”Under every stone lurks a scorpion.” ~ przysłowie greckie z IV w. p.Ch.
Pod każdą skałą czai się skorpion. Nawet taki bolesny z gauntletem w ręku. W domicylu wujka Khana Mahometa ibn Salaama to normalne.
Breitbart: “teenager has died and two more injured after a deadly shooting in east London, sparking a murder probe and continuing London’s bloody crime wave. Officers were scrambled and friends rushed the 19-year-old man to the hospital after the incident in Walthamstow, at about 11 pm on Saturday, police said. They said they “believe they know his identity, but await formal identification and confirmation that next of kin have been informed”. No arrests have been made. A 17-year-old boy and a 24-year-old man were also seriously injured in the shooting. However their injuries are not life-threatening, the Evening Standard reports. A resident who lives in a flat overlooking the crime scene said he woke up to find police vehicles and officers blocking off both ends of Vallentin Road. The man, who did not want to be named, said: “It is just sad. “A shooting is horrible. I feel saddened for the family but I guess this sort of thing can happen anywhere now these days.” The gun death comes less than a day after a young man, 20, was killed in a “senseless” stabbing at a house party in north-east London.” http://bit.ly/2xI4Ed1
The Independent: “A teenager has been shot dead in the second youth murder in London within the space of 24 hours. Police were called to reports of a shooting in Walthamstow shortly after 11pm on Saturday night. The 19-year-old was driven by friends to a northeast London hospital, where he was pronounced dead around half an hour later. Officers believe they know his identity, but await formal identification and confirmation that next of kin have been informed. There has been no arrest at this early stage and enquiries are ongoing and a murder investigation has been launched. A local resident, who lives in a flat overlooking the street, said he woke up to find police cars and uniformed officers had taped off both ends of Vallentin Road. The resident of the inner-city district, who asked not to be named, told the Press Association: “It is just sad. “A shooting is horrible. I feel saddened for the family but I guess this sort of thing can happen anywhere now these days.” Cordons remain in place at the scene. It happened less than 24 hours after a 20-year-old man was stabbed to death in Hackney in the early hours of Saturday. Police were called at around 12:50am to a fight at a flat in Stamford Hill and the 20-year-old was pronounced dead several hours later. More than 100 murders have taken place in London so far this year, of which a third involved victims aged 16 to 24. Cressida Dick on London knife crime spike: 'We clearly, as a city, have a big problem' The Independent reported this week on concerns that the youth violence epidemic in London is leading to a mental health crisis among young people in the capital. Experts warned that a generation of young people had been traumatised by experiencing and witnessing violent deaths within their communities, at a time when youth psychological services have been cut. Mayor Sadiq Khan said on Wednesday that youth violence must be treated as a public health issue, and announced that £500,000 had been earmarked to establish the capital’s new Violence Reduction Unit, modelled on a long-term programme in Glasgow. Any witnesses or anyone with information should call police on 101 quoting CAD 7639sep22.” https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/murder-london-shooting-youth-walthamstow-met-police-a8550971.html
Niejaki DJ w pewnym klubie nocnym pod nickiem “Nana Banger” został zastrzelony, prawdopodobnie w skutek ran w metastenum tkankę stawną mesosternum z żebrami.
Dziwne że można połączyć dialektycznie nickname jednego - nieobecnego rapera, z jakimś slangowym, branżowym pojęciem utworu granego w 122 BPM na częstotliwości ± 60 Hz. Czasem oliwa lubi być wyekstraktowana od moszczu. To moje przysłowie.
Maoiści kontra fedoranie - czy fedoranie kontra papetyści Nowej Lewicy? Znowu korespondencja z północnego Kent.
