Wednesday, January 8, 2020

@AlphaexCapital : Forex Trader: The Ultimate Guide For Beginners In 2019 #forex #investing #bitcoin #crypto #xrp #btc #eth #forexsignals

@AlphaexCapital : DiNapoli Trading Method is proven & highly-effective adaptation of the Fibonacci Levels. In this quick guide learn how to use the DiNapoli Trading Method => #forex #investing #bitcoin #crypto #xrp #btc #eth #forexsignals

[Daily Discussion] Thursday, January 09, 2020

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

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[Altcoin Discussion] Thursday, January 09, 2020

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Discussion related to recent events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • General questions about altcoins

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  • Be excellent to each other.
  • All regular rules for this subreddit apply, except for number 2. This, and only this, thread is exempt from the requirement that all discussion must relate to bitcoin trading.
  • This is for high quality discussion of altcoins. All shilling or obvious pumping/dumping behavior will result in an immediate one day ban. This is your only warning.
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Things I have to disagree with Yang on as a conservative, and why it’s important we have our disagreements

Before I go on, here’s a little background on me:

I was a former Trump supporter and am currently a registered Republican. In 2016, I supported Rand Paul, then Ted Cruz up until the primary (I am currently converting to Catholicism so I value Cruz’s Catholic background), and then Donald Trump in the general (but not much, I was vacillating between him and Johnson up until Aleppo). I continue to be a pretty strong conservative. My economic views are left leaning, and my social views are right leaning.

I came across Yang in February 2018 when I saw him mentioned offhandedly somewhere on the Internet, and I went to his website to take a look (it hasn’t changed much at all, except for all of the new pages for policies, volunteering and events). I was instantly enamored by his forward thinking policy plans, perceptiveness in the threat of automation, and the intelligence and sensibility behind his character. Honestly, I thought he had no chance- after all, he was nothing but a website at this point in time- but I kept interest and told some friends and family about him. As I began to see his interviews and as his campaign fleshed out, I joined the Yang Gang in earnest.

As a result, a lot of my economic conservatism softened out as I understood the impact of UBI, access to healthcare, and the role of economic support in shaping our communities and dealing with our social issues.

However, I am still a conservative at heart, and despite how much I love the Yang campaign and have worked to spread the message far and wide, I disagree with him on various fronts.

  1. I disagree heavily with his stance on abortion. In my religious and secular views, I do not view abortion as a right. Although I tolerate contraceptives and believe greatly in sexual health and awareness, abortion- especially in later weeks of pregnancy- crosses the line for me. Roe v Wade should be overturned and not codified into law. In its place, I do support UBI, access to healthcare, improvements in sex ed and access to contraceptives- all of which would reduce abortion. I also support paid maternity leave, and improvements to our foster care system so that a pregnancy doesn’t have to be terminated.

  2. I also disagree heavily on his stance on 16 year olds gaining the right to vote. I’m a senior in high school, and I can’t even trust my fellow 18 year olds to make those decisions. Civics is usually only taught by your senior year of high school, so 16 year olds would be voting without even having a civics education. I think this plan is absolutely ludicrous, and we should revert the voting age to 21.

  3. I’m also in heavy disagreement with Yang’s support of court stuffing. The judiciary is, arguably, the most potent of the three branches of government and should not be messed with. It is supposed to be an impartial body of the nations best legal minds who interpret our laws within the context of the Constitution. Court stuffing essentially eliminates this precedent entirely. I’m also in disagreement with term limits for the Supreme Court. As our Justices gain experience on the bench, they become not only more accountable and visible to the public (eg Ginsburg, Thomas, Scalia) but also more competent at their work.

  4. Yang’s approach to gun control is somewhat acceptable, however my greatest issue is with licensing. In general, the government should not have a say in regards to what we can have to defend ourselves. I support the idea that some people shouldn’t have guns, but ONLY at the discretion of a court of law. I also think we should emphasize gun training much more- subsidize and emphasize it- so that lawful and morally just citizens have the ability to aptly defend themselves and others whilst not putting others at risk with their weapons.

