Sunday, August 4, 2024

I tried to shift to a reality where I had bitcoins

Some months ago, I had a deep questioning about my motivations to shift. What do I really want? Go to a different reality or change the one I was in?

I realized I didn't really want to shift to a DR; I couldn't handle such a drastic change. So, I decided to shift to the same reality but with some changes. It is kind of like... manifestation? lol

First, I wanted to have lots of bitcoins so I would never have money problems again. My mind couldn't believe how this kind of miracle could happen, so I started to imagine a plausible scenario: I would find a USB stick, and on that USB stick, I would find a hidden folder named "btc wallet."

Here's what happened and how that manifestation came to life (well, almost).

I had a job interview for a government agency. Surprisingly, this agency asked me to fill out a file with all my information, save it to a USB stick, and bring it to them (I guess for a background check).

The problem was that I couldn't find a USB stick at first. Ordering one on Amazon would take too long, so I decided to go to the mall to buy one. Just before I left, my mom handed me a USB stick she found in some drawers.

I put the USB stick into the computer and started browsing. There were many files on it. Since hidden folders are shown on my computer, I noticed a folder named ".Trashes." I know this folder; on some USB sticks, when you delete a file, it is stored there, similar to the trash bin on a computer.

I decided to save everything on this USB stick to my computer, format the USB stick, and then put all the new files that my job required on it.

I went to the job interview and then forgot about this story.

Some weeks later, I woke up with an intuition. I remembered the scenario I had imagined and thought I should explore the contents of the USB stick. I went to the .Trashes folder, where I found some deleted PDF files and a folder named "bitcoin key". I clicked on it... and there was nothing in it, unfortunately. lol

But can you believe how what happened is EXACTLY how I envisioned myself getting the bitcoins in my scenario? Usually, when things like this happen to me, I just think it's coincidence, but this time it's too big for me not to believe that I consciously created these events.

Here is two screenshots of the hidden folder and what was inside it :

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