Sunday, August 29, 2021

Beginner's Guide: How to trade, confirm transactions for rep, use the escrow, and avoid scams

Getting Started

Welcome to r/Cash4Cash! This subreddit is for trading types of money for other types of money. We're pretty lax on what counts as "money". This can include things like PayPal, Cash App, bank transfers, literal cash, to more uncommon things like Visa/Mastercard/Amex gift cards, to cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. We are a free market; we don't remove posts on the basis that it's a really bad/really good deal. For security reasons, you must have an undisclosed amount of karma to participate (no karma farming allowed), as well as be active on Reddit.

How to make an offer on this subreddit

You can make an offer for any cash-for-cash trade. For example, let's say you have $50 in your PayPal account and you want $45 of Bitcoin in exchange for it. You can make a public post on this subreddit with your offer.

The title must be in the format "[H] something [W] something else". So in the above case, your title would be "[H] $50 PayPal [W] $45 Bitcoin". You can also put it as a percentage. Since $45 is 90% of $50, that'd be "[H] $50 PayPal [W] 90% Bitcoin".

You can put additional details in your post body. People who are interested will comment "PM" on your post, and then send you a message. IMPORTANT: DO NOT ACCEPT TRADES FROM PEOPLE WHO DO NOT COMMENT ON YOUR POST FIRST. We ban scammers, so only people who haven't been banned will be able to comment on your post. This does not guarantee that they are not a scammer, but it reduces the chances significantly.

When you're done, flair your post as "closed" to let people know.

How to accept someone else's offer

Let's say you see someone else's offer that you're interested in. Simply comment "PM" on their post, send them a message, and start trading. It's okay to negotiate in private messages or on the post as well.

What is the Universal Scammer List (USL)?

The Universal Scammer List (USL) is a list of every single known scammer on Reddit. You can access it at It's a good idea to look up whether people who contact you are on the list. Anyone who scams in any subreddit will be added to the list and banned from every trading subreddit on the site.

You can also download the USL extension, which will automatically label scammers on this site with a red "SCAMMER" flair. Available for Chrome or Firefox.

Using C4C_Bot

u/C4C_Bot is our friendly moderation bot, which provides two services: an automated cryptocurrency escrow, and managing users' flairs and rep.

What's "rep"? What are trust scores?

"Rep" is short for "reputation". Having "high rep" means you are a familiar face on this subreddit, and likely to not be a scammer. People with lower rep are more likely to be scammers, although not everyone with low rep is a scammer and people with high rep aren't guaranteed not to be either, although high-rep scammers are very rare.

Rep on this subreddit is measured in points, which is the user's "trust score".

How do I increase my rep?

After a successful trade, make a new comment on your post mentioning u/C4C_Bot. An example is provided below:

u/C4C_Bot: Traded $50 PayPal with u/NateNate60 in exchange for $45 BTC 

The bot will reply with "PENDING CONFIRMATION", asking the other user to confirm the trade by replying "confirmed". If the bot mentions you from somebody else's comment, then you should reply "confirmed" to it in order to confirm your trade with that person.

The bot will attempt to automatically detect how much money was traded. Trading large amounts of money, or trading with people with high rep, will increase your score much faster than trading with low-rep people or trading small amounts.

How do I update my flair?

Your flair will update automatically. Once you reach a new tier, the bot will give you a new flair.

What does the escrow do?

Out automated cryptocurrency escrow can prevent the most common type of crypto scam, where the other person takes your money and disappears, without giving you the promised item in exchange. The escrow will hold onto the money until the other person completes their end of the bargain before releasing it to them. If anything goes wrong, the moderators can step in, and they can release the funds to the correct party in the event of a dispute.

Is the escrow free?

The escrow charges a small fee for every transaction (in addition to network fees). The fee charged is usually less than one US dollar, although it varies as the prices of cryptocurrency go up or down. This fee helps cover server costs, which are around eleven US dollars per month.

How do I use the escrow?

Using the escrow is very simple. To start a new escrow transaction, simply push the "automated escrow" button on the sidebar and fill out the information.

Additionally, you can also click the link provided in the pinned comment of any person's post to start a new transaction with that person.

Avoiding scams

SCAMMERS LURK ON THIS SUBREDDIT. They will try to take advantage of you and steal your money! Exercise diligence in dealing with other people in order to avoid scammers!

Check peoples' karma levels.

Scammers always get their accounts banned constantly, so they have to create new accounts. Accounts with low karma (even very old accounts) should be viewed with suspicion. Also be suspicious of accounts that have very little activity, or that have an unnaturally high amount of karma compared to the number of posts and comments they have.

Always insist people comment on your post.

We ban scammers. Scammers can't comment on your post, so whenever someone comments on your post, it guarantees that they haven't been banned. However, it does not guarantee they aren't scammers, since they still could be and we haven't caught them yet.

Check the Universal Scammer List.

The USL is a list o every known scammer on this site. Look up their username at If they're on the list, then they are definitely a scammer, but remember that scammers who haven't been caught yet won't appear on the list.

Check trust scores.

People who have been around for a long time and have made a lot of trades will have a high trust score. Scores of more than one or two hundred points are generally safe. Higher trust scores mean they're less likely to be scammers, but as with everything, it's not a perfect system and people do sometimes unfortunately slip through the cracks.


When dealing with crypto, use the escrow. The escrow prevents people from disappearing with your money, which is by far the most common scam.

Use your brain.

If something is too good to be true, it probably is.


Send the moderators a message immediately with proof. We investigate cases quickly, and we'll ban scammers and add them to the USL. If you have evidence of suspicious activity, feel free to also contact us and we'll investigate it.

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