Thursday, September 10, 2020

Please visit the Official Subreddit for ($YFI) yEarn Finance

Hi everyone. Aloha.

I'm a fellow ETH HODLer who first bought in at $39 and many times since then. I've been around crypto since BTC was $50 when I mined it using Jalapenos. About three ago I was the first (or one of the first) writers to teach others how to yield farm their ETH and other crypto...except I didn't know I was doing that because we didn't even have that term yet.

I've also written guides for farming LINK using CeFi on Reddit.

Recently, by request I wrote a guide for a few ETHtraders and LINKtraders about how to yield farm LINK using DeFi at up to 52% APY (at the time, we all know that's variable) using crypto derivatives. Since no one else was doing it - and I have tons of experience doing Tier 1-3 Tech Support, being an Organizer, and a Community Manager (another term we didn't have) for startup crypto projects - I ended up doing it by default.

One thing led to another: voila I'm the new Official lead mod and Community Manager for $YFI on Reddit. I also help with the project's Technical writing and documentation from an engineer's POV.

yETH vaults are black holes for ETH, meaning that ETH isn't being sold anytime soon which we can all agree is a good thing. They're black holes because they're too busy earning their HODLers more ETH. We discuss how it does this and more (including upcoming V2 improvements and the re-launch; $140M of deposits in 2 days were capped for now to protect investor ROI)

You can meet some of the Primary Dev Team members there, and get answers to general or specific questions from them directly in some cases, but usually from volunteers, mods, or myself.

These interactions includes technical support, as this has become a de facto location for troubleshooting issues as well, on what is admittedly a risky late stage Beta Test in yEarn Finance using very cleverly designed Smart Contracts from someone who had a lot of practice at reading and writing them.

If you don't mind taking extra risks after doing your DD, then it's easy to see that $YFI is one of if not the safest place and most profitable place on the web to reliably and safely yield farm your ETH. (Yes, I know it's a paradox, both risky and safe; it's weird)

Make no mistake though, you're still going to be a late stage Beta tester if you try it out. The risk/reward analysis and value proposition is interesting though. There's a reason why 15% of the top 50 gainers on the day were crappy YF clones.

Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope to see you there. Cheers!


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