The Independent: “Two 15-year-old boys have been arrested in Kent on suspicion of planning a far-right terror attack. The teenagers were detained at their homes in the seaside town of Ramsgate by counterterror detectives and are being questioned in custody. They were arrested on suspicion of “preparing for terrorist acts”, and The Independent understands the boys were allegedly planning an attack inspired by right-wing extremist ideology. Detective Superintendent Nigel Doak, of Counter Terror Policing South East, said: “I would like to reassure the local community that today’s arrests were pre-planned and intelligence-led, and there was no immediate threat to the public. “We are committed to tackling any and all ideologies which pose a threat to the public’s safety and security. We treat the threat from the extreme right in exactly the same way as any other threat.” The arrests came days after new government figures showed the number of white suspected terrorists being arrested in the UK has overtaken those of Asian appearance for the first time in more than a decade.” https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/kent-terror-far-right-boys-ramsgate-police-attack-15-latest-a8546876.html
Ponoć planowany atak terrorystyczny przez grupę 15-latków miał być wymierzony w społeczność wietnamską. Uniri, całkiem fajne statystyki w urywku tego artykułu się ukazują:
”Statistics released by the Home Office show an overall fall in terror arrests of 22 per cent in the year, with 351 made in the 12 months to the end of June. White suspects accounted for 38 per cent of terror-related arrests, followed by those of Asian appearance on 37 per cent and black suspects on 9 per cent. The demographics of terrorists in prison, where Islamists make up the majority, is also changing, as the number of far-right extremists jailed rises. Islamists make up 82 per cent of terrorist prisoners, followed by 13 per cent far-right and the rest made up of other ideologies including links to Northern Ireland.”
A jak wiadomo, wszystkie te ataki w ciągu ostatnich 12 miesięcy od daty napoczęcia procedur wyjścia z Europejskiej Wspólnoty Gospodarczej Wlk. Brytanii zmalały z 4,7% do 3,2%, lecz współczynnik przestępczości w regionach typu właśnie West Sussex i hrabstwie Kent wzrósł o 3% w pełni. (na podstawie danych pw. i wykresu: https://www.statista.com/statistics/202871/number-of-fatalities-by-terrorist-attacks-worldwide/) Jednak tym samym dowodzi fakt, dlaczego Yiunga nikt nie chwalił bardziej od Zedonga, a Jeroboama w Us jak Baphometa w Laosie. Poza tym, lewostronni papetyści to nie lewoskrętna-skrajna opcja prawicowa.
Cyna drożeje, baryłka złota 4,33$ (o -43 centy niższa), a Argety bawią się w najlepsze. Narazie ze swoim budżetem i własnym pesos.
La Nacion: “La negociación del Gobierno con el Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) por una ampliación del Stand-By Agreement (SBA) dio sus frutos: sumará entre US$3000 millones y US$5000 millones extra a los US$50.000 millones acordados en junio pasado, cifra que cerca del ministro de Hacienda, Nicolás Dujovne, consideran suficiente para cubrir los vencimientos de deuda de 2019 y 2020. Así lo confirmaron fuentes oficiales a LA NACION. También sostuvieron que parte de los fondos se adelantarán. Los recursos extra que recibirá el país cubrirán las necesidades del mediano plazo, según los números que maneja Hacienda. En septiembre pasado, Dujovne presentó los números del programa financiero argentino. Contemplaba fondos por US$12.000 millones ya acordados con el FMI , préstamos con organismos multilaterales por US$4600 millones (30%) y la supuesta de refinanciación del 100% de las Letes. Si todo eso se daba según lo previsto, el país solo tendría que colocar nueva deuda por US$2500 millones en el mercado doméstico. Pero en aquella ocasión el propio Dujovne dijo: "Creemos que este programa es absolutamente financiable y aun en estas condiciones va a ser reducido drásticamente si logramos un mejor acuerdo con el FMI, y de eso hablaremos en los próximos días", algo que finalmente ocurrirá e incluso superará las necesidades originalmente previstas por el equipo económico. En el Gobierno ratificaron, como informó este medio el viernes pasado, que el anuncio del nuevo acuerdo se hará finalmente esta semana. Fuentes oficiales habían calculado que será entre martes y miércoles, con Dujovne y el presidente del Banco Central (BCRA), Luis Caputo, en una probable conferencia de prensa, tal como sucedió en junio. En una agenda intensa en Nueva York, el presidente Mauricio Macri y Dujovne intentarán hoy retomar la confianza de los inversores, luego de meses críticos en los que la fuerte corrida cambiaria y el temor por las posibilidades de repago de la deuda -en medio de un contexto global adverso para los países emergentes- generaron que al país se le cerraran todas las vías de financiamiento en el mercado voluntario de crédito.” http://archive.is/NZjQ0
Kolejny “Stand-By Agreement” pieniędzy z waszyngtońskiego FEDu oraz Międzynarodowego Funduszu Walutowego - pożyczki dla Argentyny - popłynie strumieniem około 300 bilionów dolarów. Także potem 50 milionów i 12,5 miliona pożyczki ma popłynąć przez dwa lata (do 2020 r.) do budżetu inwestorskiego i budżetu finansującego programy socjalne dla biednych, bezrobotnych rodzin. Debet narodowy (PNN/YoY) wtedy wyniesie 2,5 miliona dolarów.
