Thursday, February 23, 2023



I have the capital, resources, seed money, and venture capitalist waiting for a venture, but, lack a design team. I have contacted numerous places and people (in the real world), but, though helpful, none of them seem to know any top computer scientist for the job. Thus, I have decided to turn to the one place that I believe is most rebellious, and understanding, for this venture, the internet. The product line that is being built is a modern operating system. Note, this operating system isn't for me. It's for the world and will be 100% free while not being bound to ads (yet still being profitable and all actors like digital content creators, influencers, platforms, and even the everyday person using the operating system all get paid; a modern business model for the modern world). Note, if I do not execute this more than likely another entity, like Microsoft, will execute it by merging all their resources (cloud, AI, quantum tech, xbox, OS, suits, smart cities, all existing hardware (plus new hardware like, for example, tablet dash boards in electric cars), key partners (like banking along with CBDC (something I have expressed to my colleagues for a long time) and more into one viable product line for the general public. However, as many of them stated in their conferences, they cannot "crack that code." I truly believe that the next race, before smart cities are achieved as well as any other IoT relating to the fourth industrial revolution to be executed (along with meaningful space travel and a space civilization as opposed to just going to the moon in approx. 2024 through the Artemis program just to go or harness Mars just to harness mars), is merging the real world with the digital world in a meaningful way. Love or hate our species, but the one thing we all cannot do is just try to erase our lineage. This is why I believe this code will never be cracked because our species, from all cultures, heritage, countries, and backgrounds have a lineage. This is also why I believe all metaverses (in their current form) will also fail because we are humans!! We are flesh and blood. We have ups and downs. We have good and bad. We have history. And that's what this new operating system will incorporate. It will be meaningful and merge the gap, once and for all, between the real world and the digital world in a meaningful way!

The product line (i.e. Block Chain Operating System):

  • native currency which compensates the user for all their actions (notification, text, call, streaming, post, likes, shares, etc.) and will enable them to spend it on in world items (food, clothing, lodging) as well as digital items (music, services, etc.). This will level the playing field by having everyone (from blue collar jobs to white collar jobs; to local people to national super stars) to be able to compete in the digital economy. Nations will still have their own currency. This isn't about anarchy and bringing down the system lol. It's about co-existence and bettering the world and teleporting us into the future.
  • no copy, paste, screen shots, etc (unless the creators are compensated for their work); this is primarily to protect the human race from web crawlers and Artificial intelligence (yes, this is a real issue which the digital community is finally starting to come around and see)
  • merge AI, Cloud, Automation, and quantum tech into one and allow for the ever day person to know what the hell that even means and how to use it to their advantage
  • built in profiles with avatars to make NFT's meaningful and more!
  • built in media players so if the user wants to purchase digital content (like games or music) to own forever they can
  • new "app stores" to open the flood gates for all digital creators much the same way the original app store did for Apple and it's respective developers
  • unique software to assist the user with viewing the matrix
  • better built in account management (e.g. when the user opens their calendar they can view all their respective data for that d/m/yr; yes, you will be able to visually see your data now instead of just your tech providers; this might seem frightening at first, but think of it as a digital alibi. Plus, you all already do this with your respective timelines)
  • Respects the fourth amendment and will alert any user if they are currently under any investigation or their data is being sent to law enforcement (now matter how small it may seem)
  • Meaningful AR
  • This is an operating system not just for planet Earth, but will be for the entire galaxy
  • Allow for one to classify as a human (as opposed to being bound by anyone heritage, culture, religion). This may seem ridiculous, but you'd be surprised how much more free you will become (and how many entities will lose hold and influence over you) when you begin to be able to classify as a human lol
  • and much much more! In order to prevent other computer scientist or companies from implementing all this into their existing system this is as much as I will say with respect to the block chain operating system (and, yes, believe it or not I have emailed boards members and other entities about parallel ideas and they have just happily implemented them into their system lol)

Special Notes (May skip to conclusion without loss of context)

