Wednesday, October 28, 2020

[Daily Discussion] Thursday, October 29, 2020

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David Hasselhoff Invented Bitcoin - 9 Celebrities Wish Bitcoin a Happy Birthday (current BTC/USD price is $13,271.77)

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David Hasselhoff Invented Bitcoin - 9 Celebrities Wish Bitcoin a Happy Birthday

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Bitcoin Price | Bitcoin Mining | Blockchain

The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools.

[Altcoin Discussion] Thursday, October 29, 2020

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Discussion related to recent events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • General questions about altcoins

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  • Be excellent to each other.
  • All regular rules for this subreddit apply, except for number 2. This, and only this, thread is exempt from the requirement that all discussion must relate to bitcoin trading.
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Guide for safely and securely making in-person cash trades (on any P2P platform) (x-post from /r/Bitcoin)

Avanti Unanimously Wins Bitcoin Banking Charter (current BTC/USD price is $13,222.09)

Latest Bitcoin News:

Avanti Unanimously Wins Bitcoin Banking Charter

Other Related Bitcoin Topics:

Bitcoin Price | Bitcoin Mining | Blockchain

The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools.

Family law IT criminals

Their father recently worked for the local internet company and decided to spy on me. He has admitted it openly. I don't have perfect evidence but enough harassing and threatening text messages stating he knows everything and he doesn't care. He made comments that only you would know if you had read all my emails. I lost a lot of evidence after, I lost the online accounts. I could not seem to share any data from Mobile to computer and it was impossible to connect to any printers. I went to a few stores hoping that I could print off from Dropbox or an email but I realized that their security system was not having it and I was possibly risking their printers. 

He later quit the internet company to work for the electric company and  a little for Microsoft . 

Once he spied on me long enough that he felt he had enough dirt on me.  Enough to blackmail me to raise my child support to a unaffordable an unreasonable amount. When I already paid 100% for the children and paid a good amount of child support every month to him when I had them 40% of the time . I could not afford to pay it. 

Which then gave him more reasons to be more agressive and threatening towards children and I. His famous lines were, You don't pay you don't see them! So I give him whatever I could afford at that moment on top of everything else.  So they could be their mother and grandparents in peace and a moment without fear of their father. He decided to kidnap my younger one during the summer right before I was going to take her on her summer vacation with a girlfriend and brother.  I would have always had her that summer month. I knew she was going to be forced to stay in a basement while everybody had fun and even worse he would take the phone from the children even if I purchase and financially supplied it. My children have been going through domestic violence mentally and somewhat physically their entire life. 

The day of the trial hearing, I had denial of service attack. Which is where I could not get Wi-Fi nor data on mobile. That I have always paid for. 

Which made it so my alarm didn't go off and I was late for trail hearing!  The judge said we are going to get a guardian of alliance to see if I go to jail for all the ridiculous untruthful contempt hearings we had for a stretch of 8 months. We never even had a parenting plan. The judge insisted in courts insisted we did.

The GAL said the children would be safe with me if I was more stable. got the children need to spend more time with me which surprised me because she was not nice to me in the beginning she had her mind made up about me but she could see that the children and I were very close. She recommended that the children live with my parents because I removed around too much. I was unsure why she said that but when you search me and do a background check it says  online it  I have about 7 more addresses than I actually never lived at.  She basically stated everything I had been trying to prove to the courts was true! She stated multiple times that our  kids were not safe with him and his wife. Why would they go out of their way to hire one if they weren't going to listen to her?

My son , 17 yrs, even went to court and filed for two restraining orders & provided proof of physical abuse and he to was denied.  The judge did not seem to feel as if there was any abuse . 

I received a call from my children's father right before our trial. I was hoping you wanted to discuss the children. Or even better call his son that he had been neglecting for 6 months. He refused to go back to his house.   After he was physical attacked his father and wife. After picking up his phone call I noticed that he wasn't actually on the line and from the receiving end I could hear loud sounds of screeching computers.  Similar to a fax machine nose. I that something bad might have happened because I know the type of person he is. I'm sure what to do, I just moved on.

     I would like to make this shorter than it needs to be so I don't bore anybody who is still reading thank you. 

Shortly after that I lost all my online accounts and had a brute Force attack. 

My last pass and keeper did not help me either because I couldn't reach them. Or because they chose not to help me. I did notice the last time I was able to access my password manager that some of my accounts were changed. My passwords had turned into my social security number. Which I would never do! So my identity, and any form of privacy,and all my digital work,  art and memories are gone. my whole digital Life. I worked online so I could be closer and home with my children. I truly loved it. So that was the issue for me I lost my online business and all my inventory I had already shipped off to the warehouses. 

My son who is in high school lost a lot of his hard work and the Mac, I recently purchased for. 

I could not access our router  majority of the time. while my internet company, where he used to work decided to lie and not help me and said there's no such thing as a network hack.

  I could not use my cellular data or Wi-Fi for 2 months. then it was just periodically sometimes I could connect sometimes I could not to my electronics. I lived in a very large home at the time.  Majority of the family and roommates still could use the internet on some of their devices. I was the target the victim of this new attack. 

I was panicking trying to reach my customers, the company that I subcontracted for but unfortunately I was redirected to spammers every time! 

I ended up having to use all of my financial savings to pay rent and buy more mobile devices a new computer and any type of internet security I could possibly fine in a very small town. I could not buy anything else online I had too many online fraud charges that I was continuously fighting at the time. I could not use the vpns I always would get a server error and the antiviruses somehow were rerouted and I would continuously be locked out.

The new electronics I bought would be compromised and controlled within minutes to a day or two. thanks to the smart technology, Internet of things, and local routers . My family can't even reach out for help.  With their hack devices.  Some of my family members realized that their computer was compromised and replaced it but still too confused to recognize the problems. Internet services with the same local internet company I did. They are constantly having slow connections being overcharged, and additional charges like voice over IP . 

I've purchased at  least 10 phones in the last year. My cell phone companies either have no clue or ignored me or treatme as If I was a terrorist, who was just begging to get help controlling my data and my children's baby photos. 

I've gone through over a hundred new emails . Since I kept losing access to them. Even though I had the password written down in front of me!!  I had DNS poisoning so majority of the websites were outdated with viruses. redirected into a html script. I still can't seem to navigate online at all without getting a server error sometimes I can't even access Court forms. My mobile server which unfortunately is not the server that I paid for. Can't always find & 

I can't seem to talk to a lawyer that I've been approved for multiple times through the Northwest Justice project.  For my mobile phone will consistently hang up. I can't call the non emergency 911. My emails don't go through or usually blocked by lost email services and always somehow blacklisted! The websites I visit seem to be cloned in insecure.  My JavaScript would not give me access to majority of the security settings in all my browsers. There's always new extensions and apps and open source licenses for untrustworthy certificates being downloaded especially when I have to go back to that community to see my daughter for the courts have just changed things once again.  In the past i cannot turn on or off family sharing when I didn't even have a family connected to that mobile device. Can't turn off USB tethering and Google pay and apple wallets have multiple transactions, not by me. PayPal is somehow connected to a new phone number of mine by an email that's similar to my name but it's not mine. I cannot turn on or off these settings for they are lightened out and unavailable for my  electronic device. Sim card & ip always changed. 

5000 $ in back child support when the courts knew that I could not afford to pay it and when I tried to fight it they would raise my pay and lower his it was not based off the Washington State child support worksheet. 6000$ in international charges hit my credit report along with new phone numbers, Nick names emails and home addresses. I Cant reach for help with the credit unions like Equifax.  When my device have so much static white nose and then  lose connection.   If I try to connect my email account to a computer. It will say I need a physical key to access it. as if I set it up myself. when every computer I own now Is broke or has locked me out.

