Thursday, January 5, 2023

The DGTA does not see its tokens as securities in any way

Users of the Digitra platform can access a variety of functions by exchanging DGTA tokens. The DGTA does not see its tokens as securities in any way. The only way to access the Digitra website is with a token that was granted by the DGTA. Purchasing DGTA tokens does not give you ownership of Digitra, or the ability to vote or administer the platform. In the event that unanticipated events take place, it is possible that the DGTA project and token attributes described in this whitepaper will undergo revisions or be removed entirely. Tokens for the DGTA cannot be purchased anywhere designated by Digitra, including the United States. If you reside in the United States, have a place of business there, or are employed there, you are unable to utilize DGTA tokens. In certain nations, the use of DGTA tokens and the services they enable may be unlawful.


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