I. Outside Noise & Reserve Spots

a. Note, I am not concerned with the predominate operating currently out there (e.g. Linux, iOS, Windows) nor is this my first venture. In other words, I am not interested in hearing why it cannot be done or all the problems that come with it unless you intend to talk about solution thereafter and start a discourse. Also, the only one reason I will accept as to why it cannot be done is if you show a definitive proof through rigorous mathematics and theoretical physics that shows it isn't possible due to the laws of physics.

b. However, this is my first venture in the computer science space, particular with an operating system (I am familiar with many concepts relating to both classical/quantum computing like assembly, binary, artificial intelligence, SQL, NoSQL, qubits, etc. and have many design concepts and blue prints so I can uphold effective communication with computer scientist). If the reddit community knows anyone, or if anyone is a computer scientist that happens to stumble across the post, feel free to share and contact me through reddit, twitter (@GuiltySpark343), or via email ([](

c. Also, everything I am saying in this post is not set in stone either and is absolutely open to revision, critic, and counter offers. If you would like to discuss the companies structure (e.g. c-corp, articles, bylaws, etc.), securities agreement, and would like to be apart of this venture in any capacity you think would be beneficially to it... I am all ears! :) In return, stock options, reserved spot, and more is on the table!

II. If a computer scientist is found via the Internet

If finding a computer scientist for the job through what I refer to as "in digital life (IDL)" is a success then no doubt this confirms much of my research with building a modern block chain operating system. Why? because, though I tend to learn towards protocol, wall street, and government... this just shows that times are truly changing even more due to a design team being assembly not by the traditional means of scouting and sending out applications (and having people submit their resumes, portfolios, and CV's), but by all of you, the internet. By the f@#$ing internet lol as opposed to some one in the real world following protocol (or some "networking" schemes whether in real life (IRL) or IDL). and that's who this operating system is. All of you.

III. 99%

In this post the 99% refers to an ideology (as opposed to ones income or status)

IV. Bitcoin and how you all f@#$ed up. But this doesn't have to be your fate

I was laughed at for coming forward about my research with respect to A.I., brain implants, Cloud tech, quantum computer, hacks, surveillance, Ponzi schemes that were occurring in the blockchain community, and way more back in the day so I went into self exile with all my research and vowed to never go public with my work ever again. In fact, I lost a lot of good people because of my views back in the day. I wrote numerous papers in college about the subject matter, but it fell on deaf ears. I was even contacted to help develop the same systems we are seeing now role out, but turned it down.

In all these cases, however, my interest has been protected and will continue to be so because I am on this side of reality knowing where and being where all this is occurring. And, ironically, all those same people I lost are now starting to realize what's unfolding. Or, in other words, my concern really is, and always has been, for the 99% and humanity itself, but at the same time not destroying the entire system that got us to where we are today lol.

What I am getting at is you all can blindly continue to go down the path of no return thinking your causing leaps and changes here and there with your respective lives or, you can join this movement, and truly take charge and cause real change.

In the end, you all had the opportunity with bitcoin to change the entire financial system as we know it. All you had to do was implement it in the entire supply chain nodes from top to bottom (natural resources, supplier, manufacture, assembly, packing, warehouse, inventory, distribution, wholesale/retail, point of sale, consumer along with expenses like wages), but you all did not. Instead, you all proved that when the 99% are given the opportunity to be like the 1%, you will take it. In science, even the most insignificant observational data that shows the contrary to a theory, proves the entire theory must be revised. Bitcoin proved this with all of you no matter how you may feel about it.

And, now, as a consequence, legislation is being drafted and soon you all will have a CBDC and in my view you are all to blame (but there are also many benefits to a CBDC like faster payment processing and such; and I truly believe a co-existence of block chain and a CBDC will be beneficially for both parties). Though, I feel the fault is not entirely your own for how can you not know what you do not know? For example, and to avoid being to conspiratorial, how can you all fully practice and believe a faith when their is something called a secret archive that hides certain parts and practices of that faith? You all are not entirely to blame for the path bitcoin has taken. How do you not know what you do not know? Whether that knowledge is hidden by clearance, secrecy, archives, and by private researchers like myself hoarding our work either for genuine national security reasons or just for trade secrets. If you find this hard to believe this is how the real world truly works then chances are... you are the 99%.

