Sunday, September 25, 2022

When's the next great bitcoin event? check this calendar and never miss an important event. (x-post from /r/Bitcoin)

RollerCoin Guide

My Attempts to Update the "Best" 2021 Guide

This article will provide you with the most comprehensive, useful and relevant information you will need to be successful at RollerCoin whether you want to join the game just to generate crypto and cash out or if you want to build a mining empire and generate passive income through this fun, interactive and rewarding platform.

RollerCoin is the most popular free-to-play online mining simulator with almost 1 million subscribers and allows you to earn real crypto by playing arcade games and/or buy miners to generate real crypto. The platform has been around for over three years paying real crypto to their users.

Minable rewards include Bitcoin (BTC), Ether (ETH), Dogecoin (DOGE), USDB (BEP-20), Tether (USDT), Polygon (MATIC), Solana (SOL), Tron (TRX) and the native RollerCoin currency: RollerToken (RLT). 

\1 RLT = $1 USD** Although RollerToken (RLT) does not have real monetary value outside of the RollerCoin ecosystem, it allows players to use them as real cash within the platform to buy virtual miners and mine more BTC, ETH or DOGE.\* These rewards can be then withdrawn to your personal wallets.

 Here is what we will cover:  

  • Reputation - Why is RollerCoin the most popular online mining simulator?
  • Platform Basics - How do you earn real crypto with RollerCoin?
  • Best Game Strategy - With Game Statistics
  • Why would I invest in miners?
  • A detailed guide of the Best Miners you can buy to build a mining empire.


RollerCoin offers everyone a risk-free opportunity to generate real crypto without any investment. It also helps new crypto adopters to dive in to the cryptocurrency world while learning more about it. Therefore, with the growing interest of crypto, RollerCoin popularity continues to grow exponentially.

RollerCoin has also proven to be reliable platform throughout the 3 years it has been in the market. Players have been getting paid with no issues since the creation of the game and the game economics' seem sustainable, meaning it is likely to stay around for a long time. 


There are three ways allow you to earn crypto:

  1. Play free games from a list of 10 different arcade games offered by the platform to generate mining power and in return you are rewarded with real crypto.
  2. Buy virtual miners offered by RollerCoin, much like you would mine crypto in the real world. These miners will work for you generating mining power without you having to play games. Miners are permanent. Once you buy they, they are yours to keep forever and they will generate a fixed amount of mining power for perpetuity.
  3. Combine options 1 and 2. Buy miners and play arcade games to increase your mining power and therefore, increase your rewards.


When building your strategy, keep in mind the following points:

  1. Game levels go from 1 to 10. And each level requires three wins before you can move on to the next level.
  2. Games Played & Event Bonus Point Gained: 27 Games to reach level 10 x 12 games = 324 Game Plays = 504 "event bonus points" (5 per level). PER level 1 to 10 FULL cycle.
  3. There is a wait time before you can play the same game again and refresh time between games becomes longer the more you play. Timers appear to scale 60 sec (1 min) to 360 sec (6 min)
  4. Wait time between games is based on how many games you have played in the last 24 hours.
  5. Your level progress is kept for about 6 hours from the moment you start playing. Therefore, if you reach the highest level (lv. 10) on a specific game by 9 AM, you will keep it until around 3PM. After that, it will start to progressively come back down until it reaches level 1 again (unless you continue to play to maintain your level status).
  6. Whether you decide to play 30 minutes or 2 hours daily, try to play all your games consecutively. 
  7. Win 60 games (roughly, 1 hour worth) to obtain the best computer in your mining station. This will allow you to keep the mining power obtained thereafter for 7 consecutive days.
  8. Win at least 1 game each day to keep the best computer and keep your mining power for 7 days each time you play a game. Otherwise your mining power will disappear after 24hrs. 
  9. SO: Win at least 1 game each day so you can keep your mining power 
  10. Test the waters and play the games until you realize which ones you are best at. This will help you optimize your time and earn more mining power in a shorter time. But mastering all is your best strategy.
  11. This strategy is intended to maximize your mining power in the shortest time possible, whether you want to just mine and withdraw your earnings or reinvest in miners to build a stream of passive income. 


The following strategy has been worked and tested for weeks with the newest RollerCoin updates and will work as intended if followed through.

Here I have prepared a list of all the games and the points you can get from them to the best of my ability.

