Thursday, May 27, 2021

Cardano Rumor Rundown MAY 27 2021

Hey Everyone!

Let's go...

Newly covered today:

  1. Paypal moving away from the “walled garden” model. This is decentralization teaching the legacy institutions a lesson.
  2. Charles is interviewed on Yahoo Finance where he explained: 1) how the lack of an obvious decentralized governance system in ETH and BTC will cripple their efforts as they attempt to scale and the founders/core developers start losing prominence, 2) the ADA EUTXO system is vastly more scaleable with it’s local state being so much more amenable to sharding than ETH’s global state system, 3) Cardano has a high willingness to bring on users in hypergrowth areas like Africa where ETH seems to have little interest, and 4) ETH does not seem to be as highly concerned with interoperability which might become highly valuable in the future.
  3. Cardano 360 is tomorrow. Don’t miss it if you want to hear about all the awesome things happening with Alonzo (smart contracts), Hydra (scalability), and everything else!

Previously Covered but still interesting:

  1. Biden Administration in early stages of regulating crypto. But, the news outlet here is reporting chatter among securities lawyers that Gary Genseler (new SEC Head) will approve a crypto ETF as a means of throwing a bone to conservative law makers.
  2. Africa special going down April 29th, 16:30 UTC!!!!!!! That’s 9:30amPacific; 10:30am Mountain; 12:30pm Eastern, 5:30pm Dublin; 7:30pm Addis Ababa; 11:30pm Bangkok.
  3. Shahaf Bar-Geffen, CEO of COTI (the first recipient of a Cardano CFund investment), says he just finished recording his segment in the Africa special which he mentioned was airing at the end of April prior to the IOHK announcement of April 29th. He also said: 1) ADA Pay may be ready in early May or maybe even late April; 2) there will be a big launch for ADA Pay and once the Africa Special airs “everything will connect”; 3) “people are probably not getting how big this is….but you will down the line”; 4) COTI integration with a major exchange is happening, progress is not as quick as they would like, but it’s progressing; 5) last week they released the possible designs for debit cards, they are even considering some designs submitted by the community; 6) and iOS and Android integration is coming along nicely and well on the way.
  4. For a little more background on the work going on between COTI and Cardano, check out these links.
  5. It looks like Yellow Card and Payway are listed on the Africa Special website. Given their business models, it is easy to guess that they could be valuable in the Pan Africa Strategy.
  6. Partnership with World Mobile in Tanzania. Credit to Reddit user /u/ricklepicklemydickle for originally finding this one.
  7. Recap from yesterday: the Africa Special Announcements revealed some additional puzzle pieces 1) COTI’s AdaPay is possibly the larger payments infrastructure puzzle piece, 2) is possibly the local payments puzzle piece, 3) is possibly the local coin exchange puzzle piece, and 4) World Mobile (not mentioned at AFAIK) may be the network connectivity puzzle piece. I think they are going to connect a lot of disparate pieces for us on the 29th.
  8. Once again we are the champions! Not just of github commits this time, but also of total staked asset value.
  9. Rick interviewed CardStarter which is a Cardano accelerator. The interesting items are 1) it appears they are purporting to somehow insure their community backers against certain financial losses with caveats, 2) they plan to fund projects prior to token launch through token vouchers, and 3) it sounds like they are building a DEX called Card Swap. Notice that the “insurance” comes with caveats. They were very transparent on that point and people should take notice. Is CardStarter good? Is it bad? I have no idea. Watch the interview and form your own opinion.
  10. The Cardano Foundation has adjusted its delegation strategy. This brings up a question: where does the balance lie between allowing Adam Smith’s hidden hand to work its free market magic and trying to help small pools?
  11. More details on what the COTI/Cardano partnership will actually look like. Also COTI’s Trust Chain runs on a DAG. It’s probably high time we all understand WTF a DAG is.
  12. We’ve had really good reporting from the community on World Mobile developments with Cardano. I just want to take a second to thank you guys. Reddit user /u/ricklepicklemydickle first alerted us to the World Mobile developments and then youtube user Whiskey 1234 (love both usernames btw) let us know that he attended a conference where he encountered World Mobile and “asked them if they knew about Cardano blockchain and the reply was they were announcing partners at the end of this month.” Thank you very much for this intel guys.This is what Army of Spies is all about. Many thanks for your contributions, gentlemen.