  I gave up but was sad because I could not keep tabs or communicate with my children.  unless I borrowed a phone. They mapped out my family and contacts so if I were to borrow a phone and try to reach out for help I usually reached spam or foreign hotline or got disconnected. 

 Then the locals were acting strange. Like sitting outside our house taking photos of us. Items were stolen off our property. When we were out of town. Then the landlord had strange men over pretending to fix things that didn't need to be fixed, installing pipes underground , laying down new soil& having some Wi-Fi farming company working in our yard at 5:00 a.m. I also notice a few times the electric companies employee's were messing with our power boxes, in the middle of the night . Then My my photos came out extremely bright. Almost as if there was someone photoshopping lightning in the background that's how bad it was it gets worse are our family videos look like we lived in a microwave oven. 

I know it's very strange! I do have evidence. After I moved out I went to a place that was even closer to my children's father not by choice but because  this experience made me semi homeless.

 If I would get a new router for that home. my children's father would come over take the phone he had purchased my daughter when he started taking me Superior Court. For a parenting plan we never had! Anyways he demanded her phone said he needed to put some new passwords in it within hours of the router change. When I would purposely break the router his electric company would show up before the internet cable company would. Not surprised to see them across the street fixing the power lines. 

I bought our daughter a new phone for when she comes to my new home.  He reports to the courts that I stole it from her and won't let her have it back when she never wanted it for he didn't provide data. Every time he's upset he turns around and  puts another restraining order on me and our daughter. she gets only 5 gb and ends up with no data within a couple days  and has to use Wi-Fi all the time. I did not have Wi-Fi so why not buy her another phone when she's in my new home. 

Going a few months back,

Apple finally told me they couldn't help me with the iPhone because it was a government issue. I thought that was hilarious for I didn't do anything wrong unless the person who was using my accounts did. I figured it would pass I mean if you're under an investigation. it would only be for a few months right ? Not two years ! well nothing happened I mean there was no reason for anything to happen.  I noticed that the police were driving by the old house a lot. Then I thought maybe it must have been my roommate they might be after. Then why am I the one who lost everything and is dealing with network abuse. My roommate was in a bad guy he did have a bit of a criminal history but nothing considered to be violent maybe just a couple drunken stupid events. 

Then during the process of moving my children and roommates out of the house.while driving my car mysteriously blew up because of some electrical issue. Luckily the children were not in the car. There were no warnings & no issues with the car. It took the fire department about two minutes to find me but it was totaled. I could not afford to fix it or have a mechanic look at that time. Then somebody I did not know had it towed and I lost it.  

the next house that I temporary was staying at. I was in the router settings I could not seem to get in there very often for the site would never load.  I  saw it was being  port forwarding to a local Bitcoin mining pool!! Before I could screenshot it. I received another server error .

 He continues to harass me and threaten me or he knows everything we do in our own privacy, our own bedrooms, where we're going, who we're going with, how much money says he's recording everything. It seems to know everything before I can even share it with a girlfriend. 

Now He's throwing everything against me in The family Court and continues to commit perjury while I have proved him wrong multiple times but still aren't getting the protection and respect in this local small town courtroom!  I have currently moved to Spokane Washington to get away from this!  I do the traveling for the judge says that until I mental health diagnosis hair follicle test I am not allowed to take my daughter from to Spokane Washington. he gave me a month's time and then he says he's going to take all rights away ! Till then he is Requiring me to stay with my children at my parents home. When she is Sun's 18 now. She almost fully grown she is going to be 15 a week. Can't she  have a say in who she feels safe enough to live with? that is fine I will do anything for my daughter even though it's pretty unfair that I have to pay for it all myself when they know I have no job or I've been constantly fighting this battle and keeping a phone that will keep a safe connection. when him and his wife both have huge histories of assault and domestic violence and drug charges I have no criminal history no drug history . I need some sort of help so he can't keep destroying every electronics. after calling my daughter when I do get a new phone number I start l receiving spam and scripts over SMS and once I go to my parents more and more viruses are downloaded. Why are we being dragged into this non-stop I want to be able to get a job and move forward not sit here and fight their viruses then more court dates with continuous false claims Non-Stop petti drama! 

I've been told multiple times by a few computer companies and files that I have some sort of invisible beacon. How ?

The Seattle times paper  has reported that the local electric company and crypto miners are being punished for  unauthorized usage of other families in the small town electricity for maximum power leaving us in an unsafe situation to build more cryptocurrency .

I rewrote this for anybody who has the time and the heart to help GIVE ADVICE TO my daughter with this unnecessary situation when it comes to fighting their DVfather abusive Court matter

Their father recently worked for the local internet company and decided to spy on me. He has admitted it openly. I don't have perfect evidence but enough harassing and threatening text messages stating he knows everything and he doesn't care. He made comments that only you would know if you had read all my emails. I lost a lot of evidence after, I lost the online accounts. I could not seem to share any data from Mobile to computer and it was impossible to connect to any printers. I went to a few stores hoping that I could print off from Dropbox or an email but I realized that their security system was not having it and I was possibly risking their printers. 

He later quit the internet company to work for the electric company and  a little for Microsoft . 

Once he spied on me long enough that he felt he had enough dirt on me.  Enough to blackmail me to raise my child support to a unaffordable an unreasonable amount. When I already paid 100% for the children and paid a good amount of child support every month to him when I had them 40% of the time . I could not afford to pay it. 

Which then gave him more reasons to be more agressive and threatening towards children and I. His famous lines were, You don't pay you don't see them! So I give him whatever I could afford at that moment on top of everything else.  So they could be their mother and grandparents in peace and a moment without fear of their father. He decided to kidnap my younger one during the summer right before I was going to take her on her summer vacation with a girlfriend and brother.  I would have always had her that summer month. I knew she was going to be forced to stay in a basement while everybody had fun and even worse he would take the phone from the children even if I purchase and financially supplied it. My children have been going through domestic violence mentally and somewhat physically their entire life. 

The day of the trial hearing, I had denial of service attack. Which is where I could not get Wi-Fi nor data on mobile. That I have always paid for. 

Which made it so my alarm didn't go off and I was late for trail hearing!  The judge said we are going to get a guardian of alliance to see if I go to jail for all the ridiculous untruthful contempt hearings we had for a stretch of 8 months. We never even had a parenting plan. The judge insisted in courts insisted we did.

The GAL said the children would be safe with me if I was more stable. got the children need to spend more time with me which surprised me because she was not nice to me in the beginning she had her mind made up about me but she could see that the children and I were very close. She recommended that the children live with my parents because I removed around too much. I was unsure why she said that but when you search me and do a background check it says  online it  I have about 7 more addresses than I actually never lived at.  She basically stated everything I had been trying to prove to the courts was true! She stated multiple times that our  kids were not safe with him and his wife. Why would they go out of their way to hire one if they weren't going to listen to her?

My son , 17 yrs, even went to court and filed for two restraining orders & provided proof of physical abuse and he to was denied.  The judge did not seem to feel as if there was any abuse . 

I received a call from my children's father right before our trial. I was hoping you wanted to discuss the children. Or even better call his son that he had been neglecting for 6 months. He refused to go back to his house.   After he was physical attacked his father and wife. After picking up his phone call I noticed that he wasn't actually on the line and from the receiving end I could hear loud sounds of screeching computers.  Similar to a fax machine nose. I that something bad might have happened because I know the type of person he is. I'm sure what to do, I just moved on.

     I would like to make this shorter than it needs to be so I don't bore anybody who is still reading thank you. 

Shortly after that I lost all my online accounts and had a brute Force attack. 

