Tuesday, July 26, 2022

No wise merchant would force anyone to use Bitcoin lightning over credit cards. It should be a free market choice for those living in the free world, while those under oppressive regimes benefit from saving deflationary money.

Let me start by saying, "Before I discovered BTC, I had a difficult time even seeing the point of saving money or investing in anything." Now I see it as an important savings vehicle because I can take it with me anywhere on the planet and, if necessary, use it to buy something I might need later or act as an emergency fund.

I have had some difficulties with the traditional financial system. Like where I live I didn't have a bank account that would let me get a credit card / visa card for the first 4 years I lived here. Then I joined a company that asked me to open an account at a bank that would grant me such a bank card. But that was after I discovered bitcoin.

Whenever I book a hotel, obviously I'm going to use a credit card for something like that since I am presently in the middle of a dispute with a hotel for a small vacation I had. But if I'm going to buy my pumpkin spice latte at starbucks, I wouldn't mind using bitcoin to do it. Another thing - I feel like that is an adoption issue that will be resolved eventually, but this moves really slowly in America.

I do not hold bitcoin up as an amazing cancer-curing vehicle, but I do see it as a decent store of value for people with long time horizons and an easier way to carry wealth across borders, and those niche moments when you want to make a payment on lightning. And speaking of lightning, as adoption and the value of the network continues to grow, there may be times when (if at all possible) I might use it to make car payments or payments on a home loan. For now, it is my plan b payment system in the event that I go to a small business and may not have enough cash in my bank account at the time.

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