Thursday, November 21, 2019

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@AlphaexCapital : Check out Dragonfly Doji - The Ultimate 10-Minute Guide - Click here to read: #forex #investing #bitcoin #crypto #xrp #btc #eth #forexsignals

@AlphaexCapital : Check out DiNapoli Trading Method – Ultimate Guide - UPDATED 2019 by @alphatsignals. Click here to read: #forex #trading #tradingsignals #crypto #bitcoin

@AlphaexCapital : Check out Gravestone Doji - The Ultimate 10-Minute Guide by @alphatsignals. Click here to read: #forex #trading #tradingsignals #crypto #bitcoin

[Daily Discussion] Friday, November 22, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

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  • Be excellent to each other.
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[Altcoin Discussion] Friday, November 22, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Discussion related to recent events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • General questions about altcoins

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • All regular rules for this subreddit apply, except for number 2. This, and only this, thread is exempt from the requirement that all discussion must relate to bitcoin trading.
  • This is for high quality discussion of altcoins. All shilling or obvious pumping/dumping behavior will result in an immediate one day ban. This is your only warning.
  • No discussion about specific ICOs. Established coins only.

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@AlphaexCapital : Do you want to get a copy of our Forex Trading Strategy Guide for FREE? Enter our giveaway for a FREE. You can learn more about it here: #giveaway #win #forex #investing #bitcoin #crypto #xrp #btc #eth #forexsignals

@AlphaexCapital : Check out Brief Beginner’s Guide To Forex Trading - Click here to read: #forex #investing #bitcoin #crypto #xrp #btc #eth #forexsignals

Diss Links - highly relevant to the discussion of my dissertation. “In the EU’s report on blockchain and the GDPR, regulators concede that ‘multiple points of tension’ have been identified, and a considerable ‘lack of legal certainty’ surrounds the issue.” This report is Michele Finck’s publication for the European Parliamentary Research Service “Can distributed ledgers be squared with European data protection law”. - CNIL on blockchain solutions in the contect of personal data “The French data regulator, recently concluded that all blockchain actors are to be designated as ‘controllers’ where the blockchain captures professional or commercial transactions.” The problem being with this is that persons could be assigned responsibilities to which they have no ability to enforce the rights held by data subjects under the GDPR “Furthermore, natural persons who enter personal data on the blockchain, that do not relate to a professional or commercial activity, are not data controllers (pursuant to the “purely personal or household activity” exclusion set out in Article 2 of the GDPR). For example, a natural person who buys or sells Bitcoin, on his or her own behalf, is not a data controller. However, the said person can be considered a data controller if these transactions are carried out as part of a professional or commercial activity, on behalf of other natural persons”

“The right to be forgotten: context and the problem of time” by Paul Lambert – available on Westlaw

“The date of the DPD 95/46 is 24 October 1995. Yet, there have been a world of changes since then. *Comms. L. 75 The commercial internet really arrived after 1995 in the late 1990s/early 2000s. Web 2.0 came post-1995. A great many events, internet developments and now familiar websites simply did not exist. Compare the date of the directive to later developments in relation to the following sample timeline.”

The above could be relevant to my introduction i.e. the 1995 act was outdated, pretty much from its conception, and thus did not appropriately protect the interests of data subjects in the vastly developing digital world.

“Current issues relating to digitalisation of financial institutions and markets from a regulatory perspective”, Dennis Kunschke, Ronja Pfefferl – available on Westlaw. Not all within the article will be relevant but still decent amount of discussion on blockchain/ GDPR.

How the halvening will impact bitcoin and you

The halving works when the variety of 'Bitcoins' granted to miners after their effective development of the brand-new block is halved. For that reason, this phenomenon will cut the granted 'Bitcoins' from 25 coins to 12.5. It is not a brand-new thing, nevertheless, it does have an enduring impact and it is not yet understood whether it is excellent or bad for 'Bitcoin'.

Individuals, who are not knowledgeable about 'Bitcoin', typically ask why does the Halving happen if the impacts can not be anticipated. The response is basic; it is pre-established. To counter the problem of currency decline, 'Bitcoin' mining was developed in such a method that an overall of 21 million coins would ever be provided, which is attained by cutting the benefit provided to miners in half every 4 years. For that reason, it is a necessary aspect of 'Bitcoin's presence and not a choice.

Acknowledging the event of the halving is something, however assessing the 'consequence' is a completely various thing. Individuals, who recognize with the financial theory, will understand that either supply of 'Bitcoin' will lower as miners closed down operations or the supply limitation will move the rate up, which will make the ongoing operations successful. It is very important to understand which among the 2 phenomena will happen, or what will the ratio be if both take place at the very same time.

