Monday, June 14, 2021

Welcome GME Apes and New Investors, I have written a run down for those of you who are looking into buying some AMC stock. Please read, buy, and HOLD STRONG.

Welcome fellow GME Apes! 

In the past few weeks I have come to the realization that some Apes in the GME camp are flooding into AMC. At first I was against posts that had to do with GME on the r/amcstock thread primarily because of the fud spreading in r/Superstonk but then it hit me. “Why turn these Apes away? Most are battle hardened diamond handed Apes that have held through incredible price swings. Most certainly well versed in DD and ready for a fight. Maybe it’s because they can no longer afford to buy GME. They are ready to buy and hold. Of course they are incredibly valuable to the Ape Army.” After thinking this through I knew there was an opportunity to educate and help to usher in new GME Apes and new Baby Apes dipping their toes into the market. This inspired me to put together a guide for new Apes looking to buy some AMC stock primarily geared towards data on AMC and GME as well as their relationship to citadel, a briefing for the new comers. I also want to say that Hardcore Apes on the ground running with GME are usually always dual holders or have a very positive view of AMC. We have a fellow Ape who has had the boots on the ground, a special thanks to u/Jamie-Vu for pointing that out. 

“I know it seems like we look down on y'all, and maybe there are a few shit talkers here and there, but the vast majority of the rivalry is manufactured. It's being purposely spread around by deep undercover shills who want to keep us divided. In the last couple of weeks a lot of us over at r/SuperStonk have noticed a major push by suspicious accounts to sow discord between our two movements and make it seem like we all hate you.     

**We don't.** “

With out further ado here is the run down. 

I am an ape that bought at 15 and watched the drops down to 5. I was at the battle of 8.01, that will be discussed here as well so stay tuned. I have linked 3 video from Trey Trades in this for you to view as you read the article. Do not skip ahead so you can stay within context. As of 4 months ago we had our first trading halt with AMC. I know the narrative from r/Superstonk is that the first halt was last week but this is factually incorrect. We had our halt simultaneously with GME. I believe this is a result of FOMOers jumping in to the only other stock that DFV had mentioned for a real short squeeze potential. Apes all around banded together (of their own free will because he was not giving financial advise) and helped this company out of the dangers of bankruptcy. The halts caused a slow down to the process of the market MOASS and allowed hedgies to prepare and make a game plan. We all know what came after, house financial committee hearings and an onslaught of law suits. If you have been keeping up with GME then you should know the results of this, not very impressive but definitely a start. 



Fast forward a month after a very big drop in the price, from 20 down to the 5 dollar range. Similar to GMEs drop to 40 after the highs of 400. This was a clear indicator that paper hands were dropping like flies, no concern to me but it was definitely hurting the price. As you could see some of those paper hands returned with some hands of coal ready to test the pressures which is what lead to the mighty battle of 8.01. At this point we were ready to see the gamma squeeze, many Apes bought more and averaged down. I know I did, all the way down to 11 per share. Many Apes averaged down even lower. That day we saw a wild influx of naked shorts affecting the market price and a lot of people threw all they had at it. The only reason we made it was because of a wale that YOLOd at the last 60 seconds pushing the price above 8 by one cent, in turn triggering in the money call options. A ridiculous amount, we did not dip below 8 again after that day. 


After that we had many events but none as important as just three weeks ago, when the short interest reached an all time high. This was the signal for another incoming gamma squeeze. This was only a result of Apes buying and holding for months, triggering many in the money call options since the battle of 8.01. The hedgies couldn’t keep the price low any longer. It was getting serious, we had 100% of the free float and made it past the barricade of 15. This put the hedgies in real hot water while exposing the blatant naked shorts and since then we have the price fluctuations we see today. 


One things to notes is that while GME has bigger numbers compared to AMC the structure for the play set up is very similar. Think of GME and AMC as the Trojans for citadels position. We go in posing as easy money (Trojan horse) but ultimately deploy delivering critical blows to the hedgies, after that we open the gates for GME to invade the citadel and destroy their position (margin call). Another important factor is that GME and AMC have calls that are owned by Citadel, they are a hedge fund and they are trying to hedge for their losses, however, none of this is including dark pool trades for both. With GME citadel sold off a majority of its stock position to hedge against their losses in AMC. If they continue to do this they will have no choice but to sell their blue chip longs because it is very clear that they are running out of liquidity and shares to short. (Ex. The Bitcoin crash) Beside all of that we can see the manipulation of markets is coming to light, we see what’s really happening here. Not to worry, AMC and GME are very similarly structured which makes them twin plays, here I think of twin blades which are commonly used as one defensive and the other offensive. Another factor is that upon a margin call they will be forced to liquidate their positions including the calls and shares they own in GME and AMC. 