  5. It doesn’t appear Yang has a strong stance on energy independence. I honestly think Yang should emphasize this more in the context of our foreign policy and economic security. Building off of the nuclear idea, as well as finding new ways to make fossil fuels cleaner and more efficient, should be a part of that (carbon capture, “clean coal”, finding new fuels, natural gas, making fracking/shale mining safer).

  6. As a securities trader in my spare time, a financial transaction tax would be BRUTAL. 0.1% on all trades and transactions is a LOT- especially given most trade fees are less than that. Over time, this adds up to a lot, and could kill investment in slower-moving markets where 0.1% could be the day’s gains. In the context of the trillions that flow through the derivatives and options markets each year, this becomes a massive burden for our financial industry. A reduction in the tax could work if revenue for the UBI is still needed, but we should explore other ways to raise money in less sensitive fields.

  7. The regulation of social media is going to be an impossible- and questionable- task. We should be striking at the heart of where hate and violence come up: economic or social insecurity, a lack of community or belonging, or negative cultural influences. I’ve been there before, and while I’ve been fortunate enough to lift myself out of that dark stage in my life (thanks to the Yang Gang!), many others still have that sense of insecurity in our society or in their personal lives. The internet is a free place, for better or worse, and we’re only ever going to get better results by attacking the core problem.

  8. DC and Puerto Rico are unfit to become states. As for DC, they compensate for their lack of representation by the amount of political influence there. DC’s representative is HUGELY influential in Congress, and DC is also very wealthy on top of that. As for Puerto Rico, it would be way too hard to integrate them as a state and it’s probably better for them to be sovereign.

  9. I support Voter ID as a means to prevent voter fraud SO LONG AS the process to get one is easy and very accessible for anybody.

  10. The Electoral College as it stands must be preserved and understood as one of the primary counters against the tyranny of the majority. By giving states the vote, we ensure that- especially as urbanization takes hold- every part of America gets to be heard. That means that rural states won’t be overshadowed by the urban ones, and the small man still has a seat at the table. This is at the core idea of what we are- the United STATES- and as one of the most geographically and culturally diverse countries on Earth, it would be egregious to simplify our decisions down to a popular vote. In every case, the people who live in states like Wyoming and South Dakota get snuffed out and their values and issues go unheard, as if they were already under the cultural, economic, and social influence of the bigger states. While we may sometimes get a President who didn’t earn the popular vote, that makes it ever so important that our candidates pay attention to ALL of America- not just California, New York, Pennsylvania, and Florida.

  11. I own Bitcoin and I’ve owned it since 2013 (I guess I’m lucky, right?). Cryptocurrency ought to remain free and anonymous and secure, and I don’t believe in regulating it extensively. The more we regulate it, the more it loses its purpose and vision, not only as a commodity, but also as a means of exchange.

And that’s about it, out of Yang’s 105 or so policies, those are really the only ones I have a gripe about. I guess it goes to show how far reaching Yang’s message is. I’m not irreverent of Yang- I’m a long-standing and enthusiastic member of the Yang Gang- but I still have my disagreements!

Even still, I think it’s important that we have disagreements with our candidates. Being able to disagree with our candidates and leadership on issues demonstrates that we still have our own values and convictions as individuals that allow us to make our own unique contribution to politics. Having these disagreements, but still being able to respect a candidate or even extensively support one, is essential to a healthy democracy. Without them, we lose the value behind it.

I’d like to hear what disagreements you may have with Yang, so we can expand the discourse behind his campaign and empower it even more, to show the diverse set of ideas and values behind the Yang campaign.

Bitcoin Will Rise Above $20000 This Year, BitPays Singh Predicts (current BTC/USD price is $8,017.10)

Latest Bitcoin News:

Bitcoin Will Rise Above $20000 This Year, BitPays Singh Predicts

Other Related Bitcoin Topics:

Bitcoin Price | Bitcoin Mining | Blockchain

The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools. Follow us on Twitter @CoinSalad.


I have been a subscriber of Teeka's Palm Beach services now for over 2 years! How time flies my friends. What I wanted to do is give you a little review about the Palm Beach services and options that I paid a king's ransom for and let you know if they are worth it or not.

