Tuesday, April 13, 2021





New to Cyrpto but i'm getting my head wrapped around it. Tax questions and worries are deterring me from really starting though. Can I ask some questions so I feel more comfortable about all of this?

So I have my Exchange and my soft wallet (also know what I want for my cold wallet but haven't bought it yet). I really want to get going as soon as my bank wire goes through and my exchange is funded but I'm worried about making plays and then not knowing my way around the tax system and end up screwing myself. I'm in the United States.

So at this point I have three main questions and I hope to get some suggestions as well.

First and most basic. I've read up on some of the crypto tax software you can get that links to your exchange and keeps track of much of this for you. Do you link this software just when you go to do your taxes or do you have it linked to your exchange the whole year so it can keep track of your moves? As someone making probably minimal moves do you have software you suggest (I know some are free if you haven't made that many trades or sold much over the year)?

Second and the one that's messing with me the most. Here in the US just converting your Bitcoin to another coin is a taxable event. I understand that if you convert for a gain then that's a capital gains you'll pay and if you convert as a loss you can write that off. What I'm not getting, or how to keep track of it is, if you bought Bitcoin over many different days and at different prices and then you convert some of it to (lets just say) ADA, how do you know if the Bitcoin you are converting is making a gain or a loss since all the Bitcoin you ever bought is lumped together on you Exchange/wallet. I imagine people are converting their coins all the time, how do you keep track of this? This question is really scaring me off from getting started.

Third and last question. Lets say you are using the Yoroi wallet for your ADA and you are staking through that wallet. I know you have to pay taxes when each Epoch finishs and you get paid out. Is there software to keep track of this too? Is it different software then you would have for keeping track of your moves on your exchange?

Thank you in advance and I hope maybe this sparks some answers that help other out as well cause it seems like a good amount of people are jumping into Crypto and I'm not seeing much discussion about taxes I can imagine much of this doesn't even cross some peoples minds as they are excited to jump in and just get started.

[Hiring]People with the Discord Bug Hunter Badge 500 USD

Hi everyone, I need a few people who have the Bug Hunter or HyperSquad Event badge. Paying around 500 - 600 USD Payment: Bitcoin or PayPal All other information through discord or telegram please. Telegram: crzth Discord: Myastic#9815

600USD People with Bug Hunter or HyperSquad Event

Hi everyone, I need a few people who have the Bug Hunter or HyperSquad Event badge. Paying around 500 - 600 USD Payment: Bitcoin or PayPal All other information through discord or telegram please. Telegram: crzth Discord: Myastic#9815

If Bitcoin reaches 69k on 4/20 I will get a tattoo commemorating this event.

Pretty much. I feel it in my heart we are capable of achieving this once-in-a-lifetime goal.

I will post the tattoo if we make it.

Why you should pay attention to tomorrow's GET protocol AMA in r / cryptocurrency

GET protocol is going to have an AMA tomorrow in this subreddit (14th April 4PM UTC / 12PM ET) . Let me give you an introduction and why it's worth paying attention to this AMA.

Website: https://get-protocol.io
Artists who use GET
GET explainer video
Tradeable on: Uniswap, Bittrex, Coinone, Liquid, Hotbit and Bilaxy

In my humble opinion GET protocol is the a very undervalued project when it comes to fundamentals, adoption, tokenomics and potential. Let me explain why:

GET protocol solves an enormous problem: ticket scalping

I think we're all tired of the practices in the ticketing space: bots buy up tickets instantly and then resell them 2x, 5x, 10x or even more the original ticket price. Fans lose, artists lose, venues lose, ... while the money ends up in the pocket of scalpers who don't add any value to the process.

The secondary ticketing market is worth $15 billion. How long will fans have to pay?

GET protocol elminates ticket scalping by linking the ticket to your mobile phone. This means that at entry to a concert, sports game, ... you are only permitted entry with your mobile phone.

This is how it works:

The ticket is linked to your phone and simcard with a dynamic qr code that changes every 5-10 seconds.
The NFT's can only be claimed and released in your wallet when the ticket for the event has been scanned. This makes sense as otherwise you could just send it to a potential buyer and operate as a scalper.
Check this example of a sold out event:
if you go to "ticketmarket" you can see the tickets offered in the secondary market. This is the only way and place to sell your ticket (the event organizer determines at which rules). So you can buy a ticket from a (to you anonymous) buyer or as a seller sell it back into the system and the ticket is sold once the system finds a matching buyer. You remain anonymous to eachother..
After scanning the ticket, the NFT of the ticket can be claimed and can be held as collectible, sold on rarible, ... artists will release special NFT tickets with special metadata in them.

They have sold over 600k tickets and not one was "scalped"

An example is famous Dutch artist Jochem Myjer who uses GET protocol integrator GUTS tickets:


“Weird how some venues still don’t get how great GUTS is. And are afraid of change. It’s easier for the audience. For artists there is no more reselling. And maaaany other advantages. #GoWithTheTimes”

The ticketing space is one where no one trusts another in terms of how many tickets were issued, what the original price was, ... It has been proven that even Ticketmaster themselves are involved in the scalping business. That's why blockchain is vital in all of this. The tickets are all registered on the blockchain as a mean of transparency and accountability. This means that fans can check ticket authenticity whenever they want and make sure that they aren't being taken for a ride.

Besides scalping it offers many more advantages to integrators:

  • Interaction with the ticket holders
  • Extra marketing tools
  • Data collection
  • Dynamic price setting
  • Merging of the primary and secondary market
  • ...