Now you may be asking, where is the proof that DFV said AMC was a possible play? I have linked it down below. Some have said that he was bashing AMC and saying that it had no potential but that is not what he said. The Mans words were clear. At the time of his review of the chart he noticed the fundamentals weren’t there. A lot of good Apes have fought hard to make the fundamentals stronger, this is made clear when we see that AMC is no longer at risk of bankruptcy. 

“I don’t have a strong opinion”

“Could anything be happening there? And umm, there could be and the chart is not a good indication of that but I can’t tell. I’m just trying to quickly pull stuff up but um, I know they’re probably battling a lot with what has been going on the past year.”

Now why do I think GME and AMC are similar plays? Well thats a good question and I have a few shots of some 13F fillings to show you. Both GME and AMC have institutional ownership and that is a fact but to be clear we control most of the float and both stocks have more ownership than actual stock is available. 



Keep in mind that this is only disclosed data. Think of it as I mentioned previously, we don’t know what is out there floating around in the dark pools. 

As our fellow Ape u/ProfessionalAgno talks about in his post, both AMC and GME have a call/put ratio that is notable from citadel alone. 

“First, Citadel also happens to have 5,676,200 puts on AMC. Which, if my tiny (and smooth) ape brain math is correct that means Citadel is **NET NEGATIVE** towards AMC. But Citadel also happens to have a very healthy amount of calls/puts in GME.  2,278,000 calls, 3,721,400 puts. 

**Citadel AMC call/put ratio: 0.72**

**Citadel GME call/put ratio: 0.69 (nice)** “

(You can check out the post here ) 

This shows us that they are structured the same way which is a good sign in my book. The hedge funds have attempted to hedge for potential disaster but in all reality the amount of losses will outweigh their gains. As of recently I do not have any numbers on their assets to margin levels but judging from the numbers seen with other funds and the aggressive dark pool activity I am willing to guess they are not in a good place. 

All of this brings me to the next topic of stock dilution and stock dumps from hedge funds. Our fellow Ape mentions stock dilutions at the end of his post and that is in perfect timing to the recent Mudrick Capital dump of 8.5 million shares of AMC and the 5 million share dilution of GME. 

I don’t think I need to be too technical or say anything that isn’t already obvious. Here are two articles that show us why betting against Adam Aaron or Ryan Cohen is a bad idea. A fair warning these are from hedgie shill factories so expect for them to try and paint us in a bad light, if you read between the lines you can see that this is a good thing for us. One thing to note is that over the course of the year GameStop has had a total dilution of 8.5 million shares and AMC released their remaining 43 million shares. 



We know that after these offerings and dumps the price had a minimal impact and not much came of the sell offs and dilutions in terms of heavy price drops. This only helps to reiterate the strong fundamentals of this gamma and short squeeze that is upcoming for AMC and GME. Not to mention their recent revenue growth and restructuring. 

One more very important factor to this is the dangers which the actions of these hedge funds pose to the United States economy as well as the impact of the world wide economy. I for one believe that the actions of the Hedge funds are economic TREASON but that is another post for an Ape with much more wrinkles in his brain than I. 


In closing I would like to point out that we have a very strong case for why these companies should not go out of business and why they are strong plays for the coming months. If there are any Apes reading this that have been considering the purchase of some AMC stock and any AMC apes considering the purchase of one or two GME stocks then this article should give you some insight as to the challenges that are ahead of us and the potential upside that we can see from this. I would like to say that this is not financial advice and that I am in no way asking anyone to invest in these stocks, we are all adults and should make our own financial decisions. 

As far as purchasing some GME stock? I may buy one at the end of the week along with 4 more AMC stocks. The best thing to do at this point for our newer members would be to only buy what you can afford to loose and HOLD STRONG. Do not paper hand and sell. 

Best wishes to all! Have a wonderful week.

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