In complete transparency, I really like Teeka. I think he's a great guy who has a wonderful perspective on the cryptocurrency market based on his years dealing with legacy markets and wall street. While you will hear many online call him a scammer or pump and dump group guy these are mainly broke people who are angry that they can never make a good decision in life and / or they can not afford the services. Sadly, crypto has morphed into a cesspool of not only bad scammy projects (thousands of them - just look on wow) but also really bad scammy angry nasty people! It's a shame because when I got into bitcoin in 2014 it was not this way. We were all united. But greed gets in the way I guess of kindness.

Anyway, after making a lot of money in bitcoin btc I felt like I was really missing out on the bigger runs that were being generated in the alt coins. There was ETH and XRP both exploding upward of 900,000% and I missed the boat!!! Uggg such a horrible feeling. I had no idea what to buy - all I knew was that my bitcoin was doing well for me. But how much more bitcoin could I have had if I just capitalized on just ONE of these altcoin run ups? It pains me to this day to think about it.

With that said I have done extremely well. When I first heard about Teeka, I was probably like you- someone who had seen the presentation and said: This sounds too good to be true. But I also realized that the numbers do not lie! How could i argue with him buying ETH at $3 or Antshares (now NEO) at 0.10 (ten cents) which went up to $1,400 and $198 respectively!? It's all documented and he already had many subscribers getting filthy rich on his calls!! Again, uggg, that I wasn't a part of it. So I joined!

To date there have been some ups and some downs with the calls. But here's one thing I'll say about the Palm Beach picks: all the projects he picked over the past few years are ALL still working and moving the project forward. The price has suffered on a lot of them - but the fundamental stories remain strong for most of the selections he's made over the years. This matters greatly in a bear market we are in which has decimated lesser projects. And that's a lot more than you can say about the rest of crypto in general! Teeka has been like a stalwart friend in a storm helping guiding people through the tempest and even profiting on many coins too (one recent PBC call was up 400%+ not too shabby!)

I'm convinced that many of these projects will soar to new heights , and if they don't that's ok too because it only takes one or two huge winners like his previous calls of Antshares to make you incredibly wealthy as if you were buying bitcoin at $10 or $20 dollars. This is the time to get in and start buying up his recommendations; some which are well below the recommended buying range. Remember Teeka often meets with the team in their offices and vets everything. He has a team of people who scrutinize all aspects of these projects. I certainly couldn't do this adequately and as often enough, alone! And i'm pretty much a crypto expert!

Teeka offers Two crypto products now (which I have full access to): one is the Palm Beach Confidential (monthly newsletter, buy/sell alerts, market updates, wallet-coin and exchange updates) to keep you apprised of all types of things like coin swaps and how to and where to move your coins at times. Understand that crypto is complex and changing a lot and PBC is an invaluable tool to help you keep you head straight and your crypto / money safe! Then there is the Crypto Income Quarterly and this might be my new favorite. Honestly I haven't looked at i much over that last year because i was so busy with trading however... I have to say this publication is incredible in that it gives out information on the top staking and dividend coins and projects and provides instructions of exactly what you need to do to stake the coins to earn residual income. I'm a bit ashamed I haven't taken the time to do more due diligence this past year with this one - some are up BIG.

So, why am I offering a review of this? Well, for one I really do like Teeka. I think he's a good guy and Palm Beach puts out great products and he gets an unfair rap sometimes by the aforementioned broke angry group I mentioned, and that's simply not fair. I also take abuse from people regularly in crypto who learn I'm a subscriber. Imagine the hatred and angst in these people!? Haters! But no time for that. I'm simply stating that the publications are wonderful , and while they will not guarantee that you will make a ton of money they will certainly be a compass for you in a storm of bad misinformation. Crypto has some of the worst propaganda and promotion and scammers the world has ever seen, and having Teeka Tiwari (and me) on your side isn't a bad thing.