My last pass and keeper did not help me either because I couldn't reach them. Or because they chose not to help me. I did notice the last time I was able to access my password manager that some of my accounts were changed. My passwords had turned into my social security number. Which I would never do! So my identity, and any form of privacy,and all my digital work,  art and memories are gone. my whole digital Life. I worked online so I could be closer and home with my children. I truly loved it. So that was the issue for me I lost my online business and all my inventory I had already shipped off to the warehouses. 

My son who is in high school lost a lot of his hard work and the Mac, I recently purchased for. 

I could not access our router  majority of the time. while my internet company, where he used to work decided to lie and not help me and said there's no such thing as a network hack.

  I could not use my cellular data or Wi-Fi for 2 months. then it was just periodically sometimes I could connect sometimes I could not to my electronics. I lived in a very large home at the time.  Majority of the family and roommates still could use the internet on some of their devices. I was the target the victim of this new attack. 

I was panicking trying to reach my customers, the company that I subcontracted for but unfortunately I was redirected to spammers every time! 

I ended up having to use all of my financial savings to pay rent and buy more mobile devices a new computer and any type of internet security I could possibly fine in a very small town. I could not buy anything else online I had too many online fraud charges that I was continuously fighting at the time. I could not use the vpns I always would get a server error and the antiviruses somehow were rerouted and I would continuously be locked out.

The new electronics I bought would be compromised and controlled within minutes to a day or two. thanks to the smart technology, Internet of things, and local routers . My family can't even reach out for help.  With their hack devices.  Some of my family members realized that their computer was compromised and replaced it but still too confused to recognize the problems. Internet services with the same local internet company I did. They are constantly having slow connections being overcharged, and additional charges like voice over IP . 

I've purchased at  least 10 phones in the last year. My cell phone companies either have no clue or ignored me or treatme as If I was a terrorist, who was just begging to get help controlling my data and my children's baby photos. 

I've gone through over a hundred new emails . Since I kept losing access to them. Even though I had the password written down in front of me!!  I had DNS poisoning so majority of the websites were outdated with viruses. redirected into a html script. I still can't seem to navigate online at all without getting a server error sometimes I can't even access Court forms. My mobile server which unfortunately is not the server that I paid for. Can't always find & 

I can't seem to talk to a lawyer that I've been approved for multiple times through the Northwest Justice project.  For my mobile phone will consistently hang up. I can't call the non emergency 911. My emails don't go through or usually blocked by lost email services and always somehow blacklisted! The websites I visit seem to be cloned in insecure.  My JavaScript would not give me access to majority of the security settings in all my browsers. There's always new extensions and apps and open source licenses for untrustworthy certificates being downloaded especially when I have to go back to that community to see my daughter for the courts have just changed things once again.  In the past i cannot turn on or off family sharing when I didn't even have a family connected to that mobile device. Can't turn off USB tethering and Google pay and apple wallets have multiple transactions, not by me. PayPal is somehow connected to a new phone number of mine by an email that's similar to my name but it's not mine. I cannot turn on or off these settings for they are lightened out and unavailable for my  electronic device. Sim card & ip always changed. 

5000 $ in back child support when the courts knew that I could not afford to pay it and when I tried to fight it they would raise my pay and lower his it was not based off the Washington State child support worksheet. 6000$ in international charges hit my credit report along with new phone numbers, Nick names emails and home addresses. I Cant reach for help with the credit unions like Equifax.  When my device have so much static white nose and then  lose connection.   If I try to connect my email account to a computer. It will say I need a physical key to access it. as if I set it up myself. when every computer I own now Is broke or has locked me out.

  I gave up but was sad because I could not keep tabs or communicate with my children.  unless I borrowed a phone. They mapped out my family and contacts so if I were to borrow a phone and try to reach out for help I usually reached spam or foreign hotline or got disconnected. 

 Then the locals were acting strange. Like sitting outside our house taking photos of us. Items were stolen off our property. When we were out of town. Then the landlord had strange men over pretending to fix things that didn't need to be fixed, installing pipes underground , laying down new soil& having some Wi-Fi farming company working in our yard at 5:00 a.m. I also notice a few times the electric companies employee's were messing with our power boxes, in the middle of the night . Then My my photos came out extremely bright. Almost as if there was someone photoshopping lightning in the background that's how bad it was it gets worse are our family videos look like we lived in a microwave oven. 

I know it's very strange! I do have evidence. After I moved out I went to a place that was even closer to my children's father not by choice but because  this experience made me semi homeless.

 If I would get a new router for that home. my children's father would come over take the phone he had purchased my daughter when he started taking me Superior Court. For a parenting plan we never had! Anyways he demanded her phone said he needed to put some new passwords in it within hours of the router change. When I would purposely break the router his electric company would show up before the internet cable company would. Not surprised to see them across the street fixing the power lines. 

I bought our daughter a new phone for when she comes to my new home.  He reports to the courts that I stole it from her and won't let her have it back when she never wanted it for he didn't provide data. Every time he's upset he turns around and  puts another restraining order on me and our daughter. she gets only 5 gb and ends up with no data within a couple days  and has to use Wi-Fi all the time. I did not have Wi-Fi so why not buy her another phone when she's in my new home. 

Going a few months back,

Apple finally told me they couldn't help me with the iPhone because it was a government issue. I thought that was hilarious for I didn't do anything wrong unless the person who was using my accounts did. I figured it would pass I mean if you're under an investigation. it would only be for a few months right ? Not two years ! well nothing happened I mean there was no reason for anything to happen.  I noticed that the police were driving by the old house a lot. Then I thought maybe it must have been my roommate they might be after. Then why am I the one who lost everything and is dealing with network abuse. My roommate was in a bad guy he did have a bit of a criminal history but nothing considered to be violent maybe just a couple drunken stupid events. 

Then during the process of moving my children and roommates out of the house.while driving my car mysteriously blew up because of some electrical issue. Luckily the children were not in the car. There were no warnings & no issues with the car. It took the fire department about two minutes to find me but it was totaled. I could not afford to fix it or have a mechanic look at that time. Then somebody I did not know had it towed and I lost it.  

the next house that I temporary was staying at. I was in the router settings I could not seem to get in there very often for the site would never load.  I  saw it was being  port forwarding to a local Bitcoin mining pool!! Before I could screenshot it. I received another server error .

 He continues to harass me and threaten me or he knows everything we do in our own privacy, our own bedrooms, where we're going, who we're going with, how much money says he's recording everything. It seems to know everything before I can even share it with a girlfriend. 

Now He's throwing everything against me in The family Court and continues to commit perjury while I have proved him wrong multiple times but still aren't getting the protection and respect in this local small town courtroom!  I have currently moved to Spokane Washington to get away from this!  I do the traveling for the judge says that until I mental health diagnosis hair follicle test I am not allowed to take my daughter from to Spokane Washington. he gave me a month's time and then he says he's going to take all rights away ! Till then he is Requiring me to stay with my children at my parents home. When she is Sun's 18 now. She almost fully grown she is going to be 15 a week. Can't she  have a say in who she feels safe enough to live with? that is fine I will do anything for my daughter even though it's pretty unfair that I have to pay for it all myself when they know I have no job or I've been constantly fighting this battle and keeping a phone that will keep a safe connection. when him and his wife both have huge histories of assault and domestic violence and drug charges I have no criminal history no drug history . I need some sort of help so he can't keep destroying every electronics. after calling my daughter when I do get a new phone number I start l receiving spam and scripts over SMS and once I go to my parents more and more viruses are downloaded. Why are we being dragged into this non-stop I want to be able to get a job and move forward not sit here and fight their viruses then more court dates with continuous false claims Non-Stop petti drama! 

I've been told multiple times by a few computer companies and files that I have some sort of invisible beacon. How ?

