Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Rate My Portfolio (Growth, Dividend, Bitcoin)

Looking to create a growth oriented, set and forget portfolio in my Roth.

The main goal of this strategy is to get significant Bitcoin exposure in my Roth for tax advantages in the event that it does live up to its full potential.

I’ve been a big believer in the technology for a long time, but the recent spot ETF approvals have cleared my reservations of US gov’t intervention and I think it’s here to stay.

With that being said, I still recognize that it’s a risky asset that ultimately could go to zero so I’m also trying to have a good base of growth/defensive that would make the rest of portfolio less volatile, but still have upside and keep me on track to have a decent nest egg for retirement.

Whether you’re a believer in Bitcoin or not, let me know what you think about the allocations, weightings, etc. Should I ever rebalance or just keep new allocations the same and let it run?

  • 25% VOO
  • 20% QQQM
  • 20% Bitcoin (IBIT)
  • 10% VXUS

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