Missing \"Enter The Chainers\" & \"Lambo Rider\" the LONGEST GAMES (Low Pts/Minute)

Start by choosing 2 games from the following list as they provide the best ratio of points obtained per time spent.

  • 1. Cryptonoid
  • 2. Coin-Flip
  • 3. Dr. Hamster
  • 4. Token Surfer
  • 5. Flappy Rocket



  • If a game is open to play while your wailing, play it to maximize power gained, "dead time" waiting is useless. Always aim to maximize power gained per minute.


It is highly recommended you follow this order, as they are listed by importance of priority based on statistics and assuming you can reach level 10 l. Don't be afraid, reaching level 10 is not that complicated after you play a few times.

Level up these first 2 games as much as you can in the first 60 games. These games will help you leverage your earned mining power.

Remember that for every 30 games you complete the wait time between games increases.

  • From games 1 to 60, the refresh time between games is short and should allow you to play interchangeably between the 2 games you consider yourself best at and level them up as much as possible.
  • From game 60 to 90, you will need to add a 3rd game to your mix. I would suggest you follow the order of the list provided above. Remember, those first three games offer higher points and are also easier to level up.
  • From game 90 to 120, your refresh time will increase, thus allowing you to add a 4th game to your mix. Continue to follow the list unless you feel you are better at a different game.
  • From games 120 to 150, the times get longer and at this point you will need a 5th game to continue to play while you wait for the other games to refresh.
  • From games 150 to 180, from here on you might choose any game of your choice as you will need a 6th game as you progress in the game and your wait times become longer.
  • From games 180 and beyond, wait times become extensive and you would have to play at least 7 games while you wait for other games to refresh. However, you might also find yourself retrying some of the games once in a while as they are harder once you reach level 10.
  • Staying at level 10 will give larger power gains per minute, but NO EVENT BONUS POINTS..
  • For more bonus point chances: Go take a break for a few hours (1 or 3 hours) and return when games reset to level 1
  • Experimenting seems to allow 4 level 1 to 10 game cycles (or 2160 Event Bonus Points per day)

\easiest games at level 10 include Coin-Flip, Cryptonoid and Dr. Hamster\**

*Flappy Rocket, while "a bit harder", is outrageously fast to complete (10 to 15 sec?)\*

\Note: Crypto Hamster and Token Blaster offer good mining power as well. However, they become increasingly difficult to level up after level 5 or 6 which ends up costing you more time. I suggest you stick to the suggested games\**


Each game should take you between 30 to 60 seconds to complete, and loading time between games from 10 to 15 seconds. Therefore, each game should take you from 40 to 75 seconds to complete.

Using those numbers and depending on the time you initially dedicate to the platform. (And I say initially because ideally you will reinvest some of your earning to buy miners so they can do the hard work for you later on and generate a small stream of passive income. You can read more on that here.

This strategy should allow you to earn anywhere from 130,000 Th/s to 160,000 Th/s daily if you have at least 2 spare hours daily to play on this platform. I However, a list of expected mining power per time spent and games played is shown below so you can have a better idea of what you can generate with less time invested in the platform, in terms of mining power. Crypto rewards will vary depending on total mining power generated by all players.

\Note that although* RollerCoin has almost 3 million users*, active players with mining power are only around 200,000 to 250,000 players. Therefore, rewards are distributed only among these active players.**

Time Requirements & Power Gained

If correct, that's 4,458,216 MONTHLY MINING POWER (53,498,592 YEARLY MINING POWER)

  • And that's ONLY playing 3 hours per day
  • An 8 hour day, with breaks, would more than double this power gain (360,360 per day)

What to expect this week

Jasmy and Bitcoin have been moving sideways for a few days now, and any bad news can cause a drop. The worst part is that bitcoin is close to support so if it drops a little to much, I am expecting a massive selloff, which would take Jasmy even lower. Here are some things to look out for this week.

- Hurricane Ian: could make landfall causing significant damage adding to more fear.

- Third estimate of Q2 GDP report, Thursday. If this is lower than the last two or still in the negative, then by rule of thumb, we are considered in a state of recession.

- I will buy some more on Friday, which knowing my luck it will drop.

If you have any other events we should know, please post down bellow.

