Sunday, December 8, 2019

Weekly Dev Update #20

THORChain Weekly Dev Update for Week 03–09 Dec 2019



The team believe the current bottleneck to THORChain’s decentralisation is the number of nodes that can participate in a single TSS signing ceremony. As the number of participants grows, the complexity becomes exponential. This is in part because THORChain uses a TSS scheme that has no trusted dealer, which is a non-negotiable aspect. The team scoped out two features this week to address this.

Multi-realm Asgard

Instead of a single Asgard with 66 of 99 participating, Asgard can be broken up into different realms, each with a smaller participation number, such as three 22 of 33 realms. This also means that each realm can be rolled at different times, increasing the availability of the network. THORChain has no opinion on where funds are located, they just have to exist and be accounted for in the network. A Multi-realm Asgard does not change any security characteristics of the network, rather it works to shard the funds and increase the scalability. With Multi-realm Asgard, TSS scalability is no longer a concern, instead the upper limit of nodes now becomes a Tendermint scalability issue. Cosmos Hub is working hard to solve this, recently increasing their node count to 125, and with 300 as their long-term target.

TSS Timeout

The trigger to shard Asgard into smaller realms will no longer be a hard-coded number, instead it will be triggered when the key-gen process in a new vault times out after 10 minutes. This means that if the TSS key-generation process for the increased participation number takes too long, it should be sharded. This prevents the network ever generating a committee size with too many members. 10 minutes was chosen as the cutoff due to diminishing returns above that, and a pre-existing shelling point existing on that particular time-point, thanks to Bitcoin.

Trailing Gas Fee

A 1 Rune Fee was hard-coded into THORChain a week ago as the simple solution to a hard problem. The community had a lot of feedback about this, mainly concerns about ease of updating this in future, and they were correct. THORChain must take the governance-minimal approach to all things, and as a result a programmatic solution has been scoped out. The Network Fee will now be twice the 7-day trailing average of gas fees. This will ensure that it always exceeds the expected gas, and drives long-term income into the system. Currently it is global, but it could easily become chain-specific.

Incentive Pendulum

The system is theoretically unsafe when staked assets exceed bonded assets, whether a cartel exists or not. The reason is that a single node could craft an outgoing transaction that spends asset equally to other defecting nodes, and assuming profit-seeking entities, the assumptions around mutually assured destruction no longer hold. While incredibly unlikely to happen, since defecting nodes would need a modified binary to facilitate this transaction and be able to communicate, the system should protect around this edge case. The solution is to disencentivise staking as the system approaches the edge, so that staking rates reduce and the system becomes safe again. The only tool at the system’s disposal is incentives, and the approach is reduce pool rewards and increase bond rewards. This is known as the “Incentive Pendulum”, designed to keep the system at its happy centre; 67% bonded and 33% staked. The Incentive Pendulum also works in the other direction, increasing incentives to stake at high bond rates. The equation is: poolRewards = (y + x) / (y — x), where x = totalStaked, y = totalBonded. * At exactly 50% bonded and 50% staked, pool rewards will be 0%, incentivising bonding. * At 67% bonded and 33% staked, pool rewards will be 33%, the intended amount. * At 100% bonded and 0% staked, pool rewards will be 100%, incentivising staking.

Removal of Hard-coded Constants

The team intend to remove as many constants as possible from the constants.go file, and replace them with programmatic logic. TSS Timeout, Trailing Gas Fees and Churn Heights help solve this. The team will continue the effort.


Cosmos was upgraded to the latest version, allowing the team to begin removing uint64 casting and replacing it with BigInt casting which is better when handling large numbers. The team are also in the process of removing float64 from the codebase, which is unsafe when computed on different machines. * [Upgrade] upgrade to cosmos v0.37.4 * [Bug] fix code coverage counter * stabilize smoke test runs * 224-issue fix validator meta keeper * panic on genesis * Add SafeDivision and removes Float * Resolve: Remove Stake Validation * Resolve “Add min bond requirement” * Resolve “ADD: Incentive Pendulum” * 264-issue fix the way how we broadcast tx to binance RPC host * [Add] Slash bond on bond refund * [Bug] Track gas in yggdrasil vaults * 233-issue add stake handler * add 30 sec timeout to wait for binance txs * Work continues to refactor the codebase to be more modular, testable and easier to grok. * [Refactor] Add unit tests to node account keeper * Resolve “[Refactor] Yggdrasil keeper” * Resolve “[Refactor] Vault Data keeper” * [Refactor] pool addresses keeper * 220-issue refactor Reserve Contributor * [Refactor] observer keeper * Resolve “[Refactor] Pool Staker keeper” * [Refactor] Pool keeper * [Refactor] Staker pool keeper * [Refactor] tx in keeper * [Refactor] reserve contributor handler * [Refactor] Rewrite tx in handler, msg, etc * Resolve “[Refactor] handleMsgBond” * Resolve “[Refactor] handleMsgAck” * [Refactor] add mock txout store * [Refactor] create pool address manager interface * [Refactor] create mock validator manager * Resolve “[Refactor] handleMsgLeave” * Resolve “[Refactor] handleMsgAdd” * [Refactor] version handler * refactor-stake unit tests * [Refactor] TxOutStore * 236-issue handler unstake * [Refactor] Breakout TxIn into two handlers * Resolve “[Refactor] handleMsgConfirmNextPoolAddress”

Bifröst Module

Work begins on the feature/bifrostv2 branch, which is a chain-agnostic Bifröst Module that will be verified to work on Binance Chain, Bitcoin, Ethereum prior to mainnet. Monero has also been scoped out, but testing it may not happen prior to mainnet.


The team will soon move away from signalling dates for releases, instead will work to signal around completion status of milestones. Whilst ChaosNet seems to be on time for 03 January, much is left to be done: * [ChaosNet] Artificial Ragnarok * [ChaosNet] 1 Day rotations * Add bond reward events * Create pubkeys endpoint * [ChaosNet] Cap staked rune at 600k * Versionize the constants * Emit Validator Events * THORNode Telegram Bot


To keep up to date, please monitor community channels, particularly Telegram and Twitter: Twitter: Telegram Community: Telegram Announcements: Reddit: Github: Medium:

[Daily Discussion] Monday, December 09, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

Other ways to interact:

[Altcoin Discussion] Monday, December 09, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Discussion related to recent events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • General questions about altcoins

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • All regular rules for this subreddit apply, except for number 2. This, and only this, thread is exempt from the requirement that all discussion must relate to bitcoin trading.
  • This is for high quality discussion of altcoins. All shilling or obvious pumping/dumping behavior will result in an immediate one day ban. This is your only warning.
  • No discussion about specific ICOs. Established coins only.