The Seattle times paper  has reported that the local electric company and crypto miners are being punished for  unauthorized usage of other families in the small town electricity for maximum power leaving us in an unsafe situation to build more cryptocurrency .

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OKEx Announcement Regarding Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Fork Event November 15, 2020

Today, OKEx announced that it will support the planned hard fork of the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) network on Nov. 15. There are currently two competing fork proposals, Bitcoin Cash ABC (BCH ABC) and Bitcoin Cash Node (BCHN). Users holding BCH on OKEx before the fork will receive two new assets: BCH ABC and BCHN.

👉 Click here for more details regarding the planned hard fork and how OKEx will handle the new changes.

Global Bitcoin transaction Market 2020 by type, by application with Binance, Upbit, OKEx, Bithumb ... (current BTC/USD price is $13,575.79)

Latest Bitcoin News:

Global Bitcoin transaction Market 2020 by type, by application with Binance, Upbit, OKEx, Bithumb ...

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Bitcoin Price | Bitcoin Mining | Blockchain

The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools.

[October 28, 2020] Weekly Electra Discussion Thread!

Welcome to the /r/Electra_Currency Weekly Discussion Thread

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Thread Guidelines:

  • Be familiar with the subreddit rules..
  • Please be helpful and friendly.

Daily discussions will be used for:

  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post.
  • General discussion related to the week's events.

DV/ABUSIVE COURT There's more to this Nightmare

their father worked for the local internet company decided to spy on me admitted it openly don't have perfect evidence of that at the moment either because I lost the online accounts it was saved on or impossible to connect to any printers. He later quit internet company and work for the electric company then Microsoft . Once he spied on me long enough he felt he had evidence and dirt on me enough to raise my child support to a very unreasonable amount when I already paid 100% for the children and paid a good amount of child support every month and had them 40% of the time . I could not afford to pay it he decided to kidnap my younger one during the times that I would have always have her. My children have been going through the domestic violence an abuse their entire life. the day of the trial hearing, I had denial of service attack. where I could not get Wi-Fi nor data on mobile. that I have always paid for. Which made it so my alarm did not go off and I was late for trail. yes the guardian of alliance said the children would be super with me if I was more stable. which was because online it says I have about 10 more addresses than I actually lived at. She said the kids were not safe with him and his wife. my son 17 yrs, went in courts filed for two restraining orders & provided proof of physical abuse and he was deneyed the judge did not seem to feel as if it was abuse . One day I received a call from my children's father. I was hoping you wanted to discuss the children but all I could hear on the other end Were sounds of computers, similar to a fax machine. Shortly after that I lost all my online accounts had a brute Force attack. My last pass and keeper did not help me either because I couldn't reach them or because they chose not to help. I noticed the last time I was able to access my passwords some of my accounts were changed to my social security number. Which I would never do. So my identity any form of privacy,all my work art an memories gone. my whole digital Life. My son who is in high school lost a lot of his hard work and the Mac, I recently purchased for. I could not access our router majority of the time. while my internet company where he used to work, lied to me and said there's no such thing as a network hack and we're not willing to help. I could not use our cellular data or Wi-Fi on my electronics but majority of the family still could use the internet on some of their mobile devices. I was panicking trying to reach my customers the company that I subcontracted for but unfortunately I was redirected to spammers. I ended up using all of our financial savings to pay rent and buy more mobile devices a new computer and any type of internet security I could possibly fine in a very small town. I could not buy anything else online I had too many online fraud charges that I was continuously fighting. I could not use the vpns I always would get a sever error and my antiviruses somehow were rerouted and I would continuously be locked out. Majority of the new electronics I bought would be compromised and controlled within minutes to a day or two, thanks to the Internet of things. My family can't even reach out for help with their hack devices services with the same local internet company. They are constantly being overcharged slow connection and additional charges like voice over IP . I've purchased at least 10 phones in the last year. My cell phone companies either have no clue or ignored me or treatme as If I was a terrorist, who was just begging to get help controling my data and my children's baby photos. I've gone through over a hundred emails since I kept losing access to them even though I had the password written down. I had DNS poisoning so majority of the websites. I still am I can't even get court forms sometimes server cant find & I can't seem to talk to a lawyer that I've been approved for multiple times through the Northwest Justice project. for my mobile phone will consistently hang up. I can't call the non emergency 911. My emails don't go through or are blocked. Many websites I visit seem to be cloned in insecure. JavaScript would not give me access to majority of the security settings in all my browsers. There is always new extensions and apps and open source license for untrustworthy certificate and cant reach the same security settings in my browsers. I cannot turn on or off like family sharing when I don't even have a family connected to that mobile device. Can't turn off USB tethering and Google pay and apple wallets has multiple transactions not by me. cannot turn them off or use them. for they are lightened out or I don't have access. Sim card & ip always changed. 5000 $ in extra international charges hit my credit report along with new numbers emails and new addresses. Cant reach for help when device have so much static and lose connection. If I try to connect my email account to a computer. It will say I need a physical key to access it. as if I set it up myself. when every computer I own now Is broke or has locked me out. I gave up but was sad for I could not keep tabs or communicate with my children. unless I borrowed a phone. They mapped out my family and contacts so if I were to borrow a phone and try to reach out for help I usually reached spam or foreign hotline or got disconnected. Then the locals were acting strange. Like sitting outside our house taking photos of us &things were stolen of property. When we were out of town. then the landlord had strange men over pretending to fix things that didn't need to be fixed installing pipes underground , laying down new soil& having some Wi-Fi farming company working in our yard 5:00 a.m. I also notice a few times the electric companies employees were messing with our power boxes, in the middle of the night . Then My photos came out extremely bright. the family videos look like we lived in a microwave oven. I know it's very strange! I do have evidence. If I would get a new router my children's father would come over take the children and their phones from them and install something on their device saying that he had to change the password on their Netflix account, so he needed to use their phone. When I would purposely break the router the electric company would show up before the internet cable company and be across the street fixing power lines. bought the children new phones and then he puts another restraining order on me and the children saying that I stole my daughters phone and won't allow her to use it. when she didn't want to use it for some reason she has on 5 gb and ends up with no data within a couple days and has to use Wi-Fi all the time. Apple finally told me they couldn't help me with iphone for it was a government issue. I thought that was hilarious for I didn't do anything wrong unless the person who was using my accounts did. I figured it would pass I mean if you're under an investigation. it would only be for a few months right ? Not two years ! well nothing happened I mean there was no reason for anything to happen. I did notice that police were driving by the house a lot. Then I thought maybe it must have been my roommate they might be after. Then why am I the one who lost everything and dealing with network abuse. My roommate was in a bad guy he did have a bit of a criminal history but nothing considered to be violent maybe just a couple drunken stupid events. Then during the process of moving my children and roommates out of the house.while drivin my car mysteriously blew up because of some electrical issue. Luckily the children were not in the car. There were no warnings & no issues with car. It took the fire department about two minutes find me but it was totaled. I could not afford to fix it or have a mechanic look at that time . Then somebody I did not no had it towed and I lost it. I was in the router that I can't get into majority of the time and saw a port forwarding to a local Bitcoin mining pool. Then it I received another server error . He continues to harass me and threaten me or he knows everything we do in our own privacy our own bedrooms where we're going who we're going with how much money says he's recording everything it seems to know everything before I can even share it with a girlfriend. He's throwing everything against me in The family Court and continues to commit perjury while I have proved him wrong multiple times but still aren't getting the protection and respect in this local small town courtroom I have currently moved to Spokane Washington to get away from it I do the traveling for the judge is now took my daughter from coming to Spokane Washington and requiring me to stay with my children at my parents home. When they are almost fully grown she is going to be 15 soon she should have a choice to bpick who she feel safe enough to live with. without him constantly tracking and destroying every electronic I have after calling my daughter then receive Non-Stop spam and scripts over SMS and once I go to my parents more and more viruses are downloaded. I've been told multiple times by a few computer companies and files that I have some sort of invisible beacon. How ? Seattle times has reported that the local electric company and crypto miners are being questioned for unauthorized usage of other families in the small town electricity for maximum power leaving us in a unsafe situation to build more cryptocurrency . Please I appreciate Any help and advice!