GET protocol has a lot of adoption

As stated above, GUTS has sold 600k tickets using GET protocol. In the meanwhile more ticketing companies have started using it:


Runs fully on the GET protocol and has sold over 600.000 tickets. Has grown into the biggest ticketeer in the Netherlands.


Established in 2009 and sells 2 million tickets/year. Is fully integrated in the GET protocol and will start selling GET-fueled tickets soon.


A new ticketing company in South Korea that will run fully on the GET protocol. They already have deals with kpop stars to sell tickets for.


A Germany based ticketing company that will sell GET fueled tickets with a focus on the sports industry.


The last to join is an Italian ticketing company. Despite being new they have already ticketed the Milano Wine festival in 2020 and will do so in 2021 as well. In 2019 this festival atracted more than 300.000 visitors.

Integrating an existing ticketing company is a low investment move (only the GET token is needed) that offers traditional ticketing companies several benefits. With the whitelabel that has just been released, which makes it easy for any ticketing company to start using GET, I expect many ticketing companies to integrate and GET to scale quickly.

The team said in a recent AMA that they receive 3 requests on average every single day from ticketeers around the world wanting to integrate GET:

Image showing the worldwide interest in adopting GET

GET tokenomics

The GET tokenomics are built so that for every ticket issued 0,28€ (or 0,34$) worth of GET is needed by the ticketeers. They buy most of this from exchanges and some new clients in the beginning receive GET, subsidized from the User Grotwh Fund.

In 2020 ticketing volume in general was down like 90–99% due to corona. Yet GET managed to sell over 236k tickets. Or an increase of 27% compared to 2019.

This is a major indicator of their usecase being needed: despite covid19 they grew a lot and conquered a lot of marketshare from traditional ticketeers.

Tokenomics to push the price

If GUTS was able to sell 236k tickets in a year where ticketing volume is down at least 90% then I think it’s safe to assume that they’ll sell over 3 million tickets/year once everything is allowed again.

Add the new ticketing companies that integrated GET recently (getticket in Korea, Wicket Events in Italy and Tectix in Germany) and the team announced that several will be joining in the coming weeks then you’ll understand that we’ll be seeing millions of tickets processed by the GET protocol.

I’m willing to bet that we’ll see at least 10 million tickets in 2022:

10 million \ 0,34$ = 3.400.000$ in buybacks or close to 300.000 $ every month*

You can imagine what buybacks of 300k $ each month will do to the price, especialy considering that all this bought GET is burned after usage.

Of course with such an increase in buybacks & burns, GET will be recognised as truely deflationary through real world usage.

NFT tickets that will revolutionise ticketing

All tickets issued by the GET protocol are NFT's right now

This is a usecase endorsed by several entrepreneurs and yet overlooked in the crypto space. It's probably one of those very rare cases where crypto people are sleeping on something while entrepreneurs are not only endorsing it but expressing their desire to use it:

Ted Leonsis sees a blockchain future in ticketing

Mark Cuban Says Dallas Mavericks Are 'Talking About' Blockchain for NBA Ticketing

Barry Ritholtz: "Smart Tickets: Creators Capturing Secondary Market Sales"

These are just a few examples of NFT ticketing being endorsed as the future of ticketing. The fun part: GET protocol has no competition in this regard!

GET Protocol — The ticket NFT production line

Here's my take on why GET protocol's smart and blockchain registered tickets becoming NFT's will revolutionize the ticketing industry.

After the DeFi hype we’ve witnessed last year, the next hype in crypto that seems to be developing are NFT’s. In this case it isn’t about riding the hype. Tickets being NFT’s on the blockchain really makes sense and it will change ticketing as we know it. Let me explain…

So what’s a NFT exactly? NFT stands for non fungible token. This is a token that’s unique on the blockchain and not mutually interchangeable. This in contrast to for example Bitcoin where it doesn’t matter which Bitcoin you have (1 BTC = 1 BTC). Every ticket issued by the GET protocol will become a getNFT.

Image explaining GetNFT's

getNFTs are indivisible, meaning that a getNFT can only be held by 1 address at the same time. This ensures that whoever owns a certain NFT will be the only one to decrypt the QR code.

Eventhough GET’s NFT’s will be the most used, bought & traded NFT’s in the crypto space the goal isn’t to ride the hype. Ticketing + NFT = a match made in heaven. And here’s why:

As every ticket on the blockchain will become a NFT and thus unqiue, it will allow non custodial ownership of the ticket asset. This gives many interesting advantages but 2 stand out for me personally: P2P ticket trading & DeFi event financing.

P2P ticket trading
NFT’s will allow P2P ticket trading and GET’s almost done building it! Peer to peer ticket trading means that everyone who owns a getNFT ticket will be able to trade it with another “peer”. This will happen in a closed and regulated ecosystem. This means that certain rules can be set by the event organizer. For example:

  • The ticket can be sold for only x% profit
  • x% of the trade profit goes to the event organizer
  • a certain trading fee goes to the event organizer

This will be the first and only ticketing system that will allow ticket trading while at the same time making scalping impossible. Regulators have been struggling for a long time to solve this problem and what seemed impossible to achieve will be made possible by smart contracts! The impact of this will be huge and will change the ticketing space for the better.Additionally and not unimportantly it will give the event organizer an extra revenue stream. The money that right now for a large part goes to scalpers (the secondary ticket market is worth $15B) will be tapped into by the event organizers.

