Saturday, August 10, 2024

How would you rate my finances

For reference, I just turned 24 and have been into personal finance this past year after realizing how much anxiety having control of my finances would solve. Just wanted others' opinions who have been interested for years on how I’m doing and where I could improve. I make around 38k a year and take my full 401k match of 4 percent. I have no monthly rent and a fixed cost of 450 dollars. I also have about 10 months of contributions to a Roth IRA invested in an S&P 500 index fund and plan to max out every year. I have around 1500 in bitcoin that has grown from around 500. I have 21k in student loan debt and am making a return to school for my final semester (had to take a break for a major life event). I have around 14k in savings through my HYSA account. I just purchased my vehicle (a Toyota Camry) for 9k cash, so no car payment. Hope that helps!

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