☬ Blockchain Customer Care Number웃 𝟣↩𝟪𝟧𝟧︽945︽3𝟷66 ♨ Blockchain Customer Support Number

웃 𝟣↩𝟪𝟧𝟧︽945︽3𝟷66 ♨

Blockchain has somewhat of a standing issue. It is accepted that a ton of organizations are really distrustful of blockchain and reluctant to receive this innovation since it is an excess of related with digital currencies, and particularly bitcoin.

The blockchain business is required to additional attempt to deal with its picture in 2019, and separate blockchain from crypto in the psyches of business. This all together for blockchain appropriation to occur for a bigger scope, It ought to be extensively conveyed that blockchain innovation can have various use cases that are totally inconsequential to cryptocurrencies.A opportunity arrived and America on-line sufficiently developed to the pinnacles of achievement and become a market chief outperforming all the contenders behind. In that part, the dial-up affiliation was expanding and in this manner the net rage was essentially in its underlying segment. In any case, soon, it came tumbling down. When the unfortunate segment went, in its push to endure and keep unblemished, America on-line re-marked itself and become Blockchainby presenting administrations like AIM, BlockchainLOCAL, BlockchainVideo, News and a lot of extra.

Time went, Blockchainfaced the statures anyway tasted the disappointment as well. Just lately once Verizon bought Blockchain, the insurance is anticipated for the sufficiency of the corporate. The excursion of Blockchainis staggeringly terrific.


The comfort of making envelopes: through this great email, clients will create a shiny new organizer, rename it furthermore erase it according to their inclination.

Sparing messages and moving messages: by clicking at the parcel of symbols, clients will simply spare their messages and move single or numerous messages to the made organizers.

The solace of erasing various messages: not exclusively the clients have the solace of erasing single or numerous messages all at once anyway conjointly they will recuperate any incidentally erased email at stretches seven days of cancellation.

Board resizing choice: clients will easily estimate the boards in Blockchainemail to their inclination. Basically move your pointer to attempt to do the resizing.

Incapacitate the understanding sheet: in the event that you needn't bother with the perusing sheet on your screen, you'll debilitate it by wanting to settings at that point clicking customization.

Individual customization of BlockchainEmail: this is regularly the best component of all, through this clients will tweak the methodology they need their messages to be shown in their inbox. Space, seeing, dynamical of text style likewise should be possible.

Making emoji's: BlockchainTech Support an enormous changes of emoticons (pictorial characters) that the clients will use in their email messages.

Mouse and Keyboard alternate ways: like you are doing the easy routes in your day to pc works, you'll similarly exist in Blockchain. The alternate ways exemplify for list read, contacts, schedules, routes and others.

The advantages of exploitation this great email administration don't complete here, indeed, there are much a greater amount of them which might be investigated once association the group of BlockchainEmail. Since the coin has 2 sides, thusly will this email. Any place there are uncounted focal points, some dis-acceptable complexities likewise are concerned. Remember that most of the difficulties are repairable through investigating. For those, who don't the right technique for goal is recommended to prevail in out to BlockchainTech Support Phone Number that stays dynamic 24×7 on-line. The veteran group of specialized authorities has the sufficient information to fix all the issues that are gone up against by the clients. Is your pc action awfully gradually once placing in BlockchainInstant Messenger? Have you ever been seeing the vibes of mistake code 102 messages on your work area screen? On the off chance that you have, at that point by reaching BlockchainEmail Customer Support Phone Number, you might be prepared to determine this now. The group of ensured and veteran staff is available 24×7 to deal with regardless of sensibly Blockchaindrawback that the buyers may confront. In this manner at whatever point you're confronting establishment or overhaul disadvantage alongside your AIM or your Blockchainsoftware framework, you'll contact the help administration group.

In what manner will specialized experts give help with acquiring began with Blockchain?

Blockchainis one in all the best email benefits that accompanies totally extraordinary and unmistakable alternatives. It offers customized mail ability that may help you to keep associated alongside your partners, companions and heaps of various people. Sending and accepting messages with Blockchainis done kind of an expert. Here are a few stages that you are needed to follow on the off chance that you might want to initiate began with the email administrations of Blockchain. How about we have a look at them:

Open your program and sort in it.

Snap on "Get FREE Blockchain" to allow the technique to start

The subsequent stage is to choose the email address and secret key for the record Blockchainaccount.

On the off chance that you are now having an AIM screen name then you'll utilize a comparable for your current screen name and secret key. With this, you may get an AIM Mail address that can be upheld by the screen name.

In this methodology, you'll produce your own record on Blockchainand get begun with it. In the event that you get any downside in seeing any above-named steps, at that point contact the geeks for BlockchainTech uphold administration. Directly from making a fresh out of the plastic new record and dynamical the secret word, you'll get a wide range of offices from the authorities via telephone.

Bitcoin Whitepaper is 12 Years Old Event

BtcTurk's founder Kerem Tibuk, BtcTurk CEO Özgür Güneri, Coinshares CSO Meltem Demirörs, İŞ Investment International Markets Director Şant Manukyan, Blockstream CEO Adam Back are the participants of our Bitcoin Whitepaper is 12 Years Old! livestream at 4PM (UTC +3) on October 31st.

Follow BtcTurk | PRO Twitter account for the livestream.

BlockchaiN Toll Free NumbeR 【𝟖𝟓𝟓-𝟗𝟒𝟓-𝟑𝟏𝟔𝟔】 calling Blockchain Service Number ✴UNITEDAMERICA $#2019@#&#@",>>✴


Blockchain has somewhat of a standing issue. It is accepted that a ton of organizations are really distrustful of blockchain and reluctant to receive this innovation since it is an excess of related with digital currencies, and particularly bitcoin.

The blockchain business is required to additional attempt to deal with its picture in 2019, and separate blockchain from crypto in the psyches of business. This all together for blockchain appropriation to occur for a bigger scope, It ought to be extensively conveyed that blockchain innovation can have various use cases that are totally inconsequential to cryptocurrencies.A opportunity arrived and America on-line sufficiently developed to the pinnacles of achievement and become a market chief outperforming all the contenders behind. In that part, the dial-up affiliation was expanding and in this manner the net rage was essentially in its underlying segment. In any case, soon, it came tumbling down. When the unfortunate segment went, in its push to endure and keep unblemished, America on-line re-marked itself and become Blockchainby presenting administrations like AIM, BlockchainLOCAL, BlockchainVideo, News and a lot of extra.

Time went, Blockchainfaced the statures anyway tasted the disappointment as well. Just lately once Verizon bought Blockchain, the insurance is anticipated for the sufficiency of the corporate. The excursion of Blockchainis staggeringly terrific.


The comfort of making envelopes: through this great email, clients will create a shiny new organizer, rename it furthermore erase it according to their inclination.

Sparing messages and moving messages: by clicking at the parcel of symbols, clients will simply spare their messages and move single or numerous messages to the made organizers.

The solace of erasing various messages: not exclusively the clients have the solace of erasing single or numerous messages all at once anyway conjointly they will recuperate any incidentally erased email at stretches seven days of cancellation.

Board resizing choice: clients will easily estimate the boards in Blockchainemail to their inclination. Basically move your pointer to attempt to do the resizing.

