Sunday, November 21, 2021

Anyone from Germany on here? I have some tax questions..

Good evening people on the internet.

I recently staked a stack of my crypto money with Wonderland. Even more recently I found out that I can wrap my memo to prevent a buttload of taxable events that ultimately lead to prison because Germany fucking hates tax fraud.

Now my questions

- Is the whole wMemo thing going to work for germans or will I still have to pay taxes for staking?

- In Germany you can sell any crypto tax-free after holding it for one year. If I hold my wMemo for at least one year, ist there any way to trade it into a stable coin or bitcoin or Ethereum or anything without triggering any taxable event? I mean unwrapping it (swapping it back to memo) should be considered a swap, which is tax free after one year. But where can I go from there? Will the next swap fuck everything up?

Love this community, I'm not the Lambo guy, any Audi would suffice.

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