Sunday, November 21, 2021

The Death Of The State Is Coming

Hey Reddit,


In light of some of the negativity we’ve been facing in the last couple of months, I’d like to take the time to express my views on why things are likely going to get better. Not just a bit better, but much better.

I believe that we are headed towards a society that will be more free and more prosperous than we even had before lockdown started. I believe that while things will likely get worse in the short term, they will ultimately get better in the long term.

I believe that the State as we know it today will come to an end within our lifetimes.

Now I realise that this is a bit of a big statement, but allow me to explain.

From my perspective, society has been structured in certain ways due to the nature of the world at the time and the nature of individual humans at the time. Then there would be events that completely shook up these dynamics and changed the entire face of society. And from what I’ve seen, it seems that these changes (when they do occur) bring change more rapidly and more astronomically the more technologically advanced the society is.


Here’s a brief history lesson.

Humans started as hunter-gatherers where we were small tribes likely led by a chieftain and circle of elders. This is consistent with currently existing hunter-gatherer tribes in the world. A group of elders lead and advise the tribe, and a chief makes the final decision. The elders gain their right to authority through age and experience where the chieftain gains his right to rule through strength and power. This made sense in a world where strength and experience were the key elements to survival. Every day was a struggle and without strength and experience, you never knew if today was your last.

But then the first “shake-up” event occurred that would change the way society was structured - the Agricultural Revolution

We could now farm the land, breed herds of livestock, and store food for the harder months. This allowed us to stay in one place and live much safer lives. But now it wasn’t power or age that so heavily dictated who was in charge. Now it was food and resources. If you had the biggest farm and thus the most food, you were the wealthiest in the community. If you accumulated enough wealth, you eventually rose to be the sole owner of food production in the area. And if people wanted some of your food, they had to earn it through working for you.

And thus we had the beginnings of kings and lords, with most people being serfs and peasants.

Absolute monarchy continued for millennia. Kingdoms and empires rose and fell. We went through the classic period of Rome and Egypt and Mesopotamia. We went through the early middle ages and well into the dark ages. Monarchy was the norm for civilisation for all these centuries.

But then the second “shake-up” event occurred - the advent of the printing press.

The printing press allowed the free flow of information and literacy. The institution that, at the time, had a monopoly on information and books was the church. And when the printing press came along, the church was not happy. They tried to ban and destroy it to prevent people from gaining the information that eventually set them free. Unfortunately for them, people had the genius idea of using the printing press to print instructions on how to build and operate your own printing press. This was disseminated amongst the people and thus the church was powerless to stop the process.

And it is thanks to the printing press and the freedom of information that allowed men to consider a world without monarchy. To consider a world where the individual could take control of their own lives and live it freely in the manner that they wanted to. This was the birth of the American Revolution.

Once free from the shackles of the British empire, the newly formed American nation erected an institution to replace the monarchy. They created an institution that would serve the same purpose, but would be manned by the people and would be directly answerable to the people it served. This was the State, and in theory, this sounds like a great system.

Unfortunately the State had a weakness the monarchy didn’t really have. The monarchy was very isolated and the average person would likely never find their way in the royal family. The State, however, allowed any citizen to participate. This allowed those attracted to power (megalomaniacs, narcissists, power-hungry despots, and all their ilk) to worm their way into power. And once they had that position of power, they would manipulate the system to keep themselves in power for as long as possible.


This is where we currently stand. An institution by the people, for the people (the State) is essentially turning on the population. And this is the case in every democratic country of the modern age. Even in those countries with good leaders you’ll still find these people in some position of power.

But here’s the good news.

We’re in the middle of the third “shake-up” event, and it’s happening at a rapid pace.

What we’re seeing today (lockdowns, masks, vaccine passes, etc) is the kicking and screaming of this system as it dies. The State is losing power, and thus they are lashing out and doing all they can to seize and hold power for as long as possible. Just as the church tried to prosecute and denounce as heretics those that printed their own works that didn’t fit the doctrine, so too is the State persecuting those who will not comply to its rule. Unfortunately for the State, however, its death is inevitable.