If you're not sure what kind of discussion belongs in this thread, here are some example posts. News, TA, and sentiment analysis are great, too.

Other ways to interact:

quitting post

A new fad is spreading on the streets of Civcraft! Along side such fashionable fads as "Why our Glorious Leader is perfect", the "I Quit!" fad has gained plenty of traction among the average worker. The fad itself involves a lengthy proclamation stating why they quit and how the they want the "Old Civcraft back". These threads has gained further popularity due to recent high profile celebrities openly complaining about how the game of life no longer benefits them. The recent fad has been declared illegal in Buenos Aires due to its distracting nature.

The server in my mind is a string of incredible moments. From Columbia to Panama (literally), through the Pumpkin Jacks, the first Pylon release, bitcoin drama, Columbiagate, and all'a'dat drama jazz. Every stupid meme that put a smile on my face. Every time a new player uses the phrase "Admin Crimes" to legitimately describe something the admins have done that he feels negatively about. And those moments in turn have shaped and cultivated a culture on this server that is like no others; a culture that is interesting even to outsiders who have no stake in the game.

PS - I leave my vast quantity of in-game wealth, mostly in the form of powered-rails and gold helmets, to Timmy and Erich, to be divided equally based on romantic performance. The chests are protected, but just fast-break them a few hundred times; I give you my word that I wont ban you.

I am quitting Civclassics to run Sovia in real life. I have purchased hundreds of acres of land in Angola and I have a small militia to defend and attack. We are taking down the Angolan government as this post is being written. I will still be using the reddit to spread Sovian influence over the internet, but I will rarely be playing the game. I will still lead Sovia, but appoint a new leader so comment below if you think you have what it takes.

I’m sorry to anyone who I’ve disappointed with my actions. I really wish things could’ve been different and we could’ve resolved things better. It’s ultimately my fault and I’m sorry to anyone that’s pearled right now because of me but I also thank you for believing in me and helping me. Either way, I’ve had a lot of fun here and met a lot of really great people. I want to say thank you to everyone who played with me on this server, and I thank you for making this community what it is.

Anyways, I wish you all the best.

This is meant as a notification for the few people that still remember me from the times of Columbia and beyond, so feel free to ignore this thread and to return to the sub if you don't give a damn.

As all things come to pass, so does my time on Civcraft. After pretty much wasting two years of university on Minecraft in general, addicted to a few servers here and there (with the latest being Civcraft), it is time for me to call it quits and to focus on my private life, on getting my BA and on getting some work practice abroad (hopefully in Canada).

Civcraft is, among other things, highly addictive. It, in my experience at least, gives you a sense of achievement upon completing something through the (usually) positive reaction of your peers (other players). It also allows anyone, no matter what they are or who they are in real life, to become anything they wish to be with the only limits being the game and their imagination. A player, once in the game, is able to build personal and deep connections with other players via in-game interaction, Civcraft's mumble server, or other third-party means which creates a greater sense of community and perhaps even belonging.

All of these factors draw the player into Civcraft. It's natural human instinct to crave accomplishment, contact, and community and by having all of these available within Civcraft creates the perfect place to escape to and thus is quite hard to escape from. You become emotionally involved in the well being of your friends as well as what you've build/made whether that be personal wealth, a build, or a town and after investing so much into these things you don't want to let go of them.

Honestly I have had it with this server. All I see is people saying witty and relevant phrases for the mere sake of trying to get upvotes. Not once have I witnessed an in depth conversation happen without it getting derailed because someone sees it as an “epic post moment.” What happened to having integrity? I’d like to be able to advance our society without having some karma-thirsty man child try to stick it to the man and have their name forever imbedded into the top post list just because they said something dsclouse found mildly amusing.

It's been nice returning, but this has really only been a bit of reminiscing for me. Civcraft is dead and gone, and Devoted will never emulate it. Too many good people have left us. As such, and due to certain pressing real life obligations, I have decided to quit. To prevent temptation I am locked in a reinforced room with no pickaxe, and upon tying down the last loose strands my reddit password will be reset to a random string of characters which I will neither remember nor write down.

To the server, I leave as a farewell gift my new book, Last Days of Aurora. It details the history of Aurora in Civcraft 3.0, and reveals in detail the various manipulations and schemes we used to control and destroy a large amount of the server. It is 37 pages long including the title.

Goodbye, and have a nice rest of your life

Sure, it's just a game. But it's a game I've chosen to invest a lot time in and shitfucks like the HCF, captain_Sully, drizzlethe3, rkawesome and all you other "lel i totly le kild yu xDxDxD" idiots in the end have just shit on everything. You are fucking terrible human beings. Seriously. You're a waste of the air I breathe.

I'm done giving a fuck. I'm done having this added stress in my life. I'm done with this server taking my time away from my family. I played this to de-stress from work and the worries of RL. It's not fucking working any more because you are all a bunch of pieces of shit.

I stopped having fun. If I wanted to play on a PvP server, I would just do that. I like the feeling of starting a civilization from the ground up, I like society building, I liked the political debate, and that's why I joined Civcraft. But at least for me, Civcraft soon stopped being Civcraft. It became yet another generic PVP server.

Maybe I am not l33t hardcore enough to cut it, and that's fine. But I cannot stress enough how not fun Minecraft PVP is to me.

I spent some time thinking about this for a while now and I know its best for me to stop playing. I spend time thinking about MC during the day that should be spent on real life. I have kids growing up that take up all my time now anyways and its better if I just let go of this game.

I had years of fun and stress playing Civcraft and it certainly has been a hell of a ride. From my first home above a iron vein in 1.0 to where I am now it was quite a great experience and an educating time.

When I think about it there are hundreds of players I have had interactions with. How can I say goodbye in the right way to all of you? I think its best to just say I appreciate all the interactions I had with all of you. Weather you were good or bad guys form anyone's perspectives we played together in a world with infinite possibilities. We the players make civcraft what it was and has become. I am happy to have been a part of it with all of you.

Well that was kept pretty short and I think that is the best way to say goodbye sometimes. So, goodbye Civcraft.

i quit. for realz this time. its not worth playing here anymore. everybodys gone. i have nothing to miss. its just a wasteland. a reminder of what used to be. to anybody who happens to see this. anybody. screenshot this and post it on the devoted subreddit. so people will be aware. with a heavy heart. farewell to all of you. to every single person who helped me through this short, but nonetheless meaningful journey. but anyways goodbye.

