Saturday, January 9, 2021

COVID 19 Mutation and Security theater 4


This is the 4th in a series tracking the conspiracy around international security theater regarding COVID 19 in the first half of 2021

Previous Posts:

My initial prediction of a massive increase is holding. However surprisingly vaccination distribution is even lower than I expected. With the EU in particular France having little to no vaccination required to slow the virus

Live Tracker of vaccination:

With only 0.23% of the World vaccinated, where as we need 60% to have a real impact on COVID 19. At this rate it will take 200 to 260 days to vaccinate the minimum number of individuals. The USA itself announcing it ight take up to 100+ days for the vaccine to make an impact

However this might all derailed by the events currently taking place in South Africa, UK and possibly Nigeria. Where we have gotten new more contagious variants of COVID 19. The South African strain in particular is extremely aggressive with deaths being reported 3 - 9 days after infection

While this sub might be focused with the current political climate the truth is that no one is captaining the ship on COVID-19. It is now killing more people a day than during most wars with the exception of WW2

With the emergence of several more aggressive and contagious variants the writing is on the wall. A global catastrophic collapse in both health care and financial systems is incoming. Signs to look for in the next 2 - 4 weeks

Key signs to look for:

  1. Reduced reporting on COVID-19 (Yes to keep it out of public discussion)
  2. Infection rates greater than 10%
  3. MSM narrative push for "positive reporting"
  4. Unrealistic increase in value of gold/bitcoin/silver etc....
  5. Mandatory vaccination of the army and law enforcement

When this started I have to admit I didn't believe the virus came out of the lab in Wuhan. But the last 9 days have shown that this thing isn't natural in any way. It is designed to infiltrate and mutate while maintaining its mortality. Even the WHO and several key virologists are stating to question China on the origins of the virus

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