Why this is important

The advantage for GET holders is twofold:

  1. The P2P market will atract more users (artists, venues, ticketing companies) of the GET protocol (= more GET needed in the primary market)
  2. every ticket exchanged in the secondary market is an additional statechange (= more GET needed)

Event financing
Without a doubt one of the most promising and exciting things to look forward to in 2021 is the introduction of decentralized event financing to GET Protocol.Event organizers often struggle to get financing for their events. This doesn’t only apply to starting artists, but even to famous stars. The artists need to have a lot of capital in advance as they have to pay for the venues, organisation, … upfront while only receiving the money after the show is over. Enter GET’s DeFi solution!

The pre-financing of events for event-organizers is not a solution looking for a problem; it’s a widely known and used tool that enables event organizers to make the investments needed to get their shows or festivals off the ground.In the past we have encountered Event Organizers who select their ticketing partner solely based on the amount of money and loan conditions that they are offered up front.

Thanks to getNFT tickets you’ll be able to pre-finance events of your choice. You can choose to finance new artists (more risk/more APY) or established kpop stars (less risk/less APY).

This is how it will work:

Image explaining GetNFT event financing

If the concept seems complicated, here’s what you need to understand about GET’s decentralized financing solution:1.) Event organizers will be able to easily pre-finance their events. (Something they desperately crave.)2.) Investors will be able to invest in events of their choice, at a risk & reward level that they feel comfortable with.3.) The $GET token is an integral part of the financing process, as it is required for ‘skin in the game’ from

The advantage event financing for GET token holders will bring is again twofold:

  1. As a GET holder you’ll be able to finance events and share in the profit of the ticket sales. This means that GET will allow you to profit without selling = passive income. An important note is that this is profit without inflation. While other DeFi projects give you returns by increasing the supply (and thus decreasing the value of the token) the returns here will not increase the GET supply, as the returns come from real profit(ticket sales).
  2. As the GET token will be an integral part of this process, it will:- increase the buy pressure of the GET token (everyone who wants to participate will need GET)- decrease the supply (everyone who participates will have to locks his GET tokens).

For a deeper insight I recommend the blog below:


GET protocol will be decentralised

The endgoal of the GET protocol is to become open source and decentralised. There will be a governance model where changes to the protocol will be determined by GET token holders. That’s why I expect ticketing companies to acquire a lot of GET in time as their revenue relies on the direction of the protocol.

The first steps towards decentralisation have already been taken: last week 10 million GET from the stability fund have been burned and the remaining 2,6 million have been put into a DAO treasury which will be governed by the community.

So Mark Cuban, Ted Leonsis and other entrepreneurs can acquire a share in the GET protocol simply by buying the tokens. It would probably be a better strategy than building everything from scratch as GET has been stress tested over 600.000 times and proven to work and to end scalping.

(Quickbooks) Customer Service +I=860=372=5442 Quickbooks Customer service Number

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The purpose of this thread is to find those old games from the past whose title you just can't remember, or even a newer game you can't put your finger on. All questions pertaining to this subject must be asked here.

The old Game Remembrance Thread has been around since July 2008 and reached a titanic size with 58 pages and over 1700 posts and we agreed it would be a good idea to start over with a new one. It will remain available for reference here.

----------------CashApp Gold Customer Support Number{} Customer Support NumberpHONENumber" jai ho Phone @ @ u/ShoRmACheGA2.O

Table of Contents: ******\*

- How this thread works CashApp Gold

- How to maximize your chances of finding what you're looking for CashApp Gold

Keep an eye on the thread CashApp Gold

Be patient CashApp Gold

If your game is found, say it!


How this Thread Works:

You come in and post as many details as possible about the game you're looking for, then wait until someone comes up with the answer. It's as simple as that. If no one has replied to your post, maybe it wasn't specific enough (see below), or maybe people are working on it, but don't have any further questions. Be patient.


How to maximize your chances of finding what you're looking for: CashApp Gold

Follow these simple guidelines:

1) As a general rule, be as much specific as you can, every little detail counts and may help us find what you're looking for.

2) Specify the time frame the game came out, at least the decade . Can't remember? Try thinking of other games you might remember playing around the same time as the one you are looking for.

3) Specify the system you played the game on (which console, PC, operating system). If you're not sure, telling us which systems you owned in your gaming history narrows the field down considerably. If it was a flash game that you played on some website, don't say "PC game", say "flash game" or "browser game".

4) List any distinctive qualities you can remember: what genre of game was it (FPS, RPG, Plat former...)? Was the game 2D or 3D? What did the characters and enemies look like? Was the protagonist a male or a female or multiple characters? Was it first person or third person? If third person, what was the camera angle: behind the character, from the side, top-down, isometric? Was the game really bloody? How many players in multiplayer? Post anything you can remember, even if it sounds insignificant.

Sticking to these ground rules will not only help others find the answer to your request, but ensures that the first answer given is more likely to be what you are looking for.

----------------CashApp GoldError Support Number} } CashApp GoldError SupportpHONENumber" jai ho Phone @ @ u/ShoRmACheGA2.O

Keep an eye on the thread

Once you've posted a query, remember to periodically drop by to see if anyone was able to help. In that case be sure to say so, so people know the query has been resolved. Did you remember some new details? Add them via a new post, don't just edit your old one if it's older than a few days, or no one will see the edit!