While the server recovered, the sense of community never did. After those events nothing has been the same. The people who I played with and enjoyed the company of were all gone. The server, was devastated. And all of the work that we had done was wiped out.

I just can't cope anymore. I used to think I was safe, now I worry all day if my house, or my friends houses are still there. This isn't how it's supposed to be. This is supposed to be fun!

I'll be gone for a while, I don't know how long. I'm sorry to all that I couldn't help. I'm sorry to all the new guys who sill never experience the true sense of civcraft. And I'm sorry most of all to my friends, because I have let you down.

Take care dear ones, and may you live long and prosper.

Surrounded by darkness we did not venture far... but I stumbled upon a bed with a chest. The chest was unlocked and in it was a couple hundred diamonds. I'm not even kidding. We all strolled into the city in this bad ass armor and bought some land. Then we never really logged on again.

So to that poor guy whose diamonds we stole. Sorry.

Any who bye Civcraft. Barely knew ya but I loved ya

I've taken away many life lessons from Civcraft, its not just TTK's social experiment, it is in many ways your own experiment to understand human nature. I won't outline what I've learnt, it is up to you, the reader, to learn them for yourself. Play the game, enjoy the friends you make and appreciate your community.

In my mind the experiment is complete, I have learned all that I will and I have seen it through not quite to the end but until I saw the top of the last hill in enough detail to satisfy me.

The Civcraft experiment thanks you for your data, have a nice life.

[SELL] Arc’teryx Therme Parka size small MSRP $699, Arc’teryx Camosun Parka size Large MSRP $649, Yuketen Maine Guide Boot size 9.5 $615 MRSP, Rancourt Sherman Boot size 10 $325 MSRP, Epaulet Olive Rivet Chino

WTB: I'm interested in the following:

  • Offers regarding other premium, rare, limited edition jeans
  • Duck Canvas pants
  • Oni SHOAI
  • Kapital Century (5S or 7S)
  • KMW 1950 AWA
  • Samurai Jeans Co. S5000AI
  • Samurai Jeans S510AI-OGSP
  • Studio D’Artisan Tokushima Natural Indigo-Dyed
  • Sugar Cane SC40400 Hawaii
  • Naked & Famous Tokushima
  • Naked & Famous Hank Dyed
  • Pure Blue Japan 17.5oz Natural Indigo Selvedge Jacket (size 2, maybe 3 depending on the measurements)
  • Pure Blue Japan's AI-003 Double Natural Indigo
  • Pure Blue Japan 6081 Double Natural Indigo Type II Selvedge Jacket (size 2, maybe 3 depending on the measurements)

I may be interested in gift cards from Blue in Green, Denimio, and Self Edge, etc. I can pay either Bitcoin, Google Wallet, Paypal, Squarecash, or Venmo.

For Sale or Trade

Arc’teryx Therme Parka Size Small Black MSRP $699

Descriptions from Arc’teryx's website:

  • waterproof and windproof
  • 750 fill power European Goose
  • GORE-TEX shell

Condition: Used for less than one season. Light use, some moderate dirt on the jacket. Can be removed by either hand or a washing machine. A zipper to one of the pockets is separated and, as a result, no longer zips shut. You can either repair it yourself (you need two small sets of pliers) or you can take it to a tailor (they should be able to repair it for less than $10).

Selling for $400 via

Cashapp, Venmo, Google Pay, Apple Pay, Paypal Friends and Family

or $450 via

PayPal goods and services

Arc’teryx Camosun Parka Size Large Black MSRP $649

Used for less than a season. In excellent condition. Details:

  • Windproof and breathable
  • N150p-x GORE-TEX 2L shell
  • 750 fill power European Goose
  • Coreloft™ synthetic insulation is used at the cuffs, hood and under the arms, areas prone to contact with moisture.

You can read the jacket's full description on Arc'teryx's website

Selling for $400 via

Cashapp, Venmo, Google Pay, Apple Pay, Paypal Friends and Family

or $450 via

PayPal goods and services

Yuketen Maine Guide 5 Eye Boots Strap size 9.5 $615 MSRP

Used. These are listed as a size 9.5 but they fit large.

Selling for $115 via

Cashapp, Venmo, Google Pay, Apple Pay, Paypal Friends and Family

or $135 via

PayPal goods and services

Epaulet Olive Rivet Chino Pants Size 31 $135 MSRP

Measurements * Waist: 32”
* Inseam: 31”
* Rise: 9.5”
* 11” measured straight across from the crotch
* Leg Opening: 7”

Selling for $55 via

Cashapp, Venmo, Google Pay, Apple Pay,

or $70 via

PayPal goods and services

Rancourt Sherman Boot size 10 $325 MSRP

Selling for $125 via

Cashapp, Venmo, Google Pay, or Apple Pay

or $150 via

PayPal goods and services

I don't have any rep here but I have 935 trades worth more than $60,000 on r/giftcardexchange.

GCXRep Profiles:

@AlphaexCapital : Forex Trader: The Ultimate Guide For Beginners In 2019 #forex #investing #bitcoin #crypto #xrp #btc #eth #forexsignals

Anthology of quitting posts

A new fad is spreading on the streets of Civcraft! Along side such fashionable fads as "Why our Glorious Leader is perfect", the "I Quit!" fad has gained plenty of traction among the average worker. The fad itself involves a lengthy proclamation stating why they quit and how the they want the "Old Civcraft back". These threads has gained further popularity due to recent high profile celebrities openly complaining about how the game of life no longer benefits them. The recent fad has been declared illegal in Buenos Aires due to its distracting nature. [1]

The server in my mind is a string of incredible moments. From Columbia to Panama (literally), through the Pumpkin Jacks, the first Pylon release, bitcoin drama, Columbiagate, and all'a'dat drama jazz. Every stupid meme that put a smile on my face. Every time a new player uses the phrase "Admin Crimes" to legitimately describe something the admins have done that he feels negatively about. And those moments in turn have shaped and cultivated a culture on this server that is like no others; a culture that is interesting even to outsiders who have no stake in the game.