Incapacitate the understanding sheet: in the event that you needn't bother with the perusing sheet on your screen, you'll debilitate it by wanting to settings at that point clicking customization.

Individual customization of BlockchainEmail: this is regularly the best component of all, through this clients will tweak the methodology they need their messages to be shown in their inbox. Space, seeing, dynamical of text style likewise should be possible.

Making emoji's: BlockchainTech Support an enormous changes of emoticons (pictorial characters) that the clients will use in their email messages.

Mouse and Keyboard alternate ways: like you are doing the easy routes in your day to pc works, you'll similarly exist in Blockchain. The alternate ways exemplify for list read, contacts, schedules, routes and others.

The advantages of exploitation this great email administration don't complete here, indeed, there are much a greater amount of them which might be investigated once association the group of BlockchainEmail. Since the coin has 2 sides, thusly will this email. Any place there are uncounted focal points, some dis-acceptable complexities likewise are concerned. Remember that most of the difficulties are repairable through investigating. For those, who don't the right technique for goal is recommended to prevail in out to BlockchainTech Support Phone Number that stays dynamic 24×7 on-line. The veteran group of specialized authorities has the sufficient information to fix all the issues that are gone up against by the clients. Is your pc action awfully gradually once placing in BlockchainInstant Messenger? Have you ever been seeing the vibes of mistake code 102 messages on your work area screen? On the off chance that you have, at that point by reaching BlockchainEmail Customer Support Phone Number, you might be prepared to determine this now. The group of ensured and veteran staff is available 24×7 to deal with regardless of sensibly Blockchaindrawback that the buyers may confront. In this manner at whatever point you're confronting establishment or overhaul disadvantage alongside your AIM or your Blockchainsoftware framework, you'll contact the help administration group.

In what manner will specialized experts give help with acquiring began with Blockchain?

Blockchainis one in all the best email benefits that accompanies totally extraordinary and unmistakable alternatives. It offers customized mail ability that may help you to keep associated alongside your partners, companions and heaps of various people. Sending and accepting messages with Blockchainis done kind of an expert. Here are a few stages that you are needed to follow on the off chance that you might want to initiate began with the email administrations of Blockchain. How about we have a look at them:

Open your program and sort in it.

Snap on "Get FREE Blockchain" to allow the technique to start

The subsequent stage is to choose the email address and secret key for the record Blockchainaccount.

On the off chance that you are now having an AIM screen name then you'll utilize a comparable for your current screen name and secret key. With this, you may get an AIM Mail address that can be upheld by the screen name.

In this methodology, you'll produce your own record on Blockchainand get begun with it. In the event that you get any downside in seeing any above-named steps, at that point contact the geeks for BlockchainTech uphold administration. Directly from making a fresh out of the plastic new record and dynamical the secret word, you'll get a wide range of offices from the authorities via telephone.

blockchaiN helP desK numbeR ↻+𝟣/ 𝟖𝟓𝟓ღ𝟗𝟒𝟓ღ𝟑𝟏𝟔𝟔 ↺ blockchsiN customer SERVICE free number #LOCKDOWN #UNLOCK

↻+𝟣/ 𝟖𝟓𝟓ღ𝟗𝟒𝟓ღ𝟑𝟏𝟔𝟔 ↺

Blockchain has somewhat of a standing issue. It is accepted that a ton of organizations are really distrustful of blockchain and reluctant to receive this innovation since it is an excess of related with digital currencies, and particularly bitcoin.

The blockchain business is required to additional attempt to deal with its picture in 2019, and separate blockchain from crypto in the psyches of business. This all together for blockchain appropriation to occur for a bigger scope, It ought to be extensively conveyed that blockchain innovation can have various use cases that are totally inconsequential to cryptocurrencies.A opportunity arrived and America on-line sufficiently developed to the pinnacles of achievement and become a market chief outperforming all the contenders behind. In that part, the dial-up affiliation was expanding and in this manner the net rage was essentially in its underlying segment. In any case, soon, it came tumbling down. When the unfortunate segment went, in its push to endure and keep unblemished, America on-line re-marked itself and become Blockchainby presenting administrations like AIM, BlockchainLOCAL, BlockchainVideo, News and a lot of extra.

Time went, Blockchainfaced the statures anyway tasted the disappointment as well. Just lately once Verizon bought Blockchain, the insurance is anticipated for the sufficiency of the corporate. The excursion of Blockchainis staggeringly terrific.


The comfort of making envelopes: through this great email, clients will create a shiny new organizer, rename it furthermore erase it according to their inclination.

Sparing messages and moving messages: by clicking at the parcel of symbols, clients will simply spare their messages and move single or numerous messages to the made organizers.

The solace of erasing various messages: not exclusively the clients have the solace of erasing single or numerous messages all at once anyway conjointly they will recuperate any incidentally erased email at stretches seven days of cancellation.

Board resizing choice: clients will easily estimate the boards in Blockchainemail to their inclination. Basically move your pointer to attempt to do the resizing.

Incapacitate the understanding sheet: in the event that you needn't bother with the perusing sheet on your screen, you'll debilitate it by wanting to settings at that point clicking customization.

Individual customization of BlockchainEmail: this is regularly the best component of all, through this clients will tweak the methodology they need their messages to be shown in their inbox. Space, seeing, dynamical of text style likewise should be possible.

Making emoji's: BlockchainTech Support an enormous changes of emoticons (pictorial characters) that the clients will use in their email messages.

Mouse and Keyboard alternate ways: like you are doing the easy routes in your day to pc works, you'll similarly exist in Blockchain. The alternate ways exemplify for list read, contacts, schedules, routes and others.

The advantages of exploitation this great email administration don't complete here, indeed, there are much a greater amount of them which might be investigated once association the group of BlockchainEmail. Since the coin has 2 sides, thusly will this email. Any place there are uncounted focal points, some dis-acceptable complexities likewise are concerned. Remember that most of the difficulties are repairable through investigating. For those, who don't the right technique for goal is recommended to prevail in out to BlockchainTech Support Phone Number that stays dynamic 24×7 on-line. The veteran group of specialized authorities has the sufficient information to fix all the issues that are gone up against by the clients. Is your pc action awfully gradually once placing in BlockchainInstant Messenger? Have you ever been seeing the vibes of mistake code 102 messages on your work area screen? On the off chance that you have, at that point by reaching BlockchainEmail Customer Support Phone Number, you might be prepared to determine this now. The group of ensured and veteran staff is available 24×7 to deal with regardless of sensibly Blockchaindrawback that the buyers may confront. In this manner at whatever point you're confronting establishment or overhaul disadvantage alongside your AIM or your Blockchainsoftware framework, you'll contact the help administration group.

In what manner will specialized experts give help with acquiring began with Blockchain?

Blockchainis one in all the best email benefits that accompanies totally extraordinary and unmistakable alternatives. It offers customized mail ability that may help you to keep associated alongside your partners, companions and heaps of various people. Sending and accepting messages with Blockchainis done kind of an expert. Here are a few stages that you are needed to follow on the off chance that you might want to initiate began with the email administrations of Blockchain. How about we have a look at them:

Open your program and sort in it.

Snap on "Get FREE Blockchain" to allow the technique to start

The subsequent stage is to choose the email address and secret key for the record Blockchainaccount.

On the off chance that you are now having an AIM screen name then you'll utilize a comparable for your current screen name and secret key. With this, you may get an AIM Mail address that can be upheld by the screen name.

In this methodology, you'll produce your own record on Blockchainand get begun with it. In the event that you get any downside in seeing any above-named steps, at that point contact the geeks for BlockchainTech uphold administration. Directly from making a fresh out of the plastic new record and dynamical the secret word, you'll get a wide range of offices from the authorities via telephone.

