Sunday, January 31, 2021

An observation

So hear me out (whoever the 5 people that read this are lol)

There is a HUUUUUUUUGE hole in the crypto market rn, there are absolutely no mid level coins, just shit coin, kinda okay coin, and then Bitcoin, A Huge hole in there for a few good coins, worth probably $7k-$14k (kinda arbitrary but realistically Bitcoin will probably always be an outlier) and more than one can move up, I see no reason why doge can’t be one of them, along with other coins like xrp and eth or literally any other coin It seems likely doge’s actual value will probably go up along with its meme value, ie. It gets funnier the more doge is worth, and if we can get it accepted by some Major companies, it will just continue to go up. It probably won’t be immediately at all (in fact almost certainly) becauseThat’s just unrealistic, but at some point in the next year doge could actually have a shot to end up as one of these mid level currencies as the crypto space continues to catch further fire. The huge gap between Bitcoin and everything else won’t last, something will level in the middle Best strat would be to put $20 in multiple currencies but this is not financial advice

Another observation:

The hedge funds have until Thursday feb 4 to pay out their short sale contracts for $GME, and they didn’t even come close to filling them on Friday, four days of pumping money into $GME, with Thursday being the likely high, with lots of capitol flooding back onto the market due to all the people who hold $GME going off and selling it because the short squeeze will effectively be over

Additionally, Wednesday the 3rd or Thursday the 4th are the likely days that anyone who put money into Robinhood to buy doge, will have their funds settled, and then in turn buy doge. Furthermore, as more people hear about doge, they’ll probably try and buy on Robinhood because it’s the most well known, leading to kinda probable exponential growth as the 5 day mark continues to hit into Friday and onward, for money what transferred into Robinhood on succeeding days such as yesterday, today or tomorrow and so on.

If we can continue to hold the line and keep spreading the memes, we could easily see a pop on Thursday, not just to the moon but to Mars, Jupiter and out of the whole fkn solar system

I’m no expert and I could just be pointing out the obvious but keep those diamond hands steady y’all, we could be on the verge of a huge wealth transfer where millions of everyday people make a substantial amount of money, and then, and this is just my hope in humanity or whatever, but we’ll actually do some good with it unlike the people who literally just hoard all the fkn money currently and fraudulently trade all of the time yet get mad when the general people legitimately outsmart them and start to take their money. This has the makings, in conjunction with the $GME events, to be an absurdly historic time

Plus, what could be more hilarious than GAMESTOP making all the people at the top who gambled with the stock market like a game to lose, while fkn DOGE COIN rises in the background like a tsunami to even the playing field

Again, This could end up as the biggest shitpost of all time, or I’m actually onto something, or any possibly in between the two, who fkn knows

I don’t 😛

Also don’t be fkn stupid and put all your money in doge, it could just fall back down and do nothing as easily as it could go up and become the next high value crypto currency, buy doge responsibly and we’ll all be millionaires together


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