PS - I leave my vast quantity of in-game wealth, mostly in the form of powered-rails and gold helmets, to Timmy and Erich, to be divided equally based on romantic performance. The chests are protected, but just fast-break them a few hundred times; I give you my word that I wont ban you. [2]

I am quitting Civclassics to run Sovia in real life. I have purchased hundreds of acres of land in Angola and I have a small militia to defend and attack. We are taking down the Angolan government as this post is being written. I will still be using the reddit to spread Sovian influence over the internet, but I will rarely be playing the game. I will still lead Sovia, but appoint a new leader so comment below if you think you have what it takes. [3]

I’m sorry to anyone who I’ve disappointed with my actions. I really wish things could’ve been different and we could’ve resolved things better. It’s ultimately my fault and I’m sorry to anyone that’s pearled right now because of me but I also thank you for believing in me and helping me. Either way, I’ve had a lot of fun here and met a lot of really great people. I want to say thank you to everyone who played with me on this server, and I thank you for making this community what it is.

Anyways, I wish you all the best. [4]

This is meant as a notification for the few people that still remember me from the times of Columbia and beyond, so feel free to ignore this thread and to return to the sub if you don't give a damn.

As all things come to pass, so does my time on Civcraft. After pretty much wasting two years of university on Minecraft in general, addicted to a few servers here and there (with the latest being Civcraft), it is time for me to call it quits and to focus on my private life, on getting my BA and on getting some work practice abroad (hopefully in Canada). [5]

Civcraft is, among other things, highly addictive. It, in my experience at least, gives you a sense of achievement upon completing something through the (usually) positive reaction of your peers (other players). It also allows anyone, no matter what they are or who they are in real life, to become anything they wish to be with the only limits being the game and their imagination. A player, once in the game, is able to build personal and deep connections with other players via in-game interaction, Civcraft's mumble server, or other third-party means which creates a greater sense of community and perhaps even belonging.

All of these factors draw the player into Civcraft. It's natural human instinct to crave accomplishment, contact, and community and by having all of these available within Civcraft creates the perfect place to escape to and thus is quite hard to escape from. You become emotionally involved in the well being of your friends as well as what you've build/made whether that be personal wealth, a build, or a town and after investing so much into these things you don't want to let go of them. [6]

Honestly I have had it with this server. All I see is people saying witty and relevant phrases for the mere sake of trying to get upvotes. Not once have I witnessed an in depth conversation happen without it getting derailed because someone sees it as an “epic post moment.” What happened to having integrity? I’d like to be able to advance our society without having some karma-thirsty man child try to stick it to the man and have their name forever imbedded into the top post list just because they said something dsclouse found mildly amusing. [7]

It's been nice returning, but this has really only been a bit of reminiscing for me. Civcraft is dead and gone, and Devoted will never emulate it. Too many good people have left us. As such, and due to certain pressing real life obligations, I have decided to quit. To prevent temptation I am locked in a reinforced room with no pickaxe, and upon tying down the last loose strands my reddit password will be reset to a random string of characters which I will neither remember nor write down.

To the server, I leave as a farewell gift my new book, Last Days of Aurora. It details the history of Aurora in Civcraft 3.0, and reveals in detail the various manipulations and schemes we used to control and destroy a large amount of the server. It is 37 pages long including the title.

Goodbye, and have a nice rest of your life [8]

Sure, it's just a game. But it's a game I've chosen to invest a lot time in and shitfucks like the HCF, captain_Sully, drizzlethe3, rkawesome and all you other "lel i totly le kild yu xDxDxD" idiots in the end have just shit on everything. You are fucking terrible human beings. Seriously. You're a waste of the air I breathe.

I'm done giving a fuck. I'm done having this added stress in my life. I'm done with this server taking my time away from my family. I played this to de-stress from work and the worries of RL. It's not fucking working any more because you are all a bunch of pieces of shit. [9]

I stopped having fun. If I wanted to play on a PvP server, I would just do that. I like the feeling of starting a civilization from the ground up, I like society building, I liked the political debate, and that's why I joined Civcraft. But at least for me, Civcraft soon stopped being Civcraft. It became yet another generic PVP server.

Maybe I am not l33t hardcore enough to cut it, and that's fine. But I cannot stress enough how not fun Minecraft PVP is to me. [10]

I spent some time thinking about this for a while now and I know its best for me to stop playing. I spend time thinking about MC during the day that should be spent on real life. I have kids growing up that take up all my time now anyways and its better if I just let go of this game.

I had years of fun and stress playing Civcraft and it certainly has been a hell of a ride. From my first home above a iron vein in 1.0 to where I am now it was quite a great experience and an educating time.

When I think about it there are hundreds of players I have had interactions with. How can I say goodbye in the right way to all of you? I think its best to just say I appreciate all the interactions I had with all of you. Weather you were good or bad guys form anyone's perspectives we played together in a world with infinite possibilities. We the players make civcraft what it was and has become. I am happy to have been a part of it with all of you.

Well that was kept pretty short and I think that is the best way to say goodbye sometimes. So, goodbye Civcraft. [11]

i quit. for realz this time. its not worth playing here anymore. everybodys gone. i have nothing to miss. its just a wasteland. a reminder of what used to be. to anybody who happens to see this. anybody. screenshot this and post it on the devoted subreddit. so people will be aware. with a heavy heart. farewell to all of you. to every single person who helped me through this short, but nonetheless meaningful journey. but anyways goodbye. [12]

While the server recovered, the sense of community never did. After those events nothing has been the same. The people who I played with and enjoyed the company of were all gone. The server, was devastated. And all of the work that we had done was wiped out.

I just can't cope anymore. I used to think I was safe, now I worry all day if my house, or my friends houses are still there. This isn't how it's supposed to be. This is supposed to be fun!

I'll be gone for a while, I don't know how long. I'm sorry to all that I couldn't help. I'm sorry to all the new guys who sill never experience the true sense of civcraft. And I'm sorry most of all to my friends, because I have let you down.

Take care dear ones, and may you live long and prosper. [13]

Surrounded by darkness we did not venture far... but I stumbled upon a bed with a chest. The chest was unlocked and in it was a couple hundred diamonds. I'm not even kidding. We all strolled into the city in this bad ass armor and bought some land. Then we never really logged on again.

So to that poor guy whose diamonds we stole. Sorry.

Any who bye Civcraft. Barely knew ya but I loved ya [14]

I've taken away many life lessons from Civcraft, its not just TTK's social experiment, it is in many ways your own experiment to understand human nature. I won't outline what I've learnt, it is up to you, the reader, to learn them for yourself. Play the game, enjoy the friends you make and appreciate your community. [15]

In my mind the experiment is complete, I have learned all that I will and I have seen it through not quite to the end but until I saw the top of the last hill in enough detail to satisfy me.