A już debetem powiało - najniższym od 33 tygodni - na rynku walutowym. Po tejże decyzji pesos spadł nie-zmiłowanie do poziomu -1,164 pkt. proc. I jeszcze kolejny spadek o -1,4 pkt. proc. zanotowano 25 września, dzień po uchwaleniu decyzji o pożyczkę. To mało dla sytuacji rodem z “Co się wydarzyło w Madison County” (nie filmu, a książki R.J. Waltera) , gdzie Francesca próbuje sprzedać farmę dla dobra Richarda, ale im bardziej kapitalizują się zyski, tym mocniej defraktuje się ich popyt. Aczkolwiek, zapaść w La Paz to definitywna kwestia czasu. Od 2001 r. nie raz ogłaszano bankructwa tego antylicznego (bo żyjącego na Antylach Holenderskich) kraiku, a korupcja i sprzedaż takich surowców jak oleju konopnego, czy ponczo z plecionek rosła i rosła.
Dobra, było trochę o heteropterusach teraz o narwalach. Z Tokyo. To jak nie Krakken jak w pierwszym wydaniu, ale groźniejszy.
Bloomberg: “The trustee liquidating cryptocurrencies on behalf of defunct exchange Mt. Gox has offloaded another 25.98 billion yen ($230 million) of Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash. The disposals were made in the period since the 10th creditors meeting was held on March 7, Nobuaki Kobayashi said in a statement on Tuesday. The total compares with 43 billion yen in the prior round of sales, which the bankruptcy attorney announced six months ago. Digital coin investors closely follow the moves of Kobayashi, who is known in crypto circles as the “Tokyo whale” because of the heap of tokens he controls. Japan-based Mt. Gox, once the largest Bitcoin exchange, filed for protection from creditors about four years ago after disclosing that it lost 850,000 Bitcoins. Back then, the haul was worth about $500 million but would now fetch more than $5 billion. The defunct company, which later said it recovered about 200,000 Bitcoins, blamed hackers for the loss. Based on the yen raised and the number of coins sold, the latest disposal received an average price of $8,100 per Bitcoin, according to calculations by Bloomberg. The cryptocurrency fell 3.5 percent to $6,394 as of 10:33 a.m. in London.”
Nie tylko teraz BTC, XBT, i ETH spadło. Początkowo Cash tego drugiego spadł o -3,591 pkt. proc. a wzrósł debet do -7,46 pkt. proc. wyżej. Ethereum spadł z -3,500 do -13,306 pkt. proc. (-18,4% mniej), a Litecoin z -2,922 do -6,572 pkt. proc. (o -9,6% mniej). O Ripple lepiej nie wspominać, bo zamykanie kantorów z tą ultra rzadką walutą kłóci się z prawem konstruktywności pieniądza w obiegu 32-bitowym. A gatunek hyperoniczny magicus goxus zamienił się w magicus gatheriae coxcus. Byleby wkrótce cały skład bazaru nie kosztował 19$ za jeden DNS.
Poza tym, kawaii people czekają na kolejne wybicie się inflacji o 0,4%.