I'm also writing this because I'm open to share it with the right people at a reduced price who agree to my consulting services. No bullshit. I do not agree with the exorbitant fee they put on these publications and I believe having access to good info is one of the keys to being successful in such a wild west market as cryptocurrency. I'm offering my consulting to you as a true friend in the crypto space and a share of these valuable publications as my gift to you for allowing yourself to have a new personal friend and advocate in the space. These are my subscriptions and I can do what I want with them. Just know that you'd be purchasing my consulting services as an expert in the space and in exchange I'm going to throw in these valuable services as well to help you make better and safer decisions for yourself and your family.

Ok, that's it! Hopefully you can get the sense that I'm legit and open and honest about my 2++ year experience with Palm Beach services. I think once you talk to me you'll see I pass the sniff test on my crypto expertise and knowledge. We might not agree on what's the real bitcoin, LOL, but you won't be able to argue that I know how to keep your bitcoin SAFE and how to avoid scams and I'll always share with you my true opinions on everything - even Teeka's recommendations (ifyou want my opinion on certain ones that is) . If you'd like to talk further about the consulting options I offer please be sure to contact me directly here via private message. You can do that by going to my profile and selecting more option and then "send message". Ok that's it. Hope to hear from you soon.

#crypto #cryptonews #bitcoin @nocroom #Miami Bitcoin Hackathon supporting Bitcoin Cash (BCH) at this year's hackathon event

Bitcoin Accepted: This Rapper Welcomes BTC Payments and HODLs (current BTC/USD price is $8,058.03)

Latest Bitcoin News:

Bitcoin Accepted: This Rapper Welcomes BTC Payments and HODLs

Other Related Bitcoin Topics:

Bitcoin Price | Bitcoin Mining | Blockchain

The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools. Follow us on Twitter @CoinSalad.

@AlphaexCapital : Discover The Guide That Gives You 100% Done For You Trading Strategies - Click Here For A Trial #forex #investing #bitcoin #crypto #xrp #btc #eth #forexsignals

Libra Chair Says Bitcoin Is Not A Payment System (current BTC/USD price is $8,341.03)

Latest Bitcoin News:

Libra Chair Says Bitcoin Is Not A Payment System

Other Related Bitcoin Topics:

Bitcoin Price | Bitcoin Mining | Blockchain

The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools. Follow us on Twitter @CoinSalad.

@AlphaexCapital : DiNapoli Trading Method is proven & highly-effective adaptation of the Fibonacci Levels. In this quick guide learn how to use the DiNapoli Trading Method => #forex #investing #bitcoin #crypto #xrp #btc #eth #forexsignals

#crypto #cryptonews #bitcoin @nocroom #Organizers' Advanced Guide: How to Airdrop BCH Using SLP Tokens and Dividend Tool at Your Meetup (AkaneYokoo)

[January 08, 2020] Weekly Electra Discussion Thread!

Welcome to the /r/Electra_Currency Weekly Discussion Thread

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Thread Guidelines:

  • Be familiar with the subreddit rules..
  • Please be helpful and friendly.

Daily discussions will be used for:

  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post.
  • General discussion related to the week's events.

💰 Reward: 1$+ 1$ worth bitcoin per referral 💰 It works: PROOFS 💰

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  4. Now use the above-given link again and click on “claim Bitcoin”.
  5. Enter your bitcoin address and click “Next”.

Bye-Bye Bear Market? These Hallmark Bitcoin Reversal Signs Appeared (current BTC/USD price is $8,290.35)

Latest Bitcoin News:

Bye-Bye Bear Market? These Hallmark Bitcoin Reversal Signs Appeared

Other Related Bitcoin Topics:

Bitcoin Price | Bitcoin Mining | Blockchain

The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools. Follow us on Twitter @CoinSalad.

💰 Reward: 1$+ 1$ worth bitcoin per referral 💰 It works: PROOFS 💰

👇 Claim your token here👇


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  3. Create a new Blockstack id or if you already have one then no need.
  4. Now use the above-given link again and click on “claim Bitcoin”.
  5. Enter your bitcoin address and click “Next”.