  13. Alko Sumatra Kopi is going to export 100 tonnes of coffee from Sumatra to China and track it all farm to cup using Emurgo Trace! We reported previously on the engagement of Emurgo Trace here and now it’s being put into action.
  14. In Charles’s recent AMA, he mentioned that the Africa Special will be a Pan African event and they WILL talk about various deals they have in multiple countries. So, this tells us they do have multiple deals in multiple countries. That was a little unclear previously.
  15. IOHK’s Development Update for this week includes news that end-to-end tests of the ERC-20 Converter are commencing along with a mention of some oracle work under the Goguen update section.
  16. The number of defi projects that have announced plans to be on Cardano just keeps climbing with joining the list of Liqwid, Occam, and CardSwap/CardStarter.
  17. Kraken publishes a “What is Cardano?” article. Says “...Cardano may not promise new ground-breaking features..” Oh yeah? What about native tokens that don’t require smart contracts? What about the EUTXO model allowing predictable and accurate local calculation of transaction fees in your wallet before you execute? What about a consensus algorithm that’s so good, another top 10 coin made their system derivative of it? That’s all standard these days?
  18. There’s a new stake pool explorer on the block. Check out the geographic map and the epoch calendar.
  19. First reactions from the “Ocean” are looking good!
  20. I hope everyone enjoyed their sweet, savory, and delicious staking rewards yesterday!
  21. In today’s video, we’re also going to go much deeper on how the COTI DAG works. But, don’t worry at all you’ll totally understand it when we’re done.
  22. Binance Smart Chain has already laid out a very compelling argument that we’re going to CRUSH Ethereum.
  23. Charles does a big interview with Forbes and points out the huge differences between a bonded staking system (ETH) and a liquid staking system (Cardano). This is highly overlooked.
  24. Charles also covers his projections about interoperability and the future converging on a “wifi moment” when an interoperable “internet of blockchains” emerges. In this future, it will be a race to the bottom and the systems that are too expensive to operate will simply be priced out of the game.
  25. New Africa Special Trailer dropped. The narrator: “We are partnering with African governments…” That was PLURAL governments, guys! This is getting exciting.
  26. The Africa Bird lands a few days early!!!!!!!! It’s a deal with the Ethiopian Ministry of Education to provide a Cardano ID solution and unified records system for 5 million Ethiopian students. Charles says there will be more news tomorrow at the Africa Special.
  27. We’re getting reports from Army of Spies member /u/ ricklepicklemydickle that World Mobile is reporting in its telegram group that it will be dropping some news tomorrow!
  28. A new Cardano metrics platform has launched
  29. Today is the Cardano Africa Special. It’ll be at 9:30am Pacific, 10:30am Mountain, 12:30pm Eastern, 5:30pm Dublin, 7:30pm Addis Ababa, 11:30pm Bangkok. 1:30amTokyo. Go enjoy! We’ll recap it after.
  30. In today’s video we also cover questions about the relationship between Atala Prism and ADA and who will actually benefit from the Cardano Projects with African governments.
  31. The Africa Special made it clear that Cardano has a brilliant grand strategy for the developing world. As framed by John O’Connor this would be: 1) provide digital identity; 2) provide digital transfer of value; and 3) provide programmability of that digital value.
  32. Mickey Watkins (CEO of World Mobile) added a step zero to the formula above with: 0) provide access to the digital world.
  33. As has previously been mentioned, it was officially announced that Cardano is partnered with World Mobile to provide digital connectivity to people in the developing world starting in Tanzania. They plan to have 100k subscribers in Zanzibar by the end of the year.
  34. This is just the beginning in Africa. John O’Connor had a nice tweet that very succinctly laid out some future plans.
  35. Coindesk editor refuses to acknowledge that Cardano has a deal with a national government, gets relentlessly trolled, then finally capitulates and decides to cover the Ethiopian Ministry of Education project.