Scammed out of $2500

Recently I was incredibly emotionally vulnerable after certain personal life events left me devastated. Already being insecure about my body and recent life style choices I was looking for comfort in various threads. After posting some nsfw content (which I regret) I recieved a personal message from someone who actually listened and talked with me. Not just another creep trying to be nasty. This went on for almost 6 months we video chatted, shared details of our personal lives, goals and aspirations sorrow and loss. We talked on instagram every day. Then they sent me a link to a video of some DIY outfit cosplay for my upcoming cosplay as Nagisa. The link took me to a random site that wouldn't load. Shortly after that I check my cash app to send some money to a friend only to find $2500 has been sent from my account. Somehow he got access to my account and sent bitcoin to 4 different wallets. I have no idea how I never shared any personal bank info. He admitted he sent the money and said he would send it back for $500 in bitcoin. Obviously I blocked him changed all of my passwords, wiped my phone, and sent a claim to cashapp but they said they wouldn't do anything.... so fellow femboys please don't click on links unless you know the person irl. Not posting for sympathy just warning everyone don't be an emotional wreck desperate for a relationship that you let common sense dissapear. Have a good day everyone

Charitable Donation of EVMOS - ideas?

Checking in to see if anyone knows of a way to donate EVMOS directly to charity, rather than converting it to another crypto first? In the US, any swap of coin triggers a taxable event/capital gains. With EVMOS staking, it would be very advantageous to be able to donate proceeds directly to avoid the capital gains on the swap.

I've found Fidelity has a service for donating cryptos directly ( but they currently only offer support for BTC, ETH, BCC and LTC. I'm essentially looking for a service like this but for EVMOS (and OSMO would be great too).

Regulation and Bitcoin - what can we personally do about it.

This post is for all you Crypto holders out there. Whether you are panicking during this bear market (09-2022), or you are Hodling like a champ. It matters not. This message is for you all.

Bitcoin was created in the ashes of the last financial crisis that started in 2007, but really bit everyone toward the end of 2008. The first block of the Bitcoin blockchain was mined on 03/01/2009. The creator of Bitcoin made it clear in that first block what his intentions were for Bitcoin. I will let you explore the rabbit hole of what the creator embedded into that first block for yourselves online.

Since then, Bitcoin has flown under the radar of those that would be ultimately threatened by it, that is if it were to survive so long. And alas it did, and those entities definitely feel threatened now.

As the Fiat Monetary System buckles under its own contradictions, the elite (if you permit me to call them this, they certainly would consider themselves as such) scramble to roll out a successor to the Fiat Monetary System and it is no surprise that they model their ideas on those that Bitcoin pioneered. They know that the ultimate challenger to their ideas of resetting their “Exorbitant Privilege” to some new and shiny system, is Bitcoin.

What they want to create would be the Mr Hyde, as compared to the Dr Jekyll of Bitcoin.

I want to warn you one and all.

The bear market in crypto is not new, nor is this one over yet.

As the rest of the hyper-financialised world, smouldering but likely to really catch fire soon, the sentiment around Bitcoin will also sour. Projects on the fringes of the crypto world will crumble, people’s “moon bags” will implode.

What the elite will hope for is: that those that have lost in the crypto world to complain and beg for regulations in a misguided hope of redeeming some of their personal losses.

I beg of you to refrain.

Do not complain to the authorities about your losses.

Losses are the normal course of investing and should be taken as strong lessons in research and due diligence.

If you believe in crypto, then you believe in self sovereign money, a monetary system outside the control of any centralised authority - if you truly believe this, then do not hypocritically beg for some central authority to come and save you from investments gone bad.

Crypto bear markets are bad, but they are caused by events outside the decentralised systems that run them (on the whole). Unlike commodities, equities and forex markets that are rigged to work against you, the small investor, just trying to get a leg up in this rigged world, Bitcoin is completely free from direct manipulation.

If you are confronted with 2 casinos, one is known to be rigged to favour the house and the elite, while the other is mathematically proven to be fair. Which to enter? But more importantly how do you feel about your losses?

Don't get the two confused and we will all get through this better and freer than before.

Regulation and crypto - what can we personally do about it.

This post is for all you Crypto holders out there. Whether you are panicking during this bear market (09-2022), or you are Hodling like a champ. It matters not. This message is for you all.

Bitcoin was created in the ashes of the last financial crisis that started in 2007, but really bit everyone toward the end of 2008. The first block of the Bitcoin blockchain was mined on 03/01/2009. The creator of Bitcoin made it clear in that first block what his intentions were for Bitcoin. I will let you explore the rabbit hole of what the creator embedded into that first block for yourselves online.

