Friday, November 26, 2021

Buy the dip, y'all! Black Friday sales bruh! We know what's up cuz we're crypto investors. EVERYONE IS STUPID EXCEPT US! Eehawww

There's a very real difference between a market correcting on its own and an external event that impacts the market like the news this morning of the new covid variant coming out of South Africa. Without even knowing why the market is dipping people are here to say every cliche BS line you can think of about buying the dip, how this is just FUD, Bitcoin will hit 100k blah blah blah. It's one thing to be able to look at things like relative strength index and see that something is oversold and it's a good buying opportunity. It's something entirely else to see that the market is down and just automatically react to that and start telling everyone to buy the dip and acting like you're some market guru everyone should to listen to.

The best advice I can give for anybody reading these posts in this subreddit as some kind of guide for their investment decisions is to just imagine everyone saying this stuff are 15-year-olds with about $80 worth of dogecoin. If you've got real money tied up in the markets be sensible and take some real time to consider WHY the market is dipping.

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