Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Manifesto for a new amendment for the state constitution!

Manifesto for the Indiana State Constitution Amendment: Embracing Innovation and Responsible Financial Management


We, the citizens of Indiana, recognize the importance of fiscal responsibility, forward-thinking policies, and harnessing the potential of emerging technologies for the betterment of our state. To secure a prosperous future for generations to come, we hereby propose an amendment to the Indiana State Constitution that seeks to allocate a portion of the state surplus to invest in stable coins or Bitcoin, promoting financial diversification and responsible stewardship of public funds.

Article I: The Surplus Allocation

Section 1: Establishment of the Surplus

The state of Indiana, through prudent fiscal management and efficient governance, shall endeavor to generate a surplus in its finances. A surplus shall be deemed to exist when the state's revenues exceed its expenditures during a given fiscal year.

Section 2: Allocation of the Surplus

Upon the establishment of a surplus, the amendment shall mandate that 50% of the surplus be allocated to invest in stable coins or Bitcoin, subject to responsible investment practices and compliance with state laws.

Article II: Investment and Appreciation

Section 1: Responsible Investment

The invested portion of the surplus shall be entrusted to a designated financial authority that specializes in cryptocurrency investments. This authority shall be governed by transparent and prudent investment principles, with a mandate to ensure long-term growth and preservation of capital.

Section 2: Four Years of Appreciation

The invested surplus shall remain untouched and allowed to appreciate for a minimum period of four years from the initial investment date. This approach acknowledges the volatile nature of cryptocurrencies and allows for potential growth over time.

Article III: Discretionary Use by the Governor

Section 1: The Governor's Authority

After the completion of four years of appreciation, the allocated funds in stable coins or Bitcoin shall be placed at the discretion of the incumbent Governor of Indiana. The Governor shall have the authority to utilize these funds for projects, initiatives, or programs that contribute to the overall welfare and prosperity of the state.

Section 2: Transparent Utilization

The Governor's utilization of the cryptocurrency funds shall be subject to transparent reporting and accountability. Regular updates on the projects or programs funded by these investments shall be made available to the public, ensuring citizens' awareness and oversight.

Article IV: Reinvestment and Redeployment

Section 1: Reinvestment and Growth

After the initial four years of appreciation, any realized gains from the invested surplus shall be reinvested back into the cryptocurrency market, ensuring continuous growth and potential for greater returns.

Section 2: Redeployment and Public Benefit

In the event of significant realized gains, the Governor may consider reallocating a portion of the surplus towards projects or programs that address public needs, such as education, infrastructure, or social welfare initiatives. This measure ensures that the benefits of cryptocurrency investments reach all segments of Indiana's population.


By enacting this amendment to the Indiana State Constitution, we, the citizens of Indiana, commit to embracing innovation and fostering responsible financial management. Allocating a portion of the surplus to invest in stable coins or Bitcoin signifies our dedication to securing our economic future, diversifying our financial holdings, and ensuring that our state remains at the forefront of technological advancements. With transparent governance and long-term vision, we pave the way for prosperity and progress, building a resilient Indiana for generations to come

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