There is no main recording system in 'Bitcoin', as it is developed on a dispersed journal system. This job is appointed to the miners, so, for the system to carry out as prepared, there needs to be diversity amongst them. Having a couple of 'Miners' will trigger centralization, which might lead to a variety of threats, consisting of the possibility of the 51 % attack. Although, it would not immediately happen if cloud mining providers get control of 51 percent of the issuance, yet, it might take place if such circumstance occurs. It suggests that whoever gets to manage 51 percent can either make use of the records or take all of the 'Bitcoin'. Nevertheless, it ought to be comprehended that if the cutting in half takes place without a particular boost in rate and we get near to 51 percent scenario, self-confidence in 'Bitcoin' would get impacted.

It does not suggest that the worth of 'Bitcoin', i.e., its rate of exchange versus other currencies, should double within 24 hr when cutting in half happens. A minimum of partial enhancement in 'BTC'/ USD this year is down to acquiring in anticipation of the occasion. So, a few of the boost in rate is currently priced in. Additionally, the results are anticipated to be expanded. These consist of a little loss of production and some preliminary enhancement in cost, with the track clear for a sustainable boost in cost over an amount of time.

This is precisely what occurred in 2012 after the last halving. Nevertheless, the aspect of danger still continues here since 'Bitcoin' remained in a totally various location then as compared to where it is now. 'Bitcoin'/ USD was around $12.50 in 2012 right prior to the halving happened, and it was simpler to mine coins. The electrical power and computing power needed was fairly little, which implies it was hard to reach 51 percent control as there were little or no barriers to entry for the miners and the dropouts might be immediately changed. On the contrary, with 'Bitcoin'/ USD at over $670 now and no possibility of mining from house any longer, it may take place, however according to a couple of computations, it would still be an expense expensive effort. However, there may be a "bad star" who would start an attack out of inspirations aside from financial gain.

For that reason, it is safe to state that the real impacts of "the Halving" are most likely beneficial for present holders of 'Bitcoin' and the whole neighborhood, which brings us back to the truth that 'Satoshi Nakamoto', who developed the code that stemmed 'Bitcoin', was better than any of us as we peer into the future.

Quantidade de membros em 1.552 comunidades

Os números foram coletados hoje mais cedo após a inclusão dos últimos subreddits linkados em postagens no sub e a partir do mesmo método já descrito anteriormente (leia outras postagens para entender melhor).

Os cálculos consideram um total absoluto de 1.408.336 subscrições de membros em 1.552 comunidades lusófonas conhecidas até agora.

Maiores comunidades

subreddit membros proporção
r/brasil 289606 20.56%
r/cellbits 90698 6.44%
r/portugal 90504 6.43%
r/ItHadToBeBrazil 89499 6.35%
r/nhaa 80299 5.70%
r/brasilivre 39542 2.81%
r/circojeca 34829 2.47%
r/CelebsBR 32743 2.32%
r/desabafos 30555 2.17%
10º r/mariafernanda 27733 1.97%
11º r/investimentos 25987 1.85%
12º r/jiujitsu 20119 1.43%
13º r/PORTUGALCARALHO 17360 1.23%
14º r/OffDutyBrazilianCop 17356 1.23%
15º r/G0ularte 17308 1.23%