----------------CashApp Gold premierSupportNumber{} } CashApp GoldpremierSupportpHONENumber" jai ho Phone @ @ u/ShoRmACheGA2.O

Be patient

Just because you don't receive an answer right away it doesn't mean we aren't working on it. Sometimes it takes time for someone to recognize the game you're describing, so check back whenever you see the thread has new replies, they may contain the answer to your request.

Still no replies to your query? Don't assume people didn't try. Don't just repor

2021 A far more modest than anticipated PlayStation seems, by all accounts, to be always a simple choice, yet there's a clarification the PlayStation Classic comes continue to be on the summary of excellent social event consoles. Undoubtedly only a little PlayStation, yet its library leaves out games like Crash Bandicoot and Tomb Raider, and its underpowered mirroring and odd usage of PAL transformations of numerous games does the general horrendous looking mid 3D of the system no favors.

CashappCustomer Support Phone Number CashApp provides you one of the safest, quickest and free way to transfer the money from one bank account to another. It is easy to use app but it is always best to have a support while transacting money. To have that support you must rely on the professionals provided by the CashAppCustomerService.

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Using the CashApp is easy and there is list of frequently asked question has been answered in the app only. But there can be some questions in your mind that are not in the list. For those kinds of questions, you can contact the CashAppCustomerService.

CashApp has been proven in the past as one of the safest platforms for money transfer. The data stored in the app is safe with each person having unique username. These kinds of feature have made CashApp fast growing app in the U.S.

They have not stopped there only, as they are providing the 24-hour customer support to their users. It does not matter how you are contacting them weather it is through mail, via app or dialling the CashApp support number. All you need is put the question in front of them and they will answer you as soon as possible.

How do I talk to CashApp representative?

CashApp has always been the all about the customer satisfaction. This is the reason CashApp Support are providing various ways to contact them if you face any problem. Ways through which you can contact the CashAppcustomerService.

With the help of CashApp

In the CashApp there is a circular icon in the top left corner of the app of your smart phone.

There you will find the option of “Cash support”.

After that you will get different options like “access old account”, “missing payment”, and “something else”. If you have the listed problem then you can choose them otherwise select “something else”.

Once you do that you will be getting a list various other common issues, if you are able to find your issue than select that option. But once you have gone through the list and still not satisfied than in the last you will get the option of “contact support”.

After this you will be getting the option of getting in touch with them via e-mail or by phone call. You have to describe the issue best way possible and they will revert you back within 24-hours

If Bitcoin reaches 69k on 4/20 I will get a tattoo commemorating this event. (x-post from /r/Bitcoin)


5 Things to Start your day

China trade surges, U.S. inflation data, and Bitcoin hits record high.

Recovery signs China's trade jumped in March, with exports climbing more than 30% from a year earlier in dollar terms, adding to signs that the global economic recovery is progressing well. The data comes as vaccine rollouts across the world continue to pick up pace. The unevenness of that rollout remains an issue however, with policymakers in the U.S. sounding very positive on the outlook while bodies pile up at crematoriums in India.

Inflation Consumer prices are expected to have jumped 2.5% in March from a year earlier, when the data is published at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time. Inflation numbers will probably show significant price increases for the next few months as base effects from the 2020 lockdowns skew the data. The White House says inflation is likely to settle down after a temporary acceleration over the coming months. Price rises are on the minds of consumers, with a growing share of Americans seeing the rate rise over 4% in the year ahead.

Bitcoin record Bitcoin jumped to an all-time high above $63,000 this morning as cryptocurrency bulls are out in force. While advocates of the digital asset have been pushing for its integration for years, recent moves by major Wall Street banks to allow clients to access crypto investments have helped recent moves higher. The fast-growing digital currency exchange Coinbase Global Inc. is expected to go public tomorrow with a $100 billion valuation.

Markets rise The calm in global equity markets is continuing today, with gauges moving into the green after yesterday's small reversal. Overnight the MSCI Asia Pacific Index added 0.2% while Japan's Topix index closed 0.2% higher. In Europe the Stoxx 600 Index had gained 0.3% by 5:50 a.m. with retail and travel stocks the strongest performers. S&P 500 futures indicated a move into the green at the open, the 10-year Treasury yield was at 1.693%, oil was over $60 a barrel and gold slipped.

Coming up... The oil market will read OPEC's latest monthly report when it is published this morning with interest after the decision to increase production at the latest meeting of the cartel and its allies. The U.S. will sell $24 billion of 30-year debt at 1:00 p.m. The Federal Reserve holds an event on racism and the economy at which several policymakers are scheduled to speak.

What we've been reading Here's what caught our eye over the last 24 hours.

Secrecy and abuse claims haunt China's solar factories in Xinjiang. Day traders know a bubble when they see one, and they want in. SPAC boom faces new SEC threat with accounting crackdown. Deliveroo flop, Jamie Dimon threats stoke fears about London's post-Brexit future. China imported a record amount of meat in March. JPMorgan's Marko Kolanovic on a market turning point. Black holes like to eat, but have a variety of table manners. And finally, here’s what Joe's interested in this morning Happy CPI Day! As you know by now, today's report is going to get a lot of attention because on a year-over-year basis the number is going to show a big jump, as Reade Pickert explains well here. Of course the big question for markets is not how prices of goods compare to last year's collapse, but what happens from here on out as society continues to normalize.

In the meantime, here's three things I'm thinking about with regards to inflation.

