Monday, June 14, 2021

Bitcoin rebound / French Open triumph / Wild NYC real estate from The Yodel Daily from Yahoo - June 14, 2021

MONDAY, JUNE 14, 2021/ Finely crafted by Lily Herman

Hello to another Monday! Today we’re looking at an ousted prime minister who really called out *everybody*, a new COVID-19 vaccine on the market and a creative way to scam scammers. Oh, and there’s another weird ghost town for us to poke around. That seems par for the course in this newsletter.

News To Know

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  • Benjamin Netanyahu is out as Israeli Prime Minister after 12 years. He used his final speech to accuse Joe Biden of going soft on Iran and claim that his successor is weak. Basically the theme was Very Scorched Earth.
  • Mass shootings in four U.S. cities within a six-hour period this weekend left at least 38 people wounded and six dead. Officials worry about the uptick in gun violence we could see over the summer as the country opens up.
  • Leaders at the G7 Summit are feeling torn about how they should research COVID-19’s origins. Much like a middle school clique, the situation is extra awk because China wasn’t even invited to the party and yet it's all anyone could talk about.

Finance For You


  • Biotech company Novavax released data showing that its COVID-19 shot is 90 percent effective, putting it generally on par with Pfizer and Moderna. Talk about an embarrassment of vaccine riches.
  • More than one in 10 Baby Boomers retired earlier than expected due to the panini. Some did it voluntarily, while others felt like they were forced to go that route. So, why does that matter?
  • After a *roooough* few weeks, Bitcoin surpassed $39,000 because Elon Musk tweeted that Tesla would use it again once the mining industry runs on cleaner energy. You’d think people would learn their lesson, but nope.

Sports. Sports. Sports.

(Getty Images)

Culture Corner


Tech Talk


Entertainment Spotlight

(Getty Images)

  • Beloved character actor Ned Beatty passed away at the age of 83 from natural causes. He was truly prolific throughout his career, but two of his biggest roles were in ‘Superman’ and ‘Network.’ In a statement, his manager said that he was “an iconic, legendary talent, as well as a dear friend, and he will be missed by us all.”
  • When you think of things you’re likely to see during a marriage proposal, a sky-written diss of Joe Rogan to the tune of $17,000 probably isn’t one of them. And yet...
  • Speaking of Joe Rogan, producers behind the hit 2000s show ‘Fear Factor’ talked about what it was like working on one of the grossest series of all time. Some of those episodes still give me nightmares.

Fantastic Finish

Who needs to head to the beach or the pool when your next summer activity could be looking at creepy ghost statues in an abandoned Nevada mining town on Google Earth? You know, very normal and well-adjusted stuff.


Thanks for reading today's issue of The Yodel.

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