Sunday, March 21, 2021

The Julian Assange mystery

I'm trying to "put pieces together" concerning Julian Assange and I think the rabbit hole is deeper than most of us think.

- First he released some documents about Iraq that somehow change the course of the war.

- Then he didn't really supported Bradley Maning who ended up in jail and later changed his sexual orientation becoming a "female" lol.

- He also released all US embassy cables and messages showing an overall disturbing / troubling US geo politic schemes. He did this somehow masterfully with press relays and cover up.

- He was also speaking publicly on a regularr basis to journalist from UK where he was living "freely".

- He started then to become really visible, troublesome and powerful and not long after the banks and "system" cut him access to bank account, to receive donations etc.

- Then as replacement solution very early in time he started to receive Bitcoins as donations, who made him and / or Wikileaks likely billionaire in 2021.

- Thereafter came phony accusations of rape from swedish womens later, which seemed to have been dropped in the end.

- Then because of the above come his long sojourn into the Equatorian Embassy

- From there he is not so visible anymore, his action physical actions are very limited.

- Then not long before Trump elections... some disastrous event seemed to have happened more or less in simultaneity to Wikileaks web site / system integrity / PGP Keys etc and maybe also to Julian Assange physical integrity in the Equatorian Embassy.

- Also notice the huge Twitter and Youtube (andmore ?) that happened at that period, many at that moment said Wikileaks "dead man" switch had been activated but then "disrupted" thanks to Twitter, Youtube etc not functioning.

- So at this point in time (mid-late 2016), short before Trump was elected... Wikileaks and Assange seemed to have been "flipped off" and maybe subverted by a 3 letters (foreign ?) agency.

- Then after those "events" , Assange became quite totally irrelevant, same for Wikileaks that started to publish "weird shit" and Wikileaks organization started to behave with a different "protocol" at it used to, also changing PGP keys etc.

- And since then at a personal level, Assange life seemed to have been a never ending "nightmare" in between been "locked down" in the Equatorian Embassy and UK arrestation etc...

- Obviously (serious) people who were sending sensitive informations / revelations / datas to Assange / Wikileaks in before 2016 / Trump election time stopped thereafter seeing Wikileaks and Assange being compromised.

The most important thing that matter I think is what could Assange / Wikileaks have received (document, information, etc) that made him and Wikileaks so "dangerous" ?

I doubt his fate and Wikileaks take over was only as a revenge for his previous (epic?) doings (publishing Iraqi war videos and embassy cables mostly)

Personally I think Assange had received before mid 2016 the most secret / "sensitive informations on Earth", with proof , documents, etc.

Likely some stuff Julian Assange himself pissed in his pants when received it lol.

Think stuff like Secret Space Program, Time Travel computer device / looking glass or maybe even aliens or "occults" stuffs.

And that somehow this is linked to "Trump and Russia" since Wikileaks "falling down" and Assange personal "troubles" started just before Trump election and since Russia seems linked to current so called Wikileaks.

Somehow I even think for some reason Trump could NOT have been elected if Assange and Wikileaks were not "neutralized" before hand as it happened. I think there is a strong connection lol.

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