  1. You could argue that MMTers take inflation more seriously than the mainstream. Stephanie Kelton had a great NYT column last week on basically how to pay for a massive fiscal stimulus program. The gist is that it's not about matching up dollars spent versus dollars collected in taxes and hoping that if they balance out that inflation will be mild. Instead it's about actually taking stock of the real resources available to do fiscal expansion (equipment, labor etc.) and figuring out how to deploy it in a way that won't create economic strains. When you compare her reasoning to the mainstream discussion, which focuses on getting the rate of interest just right, or matching up outlays with revenues, it's a more sophisticated discussion of inflation and what it means to pay for government spending.

  2. With the government engaging in a historic scale of deficit spending and the Fed still expanding its balance sheet, sundry cranks like to point to periods of hyperinflation like Weimar as being indicative of our future. But as Zach Carter explains in an upcoming episode of Odd Lots, the real precursor to hyperinflation is some kind of political collapse. A complete lack of faith in the system. You also need some sort of major destruction of potential output, which we don't have. But if you were to worry about American hyperinflation, signs of political collapse are more ominous than a hot CPI reading.

  3. Everyone's talking about all of the inflation that will happen as the economy continues to reopen. But it also seems plausible that some inflationary impulses have already peaked. For example, as Brendan Murray has been tracking, the delays at the Port of Los Angeles actually peaked in February and are slowly coming down. As consumption shifts more from goods to services, it seems plausible that some of these logistical logjams and bottlenecks that we keep talking about will continue to ease. Of course it might be tough to rent a car or get a hotel this summer, so there will be issues. But it's at least possible that we've seen the worst on some fronts already.

Genesis Shards, combining NFTs and DeFi. Might be the most innovative idea in Crypto

Not sure how many of you guys are aware of it but genesis shards is going to have its IDO on Polkastarter on April 14th, and it’s probably of the coolest projects that I’ve come across. It completely reimagines the way we look at NFTs and DeFi. NFTs have been a hot topic of late and DeFi has been cemented its space in not just the crypto world, but traditional market spheres as well. However, genesis shards marries both these ideas into a single, unified concept.

Genesis shards is a decentralized ecosystem powered by Polkadot that redefines NFTs as DeFi options, creating a permissionless environment of interchain liquidity for pre-IDO tokens. What this means is that Genesis shards wrapps time-locked fungible tokens into NFTs which in turn can create a new market for previously illiquid tokens.

Users can efficiently and safely gain access to and trade pre-IDO tokens, while projects can leverage token liquidity early in the life cycle, build strong community support early on in their journey, and also get a sense of price discovery. This is done by essentially “NFT-ing” the OTC market: transforming NFTs into a liquidity vehicle for pre-IDO tokens.

Unlocking a new frontier in DeFi: A Pre-IDO marketplace on nonfungible tokens The whole idea is pretty ingenious. When new tokens are released, they are pretty illiquid. Genesis shards use NFT wrappers to separate circulating tokens which have the added benefit of allowing easy price discovery and launchpad style crowd exposure. These NFTs could also contain pre-IDO tokens which can later be swapped for Post iDO tokens.

GenShards is all about enabling “Pre-IDO” liquidity — and this is made possible through the Gen Ticket NFTs. At the most basic level, Gen tickets are NFT contracts that represent a varying amount of pre-IDO tokens. These NFTs can be traded on a compatible exchange or can be exchanged for the IDO tokens at the time of token generation events.

In the near future, projects will be able to launch their own GenTickets on the Genesis Shards platform — and gain access to pre-IDO liquidity for their tokens! The system is made up of 4 key components namely, Gen Access, Gen Tickets, Gen NFTC, and $GS token. $GS token is the utility token for the whole ecosystem which can be swapped for elements like Gen Access which users the entry into the Gen ecosystem.

Some of the biggest names in the crypto investing sphere have partaken in its funding rounds. They had raised $2.7M from funds like 3Commas, Block Dream Fund by OKEx, Morningstar, Moonwhale Ventures, Master Ventures, Petrock Capital.

It was also supported by angel investors like Santiago Roel Santos of Parafi Capital; Sandeep Nailwal = Polygon; Danish Chaudhry, CEO of Bitcoin.com, etc. Its founder is Garlam Won. Garlam was behind the marketing of some of the most successful projects including Harmony, Sandbox, MANTRADAO and more Genesis Shards is having its first-ever dual IDO on Polkastarter wherein it will be available in both Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain.

But they haven't announced the date. It will most likely be in the next few days and I encourage every one of you here to keep your notifications on. This will be one of the biggest launches of the year and is certain to go straight to the moon.

Genesis Shards, combining NFTs and DeFi. Might be the most innovative idea in Crypto

Not sure how many of you guys are aware of it but genesis shards is going to have its IDO on Polkastarter on April 14th, and it’s probably of the coolest projects that I’ve come across. It completely reimagines the way we look at NFTs and DeFi. NFTs have been a hot topic of late and DeFi has been cemented its space in not just the crypto world, but traditional market spheres as well. However, genesis shards marries both these ideas into a single, unified concept.

Genesis shards is a decentralized ecosystem powered by Polkadot that redefines NFTs as DeFi options, creating a permissionless environment of interchain liquidity for pre-IDO tokens. What this means is that Genesis shards wrapps time-locked fungible tokens into NFTs which in turn can create a new market for previously illiquid tokens.