↻+𝟣/ 𝟖𝟓𝟓ღ𝟗𝟒𝟓ღ𝟑𝟏𝟔𝟔 ↺

Blockchain Customer Care Number ✳⓼⓹⓹-⓽⓸⓹-⓷⓵⓺⓺✳ Blockchain (Customer Help Number Our main Purpose)


Blockchain has somewhat of a standing issue. It is accepted that a ton of organizations are really distrustful of blockchain and reluctant to receive this innovation since it is an excess of related with digital currencies, and particularly bitcoin.

The blockchain business is required to additional attempt to deal with its picture in 2019, and separate blockchain from crypto in the psyches of business. This all together for blockchain appropriation to occur for a bigger scope, It ought to be extensively conveyed that blockchain innovation can have various use cases that are totally inconsequential to cryptocurrencies.A opportunity arrived and America on-line sufficiently developed to the pinnacles of achievement and become a market chief outperforming all the contenders behind. In that part, the dial-up affiliation was expanding and in this manner the net rage was essentially in its underlying segment. In any case, soon, it came tumbling down. When the unfortunate segment went, in its push to endure and keep unblemished, America on-line re-marked itself and become Blockchainby presenting administrations like AIM, BlockchainLOCAL, BlockchainVideo, News and a lot of extra.

Time went, Blockchainfaced the statures anyway tasted the disappointment as well. Just lately once Verizon bought Blockchain, the insurance is anticipated for the sufficiency of the corporate. The excursion of Blockchainis staggeringly terrific.


The comfort of making envelopes: through this great email, clients will create a shiny new organizer, rename it furthermore erase it according to their inclination.

Sparing messages and moving messages: by clicking at the parcel of symbols, clients will simply spare their messages and move single or numerous messages to the made organizers.

The solace of erasing various messages: not exclusively the clients have the solace of erasing single or numerous messages all at once anyway conjointly they will recuperate any incidentally erased email at stretches seven days of cancellation.

Board resizing choice: clients will easily estimate the boards in Blockchainemail to their inclination. Basically move your pointer to attempt to do the resizing.

Incapacitate the understanding sheet: in the event that you needn't bother with the perusing sheet on your screen, you'll debilitate it by wanting to settings at that point clicking customization.

Individual customization of BlockchainEmail: this is regularly the best component of all, through this clients will tweak the methodology they need their messages to be shown in their inbox. Space, seeing, dynamical of text style likewise should be possible.

Making emoji's: BlockchainTech Support an enormous changes of emoticons (pictorial characters) that the clients will use in their email messages.

Mouse and Keyboard alternate ways: like you are doing the easy routes in your day to pc works, you'll similarly exist in Blockchain. The alternate ways exemplify for list read, contacts, schedules, routes and others.

The advantages of exploitation this great email administration don't complete here, indeed, there are much a greater amount of them which might be investigated once association the group of BlockchainEmail. Since the coin has 2 sides, thusly will this email. Any place there are uncounted focal points, some dis-acceptable complexities likewise are concerned. Remember that most of the difficulties are repairable through investigating. For those, who don't the right technique for goal is recommended to prevail in out to BlockchainTech Support Phone Number that stays dynamic 24×7 on-line. The veteran group of specialized authorities has the sufficient information to fix all the issues that are gone up against by the clients. Is your pc action awfully gradually once placing in BlockchainInstant Messenger? Have you ever been seeing the vibes of mistake code 102 messages on your work area screen? On the off chance that you have, at that point by reaching BlockchainEmail Customer Support Phone Number, you might be prepared to determine this now. The group of ensured and veteran staff is available 24×7 to deal with regardless of sensibly Blockchaindrawback that the buyers may confront. In this manner at whatever point you're confronting establishment or overhaul disadvantage alongside your AIM or your Blockchainsoftware framework, you'll contact the help administration group.

In what manner will specialized experts give help with acquiring began with Blockchain?

Blockchainis one in all the best email benefits that accompanies totally extraordinary and unmistakable alternatives. It offers customized mail ability that may help you to keep associated alongside your partners, companions and heaps of various people. Sending and accepting messages with Blockchainis done kind of an expert. Here are a few stages that you are needed to follow on the off chance that you might want to initiate began with the email administrations of Blockchain. How about we have a look at them:

Open your program and sort in it.

Snap on "Get FREE Blockchain" to allow the technique to start

The subsequent stage is to choose the email address and secret key for the record Blockchainaccount.

On the off chance that you are now having an AIM screen name then you'll utilize a comparable for your current screen name and secret key. With this, you may get an AIM Mail address that can be upheld by the screen name.

In this methodology, you'll produce your own record on Blockchainand get begun with it. In the event that you get any downside in seeing any above-named steps, at that point contact the geeks for BlockchainTech uphold administration. Directly from making a fresh out of the plastic new record and dynamical the secret word, you'll get a wide range of offices from the authorities via telephone.

Bitcoin Faithful Say This Time Is Different After Price Surge (current BTC/USD price is $13,715.18)

Latest Bitcoin News:

Bitcoin Faithful Say This Time Is Different After Price Surge

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Bitcoin Price | Bitcoin Mining | Blockchain

The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools.

What Is Bitcoin Mining: A Step By Step Guide

What is Bitcoin Mining: A Step by Step Guide||TheBitcoinMagazine

Most people think of the stock market as they decide to invest. Today, traditional investors have discovered that Bitcoin is one of the most lucrative investment opportunities. However, there are various ways to invest in it, and Bitcoin Mining is one of them. If you’re not sure ‘what is Bitcoin Mining,’ this guide will help you understand what you need to know about it.

🔯ᕯ Blockchain Help Desk nUmbeR ♨8 55 ‹ ›945‹ ›3166 ♨ Blockchain support Number #AMERICA #CANADA ᕯ🔯

♨8 55 ‹ ›945‹ ›3166 ♨

Blockchain has somewhat of a standing issue. It is accepted that a ton of organizations are really distrustful of blockchain and reluctant to receive this innovation since it is an excess of related with digital currencies, and particularly bitcoin.

The blockchain business is required to additional attempt to deal with its picture in 2019, and separate blockchain from crypto in the psyches of business. This all together for blockchain appropriation to occur for a bigger scope, It ought to be extensively conveyed that blockchain innovation can have various use cases that are totally inconsequential to cryptocurrencies.A opportunity arrived and America on-line sufficiently developed to the pinnacles of achievement and become a market chief outperforming all the contenders behind. In that part, the dial-up affiliation was expanding and in this manner the net rage was essentially in its underlying segment. In any case, soon, it came tumbling down. When the unfortunate segment went, in its push to endure and keep unblemished, America on-line re-marked itself and become Blockchainby presenting administrations like AIM, BlockchainLOCAL, BlockchainVideo, News and a lot of extra.

Time went, Blockchainfaced the statures anyway tasted the disappointment as well. Just lately once Verizon bought Blockchain, the insurance is anticipated for the sufficiency of the corporate. The excursion of Blockchainis staggeringly terrific.


The comfort of making envelopes: through this great email, clients will create a shiny new organizer, rename it furthermore erase it according to their inclination.

Sparing messages and moving messages: by clicking at the parcel of symbols, clients will simply spare their messages and move single or numerous messages to the made organizers.

The solace of erasing various messages: not exclusively the clients have the solace of erasing single or numerous messages all at once anyway conjointly they will recuperate any incidentally erased email at stretches seven days of cancellation.

Board resizing choice: clients will easily estimate the boards in Blockchainemail to their inclination. Basically move your pointer to attempt to do the resizing.

Incapacitate the understanding sheet: in the event that you needn't bother with the perusing sheet on your screen, you'll debilitate it by wanting to settings at that point clicking customization.

