Monday, September 7, 2020

A message for our youth

We're living strange times at the moment. The government is exercising enormous amounts of force over its population to behave and act in a certain way. They are trying to remain in control and by doing so, negatively impacting the lives of its population.

The only way a government is able to achieve this type of power is through money. You will learn over time, that money is everything (Lesson 1). You might be taught that money isn't everything. Whilst that is true to some extent, the overwhelming majority of your life experience and outcomes on this planet will be dictated by money. You may even be taught that "money is the root of all evil." This is simply not true. I'll come back to that in a sec. Keep reading,

Money can be used to pay people to do things, get them to make things and produce an outcome or output. If you ever want to question the motives of someone, understand how and by whom they're getting paid (Lesson 2). When you pay someone, you can pay them on how to think, how to act, how to behave, what to wear. Basically, you have the ability to dictate someone's life for a period of time. Corporations do this all the time. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. I mean, it's not great, but there will always be someone who is willing to have their life dictated to in exchange for money out of desperation.

But, where it gets really ugly, is with government. Many people mistakenly believe the government is acting in the interests of its people. A government never acts in the interests of its people (Lesson 3). It only acts in the interests of itself. There is one thing a government has the ability to do, that nobody else does. The ability to print money. Some might call it evil. You see, a government can print money to no end. With this, comes an extraordinary ability to wreak havoc on its population, with little to no consequences for those who create bad government policy. You see, money is not the root of all evil. The unlimited supply of money is the root of all evil (Lesson 4).

There is no incentive for a government to closely, accurately and truthfully assess the impacts of its policies on its population. Why? Well, if the experiment doesn't work, the government can print more money to try something else. This is where a corporation is limited. It is limited by what's known as "opportunity cost". A company cannot sustain its terrible ideas for vast amounts of time, for their bad ideas will eventually lead them to run out of money. A government however, can't run out of money, because they have the ability to print it. They also have the ability to steal it from its population, in what is commonly referred to as "taxation". Much of the population are conditioned to happily pay this sum of money, thinking it is the right thing to do for essential services such as health care, education, legal and justice system, police etc. They are mistakenly led to believe that the government serves them and that if a government did not exist society would not be civilised. But also, if they don't pay up, they face time in jail. This in general, leads to a society that is frustrated, not at peace and, ironically, uncivilised.

A growing proportion of the population are seeing the government for the fraud that it is. But not only that, they're starting to realise that having a centralised government in complete control of these "essential services" isn't a good idea. As it pertains to health care, in the event of a pandemic, a government run system suffers immensely, where they now have to pick which life is worth more than another. In terms of education programs, they teach you that governments are required to peacefully maintain a society, otherwise there'd be chaos. The education system is designed so you grow up proud of your country and even indebted to its government for keeping you alive. This is called brainwashing, not educating. Infact, what a government has effectively done is chopped off your leg at birth, given you some crutches and said " See, without the government, you'd have never walked again." In terms of Police, it's becoming apparent that it attracts thugs who use and abuse their power. The justice system is showing its flaws every day, particularly to those who expose the government for their crimes.

The other major thing that governments fund is the military. Oh boy, this is a disaster waiting to happen.

All of these bad ideas are funded through government printed money called "fiat". The only way these bad ideas are sustained for decades is through government's never having to face what's known as the "profit and loss test" (Lesson 5). Meanwhile, because of their rampant printing of money, the population suffers in the form of slowly getting poorer, because their savings can now buy less and less goods and services than in previous years. This form of taxation is called "inflation". It erodes away what's known as your "purchasing power".

The only solution we have to push back against this is Bitcoin. Bitcoin has a strict limited supply of money and no government controls it. If we truly want change, Bitcoin (and making it better) is the only solution. There is no point engaging in politics. Politics is pointless. If Bitcoin fails, you can look forward to eating out of a tin can, working the entire span of your life to pay for your living expenses and medical bills, being compulsorily vaccinated with experimental drugs, being brainwashed, living like a drone, requiring special papers to leave the borders you were (un)lucky enough to be born in, having little to no savings for your future and maybe even signed up to go to war called "conscription". This type of person is known as a "serf". Just like everyone comes to the one Internet for information and global communication, we must ensure everyone comes to the one currency for money. Bitcoin.

I wish you all the very best in your journey through life. Hopefully this helps you side step some of the biggest atrocities you may face. This is what I wish my father had told me about the world.

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