  36. The Cardano Africa Mini addition gives us more details on the actual rollout of the Ethiopia Ministry of Education deal: 1) all 700k teachers and a subset of the students who will get tablets will be registered in the first year; 2) all secondary school students will be registered in the second year which will bring us to 5MM students; and 3) the data will be used to analyze both students and teachers.
  37. If you don’t believe that Atala runs on Cardano please watch this video which lays out definitely and exactly how Atala runs on Cardano. Please feel free to wantonly debunk anyone on the interwebs who says otherwise. Thank you to IOHK technical architect Alexis Hernandez for this video!
  38. I don’t know if everyone watched the last few minutes of the Africa Special. But, I think a lot of people missed the section where John O’Connor said the goal of Cardano in Africa is to issue 100 MILLION digital identities in the next two years. To give you some idea of scale here, shows a highest ever daily number of new wallets at around 71k. If we onboard 100 Million people via digital identity over two years that would be 136,986 people per day. ETH only has 150MM unique wallets to date.
  39. John also mentioned that all of the 100k subscribers to World Mobile in Zanzibar this year will have digital identities on Atala Prism. They will also be offering so-called “RealFi” loans by Q1 of next year that will be made via Cardano liquidity and will act as a bridge to real world value.
  40. Charlie Munger thinks crypto is “disgusting”. That’s a wonderful thing because it tells you how early you are. This is especially true in Cardano which is a project that leads with empathy for the developing world. Will he still call that disgusting if we’ve brought financial inclusiveness to an entire continent in five or ten years. Probably he won’t say anything because he won’t have lived that long. But, you get the point.
  41. The state authorities in Wyoming are so far ahead of the curve it’s scary. Now they’re putting aside $4 million for staking. On the private side, Caitlin Long should be declared a state treasure for making a lot of this happen.
  42. I will be in a tent in a beautiful place where there will be very limited internet access. So, no text format Cardano Rumor Rundown until Saturday. The youtube version has been pre-recorded and is scheduled to come out on the normal daily schedule:
  43. There is supposed to be some kind of mid-month update on Plutus. Charles hinted in a recent update that everything is going really well on that front.
  44. There will be an update on Mithril at the end of the month. You will remember from previous coverage that Mithril is a means to create trustless light wallets via recursive snarks similar to Mina. ZK-SNARK = zero knowledge succinct non-interactive argument of knowledge.
  45. Charles is setting aside $9MM to be shared by two research labs to be set up: one at University of Edinburgh and one at an undisclosed institution.
  46. Doge Mania might be hitting a new peak (as a cultural artifact at least) tonight with Elon’s appearance on SNL. There are many different perspectives you can take on how this might impact ADA. I find the following two the most interesting: 1) if the Doge pump is followed by an inevitable crash it could sour a giant group of new adopters on crypto; or 2) it might be a gateway drug that will turn a large group of new adopters on to better projects.
  47. The Essential Cardano List is published by IOHK. (credit to /u/cascading_disruption for pointing this out)
  48. NFTs are now available. The website says 50% will go to a community voted animal charity.
  49. For those learning Haskell, Check out this new video on Type Theory.
  50. Also, Lars puts out a new Plutus Pioneers video on Native tokens.
  51. ADA is the most crypto of all cryptos. George of CryptosRUs pointed out in a recent video that he couldn’t find any trace of a VC firm owning Cardano in its portfolio in his search of the categories section on CMC. This makes sense if you know Cardano. Would freedom and decentralization loving Satoshi not throw up a little in his mouth to find out that VC ownership of cryptos was a metric people would care about in 2021? The lack of VC stake in the very decentralized and freedom loving Cardano only adds to our already iron-clad claim on the mantle of the most crypto of all crypto projects. Our ecosystem never sought to attract VC money that would only centralize ownership in a smaller number of hands. This doesn’t even address the current extreme centralization of block validation in BTC and ETH.
