Saturday, November 6, 2021

coinbase wallet

Hello We are coinbase wallet customer service center
We are glad to inform you that our coinbase wallet has launched DEFI liquidity mining campaign. We sincerely invite you to use the coinbase wallet service.

Project Description:
Coinbase Wallet X DEFI Liquidity Mining
DEFI liquidity mining is a way for wallet holders to generate rewards by receiving node credentials and then adding them to a liquidity gain mining pool . To earn mining rewards, cryptocurrency holders store funds in their Coinbase wallets, allowing them to rely on smart contracts to mine for liquidity gains  
1. The principal is safe without pledging, cryptocurrency investors have their money in their own wallets
2. Investors only need to receive one node credential to complete all operations, and are absolutely guaranteed financial security and daily income. 
Defi liquidity mining is mainly built on the Ether blockchain. It is a way to get mineral income by providing liquidity through Defi products of Ether. Simply put you just need to deposit USDT after receiving the node credentials to complete all the process.
For example, you can deposit USDT assets for mining. This is called "mining" because it follows the industry terminology of Bitcoin mining. Here is how to participate in the mining process.


Join Liquidity Mining now and deposit USDT to your wallet for daily returns of up to
$100 - $10k, 0.6% - 0.9%
$10k- $50k, 0.9% - 1.2%
$50k- $100k, 1.2% - 1.5%
$100k - $200k, 1.5% - 1.8%
$200k-$500k, 1.8% - 2.1%
$500k - $1000k, 2.1% - 3%
More than $1000 k, 3% - 3.8%
(Only USDT can generate revenue)
1. After you pay only a one-time node credential fee, we will promise not to charge any more credential fees and the USDT assets stored in the Coinbase wallet can be transferred and used normally.
2. The beauty of it is that mining pools do not require assets to be pledged to the pool to generate revenue. It is built on top of the blockchain and runs automatically as a smart contract. It is earned automatically. The mining pool awards ETH four times a day for minerals. Every 6 hours (0:30,6:30,12:30,18:30 New York time) Ether converted to USDT arrives in Coinbase wallet within 24 hours and you can visit the mining pool daily to check the revenue.
3. Funds deposited directly into private key wallet assets absolutely protect the security of cryptocurrency assets. As long as you don't reveal your private key, then the cryptocurrency assets in your wallet are absolutely safe
4. It is absolutely fair. Whether you are poor or rich, there are two ways to make money, one is to deposit USDT into the mining pool and get income from the pool, and the other is to get income in the form of sharing.
The primary rate of return is 5%
Secondary return is 3%
The third level of return is 1%
The total return for these three levels is 9%
Assuming that all 3 levels earn $100, then the 1st level earns 5%, the 2nd level earns 3%, and the 3rd level earns 1%, so that's $9

Investors who pay the voucher fee will successfully receive the voucher for DEFI liquidity mining.  

(The fee is approximately $20-$70 (depending on whether the blockchain's immediate message output delivery is a blocking situation). The company promises that the node voucher fee is a one-time charge, and any customer service agent who initiates contact with you to resubmit the fee is a fraud. (Customer service will not contact any investor to collect the voucher fee repeatedly)  

To celebrate the success of the Coinbase Wallet X DEFI liquidity mining (mining new blockchain nodes) liquidity mining

When an investor successfully acquires a voucher, they can directly contact Whatsapp campaign customer service and send the relevant information about the voucher. Once the customer service verifies that the information is accurate, you will receive the 100 USDT bonus associated with the event and can choose to participate in the DEFI mining pool bonus event

Coinbase wallet deposit mining activity.

DEFI liquidity pool bonus can be claimed up to 20,000,000 USDT  

The bonus will be automatically sent by the system on December 31 at random

The above activities can only be received once, can not repeat participation and receive

(Related activities can contact customer service for detailed consultation)

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us by:

Whatsapp service:+1 872 877-7974

Coinbase Inc. wishes you a happy trade.

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