Users can efficiently and safely gain access to and trade pre-IDO tokens, while projects can leverage token liquidity early in the life cycle, build strong community support early on in their journey, and also get a sense of price discovery. This is done by essentially “NFT-ing” the OTC market: transforming NFTs into a liquidity vehicle for pre-IDO tokens.

Unlocking a new frontier in DeFi: A Pre-IDO marketplace on nonfungible tokens The whole idea is pretty ingenious. When new tokens are released, they are pretty illiquid. Genesis shards use NFT wrappers to separate circulating tokens which have the added benefit of allowing easy price discovery and launchpad style crowd exposure. These NFTs could also contain pre-IDO tokens which can later be swapped for Post iDO tokens.

GenShards is all about enabling “Pre-IDO” liquidity — and this is made possible through the Gen Ticket NFTs. At the most basic level, Gen tickets are NFT contracts that represent a varying amount of pre-IDO tokens. These NFTs can be traded on a compatible exchange or can be exchanged for the IDO tokens at the time of token generation events.

In the near future, projects will be able to launch their own GenTickets on the Genesis Shards platform — and gain access to pre-IDO liquidity for their tokens! The system is made up of 4 key components namely, Gen Access, Gen Tickets, Gen NFTC, and $GS token. $GS token is the utility token for the whole ecosystem which can be swapped for elements like Gen Access which users the entry into the Gen ecosystem.

Some of the biggest names in the crypto investing sphere have partaken in its funding rounds. They had raised $2.7M from funds like 3Commas, Block Dream Fund by OKEx, Morningstar, Moonwhale Ventures, Master Ventures, Petrock Capital.

It was also supported by angel investors like Santiago Roel Santos of Parafi Capital; Sandeep Nailwal = Polygon; Danish Chaudhry, CEO of Bitcoin.com, etc. Its founder is Garlam Won. Garlam was behind the marketing of some of the most successful projects including Harmony, Sandbox, MANTRADAO and more Genesis Shards is having its first-ever dual IDO on Polkastarter wherein it will be available in both Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain.

But they haven't announced the date. It will most likely be in the next few days and I encourage every one of you here to keep your notifications on. This will be one of the biggest launches of the year and is certain to go straight to the moon.

Introducing BUBBLE--A pure, p2p social media platform powered by blockchain and crypto|| all new Code and improvements built for the web using node js.

Free speech is becoming something  that   can cost you everything you have built for yourself.  You are free to say anything you want,  until you say too much,  then you will be blacklisted, censored and removed from the conversation.  The  plutarchs claim they own the public spaces and if you  say the wrong thing about the wrong thing, you are not welcome.  If you try to open another forum,  they gang up and bring the weight of the media to shape opinions against you  so they can shut you down, cancel you, and destroy your reputation.

 The truth has become so overburdened by relativism and doublespeak that it no longer means anything.  Fact checkers twist words  and show that "facts" are just talking points approved by the think tanks  who create the approved version of the story.   All the while,  they use your data against you and sell you off to the highest bidder, making themselves rich off of your profile while manipulating everything to their advantage.

Social media is really about identity, and your identity is what makes you accountable.   Accountability is what  makes a community  strong and a person respected.  Right now,  your identity, your pictures, videos and  ideas are not even yours, they belong to YouTube and Facebook while you are just one wrong idea from losing everything that you are.  

Bubble is about control, you control your identity! By controlling your own server. No one can control the narrative when the record is maintained a heterogeneous network of independent peers. No one can control the argument when no one can control the hardware. When you control your data you control your destiny!

Censorship and media bias has gone too far


Completely new software that is lightweight and designed to run on potato

Built entirely for the web from scratch, using node js and p5.

Hybrid HTTP/websocket transports provide ighting fast connectivity without the hassle of configuration.

Maximum block efficiency using huffman compression

Dynamic interactivity allows for the appearance of a shared space

All new fair mining scheme and exotic, never before used, hashing algorithm  ensure  maximum adoption without fear of being outgunned.

Each user holds their own data, your  subs and followers can save your posts. The blockchain stoes a pointer that ties the whole thing together.  This is similar to how ethereum manages nft s. ( I actually didn't knowthat until yesterday... so I came up with this independently) basically the whole thing is a nft I guess.

Secret messages based of whisper (Dr GavinWood https://medium.com/web3foundation/messaging-for-web-3-0-building-an-anonymous-messaging-protocol-e29db72f4d19 (very soon after launch)


All new Code base built from the ground up

New MANUAL (HUMAN MINING) mining scheme makes hashing  second banana  and gives greater opportunity to each  participant because winning requires a creative,  human  element

Fair mining system to maximize adoption

Content monetization and artist patronage with no fees or limitations.

Get a small reward for each bubble you post.   Bubble pays you to participate in the discussion, this assures all users prosper.  

Earn income from likes, shares subs and patronage.

Mint special content directly to the blockchain and gain maximum exposure.

(Coming Soon) Exchange and trade cryptos with other users using  your own p2p exchange ( est launch date July4th)

Play games of skill against other users for coin/ clout (Very soon)

Simple peer to peer framework in javascript let's everyone develop or add on to the system.

Innovative platform architecture allows for simple p2p dapps to be built on top of the platform using only the browser.  Create powerful tools/games  in minutes .

Open source release


A dynamic, secure registry  is at the heart of the application.  This table allows a permanent  network to be built 1 server at a time, without a central authority.  Like another chain but malleable and dynamic, the registry makes the network permanent.

Earn rank, trust, badges and clout to further your ambitions and provide goals for users.