  52. IOHK has dropped a new article on the status of KEVM and IELE. Grigori Rosu of Runtime Verification says a proof-of-concept of IELE should be ready in six months. This is a key component in how we get to the ocean of all developers as we grow beyond the pond.
  53. Cardano saw a new challenger enter the scene with Internet Computer (ICP) debuting very high on the CoinMarketCap charts. However, a look into ICP makes one question whether they are really in the Gen. 3 Blockchain race at all given that available information indicates the blockchain runs via datacenters hosting standardized hardware and that those datacenters can only join the network with the permission of the “Network Nervous System”. You could say that the winner of the Gen. 3 Blockchain race needs to solve the blockchain trilemma of decentralization, security, and scalability. If that’s true, then it’s arguable that ICP is not even competing in the decentralization leg of the race.
  54. The new venture of Sebastien, Nico, and Robert Kornacki is announced: That’s a hell of a team!!!!
  55. The Cardano Subreddit hit 400k users!
  56. Alonzo Testnet Updates.
  57. IOHK drops a blog entry on the strategic partners in the Plutus rollout!
  58. Does Elon’s move away from BTC (ostensibly for environmental reasons) hold promise for ADA?
  59. The case for Cardano to replace BTC with Tesla and beyond is building.
  60. Charles makes the case for collaboration with Starlink in Africa.
  61. People are starting to realize what the real value of NFTs will be. It’s not in collectibles.
  62. The Cardano Development Update for this week is out.
  63. The Cardano 360 team also dropped a video with specific mid-month Alonzo testnet updates. At the timestamp in the link below the vid lays out the various test groups and when they will participate.
  64. We are seeing some small pools retiring. We’ll obviously see more and more of this as time marches on. But, here’s a salute to the small pools that gave it a go! This SPO also brought us which we have covered here before.
  65. John O’Connor on CNBCAfrica! He gave a really good explanation of how Africa with it’s already very high adoption of mobile payment wallets can leapfrog the legacy payment systems currently in use in more developed countries. He also reiterated that Cardano will expand to five countries this year and 20 next year!
  66. This tweet by u/TheADAApe pretty much sums it all up. When people ask me how I knew, I’m going to point them to this post.
  67. To hear about something truly good happening in the Cardano ecosystem check out this interview with Mickey Watkins, CEO of World Mobile, on the Hotel Cardano podcast. Really good details on World Mobile's connecting the unconnected in sub-Saharan Africa!
  68. What if these two got to talking about what Atala Prism could bring to the table for students in the city of Miami?
  69. The saga of BTC maximalists being angry at Elon continues with Elon implying that Tesla could sell its BTC while Cardano continues just doing its thing like normal.
  70. Likewise, Marc Cuban tried to FUD real world use of Cardano only to be confronted with a giant infographic of use cases and partnerships along with an explanatory video just for him.
  71. Initial Stakepool Offerings (“ISOs”) are here. Crypto is no stranger to novel means of capital formation and now the Cardano ecosystem is getting in on the action. Here is SundaeSwap’s explanation of how ISOs will work.
  72. ICYMI, Manuel Chakravarty reminds us all that his Cardano Summit 2020 talk is publicly available for questions on native assets. Really interesting discussion of the asset identifier just being a hash of the policy script and how that helps create a super lightweight easy to use system.
  73. Elon confirms that Tesla has not sold any BTC.
  74. Charles makes a whole video about how to fix Doge.
  75. The Ecosystem is getting even bigger every day we inch closer to Alonzo!
  76. The Cardano Foundation is out to do something incredible with supply chains as described in the fireside chat! In his previous Cardano Live appearance, Frederik Gregaard, CF CEO, also expressed a very healthy and sustainable perspective on what DeFi should become. He compared the current state of DeFi to just moving funds from your left pocket to your right pocket and taking profit.