ZeroHedge: “In FX, the dollar index is clinging to recovery gains just above the 94.000 level as the clock begins to tick down to Wednesday’s FOMC meeting, but largely due to dovish/bearish impulses from the BoJ and resultant JPY weakness vs the Greenback alongside other major counterparts on a cross basis. Indeed, Usd/Jpy looks poised to probe 113.00 as Governor Kuroda effectively endorsed further upside potential given ongoing easy policy in Japan vs more normalisation in the US. Technically, 113.24 forms the 200 WMA, and the 2018 high so far is 113.40, assuming the big figure is surpassed and that could be down to the Fed via September’s SEP and/or the tone of the accompanying statement given that another 25 bp hike seems baked in.” https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-09-25/global-stocks-jump-trade-political-fears-fade-10y-yield-hits-311
W sam raz, kurczak w wasabi.
Czytanie listu św. Pawła Praeta do Kasandryczyków:
“Najmilsi, albo oddacie nam dług i zastaw uregulujecie nam, albo wpierdziel.” -Koniec listu-
Program walutowy TARGET-2, jak i los Józka Tria znów skontarbinowany pod dyktandem polityki fiskalnej. Mario podpowiada Luiginiemu żeby podwyższył koszty greenhouse gas (Co2) w ETFach.
Reuters/La Stampa: “LONDON, Sept 25 (Reuters) - Italian borrowing costs fell sharply on Tuesday, narrowing the gap with German peers, on signs the country’s anti-establishment coalition is likely to reach a compromise over its 2019 budget. In contrast, German bond yields rose to four-month highs, as a bearish tone in broader bond markets lingered a day after European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi pointed to a “vigorous” pick-up in underlying inflation. Italy’s ruling coalition, made up of the 5-Star Movement and the League party, is willing to keep its budget deficit below 2 percent of gross domestic product, a government source told Reuters. Italy’s La Stampa reported that the government will offer a 2019 deficit plan of 1.9 percent of GDP this week, including a 36 billion euro ($42 billion) investment package. The government must present its budget targets this week. “It looks like a compromise is taking shape,” said Martin van Vliet, senior rates strategist at ING. “Everyone assumes it (the deficit forecast) will be around 2 percent.” Italian bond yields were down 7 basis points, having fallen as much as 12 basis points earlier in the day . The move reversed most of the rises made after Draghi’s speech on Monday. Italy’s 10-year bond yield was at 2.89 percent percent, having hit a two-week high at 2.96 percent on Monday. This shrank the spread over benchmark German Bund yields to around 232 bps, from around 245 bps late on Monday. Its five-year bond yield fell 7 bps to 1.90 percent, having recorded its biggest one-day rise since Aug. 13 on Monday.” http://archive.is/hNRLz
-1.90 pkt. proc. mniej na pięciu rocznych spreadach z Niemcami, +2,86 pkt. proc. wzrostu na dziesięciu rocznych i narost water stress w 30-rocznych, spadek o -0,17 i wzrost o +2,10. A to nie koniec “determinowanego gniewu” - jak to ongiś pięknie Adorno ujął.
LaStampa: “Mentre a Roma andava in scena l’ennesimo tira e molla, da Parigi arrivava la notizia che il governo Macron nel 2019 porterà il suo disavanzo al 2,8 dal 2,6% di quest’anno. Di Maio ha subito colto la palla al balzo chiedendo di fare altrettanto da noi visto che «siamo un Paese sovrano esattamente come la Francia. I soldi ci sono e si possono finalmente spendere a favore dei cittadini. In Italia come in Francia». Poco dopo però ha abbassato le sue pretese, sostenendo che «possiamo fare anche meglio di Macron» e quindi far «meno del 2,8%» andando «fin dove ci serve per finanziarie le misure». In realtà lo «strappo» della Francia, che ieri ha varato un maxi taglio delle imposte da quasi 24,5 miliardi, 6 a favore delle famiglie e 18 destinati alle imprese, è un puro fatto tecnico. Il governo ha infatti deciso di trasformare il Credito di imposta per la competitività ed il lavoro, una sorta di sussidio all’occupazione, in una riduzione definitiva dei contributi, un intervento che tra pagamenti per il 2018 e la decontribuzione prevista per il 2019 vale ben lo 0,9% del Pil. Una tantum però. Senza questa manovra il deficit si sarebbe fermato all’1,9% per toccare poi all’1,4 nel 2020 e veder scendere il debito dal 98,6 al 97,5% e quindi toccare il 92,7% nel 2022. Altri numeri insomma, altra storia. “ https://www.lastampa.it/2018/09/25/economia/governo-a-un-passo-dallintesa-sul-deficit-conte-fiducia-al-ragioniere-dello-stato-eK3rdCd6RWzo8q3zzaN7VO/pagina.html
Odetnięcie podatków za pomocą reguły cząstkowych wypłat II. filaru konta emerytalnego (konta ubezpieczenia rekowalescencyjnego i medycznego), aby tym samym polepszyć działalność samego narodowego systemu opieki chirurgicznej, ambulatoryjnej i rezystorialnej przydałoby się silnie. Lecz nie można tym samym łamać kontraktu społecznego na bazie ustaleń Baptiste-Colberta, ani artykułu 85. włoskiej konstytucji, o czym w przypadku faux pas za czasów rządów IV. rządu Republikanów pisałem w inszym wydaniu. Nawet Karta Europejskiego Ubezpieczenia Zdrowotnego tu też jest uwzględniona.