Since then, Bitcoin has flown under the radar of those that would be ultimately threatened by it, that is if it were to survive so long. And alas it did, and those entities definitely feel threatened now.

As the Fiat Monetary System buckles under its own contradictions, the elite (if you permit me to call them this, they certainly would consider themselves as such) scramble to roll out a successor to the Fiat Monetary System and it is no surprise that they model their ideas on those that Bitcoin pioneered. They know that the ultimate challenger to their ideas of resetting their “Exorbitant Privilege” to some new and shiny system, is Bitcoin.

What they want to create would be the Mr Hyde, as compared to the Dr Jekyll of Bitcoin.

I want to warn you one and all.

The bear market in crypto is not new, nor is this one over yet.

As the rest of the hyper-financialised world, smouldering but likely to really catch fire soon, the sentiment around Bitcoin will also sour. Projects on the fringes of the crypto world will crumble, people’s “moon bags” will implode.

What the elite will hope for is: that those that have lost in the crypto world to complain and beg for regulations in a misguided hope of redeeming some of their personal losses.

I beg of you to refrain.

Do not complain to the authorities about your losses.

Losses are the normal course of investing and should be taken as strong lessons in research and due diligence.

If you believe in crypto, then you believe in self sovereign money, a monetary system outside the control of any centralised authority - if you truly believe this, then do not hypocritically beg for some central authority to come and save you from investments gone bad.

Crypto bear markets are bad, but they are caused by events outside the decentralised systems that run them (on the whole). Unlike commodities, equities and forex markets that are rigged to work against you, the small investor, just trying to get a leg up in this rigged world, Bitcoin is completely free from direct manipulation.

If you are confronted with 2 casinos, one is known to be rigged to favour the house and the elite, while the other is mathematically proven to be fair. Which to enter? But more importantly how do you feel about your losses?

Don't get the two confused and we will all get through this better and freer than before.

Wolf Game II Finance | $WGF | Social Meme Token | Evolution of Memes | Extra Reward On Staking Earning And Saving | Total Supply 1Trillion


A social meme token

with goals to contribute in social and creativity movement all around the world through your favorite toys: WGF.


By definition, meme is an idea, a behavior or style that spreads by mean of imitation from person to person within a culture and often carries symbloic meaning representing a particular phenomenon or theme.

In simple words, gene is for biological evolution and meme is for social evolution.


Since the rise of 9gag in 2009-2010, memes became so viral that it shook the whole world. Not only that, but bitcoin was also born on the same year. After some time, DeFi and Finance were born 2022.

These helped so many people who are trying to survive the recession period. DeFi boosted our progressive movements movement in financial and technology and Finance help us to express digitally



Smart Contract


Max Supply




Yes, you will get the chance to develop this community from ground up. This will be your playground to explore, get creative and inspire builders around the world.


$WGF token holders will get the chance to enjoy various benefits from the community such as:

• Get up to 0% Withdrawal Fee*

• Whitelist for exclusive WGF products and events

• Extra rewards on staking, earning and savings

• Higher airdrop token amount

• Multi Forex - Commodity Asset

• Be a part of a larger ecosystem, our WGF coins will be used as an exchange medium for daily activities


Simply because we love them, we grew up with WGF and we just wanted to continue the legacy that includes younger generations.


Telegram: wolfgamefinance

Kotlyar Foundation

The rapid spread of COVID-19 has created a global health and economic crisis that is affecting all of us. COVID-19 has not disappeared anywhere and every day it affects a large number of people around the world and we all need to effectively fight this pandemic. The monkeypox virus is spreading around the planet and it is urgent to stop the global spread of monkeypox, which can develop into a pandemic.

Support the Kotlyar Foundation!! Digital fundraising is fast, real and effective help for those most affected by COVID-19 and other crises. #charity #nonprofit #donate #love #giveback #community #fundraiser #volunteer #philanthropy #dogood #fundraising #support #help #givingback #charityevent #family #education #donation #nonprofitorganization #children #event #covid19 #monkeypox #crypto #bitcoin #cryptodonations #covid #cryptocharity #kotlyarfoundation #LeonidKotlyar


IKONIC provides the esports community a way to generate rewards and form a closer relationship with their audience using NFTs that capture their finest moments. In that sense, NFTs are always pointing to events that occur somewhere else. This presents interesting opportunities. I think this project will go a long way because it has a brilliant team.