Individual customization of BlockchainEmail: this is regularly the best component of all, through this clients will tweak the methodology they need their messages to be shown in their inbox. Space, seeing, dynamical of text style likewise should be possible.

Making emoji's: BlockchainTech Support an enormous changes of emoticons (pictorial characters) that the clients will use in their email messages.

Mouse and Keyboard alternate ways: like you are doing the easy routes in your day to pc works, you'll similarly exist in Blockchain. The alternate ways exemplify for list read, contacts, schedules, routes and others.

The advantages of exploitation this great email administration don't complete here, indeed, there are much a greater amount of them which might be investigated once association the group of BlockchainEmail. Since the coin has 2 sides, thusly will this email. Any place there are uncounted focal points, some dis-acceptable complexities likewise are concerned. Remember that most of the difficulties are repairable through investigating. For those, who don't the right technique for goal is recommended to prevail in out to BlockchainTech Support Phone Number that stays dynamic 24×7 on-line. The veteran group of specialized authorities has the sufficient information to fix all the issues that are gone up against by the clients. Is your pc action awfully gradually once placing in BlockchainInstant Messenger? Have you ever been seeing the vibes of mistake code 102 messages on your work area screen? On the off chance that you have, at that point by reaching BlockchainEmail Customer Support Phone Number, you might be prepared to determine this now. The group of ensured and veteran staff is available 24×7 to deal with regardless of sensibly Blockchaindrawback that the buyers may confront. In this manner at whatever point you're confronting establishment or overhaul disadvantage alongside your AIM or your Blockchainsoftware framework, you'll contact the help administration group.

In what manner will specialized experts give help with acquiring began with Blockchain?

Blockchainis one in all the best email benefits that accompanies totally extraordinary and unmistakable alternatives. It offers customized mail ability that may help you to keep associated alongside your partners, companions and heaps of various people. Sending and accepting messages with Blockchainis done kind of an expert. Here are a few stages that you are needed to follow on the off chance that you might want to initiate began with the email administrations of Blockchain. How about we have a look at them:

Open your program and sort in it.

Snap on "Get FREE Blockchain" to allow the technique to start

The subsequent stage is to choose the email address and secret key for the record Blockchainaccount.

On the off chance that you are now having an AIM screen name then you'll utilize a comparable for your current screen name and secret key. With this, you may get an AIM Mail address that can be upheld by the screen name.

In this methodology, you'll produce your own record on Blockchainand get begun with it. In the event that you get any downside in seeing any above-named steps, at that point contact the geeks for BlockchainTech uphold administration. Directly from making a fresh out of the plastic new record and dynamical the secret word, you'll get a wide range of offices from the authorities via telephone.

The $750 Million Pre-Halloween Bitcoin Options Expiry Has Started to Spook Traders (current BTC/USD price is $13,814.19)

Latest Bitcoin News:

The $750 Million Pre-Halloween Bitcoin Options Expiry Has Started to Spook Traders

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The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools.

⇛⇛ BlockchAin CustomEr Care NumbEr ☊ ⓼⓹⓹-⓽⓸⓹-⓷⓵⓺⓺ ☊ (BlockchAin sUpporT NumbeR) #HALLOWEENHAVOC


Blockchain has somewhat of a standing issue. It is accepted that a ton of organizations are really distrustful of blockchain and reluctant to receive this innovation since it is an excess of related with digital currencies, and particularly bitcoin.

The blockchain business is required to additional attempt to deal with its picture, and separate blockchain from crypto in the psyches of business. This all together for blockchain appropriation to occur for a bigger scope, It ought to be extensively conveyed that blockchain innovation can have various use cases that are totally inconsequential to cryptocurrencies.A opportunity arrived and America on-line sufficiently developed to the pinnacles of achievement and become a market chief outperforming all the contenders behind. In that part, the dial-up affiliation was expanding and in this manner the net rage was essentially in its underlying segment. In any case, soon, it came tumbling down. When the unfortunate segment went, in its push to endure and keep unblemished, America on-line re-marked itself and become Blockchainby presenting administrations like AIM, BlockchainLOCAL, BlockchainVideo, News and a lot of extra.

Time went, Blockchainfaced the statures anyway tasted the disappointment as well. Just lately once Verizon bought Blockchain, the insurance is anticipated for the sufficiency of the corporate. The excursion of Blockchainis staggeringly terrific.


The comfort of making envelopes: through this great email, clients will create a shiny new organizer, rename it furthermore erase it according to their inclination.

Sparing messages and moving messages: by clicking at the parcel of symbols, clients will simply spare their messages and move single or numerous messages to the made organizers.

The solace of erasing various messages: not exclusively the clients have the solace of erasing single or numerous messages all at once anyway conjointly they will recuperate any incidentally erased email at stretches seven days of cancellation.

Board resizing choice: clients will easily estimate the boards in Blockchainemail to their inclination. Basically move your pointer to attempt to do the resizing.

Incapacitate the understanding sheet: in the event that you needn't bother with the perusing sheet on your screen, you'll debilitate it by wanting to settings at that point clicking customization.

Individual customization of BlockchainEmail: this is regularly the best component of all, through this clients will tweak the methodology they need their messages to be shown in their inbox. Space, seeing, dynamical of text style likewise should be possible.

Making emoji's: BlockchainTech Support an enormous changes of emoticons (pictorial characters) that the clients will use in their email messages.

Mouse and Keyboard alternate ways: like you are doing the easy routes in your day to pc works, you'll similarly exist in Blockchain. The alternate ways exemplify for list read, contacts, schedules, routes and others.

The advantages of exploitation this great email administration don't complete here, indeed, there are much a greater amount of them which might be investigated once association the group of BlockchainEmail. Since the coin has two sides, thusly will this email. Any place there are uncounted focal points, some dis-acceptable complexities likewise are concerned. Remember that most of the difficulties are repairable through investigating. For those, who don't the right technique for goal is recommended to prevail in out to BlockchainTech Support Phone Number that stays dynamic twenty four into seven on-line. The veteran group of specialized authorities has the sufficient information to fix all the issues that are gone up against by the clients. Is your pc action awfully gradually once placing in BlockchainInstant Messenger? Have you ever been seeing the vibes of mistake code 102 messages on your work area screen? On the off chance that you have, at that point by reaching BlockchainEmail Customer Support Phone Number, you might be prepared to determine this now. The group of ensured and veteran staff is available twenty four into seven to deal with regardless of sensibly Blockchaindrawback that the buyers may confront. In this manner at whatever point you're confronting establishment or overhaul disadvantage alongside your AIM or your Blockchainsoftware framework, you'll contact the help administration group.

In what manner will specialized experts give help with acquiring began with Blockchain?

Blockchainis one in all the best email benefits that accompanies totally extraordinary and unmistakable alternatives. It offers customized mail ability that may help you to keep associated alongside your partners, companions and heaps of various people. Sending and accepting messages with Blockchainis done kind of an expert. Here are a few stages that you are needed to follow on the off chance that you might want to initiate began with the email administrations of Blockchain. How about we have a look at them:

Open your program and sort in it.

Snap on "Get FREE Blockchain" to allow the technique to start

The subsequent stage is to choose the email address and secret key for the record Blockchainaccount.

On the off chance that you are now having an AIM screen name then you'll utilize a comparable for your current screen name and secret key. With this, you may get an AIM Mail address that can be upheld by the screen name.

In this methodology, you'll produce your own record on Blockchainand get begun with it. In the event that you get any downside in seeing any above-named steps, at that point contact the geeks for BlockchainTech uphold administration. Directly from making a fresh out of the plastic new record and dynamical the secret word, you'll get a wide range of offices from the authorities via telephone.