Thursday, August 19, 2021

A little shady and hazy, but hereś my PoL Proof of Life.

In 2008 the financial structure failed.

Greed and deceit and exploiltation came to light and proved to be too weak

Maybe crypto saw the light to break the monopoly of the few. As an attempt to redistribute funds more equally.

Make spending and money flows not a tool for the few, but for the many.

Would or will it be possible to battle institutional and systemic corruption ? Only the future will tell.

Fact is that national governments resqued an international industry, bailed a failed system out, with tax payers money.

And what lesson was learned ? Well, big money, now knew there was no boundary, to how many, how much, and how often they could screw.

So imho the blockchain of Satoshi , might as well have been divine intervention, of a world gone cruel.

Lets invest in a world where you do not have to pay interest, and proof of life becomes a stakable event, as a happy human might prevent

a world going down for greed and vested interests, do not care what breathes, what lives, or what goes dead around.

Money is a good servant, but a bad master as they say. Lets prove it, and give a little coin away, and an app, or way, to trade and pay.

For if mankind can break the oldest trade pair to date.

Being economy and politics. History is out of date.

And there still might be a living chance for humanity to survive, along with plant and animal as the earthly holy trinity.

For while the bitcoin community wants to remain pure and undiluted, its a far cry from a currency with fees commuted.

And if it takes a meme to bring back an ancient theme, to do good each day, and for the elite the illiterate get something to say, it only proves altcoins are here to stay.

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