The third “shake-up” event that will change the face of human society started with the advent of the internet. The internet was the concept of the printing press, but on an unprecedented scale. And while the first two decades of its adoption happened slowly and with many hiccups, we are currently in a society where the internet has permeated all of human life. It is now at mass adoption level and we are finally at the point where most people not only have access to it, but are also proficient at navigating it (this will only prove more true as generations continue).

But the internet is only one piece of the puzzle. Just as the printing press was the machine that allowed books to be created, the Internet is the machine that allows for the technology that will truly end the State.

And don’t get me wrong, the State has done its best to co-opt the internet for its own uses. Through media manipulation, spying, being in bed with big Tech (i.e. social media), etc. they’ve done admirably at using our own tools against us. But the internet has given rise to a new technology that will rapidly start stripping them of their influence.

This technology is the Blockchain.


Now for those of you familiar with the Blockchain, you may immediately think of Bitcoin. But I’m not talking about the tokenized version of the Blockchain that lets you invest and make money. Whilst crucial, it’s not exactly what I’m talking about.

I’m talking about the actual technology of the Blockchain. I’m talking about the decentralised nature of the Blockchain.

I won’t go into the specifics of how it works since that would take ages. I do, however, encourage anyone curious to look into it themselves. For now just know that we can achieve decentralisation through the Blockchain.

Why is this important?

Think of all the ways the State has manipulated the Internet for their benefit. Big Tech censorship? Gone with decentralisation. Media manipulation? Gone with decentralisation. Voter fraud and election “fortification”? Gone with decentralisation.

As Blockchain technology is developed, the State loses more and more of its power. This is why there is such a heavy push by the MSM against technologies like Bitcoin. Not only because it would destabilize the economy (to their detriment and your benefit), but also because of the technology it’s built on.

Understand that the Blockchain is here to stay and due to how much money it makes investors, the free market is pushing it into the hands of the people. The State can’t stop it because they can’t control it. Its decentralised nature prevents them from really putting an end to it. There is no “Bitcoin head office” they can shut down. It’s a global network.

And if this post wasn’t enough of a white pill for you already, consider this: all the people who are in favour of Blockchain and Bitcoin and decentralisation are the the people who that very technology is currently enriching. Imagine a world where some of the richest people, those who have real sway and power, are people who advocate for decentralisation and the Blockchain because that’s what made them rich in the first place. And trust me, with all the regulatory attacks, those investors are very unhappy with the State and its shenanigans.


Now before I close off, let me just give a few words of caution.

The future looks bright and there is a very high likelihood that in about twenty years we’ll truly see what a world with little or no State looks like. But before that happens, we’re fighting a gigantic beast. We’re fighting a gigantic beast that is wounded, on its last legs, and with nothing left to lose. It has been forced into a corner and will now do all it can to ensure its survival.

If this means that it must co-opt the very technology we’re using against it, it will. Take a deep look into the very dystopian nature of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC), which are built on the Blockchain, and you’ll see what I mean. The Blockchain allows for decentralisation, but it can also be centralised and used by the State.

We face a long and arduous road ahead of us. It is littered with uncertainty and danger and fear. But things will get better. They will likely get worse first, but it will eventually get better. All we need to do is ensure we stand firm and resolute. Support and utilise the tools that allows for your freedom. This is the only way.

If we wish to ensure a better life for us and our children (and their children after them), we must embrace the technology that will give ultimate power to the individual. I didn’t have time in this post to also explain how the Blockchain will also empower us economically (which will further speed up the death of the State), but I encourage you to do your own research.

The State is dying, but it will no longer play nice with those of us who don’t conform. We must be ready and we must be strong. This is a very unique time for us to be alive. Let’s make the most of it.

Thank you.

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