Lista completa

subreddit membros proporção
r/091Para 18 0.00%
r/55ch 2 0.00%
r/55chan 4 0.00%
r/77chan 6 0.00%
r/a7arte 1022 0.07%
r/abelha_maia 1 0.00%
r/abobrinha 10 0.00%
r/Abrantes 4 0.00%
r/absolutamentenaoeunvr 720 0.05%
r/acabouamamata 1 0.00%
r/AcademiaDeDrags 2 0.00%
r/Academica 5 0.00%
r/AcademicosBrasileiros 233 0.02%
r/academicoviseu 1 0.00%
r/acaopopular 2 0.00%
r/acessasaopaulo 2 0.00%
r/AconteceuPraCaralho 539 0.04%
r/acriacao 4 0.00%
r/ADecadaPerdida 4 0.00%
r/Adriana_Lima 470 0.03%
r/AdrianaLima 7356 0.52%
r/aeaeae 1 0.00%
r/agendacultural 9 0.00%
r/agreste 3 0.00%
r/agricultura 9 0.00%
r/agronegocio 4 0.00%
r/aguasanta 1 0.00%
r/airbnb_pt 2 0.00%
r/AJS_BR 366 0.03%
r/Ajuda 8 0.00%
r/AjudaBrasil 266 0.02%
r/AjudaPortugal 1 0.00%
r/Alagoas 3 0.00%
r/Alana_Campos 8 0.00%
r/albertobarbosa 120 0.01%
r/Albufeira 36 0.00%
r/Alentejo 4 0.00%
r/AlessandraAmbrosio 6782 0.48%
r/Alexa_Brasil 9 0.00%
r/Algarve 495 0.04%
r/AlgarvePics 1 0.00%
r/alicematos 7500 0.53%
r/AliExpressBR 142 0.01%
r/AlineNakashima 1 0.00%
r/AllTuga 40 0.00%
r/ALPHAE 2 0.00%
r/altatensao 6 0.00%
r/AmandaNunes 1 0.00%
r/Amapa 4 0.00%
r/amarelas 3 0.00%
r/Amarelo 1 0.00%
r/Amazonas 12 0.00%
r/amazonia 42 0.00%
r/amazonian 9 0.00%
r/Amdrezim 1 0.00%
r/AmizadeVirtual 92 0.01%
r/AmongUsBR 9 0.00%
r/Ana_Braga 152 0.01%
r/anabastos 3 0.00%
r/AnaBeatrizBarros 544 0.04%
r/anarquismoBR 4 0.00%
r/AnarquismoBrasil 221 0.02%
r/Ancapinaremos 35 0.00%
r/Andersonsilva 3 0.00%
r/anedotas 106 0.01%
r/Angola 544 0.04%
r/Angra 53 0.00%
r/animebrasil 1991 0.14%
r/animeportugal 308 0.02%
r/Anitta 1571 0.11%
r/AnnaAvila 22 0.00%
r/AnnaRitaCerqueira 188 0.01%
r/AntinatalistasBrasil 32 0.00%
r/antipornografia 26 0.00%
r/antropologia 70 0.00%
r/aodispor 2 0.00%
r/apdareal 95 0.01%
r/AplicacoesUteis 3 0.00%
r/aplicativos 75 0.01%
r/ApoioPos 1 0.00%
r/apostas 4 0.00%
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r/ApostasOnline 1 0.00%
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r/Araujo 1 0.00%
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r/ARMBrasil 6 0.00%
r/arocha 3 0.00%
r/arquitetura 77 0.01%
r/arquivados 10 0.00%
r/ArquivoX 6 0.00%
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r/artept 17 0.00%
r/artigo19 2 0.00%
r/arvores 10 0.00%
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r/AskABrazilian 40 0.00%
r/askgaytugas 140 0.01%
r/AskPortugal 11 0.00%
r/AspergersBR 10 0.00%
r/assis 3 0.00%
r/astrofisica 23 0.00%
r/astrologiavideos 1 0.00%
r/ateismo_br 181 0.01%
r/ateismobr 28 0.00%
r/AteParece 8 0.00%
r/ateu 20 0.00%
r/AteusDoBrasil 16 0.00%
r/ativismo 2 0.00%
r/AtleticoMG 1 0.00%
r/atleticomineiro 8 0.00%
r/atleticoparanaense 6 0.00%
r/Autocaravanar 23 0.00%
r/automobilismo 3 0.00%
r/Avante 121 0.01%
r/aveiro 409 0.03%
r/awwhue 2 0.00%
r/AyrtonSenna 116 0.01%
r/azores 1780 0.13%
r/bahia 81 0.01%
r/Baiacu 14 0.00%
r/bailefunk 69 0.00%
r/bairroalto 15 0.00%
r/BairroDoLimoeiro 103 0.01%
r/bananal 48 0.00%
r/banania 1 0.00%
r/BandasPortuguesas 23 0.00%
r/barba 10 0.00%
r/BarbaraEvans 44 0.00%
r/barbiePortugues 5 0.00%
r/barreiro 2 0.00%
r/barsil 2 0.00%
r/barulhos 1 0.00%
r/basquete 8 0.00%
r/batebola 12 0.00%
r/batepapo 570 0.04%
r/batida 7 0.00%
r/Batistas 2 0.00%
r/Bauru 27 0.00%
r/bbb16 5 0.00%
r/BeerinPortugal 7 0.00%