  77. The ISO model entering the capital formation toolbox in Cardano is going to make the stake pool game extremely interesting with SPOs scrambling to find the right balance between rewarding ADA and giving their delegators other things like tokens. Some stake pools could even become like portfolio funds with relationships with many different projects the tokens of which are given to delegators. Babel Fees could also play a role here for smart SPOs as they may allow access to a wide variety of tokens in the ecosystem that could be used to reward delegators with a sort of index fund exposure to a wide variety of Cardano projects.
  78. May Cardano 360 coming one week from today (always the last Thursday of the month).
  79. New delegations from IOHK are out. Congrats to the selected SPOs.
  80. The Cardano Foundation has released the full video of the Fireside Chat with Eva and Fred. Lots of questions answered on a variety of fronts. Very interesting remarks including that in discussions with financial institutions, Fred has found they are interested in exposure to the alpha provided by the asset class in general, tokenization of assets, and the yield provided by staking rewards. Fred counters that they SHOULD be far more interested in the Cardano standard including the concepts of reference accounts, programmability of money, and transaction metadata.
  81. In a video press release yesterday, the Fed finally admitted that it’s moving toward a central bank digital currency (just like every other central bank). This will eventually be impactful on Cardano and every other crypto ecosystem.
  82. The Treasury is trying to figure out how to get cryptocurrency regulation in a headlock. This will probably go hand-in-hand with the Fed’s March toward a CBDC. Afterall, what good is all the tracking and monitoring afforded by a CBDC if it’s easier for everyone to just use a non-central bank digital currency? Tax evasion in crypto is also obviously a target problem since we know only about 800 people a year paid taxes on crypto in 2013-2015.
  83. The Cardano Foundation has released the full video of the Fireside Chat with Eva and Fred. Lots of questions answered on a variety of fronts. Very interesting remarks including that in discussions with financial institutions, Fred has found they are interested in exposure to the alpha provided by the asset class in general, tokenization of assets, and the yield provided by staking rewards. Fred counters that they SHOULD be far more interested in the Cardano standard including the concepts of reference accounts, programmability of money, and transaction metadata.
  84. In a video press release yesterday, the Fed finally admitted that it’s moving toward a central bank digital currency (just like every other central bank). This will eventually be impactful on Cardano and every other crypto ecosystem.
  85. The Treasury is trying to figure out how to get cryptocurrency regulation in a headlock. This will probably go hand-in-hand with the Fed’s March toward a CBDC. Afterall, what good is all the tracking and monitoring afforded by a CBDC if it’s easier for everyone to just use a non-central bank digital currency? Tax evasion in crypto is also obviously a target problem since we know only about 800 people a year paid taxes on crypto in 2013-2015.
  86. Charles has now added the Jack Dorsey edition to his series of “Let’s Educate Crypto Adjacent Celebrities” videos.
  87. ...and still...KINGS OF THE GITHUB! May our reign never end.
  88. Some banks still won’t allow customers to buy crypto with their accounts. In 2021, this is still a thing.
  89. Even the Pope is condemning Proof-of-Work? At least, that’s how the crypto community took a recent tweet.
  90. Apparently, you can now have your own Stakepool run for you for $122/month in a Stakepool-as-a-Service arrangement.
  91. If you want to see how the Cardano NFT space has been heating up, you can check out CNFT resale listings at Lovelace Marketplace.
  92. Ethiopia awards new Telecom license as promised. The winner, a consortium including Vodafone, Safaricom, and Sumitomo; will invest $8 billion in their network in Ethiopia in the next 10 years and will cover the country in 4G.
  93. Check out this new infographic explaining how World Mobile Works!
  94. Cardano hits 1MM wallets!
  95. Set your calendars! The May Cardano 360 is this Thursday!
  96. Charles releases a 90 Day Countdown to Alonzo video.
  97. Institutional inflows into Cardano get some coverage by the crypto press.
  98. Charles and Kim Dotcom have a conversation about PoW miners possibly fleeing China with all of their hardware.
  99. Cardano gets a little coverage on NBC for it’s energy efficiency.
  100. Plutus Pioneers Lecture #7 is out.
  101. Yesterday was ADA Payday with the end of Epoch 267. I hope everyone made lots of sweet delicious staking rewards!

~Army of Spies

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