Sunday, March 21, 2021

I put the entire plot of MGS into a text-generating AI and got a bitcoin scam.

To be fair, I've done this three times now with more coherent results. This, however, is not my goal. From here on out will be my different results.

The first attempt is crazy and just some copypasta mgs summary as source. The second attempt is with the entire MGS1 script (It's really dramatic for some reason and actually super sad). The third is the entire MGS timeline. (Which is a fucking rollercoaster) Now, please.. Enjoy.

/// - Start - Source: Random Summary from Reddit Copypasta - ///

The US finds out that Solid Snake is a Super Soldier

The US starts testing other super soldiers to fight in the war, including Liquid Snake, Shadow Moses, Giru, Liquid Ocelot, Liquid Fox, etc.....


The world is locked in a cold war, as North Korea and the US wage war in the skies over the world.

+ *WAR PLOTS * +

The US tells the Soviets it is firing at someone in Thailand, the Soviets tell the world it is hitting Korea

Korean folk songwriter Dengue Fever even creates a war anthem for the war, to get more people on side


After 9/11, the US starts a war on Afghanistan

The USSR openly speaks about Korea, saying that it is a sovereign nation and their Government is in a state of anarchy


In reality, the crisis in North Korea is actually a cat and mouse game between a foreign intelligence agency and a NK cell in South Korea

By the time the CIA gets around to sending Snake there, South Korea has been liberated, the NK cell and a majority of its membership have been eliminated and it was all in a days work for Snake.

So in a round about way, the North Korean crisis was a Cold War psy op, designed to create maximum chaos and confusion, and was a smoke screen to divert attention from the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

Thanks to ninja robot Snake, the UN didn't need to deploy their forces in Korea, or help the American invaders, a plan that the US devised, and funded


The Russian Super Soldiers, kill half the CIA base in Russia, with only half the fighting force in place, and were only around to attack when the "Fall" comes

The elite SF squad Silent Rabbit, infiltrated a Russian base and were ready to jump in to try and prevent a complete nuclear Armageddon



You can help by donating

We now have funding, and enough BTC to pay our bills. All you need to do is donate for a chance to win one of the three prizes, which can be seen here:

A link that I have deleted because it is a scam. You're welcome.

A little bit of my history

All along my mission has been to spread knowledge, one coin at a time

I began my journey by creating a web page, and educating people on the potential power of crypto

I was threatened by a man and forced to pay him one bitcoin for it, and take down my website

I built my website back up, and started another called, "The Crypto Currency Lounge"

I have spent my life educating the public, and the good people on the technology behind crypto

I now spend almost all my time educating people and writing about the power of bitcoin and other crypto currencies

Every article I write, I attempt to teach people a little more about bitcoin, or the implications of a world without money

My mission is to get people into the crypto currency community. To tell people about all the amazing things they could do with crypto

Every time you use crypto currency, you are actually helping out a starving artist in Kenya

Every time you use crypto currency, you are helping out a starving artist in Kenya

Crypto currencies can create, and entirely new way of thinking

We have a technology that can change the world, and a currency to do it. But to-

/// - End - /// Stopped because it kept repeating.

/// - Start - Source: Entire MGS1 Script - ///

Meryl : I know you can hear me, Snake. We were a little careless about the message. Please forgive us.

Snake : Yeah...I know... It's okay. No one can ever find out who I really am... We could stay out here forever... Just dreaming... We could live... In the jungle... Where the sun always shines.

Meryl : Sure.

Snake : That's a great place... We could be like the animals... In the jungle... Where everything is wild... Wild... Like your hair... Like the way you smell... Like your smile... Like the sound of your voice... Oh my god...

Meryl : Listen... If I knew anything... If I knew your name...

I'd have you in front of me right now...

I'd give you anything... I'd love you so much...

I don't even know your name...

Snake : I'll tell you.

Meryl : We are being watched...

Snake : The last mission... The one to Snakewood...

Meryl : Yes...

Snake : There was a woman there. Her name was Elizabeth Cole... She was killed in the battle. We found her body.

Meryl : She was beautiful... Very beautiful... Gentle... Soft... My God, I could smell her perfume... I want to be with you... I've never been so alone.

Meryl : I'm going to find her. I'll make sure she doesn't suffer... Her death was an accident... She didn't deserve to die... In the jungle... Where everything is wild... Yeah, we can stay here forever... Just dreaming... Wild... Like your hair... Like the way you smell... Like the sound of your voice... Oh my god...

Meryl : Listen...

Yes sir. Yes sir.

I agree completely. It takes a well-balanced individual... such as yourself... Such as yourself...

Meryl : Snake... We are being watched...

I know you can hear me...

We are being watched...

Meryl : (Meryl and Snake kiss.)

(The screen fades to black.)

We've all been watching the movie through the eyes of Snake. We've watched him grow as a person and as a man.

Now... This movie is coming to an end.

The movie comes to an end and Snake has changed. He has changed into the real Snake. He's become a leader...

Now... The time has come.

Return to Snakewood. Return to the bloodbath of Metal Gear Solid.

This is not over yet...

It's a battle for survival...

Climb into the closet... Please... Return to the underground base...

Once again. The big battle is about to start... Come on. We'll face your destiny.

Your last mission is coming soon.

Solidus... Rat... Psycho... Good.

This time... You have to face me.

The snake god... (snarling) Come on. Come on. Come on. I'm waiting.

I know that you won't go back...

I'm sorry... I'm sorry...


We're so powerful...

Solidus. Meryl... FoxDie. (snarling) Solidus... The snake god... (snarling) Bring it on...

Metal Gear Solid.

Go to the closet and bring all the things. Bring everything...

They were waiting for you...

The only thing left...