r/Beja 37 0.00%
r/belempa 49 0.00%
r/beleza 3 0.00%
r/belezadicas 1 0.00%
r/belmonte 2 0.00%
r/belo_horizonte 0 0.00%
r/BeloHorizonte 798 0.06%
r/BelPesce 2 0.00%
r/Benedita 2 0.00%
r/benfica 10561 0.75%
r/bestofbrasil 237 0.02%
r/bestofportugal 6 0.00%
r/bettina 17 0.00%
r/BiancaComparato 22 0.00%
r/biblia 58 0.00%
r/Biblioteca 867 0.06%
r/bicicleta 4 0.00%
r/bicicletariodejaneiro 5 0.00%
r/BigBrotherBrasil 1 0.00%
r/bigdatabr 2 0.00%
r/Biscoito 4 0.00%
r/Bissau 17 0.00%
r/bitcoinportugal 266 0.02%
r/bitcoinPT 32 0.00%
r/BitoqueCaralho 590 0.04%
r/bjjfights 294 0.02%
r/BlackFridayBR 194 0.01%
r/Bladeandsoulbr 0 0.00%
r/BladeAndSoulBrasil 37 0.00%
r/blanka 1 0.00%
r/BlocoDeEsquerda 6 0.00%
r/Blumenau 85 0.01%
r/boanoite 34 0.00%
r/boasnoticias 48 0.00%
r/boatarde 8 0.00%
r/Bolacha 1 0.00%
r/bolha 517 0.04%
r/bolorei 6 0.00%
r/bolsa 218 0.02%
r/bolsadevalores 145 0.01%
r/bolsocriticabolso 20 0.00%
r/Bolsonaro 2399 0.17%
r/BolsonaroVsBolsonaro 1700 0.12%
r/bomdia 27 0.00%
r/bomdiagrupo 37 0.00%
r/Bonito 1 0.00%
r/bossanova 2282 0.16%
r/BotaDemaisGrande 38 0.00%
r/botafogo 160 0.01%
r/Bovespa 373 0.03%
r/br_ 0 0.00%
r/BR_Events 41 0.00%
r/br4r 307 0.02%
r/bradil 1 0.00%
r/braga 487 0.03%
r/Braganca 6 0.00%
r/braisl 1 0.00%
r/Brasfoot 1 0.00%
r/brasi 5 0.00%
r/brasil 289606 20.56%
r/Brasil_ 2 0.00%
r/brasil_anarquia 64 0.00%
r/brasil_drama 4912 0.35%
r/brasil_politica 3 0.00%
r/Brasil_PPG 31 0.00%
r/Brasil_reflexivo 38 0.00%
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r/Brasil1 17 0.00%
r/brasil10 174 0.01%
r/brasil13 12 0.00%
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r/brasil20 2 0.00%
r/Brasil2014 6 0.00%
r/brasil3 19 0.00%
r/brasil4 20 0.00%
r/brasil420 311 0.02%
r/brasil5 25 0.00%
r/Brasil6 14 0.00%
r/brasil666 2 0.00%
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r/brasil9 20 0.00%
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r/Brasilandia 58 0.00%
r/BrasilB 107 0.01%
r/brasilbackup 2 0.00%
r/Brasilball 1313 0.09%
r/BrasilBitcoin 2312 0.16%
r/BrasilBItcoinOTC 28 0.00%
r/brasilCACD 148 0.01%
r/brasilcentro 222 0.02%
r/brasilcentro_drama 0 0.00%
r/BrasilCrossFit 1 0.00%
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r/brasildeboa 66 0.00%
r/BrasildeDireita 129 0.01%
r/brasildemocratico 27 0.00%
r/BrasildoB 7203 0.51%
r/BrasilEdu 42 0.00%
r/brasileirao 15 0.00%
r/Brasileiras 49 0.00%
r/Brasileirinhas 72 0.01%
r/Brasileiros 18 0.00%
r/brasileirosIlustres 13 0.00%
r/brasileirosnoreddit 26 0.00%
r/brasileirosPequim 1 0.00%
r/brasilescuta 2 0.00%
r/BrasilEsportes 122 0.01%
r/brasilethereum 15 0.00%
r/BrasilFantastico 4 0.00%
r/brasilfeliz 8 0.00%
r/BrasilFilmes 16 0.00%
r/BrasilGamerPRO 68 0.00%
r/brasilgonewild 158 0.01%
r/brasilgw 122 0.01%
r/brasilia 724 0.05%
r/BrasiliansGoneWild 299 0.02%
r/brasilisarb 270 0.02%
r/brasilisentao 12 0.00%
r/brasilivre 39542 2.81%
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r/brasilN 19 0.00%
r/brasilnews 40 0.00%
r/brasilnoticias 644 0.05%
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r/brasilpolitica 136 0.01%
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r/brasilsemfrescura 23 0.00%
r/brasilsempolitica 33 0.00%
r/brasilsilsil 2 0.00%
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r/BrasilSimulatorMeta 56 0.00%