In short, the block chain operating system (BCOS) will give each and everyone of you a level playing field and for the first time in humanity show you all how us so called "1%" play the game. Imagine it this way by a "fictional example." While you all continue to be divided and conquered and wondering who is doing what... the 1% do not. Not only do they stick together, but there are computers to manage pretty much everything (simulations, finances, the map, connections, round table groups, people, places, things, or, in short, the matrix) you do manually and via compartmentalization. If I want to contact so and so I do in a click of a button. If I want to know the entire state of a given country I simple hover over it, click it, and view all the data I need. I can simulate what a pandemic might look like and what impact it will have on certain markets like the forex market or an entire nation and I can do so by all the data that is fed into my computer system via key partners like departments, agencies, and enterprises. I can easily view which lobbyist is funding which candidate and which candidates are my mine by a click of a button. And they will continue to do so because what are you all going to do about it? [END FICTIONAL EXAMPLE]

This does not have to be the fate which is likely to unfold soon. You can build your own operating systems and use the respective API's and data that is given to you and join the digital economy. Or, if that's too much for you, you can find a computer scientist and send them our way and we will build the BCOS for you all and keep you in the loop the whole step of the way!


Regardless, I personally thank the reddit community for taking the time to read this post (I know it was lengthy, but I hope it was worth the read)!

As already mentioned, this is not my first venture, but it is my first venture in the operating system field. Thus, there is a business plan, business model, articles, bylaws, security structure, funding, and more all in place. There are key partners and venture capitalist lined up waiting as well. In other words, the business itself is complete so the design team will be free from any corporate constraints what so ever! But, that's the problem. A design team of at least three computer scientist is needed. Only then will I, and my respective connections, go all in with this venture. And, yes, questions and such are more than welcomed! What about the security structure? What about the location? What about more questions relating to the operating system itself? All of this is welcomed! Please, view this post more as a means to start a discourse as opposed as just an application.

With that said, again, I thank the reddit community for taking the time to read this post! And, though I do not agree with everything the internet, and reddit does (like banding together and being no different than the 1% like with wallstreetbets Gamestop saga), I understand it lol. And that's why I am now, after many years, deciding to begin to go again go public more and more with my work as I get closer to the experimental phase, but it can greatly be expedited with a design team.

And I have never had a digital foot print (like social media, accounts, emails, etc.), but I told myself if I did it wasn't going to be through some mysterious channels like the darkweb, and such (nothing against those parts of the internet, but again, this is intended for everyone not just an elite group wherever they reside). I also promised myself it wasn't going to be done by heavily masking my identity (e.g. virtual machines, TORs, proxy chain, and so on). If I am going to build a BCOS then it's going to be built for the very same people I'm trying to help build it for, the 99% (IRL) and the internet (IDL).


Hopefully, along this journey you all can show me the ropes of the digital world lol and I will show you the ropes of the "real" world. But, in the end, with the right operating system in place we won't need this dependency any longer and the fourth industrial revolution will take place, but, with individuality as the main driver and technology not serving us, but being a tool. And, no. As much as many people may scare you into believing A.I. will not take over... it will not. Also, we should be talking about peace and co-existing with it as opposed to war and merging with it. No, the future is not doom and gloom. No, life is not unfair. You all just do not have to right means available to you because it's being hoarded. But, bring the computer scientist my way, get in contact, collaborate, let's build something new from the ground up, and watch the flood gates open to a whole new horizon that we've all only dreamed of and seen in science fiction!

Thank you Reddit and I Hope everyone is having a great new year!

P.S. I did not include any sources for anything in this post because like I said I've done this already and it's lead to dead ends or just nonsense bickering lol. I am hoping that, in this post, the early internet days of people (of not giving a damn and just helping out one another and bulls@#!ting) is what I'll find by this post.

But, if requested (via private chat) provide evidence for every claim in this post either with documents or real world events. But, again, at the same time, I'm also not trying to get blacklisted, banned, hit with defamation suits, cancelled, and more so I am trying my best to respect every entity and peoples work/self.

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