Sunday, May 16, 2021

No matter what you think, don't you ever...

Don't you ever think that bitcoin stops functioning because it now trades for lower prices in FIAT. Bitcoin is the most immutable, most decentralized and most trustless method to transact value humanity has ever know. Once you get over that, you'll realize that the price doesn't matter.

If banks burn, if governments fall, if a global financial crises hits and hell... Even if the entire financial system as we know it collapses worldwide, bitcoin would still be standing. So long as there are nodes, so long as there are miners, bitcoin exists, as able to transact value as ever. No event and no entity will ever be able to take down bitcoin.

Fact of the matter is that bitcoin is a good hedge against a financial crisis. Many got into it as a hedge and given that inflation reached levels rivaling those that occurred during the period of the global financial crisis of 2008, it's still a good hedge.

Yes, BTC as any investment asset, can and could have been overpriced even by the market's own demands. Trading bitcoin is pure unregulated demand and supply at the end of the day. But the utility of bitcoin will never go away. Citizens of countries with absurd laws, people living under failing or tyrannical governments or even those forced to use weak/failing FIAT currencies can use bitcoin to have freedom in financial transactions regardless of financial/societal status. The real question in the end, is how do YOU value the most freedom permitting form of cash?

While some might consider bitcoin as simply a speculative vehicle, and they're welcome to do so, the tech is much more than that. Right now we're getting closer to a decentralized economy at increasingly fast rates. Every day more and more users get to use cryptocurrency. More and more use-cases are coming and huge upgrades are coming into bitcoin (Taproot).

Nobody said that ushering forth a financial revolution was going to be painless. Keep to the code, learn your facts and stay decentralized! The fundamentals are still here. Centralized finance will always be broken and you're gonna want to be holding bitcoin when it all goes down.

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