Ale reakcjoniści na bazie spreadów nie robią cinquecento (no chyba, że nimi jeżdżą) budżetowych co rok w ramach monistycznych poglądów pekuliaryzacji wobec πληβείος (z gr. “słabych”, “rozdzielnych”) - a - centurionów (z gr. εκατόνταρχος - “wyższych uczonych”), tylko za pomocą tego słabostkowego typu autopoionistycznego gwarantu T ≠ [O, €, ¥] × i-s / i-s * a (i - oznaczającego użyteczność, s - czasu zaoszczędzonego wraz z kapitałem pośrednim, oraz a - reszty akumulacji). Kto myśli, że makaroniarze nie zaczną poniżej 19 milionów euro kryzysu deficytowego w ciągu 24 miesięcy, warto aby zbadał sobie soczewki teraz.
p.s. Commerzbank to gówno
Tuaredzy pod ostrzałem w Mali.
Ghana Mma: “At least 12 Touareg civilians died Tuesday in an attack by gunmen in eastern Mali, a region hit by chronic unrest between local tribes and jihadist militants, sources said. About 200 people, many of them civilians from the Fulani and Tuareg tribes have been killed in the area this year as militants claiming allegiance to the Islamic State (IS) clash with local groups backing a French security force and the Malian army. The attack took place 45 kilometres (28 miles) west of Menaka according to a local official, a security source, and a statement by ex-rebels in the Movement for the Salvation of Azawad (MSA). “Armed men on motorcycles killed at least 12 civilians,” the official told AFP, citing a resident of the town who claimed to have seen the bodies. The official, who asked to remain anonymous, added that “for now we do not know exactly who did it. I don’t know if it was the result of a dispute between tribes or a terrorist act.” The security source said some of his sources spoke of 12 dead, while others put the toll at 16. The MSA statement said “armed individuals on motorcycles had executed 17 civilians” from two Tuareg camps. Mali’s unrest stems from a 2012 Tuareg separatist uprising which was exploited by jihadists in order to take over key cities in the north. The extremists were largely driven out in a French-led military operation launched in January 2013.” https://theworldnews.net/gh-news/at-least-12-dead-in-mali-attack-near-nigeria
Do zdarzenia doszło na granicy z dystryktem należącym do Nigerii, Afen. Przyczynkiem do ataku była prawdopodobnie wojna farmerów z dżihadystycznego plemenia Fulani - a pomiędzy - członkami plemienia Kunuri, trudniącego się pasterstwem cielątek. Wiedzieliście, że spożywają na tych terenach te krówki ponad 11 rodzajów trawy? M.in. słoniowej (Afzelia africana), typu bahamskiego (Parkia clappertonima) oraz wczesnej (Soberlinia doka).
Nic dziwnego, że żeberka z ich kości smakują tak dobrze dla “koszernych” tego typu mahometanów. Żądni krwi są wszędzie, nie tylko w “Plants vs. Zombies”.
Zapraszam za pół tygodnia. - czytała Krystyna Czubówna
Buĕnos cartes!
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