 2 week special event like the Unstoppables costumes

Damage resistance seems to be broken (with full sentinel assassins and standing still the queen killed me in 2 swipes of her wing. Used to take 3-4 to even make a visible dent in my health. Even the low level scorched were destroying my health bar which has NEVER happened).

We need some sort of way to respec other than leveling.

New weight limit destroys the endgame for high level players (they'll be out leveling for the next month to respec anyway)

Rum that costs more than $10 should come in a GLASS BOTTLE.

Kingdom Hearts 3 came out at the perfect time.

Still TL:DR

Bethesda released a broken game, tried to fix it, broke it, tried to fix it, broke it, tried to fix it, broke it, tried to fix it, kinda fixed it, tried to fix things that weren't really broken, broke it, Kingdom Hearts 3 came out, everybody left, Bethesda goes out of business

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