Thursday, March 31, 2022

Ok...... Hear me out.

Ok, hear me out. This is purely speculation!

So I have listened to Multiple crypto influencers over the past few years. Some I've kept my subscription with and others I have got rid of due to them over time showing that they just go for hype or shill too much. This has left me with a group of channels that I trust enough to keep watching.

Now most of the time they tend to cover the same news and events and TA. However occasionally they will pick up on a bit of something that the others don't. There have been a few rare occasions when those tid bits of info seem to point to something bigger.

Ok..... so...... here goes. These are my findings 😄

1.) On one podcast I saw about a month ago Jack Mallers was talking about how he got Facebook to change their thinking about crypto and using the lightning network. During this chat he mentioned that he was in talks with someone else and it was big but he couldn't say anything more about it. What is bigger than Facebook? This obviously perked my ears but at the time I couldn't find anything else related to shed some light on what he meant.

2.) The BTC conference. There has been murmurs of a massive announcement that is bigger than the El Salvador news.what could be bigger than that? Now alot of people have guessed that it's another country or something along those lines. If it is that's awesome but it might be something else.

3.) There have been a few recent leaks apparently from apple of bitcoin symbols they are going to use for something.

4.) There have been a couple of tweets from Jack Mallers that have been a bit cryptic. One where he is in front of a chase bank atm but if you look he's wearing an Apple hat. Then another where he posted an Apple video about thinking differently.


I deduct 🤣 that the announcement at the BTC conference might be that Apple start to use the lightning network in some form. Even better that they might announce they have brought some btc for their reserves.

"Lemon entry my dear Watson!"

Anyway, this is just a crazy thought going through my head at this time. What do you think?

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