The Civcraft experiment thanks you for your data, have a nice life. [16]

@AlphaexCapital : DiNapoli Trading Method is proven & highly-effective adaptation of the Fibonacci Levels. In this quick guide learn how to use the DiNapoli Trading Method => #forex #investing #bitcoin #crypto #xrp #btc #eth #forexsignals

Developer-friendly guide to the Google "associated account ban" - advice to an iOS developer thinking about Android (misconceptions and alternatives for developers)

UPDATES: this post is being updated with new information, so you may want to come back after a day to find it's final form.

I received a query from an iOS developer thinking about developing for Android - and his concerns about the notorious "associated account ban" practice (by Google).

Since the exchange may be of wider use to new developers thinking about Android, I am providing it here - my reply and the comments others may post here should dispel some of the misconceptions about:

  • "associated account ban" what it is, and what it is not

  • where to distribute other than Google Play

NOTE: I asked for permission from the iOS developer - which he granted - so that I could include his quoted text.



Hi! I'm a junior iOS developer that was looking into branching into Android. If you don't mind, may I ask you some questions about the associated account ban issue?

If you are just starting out with Android, i.e. this is your first account, you don't have to be concerned about the associated account ban issue.

This only becomes relevant if you have a ban - then this ban is percolated to all the other accounts that Google can get it's hands on - ones which it finds "could be you".

But sometimes it makes mistakes and can ban your friend, who may have opened his Google account from your computer, using your Wifi or from your home using your browser. There are examples of a company account being banned because their developer was banned, and the developer was banned not because of any fault of his, but because a friend of him had been banned some time ago for some previous infraction.

These types of bans are possible to get reversed, but usually take a lot of effort, and usually not through usual channels - what seems to work is posting on medium dot com with a convincing blog post that gets viral, and then sometimes Google will reverse. There are cases of account reinstatements after one year, but often it can be a week to a month.

In any case, this is needless disruption for a developer.

Usually app bans/account bans DO NOT lead to a Google account ban - BUT some developers have expressed fears that this could happen. I can't think of a case like that - I have a vague feeling it may have happened once perhaps but can't be sure.

But it DID definitely happen with Markiplier's YouTube fans - when he asked them to post emojis - and Google mass-banned a bunch of those who responded. Markiplier issued videos trying to get his followers' YouTube accounts restored - many were restored, but many weren't (may have been by now). This case was notable because these followers got their ENTIRE Google accounts - including Google Photos and other such personal stuff also account-banned. Thus was particularly egregious.

The alternative to going viral with blog post is to have legal representation - your lawyer sends them a warning letter - supposedly that also works reasonably well. We don't have too many documented public cases for this - but many commenters on androiddev sub-reddit have said that even just having your lawyer send a letter to Google at (even though Google says it doesn't read e-mail sent there) - can get results. Again, I don't know of any particular cases that used this method - so cannot give much more insight on this type of appeal to Google.



  • Would it be possible to create a new identity separate from my old one? Suppose I buy a new phone and new phone number. Only use my mobile data and a new bank account to pay for stuff. The one thing I am not able to change is my location as I can't move out anytime soon.

Developers have been trying to create new accounts after account bans for many years - at least from what one reads on various forums.

So developers certainly do evade such bans - they seems to suggest using different internet WiFi, different Mac address for computer, different browser (so can't be tracked by cookies) and then using different credit card identity - so for example they may open an account in a relative's name.

But if that relative is your wife - who resides in the same place - you are likely to be associated eventually - and wife could suffer the fate of the husband (and the associated ban wouldn't be removed even after divorce!).



  • Would not opening a developer account be enough to avoid having my colleagues getting associated banned? I have a housemate that got banned, while I was lucky to not share WiFi with him we still stay in the same location. Not only that I have logged into my personal accounts using the office computer and WiFi. I also roughly believe an ex-colleague there might get banned for his personal app on the Play Store in the future. Is it too late to do anything to migitate any association at this point?

I don't know - we don't have the data to be that specific about whether a previous association between you and another dev (even before you actually created a Google account) would contribute towards yours (or his) associated ban.

If you are very enthusiastic about your Android project - you can proceed without bothering about associated account ban - since it is unlikely to affect 100 percent of developers everytime, you could take the risk. If something does happen, you deal with it.

But if it is low priority for you, and you would rather not endanger yourself, or your friends, you could consider not opening a Google developer account - and simply publishing on F-Droid, or even offering your APK via your website.

It gets trickier if you were planning to show ads or have in-app purchases - for ads there are ad providers other than Google Admob - but often they ask where your app is published on Google Play. But possibly it may not be a requirement - for example they may accept that you are only published on F-Droid - though I don't know how this reduces "developer cred" in the eyes of the advertiser (and if they pay less for advertising on such apps).

For in-app purchases, you could use payment processors like 2Checkout - which would allow you to process payments independent of any association with Google.

2Checkout has wider country coverage, but you could try Square and the other credit card processing companies which focus more for U.S. developers.

Some developers have anecdotally reported on androiddev sub-reddit that they are able to get good revenue for apps hosted on their website, and using third-party payment systems like 2Checkout etc. However, this will still be less than what you would get on Google Play Store (because of it's ubiquity/wide reach).

EDIT: xda-developers also seems to have an app store - though you don't hear much about it on androiddev. But it may be a good alternative to F-Droid (if you don't want to open source your app):

In addition to accessing the forums, Labs contains an app distribution platform for both hobbyist and professional developers. With support for Alpha, Beta, and Stable release channels, developers get the utmost in control. We also have built-in commerce for devs that want to earn money for their work, and unlike Play, where developers only get 70% of app revenue, XDA lets developers keep 100% through PayPal or Bitcoin payment methods.



  • Despite all this I still want to develop Android apps and share them with people. Is hosting the apk on my personal site the next best thing besides the Play Store? Are there any other app stores I could try? I know there's F-Droid but I don't plan open-sourcing my apps.

Sorry if the message is too long. I don't see Google fixing this issue anytime soon and am just trying to find a way to publish Android apps despite the bleak situation.

There are other android app stores, but because Google forces manufacturers to include Google Play (as part of the Google suite of apps) - it has so far ensured that Google Play remains the dominant store.

Developers have anecdotally reported that they are able to get good sales on Amazon (not sure how it is these days) - overall volume is lower, but the revenue per user is higher, so the overall revenue is not bad, though still lower than for the version of their app on Google Play Store.