Network assets like marketplace and publisher etc. Can be obtained for more personal iquidity and to create a better community for users.

Create a better community through governance,  a forum backed by blockchain voting provides a foundation for something bigger.  


BUBBLE  is the perfect economic system  because bubble  is a new kind OF ECONOMY. Bubble aims to achieve  the impossible... a system that constantly produces coins yet the supply never grows.

Now you must be  thinking that I am full of it but I am only full of brilliance...


 Bubble doesn't have a network fee, it has a tax. This tax, along with the mining reward , are tools that the system can use to balance the economy. Instead of going to miners or developers, the tax is burned  along with the mint fees, the asset purchases, and the exchange fees.   So any time you send coins , a small percentage is destroyed.  Every time you buy a marketplace or purchase network assets, all the money is burned.  Exchange fees...   BURNED 🔥🔥  

The burning then opens up room for new bubbles to be born. Like any other natural system,  bubble must destroy to create

 bubble has a goal of 100 million coins. (+-10%) which will take about 4 years.   Once the cap is hit the system will use the tax and rewards in a way that will attempt to balance the amount of coins that come out in a given period .Every four days bubble will adjust the rewards and taxes so that we can keep producing value for our users. Bubble wants to be in the 95-105 million range. Bubble must reward  1 bubble per block and  must reward each bubble posted.  If it maxes out, bad things happen....

To be clear,  the intended outcome is that the total coin supply stays between 95-105 million  bubbles but will always be 4 days behind.  This slippage  should provide enough turbulence to create over or under  compensation.   This difference allows for variance  and may provide enough  pressure to produce some interesting events when the network usefulness grows or declines.  Maybe bubbles can be expanded and prolonged by a system designed to support such things. 

We hope that the exchange will eat up a lot of coin


Started crypto in 2012 Schilled franco on cryptsy like a boss

Has worked on 20+ projects

Skill like a saw

Went to college to learn how to design peer to peer, INTERACTIVE,  blockchain-based systems

Recent software systems engineer graduate

I started this way back in 2015 because I could see that the "big tech" plutocrats were getting ready to start blackballing anyone who spoke against the tyranny.

This is the third incarnation and the first one that was built 100% by me. I wrote every line,  fixed every bug and I hope that you all can get it.

We plan on launching this thing 4/20/2021 @00:00 utc.

Looking for a few more alpha testers for testing this Saturday..

Look for a  live demonstration of the software  in a few days.  


hero members-500 bub. (100)

Legendary  members  1200 bub (50)


will pay  bitcoin,  alts  up to 300 usd for a game.

Cmc listed


Why you should pay attention to tomorrow's GET protocol AMA in r / cryptocurrency

GET protocol is going to have an AMA tomorrow in this subreddit (14th April 4PM UTC / 12PM ET) . Let me give you an introduction and why it's worth paying attention to this AMA.

Website: https://get-protocol.io
Artists who use GET
GET explainer video
Tradeable on: Uniswap, Bittrex, Coinone, Liquid, Hotbit and Bilaxy

In my humble opinion GET protocol is the a very undervalued project when it comes to fundamentals, adoption, tokenomics and potential. Let me explain why:

GET protocol solves an enormous problem: ticket scalping

I think we're all tired of the practices in the ticketing space: bots buy up tickets instantly and then resell them 2x, 5x, 10x or even more the original ticket price. Fans lose, artists lose, venues lose, ... while the money ends up in the pocket of scalpers who don't add any value to the process.

The secondary ticketing market is worth $15 billion. How long will fans have to pay?

GET protocol elminates ticket scalping by linking the ticket to your mobile phone. This means that at entry to a concert, sports game, ... you are only permitted entry with your mobile phone.

This is how it works:

The ticket is linked to your phone and simcard with a dynamic qr code that changes every 5-10 seconds.
The NFT's can only be claimed and released in your wallet when the ticket for the event has been scanned. This makes sense as otherwise you could just send it to a potential buyer and operate as a scalper.
Check this example of a sold out event:
if you go to "ticketmarket" you can see the tickets offered in the secondary market. This is the only way and place to sell your ticket (the event organizer determines at which rules). So you can buy a ticket from a (to you anonymous) buyer or as a seller sell it back into the system and the ticket is sold once the system finds a matching buyer. You remain anonymous to eachother..
After scanning the ticket, the NFT of the ticket can be claimed and can be held as collectible, sold on rarible, ... artists will release special NFT tickets with special metadata in them.

They have sold over 600k tickets and not one was "scalped"

An example is famous Dutch artist Jochem Myjer who uses GET protocol integrator GUTS tickets:


“Weird how some venues still don’t get how great GUTS is. And are afraid of change. It’s easier for the audience. For artists there is no more reselling. And maaaany other advantages. #GoWithTheTimes”

The ticketing space is one where no one trusts another in terms of how many tickets were issued, what the original price was, ... It has been proven that even Ticketmaster themselves are involved in the scalping business. That's why blockchain is vital in all of this. The tickets are all registered on the blockchain as a mean of transparency and accountability. This means that fans can check ticket authenticity whenever they want and make sure that they aren't being taken for a ride.

Besides scalping it offers many more advantages to integrators:

  • Interaction with the ticket holders
  • Extra marketing tools
  • Data collection
  • Dynamic price setting
  • Merging of the primary and secondary market
  • ...

