Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Dream coins to #HODL

1)BAT Basic Attention Token (BAT) is a utility token and is utilised by the Brave Browser. The BAT token is used to tip content creators, as well as virtually anyone you find helpful on the Internet. 2) NEM is actually quite different from other cryptocurrencies for two main reasons, which makes it quite attractive to young investors. First, instead of mining, you ‘harvest’; second, ‘proof-of-importance’ is how you determine who will harvest the next block. On top of being a cryptocurrency, NEM is also a platform for building applications. 3) BET(EarnBet)- an online decentralized casino operating on the WAX chain and taking blockchain gaming to a whole new level. The casino offers games like Dice, Hilo, Blackjack, etc. It recently partnered up with ChainLink in utilizing its state of the art price prediction and betting mechanisms . The casino is user owned and 100% of profits are distributed to token holders. The casino recently distributed over $60,000 in dividends ( a month's worth) to token holders in coins such as btc. What makes this project so special is that it has the potential to explode during these unforeseen circumstances as users are generally switching over to online forms of entertainment. 4) Ripple (XRP) is the best coin to HODL in the event of a China and U.S tech war. The goal of the ripple system, according to its website, is to enable people to break free of the “walled gardens” of financial networks – ie, credit cards, banks, PayPal and other institutions that restrict access with fees, charges for currency exchanges and processing delays. 5) Ether is much more technologically advanced than bitcoin and amends the flaws of bitcoin as it allows developers to create their own dapps on the etherum network. Moreover, with the mainnet launching, this coin has been hyped a lot. It is intresting to know that this coin follows the trends of bitcoin but responds to market violaitlity more than bitcoin.

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