As an example, the Chinese market is hard for non-Chinese developers to get into (because of the certification/documentation requirements) - but even if you do that, there are a number of app stores (4 or 5 of the big ones - none of them are particularly dominant over the other). This is obviously an outcome of the fact that Google exited the China market earlier (a decision they may regret, but it has also affected/led to app store fragmentation). Chinese app stores also often have clone apps - so you may find that there already is a version of your app there - sometimes with different ad provider inserted, and sometimes may even seem very different (I have never tried to install the APK from those stores, but have tried to examine the APK contents and found differences).

So there is a negative to not having Google Play Store dominant - and there is a negative to Google Play Store being dominant as well!

The Chinese market has another emerging player - Huawei - they have had an app store (App Gallery - which ships with every Huawei device as well - and which you can download using an APK as well).

However, it has not gained much traction - the only reason I mention it is that it MAY become interesting in the future, since Huawei (for strategic/survival reasons) may have to invest in their app store at much higher levels now - in order to prepare for a future where they are totally excluded from the U.S. market, and cannot ship their devices with Google suite of apps (including Google Play Store).

Given Huawei is a multi-billion dollar company with big ambitions - their whole company future is dependent on this one thing - and so it makes sense that among all the app store contestants, if there is one which will have added impetus behind it, it will be a Huawei App Store (App Gallery). However, their execution thus far has not been exceptional - App Gallery is still anemic in terms of revenue according to some anecdotal reports by developers on androiddev sub-reddit. However that could change in the future, if Huawei's App Gallery implements even more developer friendly processes (for signup, and for in-app purchasing etc.).



iOS developer's response:

Thank you very much for the detailed reply! I guess I would choose not to create a new identity and just publish outside the app store. Google's ability to track someone feels like more than what I could handle. Hopefully some kind of government regulation or third party competition would appear to knock some sense into Google in the near future. All the best to you and thanks again for your help!



Asked for permission to use his quotes:

Sure, no problem. Feel free to quote/rephrase it any way you like. It would definitely be a great help to others who are worried about the issue.




FAQ - app bans/lifetime account bans



When does a lifetime account ban occur ?

A Google Play account ban can occur due to an "associated account ban" - when Google thinks you are associated with someone else, and that someone else was awarded a lifetime account ban. That person's ban percolates to his associated accounts - i.e. you.

Thus if you become lifetime account banned by Google - you become a threat to your acquaintances, and to your company (and should not be put in charge of their Google Play account once you are lifetime account banned).

If you are not associated with anyone by Google - then your lifetime account ban will occur usually due to an accumulation of app bans.

A Google Play developer account ban IS a lifetime ban.



How many app bans are required to achieve a lifetime account ban ?

The conventional wisdom some time ago was that 3 app bans were usually what triggered a lifetime account ban.

But from anecdotal evidence from developers on androiddev, we now know:

  • a lifetime account ban can occur with just a single app ban (usually when you only have 1 app published)

  • a lifetime account ban can occur with your first Alpha app (one dev published his first app as an Alpha app - which Google considers as a published app - this app was banned for some reason - which triggered his lifetime account ban)

  • sometimes a lifetime account ban does not occur even after 3 app bans (happens if you have many apps - and some of them are seen by Google as high quality apps ?)

  • sometimes a lifetime account ban can occur as "one event" - these are based on a cascade of app bans (which happen in quick succession - usually because they all violate some recently introduced rule by Google) - this triggers an immediate lifetime account ban. As far as the developer is concerned, the series of events happens so fast that they seem to occur as one event (and there is no chance for them to stave off this attack).

As with most Google "rules" which suffer from the info asymmetry that makes for a "moral hazard" in Google vs partner dealings (app dev/AdSense/YouTubers):



Other observations about app bans and account bans

  • just as an app ban means a developer cannot get access to the information about his app (Description and other info he previously entered is now not visible to him), similarly if you are lifetime account banned, you lose access to the account information (which you may now need to mount a defence against Google's action).

  • app bans usually lack enough context for a developer to understand what caused them (this is an often cited observation by devs) - only in the simplest of cases is it clear what the cause was (in such cases Google DOES provlde a screenshot sometimes with the e-mail that makes clear (for example a button that takes user to your Google Play app page is not labelled). However, they will not tell you what to do to fix it - for this particular case, you need to add text "My Apps" or "Our Apps" to the button. So even in the cases where Google does give feedback about an app ban, it is so terse as to be more confusing than informative.

  • an app ban is labelled as "Suspended" in your Google Developer Console listing for your app. Sometimes an app can be labelled "Update Suspended" - this means you still have time to fix the problem and upload another APK. However, the amount of time you have to fix this is indeterminate and unspecified - the app could transition from "Update Suspended" to "Suspended" at any time without further notice (i.e. permanent app ban).

  • if an app has been labelled "Removed" it means it is not available to users now, HOWEVER it is not affecting the standing of your account (i.e. not contributing towards an account ban). However, I am not sure what happens if too many of your apps are "Removed" - does it lower your resistance to an account ban (i.e. you become like the vulnerable single app developers mentioned above - vulnerable to an account ban because of a single Alpha stage app ?

  • sometimes an app ban can be reversed - we posted on reddit, and also appealed to the e-mail address in the e-mail we got for the app ban. The app moved from "Suspended" (app ban) to "Removed" (i.e. not affecting account standing).

  • sometimes a lifetime account ban can be reversed - usually after you have posted on medium dot com, and the blog post goes viral. Sometimes the accounts are reinstated after a few days, sometimes weeks, and in one known case after a year!

  • lifetime account bans generally DO NOT lead to a ban on your Google account (i.e. will not affect your Google Photos etc.) - however, there have been cases with YouTube account bans which DID affect ALL the Google account content (including Google Photos):

Markiplier's video asking Google that his followers's services still not restored:

Androiddev post:



Can a developer remove an app if he fears it's future ban may imperil his account ?

Google does not provide a way for an app developer to remove his app from Google Play.

A dev can only delete his app from Google Play IF it has not been downloaded by zero users.

A dev CAN "unpublish" his app (from Pricing & Distribution section), however the app remains visible to existing users, and users who have paid for the app.

However apps you "unpublish" remain liable to app ban - for example an app that is no longer being updated by a developer can fall out of compliance with new rules which Google introduces each year (for example Google no longer honors it's "old apps will always work on newer android versions" compact - every year now apps have to comply with new targetSdkVersion requirements - which means older apps will break and eventually fall out of compliance at a steady pace).

Devs do occasionally neglect their apps (they may be a hobbyist, a scientists, or simply is swamped by new projects, or the old app may no longer be profitable for them to maintain). However such developers may find that Google is forcing them to update their apps which they have no incentive to update any more.

