Monday, September 9, 2024

💡👨‍💻 According to a report, the number of crypto investors is not growing despite the market's rise.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia reported that cryptocurrency ownership has not increased, despite rising market prices. The research showed that from January 2022 to January 2024, the percentage of cryptocurrency holders dropped from 24.6% to 15.4%, even with the market recovering. 📉

Even significant events, such as the rise in Bitcoin prices in March 2023 and its halving in April, did not lead to a substantial increase in crypto asset ownership. However, interest in future cryptocurrency purchases has grown: from 10.6% in 2022 to 21.8% in April 2024. 💼

The study was based on surveys of 5,000 respondents. Meanwhile, according to the Federal Reserve, about 18 million people in the U.S. own cryptocurrency, significantly fewer than Coinbase's estimate of 52 million owners. 📊

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