Metal Gear

/// - End - ///

/// - Start- Source: Entire MGS Timeline - ///

Big Boss is aware that this vision strongly diverged from The Boss vision of the world, and eventually closes the oxygen supply that keeps Major Zero alive. Snake and Big Boss reconcile, after which Big Boss dies in his arms. Snake, with a tear in his eye, pulls out the pistol that he promised to kill Big Boss with at the last battle. Oktoberfest Grounds

In MGS4, the Big Boss events take place 10 years later, at the end of the Vietnam War. The Big Boss we see in this MGS has died and left behind Solidus Snake. At the Oktoberfest Grounds, Snake visits Dr. Naomie Hunter, who now works for the newly formed Outer Haven.

Snake is brought to a room where Naomi Hunter explains that Liquid Ocelot's purpose was to merge with Big Boss' code, thus bringing together the Ocelot and the Snake personality. Snake is soon contacted by Ocelot, who thanks him for destroying the "twin impostor," only to be assassinated by Shadow Moses City's agent. Snake escapes the area and contacts Solidus Snake to inform him of what he had done.

With only a year to live and the FOXDIE mutating and threatening to kill everyone around him, he decides to commit suicide. Snake wakes up, confined to a wheelchair. His body looks older and more disfigured than before, having suffered over a dozen major injuries and accidents. At the opening of the door, Snake hears his wife saying the words "In both Shadow Moses and FOXHOUND's history, this door has been locked by a man who gave his life for his family. We won't let you die like him." After this, the game ends with a newly opened door and the Fox motif's phrase "You need to open the door." The curtain ends to reveal Liquid Ocelot, who had been hiding behind the curtain all along.


In MGS4, the Big Boss events take place 30 years later. After the events at the innermost town, Liquid Ocelot attacks the Eastern Reich to avenge the death of Liquid Ocelot, who himself was killed by Big Boss. After disposing of the Korean ANL militia, Ocelot has the Birdmen force Solid Snake out of his cell and into the underground hallway.

At the end of the hallway, Ocelot begins to tell a story of his experiences. After the death of his mother in WW2, Ocelot immigrated to America. At a bar, he encountered Solid Snake, and since he had never seen someone so selfless, Ocelot joins the Japanese Patriots. Despite not having a handler, Ocelot begins to call himself "The Boss" in an attempt to obtain respect for his knowledge of the Patriots.

While being hunted down by the ANL, Ocelot turns to them for help and kills the members of the ANL when they are too slow to escape.

After Snake defeats Kojima, Ocelot joins in the gunfire against Kojima's men. After Snake throws him out of the car and Kojima has him hanged, Ocelot becomes a scarred, bloodied, and mutilated criminal, but still retains his desire to fight. When he is first attacked by Albert Wesker, Ocelot releases a swarm of decoy HALOs to evade his first attack. After Wesker defeats the decoys, Ocelot advances and shoots him in the shoulder with his single remaining bullet. After Wesker defeats Ocelot, Ocelot steals his shotgun and escapes on a motorbike.

Ocelot is shown fighting in open field against members of the SOE, but ultimately flees from the facility when the rest of the inmates arrive. Later, Ocelot tracks Snake to the South of Japan. Ocelot attempts to fight Snake, but Snake escapes through a side tunnel. As Snake proceeds to cut the ropes on his wheelchair, Ocelot shoots Snake in the legs. After Snake runs off, Ocelot attempts to follow, but his wounds prevent him from doing so. Snake gets on the hovercraft in hopes of fleeing on it.

Ocelot notices Snake trying to leave and hops on the hovercraft himself. Ocelot attempts to kill Snake with his rocket launcher, but Snake manages to disable it and lock himself inside a compartment. Ocelot tries to escape on the hovercraft, but Snake manages to stop him and Snake then proceeds to shoot Ocelot, destroying the hovercraft.

Eventually, Ocelot is pushed out of a vent and shoots himself in the head. Suit 1 In MGS3, the Big Boss events take place during The Second Raid on Shadow Moses Island in the United States. During the final part of the game, after his resurrection and defeat at the hands of Solid Snake, Ocelot manages to kidnap Liquid Snake. After he finds the fake Snake, Ocelot kills him in a bathtub, but then begins to melt down the body.

After the Big Boss events, Ocelot appears during Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance where he is shown working in a soup kitchen. He is greeted by Liquid Snake and in the resulting fight, Ocelot forces Liquid Snake to reveal the location of Solid Snake. After defeating the guards that are transporting Solid Snake, Ocelot forces his way into the truck transporting Snake and finally captures him. He forces the helicopter carrying Snake down to the ground but as he is distracted by Ray Ali, Big Boss interrupts the helicopter and saves the prisoner.

The game then cuts to a funeral where the family of Liquid Snake wishes the prisoner farewell.

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

At the beginning of the game, Ocelot is shown firing a tactical assault rifle. Later in the game, Ocelot is shown spying on Liquid, observing the latter torturing Big Boss. He captures the video and informs the Big Boss of Liquid's intentions, but does not inform his superiors. Later, he interrogates Liquid in his cell and is shown to be quite brutal. When he finishes, he reveals that he has a bomb within the armor, which kills Ocelot.

Suit 2

In the middle of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, Ocelot is captured by the ANL. He is tortured for weeks and then sends his data to Solidus Snake, although the latter is not interested in the data. Ocelot then explodes, presumably as a warning to Solidus. This version of Ocelot also says that his superiors want him to be captured and killed by the ANL. Solidus contacts Ocelot and rewards him for his service, then orders him to have the nuke in order to stop the Soviets. Ocelot is sent to Russia to disarm the bomb, but before he can do so he is attacked by the clone of Big Boss that was built by Liquid

-/// End ///-

Continue Generating? . . .

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