Google uses the threat of a lifetime account ban to COMPEL these developers to keep updating their apps (even when devs want not to do so).

This is a type of compulsion - reminiscent of slave labor - where work is demanded without promise of compensation, or advantage to the worker.

Essentially a developer once published on Google Play, faces the prospect of lifetime obligation to Google.

Recently there was a comment by a Googler (which was also carried by androidpolice) that unpublishing an app will not expose an app to app ban, but that such apps will eventually be "Removed" (as in our app above - see second link at top - ie Removed apps don't put account standing at risk). The androidpolice artice was based on the comment, while the Google commenter was himself at odds with Google docs and said he will get back with others at Google about the discrepancy:

Here is the reddit comment that whole androidpolice article is using as source:



What is an "associated account ban" ?

Google's practice of lifetime bans for android developers - bans which percolate from acquaintance to acquaintance. In all likelihood a wife would face an immediate ban if her husband has already been banned - this association would survive divorce:

An lifetime account ban thus risks making a pariah out of a dev as any potential employer may fear tainting their company account and the accompanying hassle if they hire a tainted developer. Thus the early crimes of a dev could become a lifelong "Scarlet Letter".



Why is the Google appeal process flawed ?

Android developers, once banned, are banned for life - and the only reliable way to get account reinstated is for developer to blog post on medium dot com and achieve virality. Then somehow Google is convinced that the developer's issue has been vetted (for free by the public!) and often restores the account.

Essentially no human at Google can countermand a Google bot's decision - probably because it is a neural net or uses fuzzy rules to decide - which means it is not explainable in human terms.

Google also uses secrecy argument - they need secrecy about why they did something to avoid being "gamed" - i.e. they are afraid their automated processes, once known would be easily exploited - as a loophole in an automated system could be used repeatedly, possibly without detection by Google. Google uses this secrecy argument for AdSense and it's other services as well - where Google partners can be banned without them knowing exactly why that happened.

As with most Google "rules" which suffer from the info asymmetry that makes for a "moral hazard" in Google vs partner dealings (app dev/AdSense/YouTubers):



Can a lifetime account ban (developer) lead to a GENERAL Google account ban (Google Photos etc.) ?

Lifetime account bans generally DO NOT lead to a ban on your Google account (i.e. will not affect your Google Photos etc.) - however, there have been cases with YouTube account bans which DID affect ALL the Google account content (including Google Photos):

Markiplier's video asking Google that his followers's services still not restored:

Androiddev post:



Threats to hobbyist devs and open source developers

Right now the old advice to new devs to publish early with their test apps, and to do it with abandon is totally the wrong advice now. Generations of android tutorials are hopelessly out of tune with that old advice.

The current conventional wisdom is to publish carefully, and sparingly with apps which can be supported by the new dev.

If dev cannot commit to that, they should not post their hobbyists apps to Google Play. This is sound advice to the new hobbyist dev, and to the budding independent dev - if they value their lifetime cred with Google.

It may surprise you but now even open source app developers are under threat - the other developers who copy and publish with their code are rendering the original app under threat.

Weekly /r/DesMoines Events Thread for the week of December 08, 2019

This thread is for any events going on in Des Moines this week! What events will you be attending? What events do you want to attend? What events do you want to promote? Whats new around Des Moines this week? Add a comment below.

Please provide the following when posting new events: - Time, Date, Location, Cost and some sort of description of the event.

New threads start every Sunday, and will be stickied at the top of the subreddit.

Here are some places to find things to do: Cityview's Calendar - Juice's Calendar - Des Moines Register Event Page - Catch Des Moines Calendar

If you have any recurring events, specials, or other suggestions for this weekly thread, please send us a modmail

Bar Map


Discord for Iowa/Des Moines 

Trivia Nights:

  • First Monday of the month is Mona's Pub Quiz at The Lift

  • Benchwarmers in Ankeny on Mondays

  • Tuesdays at Blue Moon in WDM - starts at 8

  • Wednesdays at Fireside Grille in Altoona -starts at 8

  • Trivia Thursdays at The Ingersoll Tap.

  • Tuesdays at Quinton's

  • Gas Lamp has triva on Tuesday

  • Tuesdays at Basement Bar at Des Moines Social Club

  • There's trivia at The Beer House in Urbandale on Wednesdays, 7pm. Also at F&O's on Fridays, 9pm

  • Tuesdays at Wellman's Ingersoll

  • Geeks Who Drink at Red Monk is actually trivia. They do have specials, but the main event is trivia.

  • Wellmans Pub on Ingersoll has trivia Tuesday night at 8

  • Trivia at Thunder Head in Ankeny every Tuesday

  • Trivia at the Keg Stand, Thursday nights (I think it starts at 8:30?)

  • Hi, I'm the owner of Mad Meatball Pizzeria & Pub, located at 401 SE 5th St in Des Moines. We have Trivia every Wednesday at 7:30pm. The Special for the Trivia AYCE Wings for $10 from 7-10pm and $1 off all craft and import beer.

    Drink Specials:

  • 2 for Tuesdays @ the Flying Moose every Tuesday all night (Also, 2 fers every day until 8pm)

  • Beechwood has 2 for 1 on tuesdays.

  • Tuesday night is dollar domestic bottles at Streetcar 209

  • Quintons: Thursday Half off all drinks

  • Quarter beers at both Flying Moose and Mickey's Clive on Weds

  • Wednesday is geeks who drink at the red monk

  • Lift has $3 draws on Thursday

  • First Wednesday of every month there is a bottle share at 515 Brewing @ 6

  • Wacky Wednesdays at Hero's on Court Ave are 2 for 1's all night each week

  • Sunday nights at Lime at Lime Lounge in the East Village has live Hip Hop acts and DJs, no cover, 2 for $5 wells, 2 for $10 martinis and mojitos, 3 for $7 lime drop shots, and a $1 well drink power hour

    • Tuesdays they have trivia at The Hall in Valley Junction too. Starts at 7.
    • Smashpark in WDM has trivia at 7 and 8 on monday nights

    Weekly Open Mic night:

  • Gas Lamp now does karaoke on Tuesdays (with a live band for you to sing with!).

  • Tuesday night comedy open mic at Lefty's Live Music at 8pm.

  • open mic every Tuesday at Luckys at 8.

  • Friday night at the Beechwood is free stand-up comedy.