r/brasilvirgem 2 0.00%
r/Brasilx 1 0.00%
r/brasilxxx 15 0.00%
r/Brasucas 1 0.00%
r/Bratugal 96 0.01%
r/Brazil 10422 0.74%
r/brazil_tech_expats 17 0.00%
r/brazil_vs_argentina 196 0.01%
r/brazilcaralho 1 0.00%
r/Brazilerias 52 0.00%
r/BrazilGirlsOnTV 350 0.02%
r/brazilhotties 982 0.07%
r/BrazilianArchitecture 212 0.02%
r/BrazilianBabes 15490 1.10%
r/brazilianday 1 0.00%
r/brazilianfartporn 105 0.01%
r/braziliangoddesses 781 0.06%
r/BrazilianGP2018lives 197 0.01%
r/brazilianjiujitsu 3449 0.24%
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r/brazilianmusic 3755 0.27%
r/BrazilianOffDutyCop 2 0.00%
r/BrazilianPizza 131 0.01%
r/brazilians 6953 0.49%
r/brazilianwhores 268 0.02%
r/BrazilistheWorst 64 0.00%
r/BrazilOpenSource 477 0.03%
r/BrazilorRussia 67 0.00%
r/braziltalk 2 0.00%
r/braziltourism 99 0.01%
r/BrazilVapor 12 0.00%
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r/BrazilWorldsFL 3 0.00%
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r/Calopsita 4 0.00%
r/camara 2 0.00%
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r/CampoGrande 53 0.00%
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r/cantanhede 2 0.00%
r/capeta 3 0.00%
r/CapeVerde 379 0.03%
r/capeverdeancreole 27 0.00%
r/Capina 461 0.03%
r/Capinaremos 25 0.00%
r/capitaofausto 19 0.00%
r/capivara 7 0.00%
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r/capoeiraangola 95 0.01%
r/CARALHO 4 0.00%
r/Carioca 136 0.01%
r/CarlaBrasil 6541 0.46%
r/CarolinaTorres 64 0.00%
r/CarolinedeCampos 4 0.00%
r/CarolineTrentini 85 0.01%
r/carreiras 75 0.01%
r/carros 123 0.01%
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r/cascais 50 0.00%
r/cascavel 12 0.00%
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r/CasosIsolados 3 0.00%
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r/castelobranco 65 0.00%
r/cati 1 0.00%
r/catioros_inspiradores 23 0.00%
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r/CavaleraConspiracy 8 0.00%
r/Cavaquinho 11 0.00%
r/cavzodiaco 1 0.00%
r/cblol 28 0.00%
r/ccportugal 133 0.01%
r/Ceara 39 0.00%
r/cefetianos 7 0.00%
r/celebridades 6 0.00%
r/CelebsBR 32743 2.32%
r/cellbit 5085 0.36%
r/cellbits 90698 6.44%
r/CeltadeVigo 4 0.00%
r/Cemiteriodacomedia 28 0.00%
r/CemiteriodoHumor 16 0.00%
r/cenasimprovaveis 1 0.00%
r/cerveira 3 0.00%
r/cerveja 46 0.00%
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r/changemyviewbr 4 0.00%
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r/chapeupreto 2 0.00%
r/chapolin 4 0.00%
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r/ChatAmizade 31 0.00%
r/chaves 24 0.00%
r/chocolage 2 0.00%
r/chocolatedebolo 4 0.00%
r/ChoquedeCultura 135 0.01%
r/chorinho 8 0.00%
r/ChupacabraBrasil 2 0.00%
r/chupamos 6 0.00%
r/cidadaosdebem 289 0.02%
r/cienciabrasil 65 0.00%
r/cienciadedados 53 0.00%
r/CienciaEconomica 157 0.01%
r/ciencias 762 0.05%
r/CienciaSemFronteiras 172 0.01%
r/CienciasReddit 0 0.00%
r/cienciatododia 130 0.01%
r/cineastas 1 0.00%
r/CinemaBrasil 266 0.02%
r/CintiaDicker 1206 0.09%
r/circojeca 34829 2.47%
r/circojeca2 17 0.00%
r/circulodepunheta 3 0.00%
r/circuloidiota 187 0.01%
r/CiroGomes 9 0.00%
r/classemediasofre 1 0.00%
r/classificados 41 0.00%
r/ClaudiaGadelha 9 0.00%
r/claudiapascoal 3 0.00%
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