These 4 Factors Are Building Bitcoin Price’s Colossal Bull Case

Over the past few days, Bitcoin (BTC) has exploded higher, with buyers stepping in after weeks of inactivity. This buying pressure allowed the cryptocurrency to reach a multi-week high at $8,000 on Tuesday morning.

Related Reading: Bitcoin Poised to Collapse Under $5,000? Market Cycle Fractal Suggests So

While the bullish momentum has since slowed, analysts are currently starting to flip medium-term bullish on the cryptocurrency for a confluence of technical and fundamental reasons.

Factor 1: BTC Chart Prints Bullish Signals

Over the past few days, the Bitcoin chart has printed a flurry of bullish price signals:

The on-balance volume indicator is forming a falling wedge, seemingly implying that a further bullish rally is imminent.

Bitcoin is purportedly trading in a Wyckoff Accumulation schematic that implies the cryptocurrency will surge to $9,000, maybe higher, by the end of the month.

Bitcoin just confirmed an inverse head and shoulders pattern, suggesting that the high-$8,000s are in the works for BTC.

Factor 2: On-Chain Metrics Suggest Imminent Return to Bull Run

According to Willy Woo, partner at cryptocurrency fund Adaptive Capital and a noted on-chain analyst, his indicators which track investor activity — correlated closely with market cycles — are showing clear signs that Bitcoin is decisively not in a bear market.

Are we in a $BTC bear market?

No, we are in the re-accumulation phase of a bull market.

— Willy Woo (@woonomic) December 28, 2019

Rather, as Woo continued in the tweet, the indicators suggest that BTC is in the midst of a “re-accumulation” phase of bull markets that always proceeds the blow-off top rally, one that brings Bitcoin an order of magnitude or two higher than where it started.

History repeating per Woo’s analysis means that Bitcoin will burst higher by the second half of 2020, meaning BTC is likely to set new all-time highs a few months or a year after that.

Factor 3: Macro Tensions Are Now Favoring Bitcoin

Another bullish factor that is likely to aid Bitcoin is the macroeconomic and geopolitical environment.

On the evening of January 2nd, U.S. officials confirmed that Iranian General Qassem Soleimani was killed in Baghdad in an airstrike directed by President Donald Trump. Due to Soleimani’s status as a key leader in Iran, media — mainstream and social media alike — erupted; every commentator was trying to weigh in on what this event meant for foreign policy, a potential World War 3, oil, and — you guessed it — Bitcoin.

According to a tweet from Mike Novogratz, a former Goldman Sachs partner and current chief executive of Galaxy Digital, the Iran situation is bullish for gold and BTC.

The more I analyze this Iranian situation, the more bullish gold and $btc I become.

— Michael Novogratz (@novogratz) January 5, 2020

The investor elaborated by writing what he expects to happen on a geopolitical scale in the coming weeks. Slightly paraphrased, he wrote: “Iran will begin to expel U.S. troops. Iran will have more influence in Iraq, which is what they want. The Saudis don’t want conflict. Due to all this, the Middle East will become less stable, creating more volatility in global markets.”

The idea with Novogratz’s comments being that in times of geopolitical and macroeconomic instability, Bitcoin should rise due to the asset being seen as decentralized, non-sovereign, and scarce.

Factor 4: Bitcoin’s Hash Rate Ain’t Slowing Down

And to put a cherry on top of the cryptocurrency cake, Bitcoin’s hash rate — the measure of computational power processing BTC transactions — hit a new all-time high on the 1st day of 2020. The all-time high, 119 exahashes per second, or 119 with 18 zeroes after it.

Related Reading: Why Bitcoin Network’s Record 2019 Is Bullish For the Crypto Market

This surge in the hash rate breaks the previous all-time high set more than two months ago in October, meaning that Bitcoin’s network is now stronger than ever before, marking an amazing start to 2020.

Bitcoin starting 2020 with a BANG.

Hash Rate hit a new all time high on 1/1/2020: 119M TH/s.

Finally broke above the last ATH set more than 2 months ago in October.

Bitcoin Network stronger than ever before 💪

Happy New Year! 🍾

— Charles Edwards (@caprioleio) January 2, 2020