  • Acoustic music open mic at AJ's on East Court, Sundays at 4pm

  • Free Killer Queen at Up-Down every Thursday!

  • There is trivia at The Ducktail Lounge on Sunday’s.

  • Open Mic Thursday at Java Joe's Downtown at 7:30

    Other Ongoing Events:

  • Blues Jam Band every Tuesday at Carl's Place, $3 tallboys

  • Des Moines Bitcoin and Blockchain MeetUp at Gravitate in West Des Moines - 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month (eg Oct 25th) at 7:00pm

    If any of these are no longer current or you would like to add something, please ping /u/annarchist to update this thread otherwise I may miss it.

ETH and EOS Will Continue to Face Congestion Problems — This Project Won’t

Protocol congestion is a perennial problem in the blockchain ecosystem. Various measures have been implemented to avert congestion, but most struggle to offer a long-term solution.

Protocols have tried increasing their block size to increase the number of transactions they can hold and decreasing block production time to increase block generation. Though these measures worked in the short-term, they soon reached their limit. Thus, nearly all existing protocols cannot compare their transaction rates to those of centralized platforms.

The blockchain ecosystem has experienced transaction delays, massive transaction fees, and other inconveniences as a result of congestion within blockchain protocols.

Now, protocols like Aelf are out to change this narrative.

This article explores the congestion issue in the blockchain system, specifically on the Ethereum and EOS protocols. It also explores why Aelf will not be affected by the problem of congestion.

More Users = More Transactions

According to a report by Deloitte, blockchain is changing the business landscape, causing industries to adjust their operations based on the solutions it offers. This is also being seen in governments. The report also highlights that blockchain is yet to reach its full potential.

Blockchain is growing significantly, and one of the best examples of this is the congestion in Ethereum. Back in 2017, one of the first signs of future congestion was the d’App, CryptoKitties, which caused massive congestion in the Ethereum network- at one point resulting in a six-fold increase in total network requests.

These furry kittens were the source of great delays on the Ethereum network upon release | Source

It is also worth noting, that during the peak bull run in 2017, Bitcoin also suffered from a massively congested network and transaction time delays. The situation got so bad, some transactions took over two weeks to complete!

The delays were caused because Ethereum could only meet 15 transactions per second (tps) at the time. Even without CryptoKitties, the platform was eventually going to suffer massive delays as more people used their protocol.

Ethereum is now living the congested future of its platform as Tether transactions load its network with numerous requests that often leads to delays in the Ethereum Network. Despite increasing their block capacity by about 25%, it is not enough to meet the growing number of transactions on their platform.

Attempts Towards Greater Scalability

Over at EOS, things are not going as planned.

The protocol is among the networks that ushered in blockchain 3.0 promising faster transaction rates. This was achieved as EOS outperformed Ethereum and Bitcoin in transaction rates.

However, because of their network set up, their platform weakness was exposed in 2019 as EOS experienced a massive delay caused by a specialized Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack.

DoS attacks are successful when the targeted platform is flooded with numerous transaction requests; thus, legitimate requests cannot be processed in a good time. This can be further specialized when attackers use Distributed-Denial-of-Service, which specifically targets a single network or server, thus rendering the platform ineffective faster.

For EOS, their network weakness was exposed as the attack targeted the blockchain layer. The attacker posted so many deferred transactions that when the time came to process them (deferred are given priority over new transactions) that no new transactions could be processed The attack produced numerous trash transactions that made valid transactions useless. The attack was made via a d’App hosted on EOS.

Because the issue was not addressed since January, another attempt to slow down the network was successfully made. The plan was likely carried out to determine the limitations of the EOS network.

An airdrop was planned on the EOS network, where users would be rewarded with tokens if they frequently transferred EOS tokens into and out of the EOS network. The airdrop event created congestion because of the number of transactions being generated on the EOS network.

The congestion created on EOS on both instances can be attributed to the function of deferring transactions to a later time. This allows attackers to technically block other transactions for the period it will take to process all their ‘deferred’ transactions.

Aelf’s Simple Brilliance

Ethereum and EOS are both suffering congestion as a result of the growing number of transactions daily. These protocols are also likely to suffer congestion from planned attacks on their network.

Aelf drew lessons from both EOS and Ethereum to develop a platform that solves the issue of scalability.

On the issue of transaction rates, Aelf created a platform that achieves high tps. The tps are performed on-chain, and this is created through separation and specialization. Aelf’s protocol separates transactional data and computational dependency, which significantly impacts their tps.

Furthermore, Aelf implements parallel data processing through the separation of transactional data. This helps Aelf achieve even high tps on-chain.

The separation of transactional data is done using side chains. Aelf implements a branched-chain network as opposed to the single-chain system that is in use by both EOS and Ethereum. The branched-chain network allows Aelf to dedicate each side chain to a particular transaction type.

Aelf achieves its side chain specialization by using a “one chain to one type of contract” system. Therefore, one side chain can only process requests from one type of contract only. This makes the Aelf system highly specialized while still maintaining a simple structure.

Moreover, within the dedicated side chain, other side chains can be formed depending on the demand and needs of the network. This system resembles partitioning or sharding in database architecture and is known as “Tree Branch side chain extension” in the Aelf ecosystem.

The” Tree Branch side chain extension” acts as an emergency overflow system that protects Aelf from congestion by creating other side chains that can process transactions in case transaction requests outweigh Aelf’s capacity at the time.

A visual example of Aelf’s ‘Tree Branch’ | Source

Aelf’s side chains communicate through the main chain in the form of a Merkle tree root. Communication between the side chains is not direct. The information must pass through the filtering system of the mainchain to determine whether the data can be passed from one side chain to the other. The filtering process is based on the protocol’s guidelines.

These implementations deter deferred transactions, which makes it impossible for planned attacks to slow down the network through numerous “fake” transactions.

With Aelf’s set up, they are ahead in terms of scalability and security and, thus, a worthy choice for setting up a d’App.

Having seen the limitations of EOS and Ethereum, it is clear that their congestion problems are inevitable. Aelf remains the only platform that is immune to network congestion. The use of a side chain set up to isolate and categorize transactions is a simple yet brilliant idea implemented by the Aelf team, which assures Aelf of scalability throughout its lifetime. Aelf may have cemented themselves in blockchain history through its platform.

For more information of Aelf's platform, please follow this link.

#Aelf #DPoS #Blockchain #ParallelProcessing $ELF

Disclaimer: Please only take this information as my OWN opinion and should not be regarded as financial advice in any situation. Please remember to DYOR before making any decisions.

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