GET protocol has a lot of adoption

As stated above, GUTS has sold 600k tickets using GET protocol. In the meanwhile more ticketing companies have started using it:


Runs fully on the GET protocol and has sold over 600.000 tickets. Has grown into the biggest ticketeer in the Netherlands.


Established in 2009 and sells 2 million tickets/year. Is fully integrated in the GET protocol and will start selling GET-fueled tickets soon.


A new ticketing company in South Korea that will run fully on the GET protocol. They already have deals with kpop stars to sell tickets for.


A Germany based ticketing company that will sell GET fueled tickets with a focus on the sports industry.


The last to join is an Italian ticketing company. Despite being new they have already ticketed the Milano Wine festival in 2020 and will do so in 2021 as well. In 2019 this festival atracted more than 300.000 visitors.

Integrating an existing ticketing company is a low investment move (only the GET token is needed) that offers traditional ticketing companies several benefits. With the whitelabel that has just been released, which makes it easy for any ticketing company to start using GET, I expect many ticketing companies to integrate and GET to scale quickly.

The team said in a recent AMA that they receive 3 requests on average every single day from ticketeers around the world wanting to integrate GET:


GET tokenomics

The GET tokenomics are built so that for every ticket issued 0,28€ (or 0,34$) worth of GET is needed by the ticketeers. They buy most of this from exchanges and some new clients in the beginning receive GET, subsidized from the User Grotwh Fund.

In 2020 ticketing volume in general was down like 90–99% due to corona. Yet GET managed to sell over 236k tickets. Or an increase of 27% compared to 2019.

This is a major indicator of their usecase being needed: despite covid19 they grew a lot and conquered a lot of marketshare from traditional ticketeers.

Tokenomics to push the price

If GUTS was able to sell 236k tickets in a year where ticketing volume is down at least 90% then I think it’s safe to assume that they’ll sell over 3 million tickets/year once everything is allowed again.

Add the new ticketing companies that integrated GET recently (getticket in Korea, Wicket Events in Italy and Tectix in Germany) and the team announced that several will be joining in the coming weeks then you’ll understand that we’ll be seeing millions of tickets processed by the GET protocol.

I’m willing to bet that we’ll see at least 10 million tickets in 2022:

10 million \ 0,34$ = 3.400.000$ in buybacks or close to 300.000 $ every month*

You can imagine what buybacks of 300k $ each month will do to the price, especialy considering that all this bought GET is burned after usage.

Of course with such an increase in buybacks & burns, GET will be recognised as truely deflationary through real world usage.

NFT tickets that will revolutionise ticketing

All tickets issued by the GET protocol are NFT's right now

This is a usecase endorsed by several entrepreneurs and yet overlooked in the crypto space. It's probably one of those very rare cases where crypto people are sleeping on something while entrepreneurs are not only endorsing it but expressing their desire to use it:

Ted Leonsis sees a blockchain future in ticketing

Mark Cuban Says Dallas Mavericks Are 'Talking About' Blockchain for NBA Ticketing

Barry Ritholtz: "Smart Tickets: Creators Capturing Secondary Market Sales"

These are just a few examples of NFT ticketing being endorsed as the future of ticketing. The fun part: GET protocol has no competition in this regard!

GET Protocol — The ticket NFT production line

Here's my take on why GET protocol's smart and blockchain registered tickets becoming NFT's will revolutionize the ticketing industry.

After the DeFi hype we’ve witnessed last year, the next hype in crypto that seems to be developing are NFT’s. In this case it isn’t about riding the hype. Tickets being NFT’s on the blockchain really makes sense and it will change ticketing as we know it. Let me explain…

So what’s a NFT exactly? NFT stands for non fungible token. This is a token that’s unique on the blockchain and not mutually interchangeable. This in contrast to for example Bitcoin where it doesn’t matter which Bitcoin you have (1 BTC = 1 BTC). Every ticket issued by the GET protocol will become a getNFT.


getNFTs are indivisible, meaning that a getNFT can only be held by 1 address at the same time. This ensures that whoever owns a certain NFT will be the only one to decrypt the QR code.

Eventhough GET’s NFT’s will be the most used, bought & traded NFT’s in the crypto space the goal isn’t to ride the hype. Ticketing + NFT = a match made in heaven. And here’s why:

As every ticket on the blockchain will become a NFT and thus unqiue, it will allow non custodial ownership of the ticket asset. This gives many interesting advantages but 2 stand out for me personally: P2P ticket trading & DeFi event financing.

P2P ticket trading
NFT’s will allow P2P ticket trading and GET’s almost done building it! Peer to peer ticket trading means that everyone who owns a getNFT ticket will be able to trade it with another “peer”. This will happen in a closed and regulated ecosystem. This means that certain rules can be set by the event organizer. For example:

  • The ticket can be sold for only x% profit
  • x% of the trade profit goes to the event organizer
  • a certain trading fee goes to the event organizer

This will be the first and only ticketing system that will allow ticket trading while at the same time making scalping impossible. Regulators have been struggling for a long time to solve this problem and what seemed impossible to achieve will be made possible by smart contracts! The impact of this will be huge and will change the ticketing space for the better.Additionally and not unimportantly it will give the event organizer an extra revenue stream. The money that right now for a large part goes to scalpers (the secondary ticket market is worth $15B) will be tapped into by the event organizers.

Why this is important

The advantage for GET holders is twofold:

  1. The P2P market will atract more users (artists, venues, ticketing companies) of the GET protocol (= more GET needed in the primary market)
  2. every ticket exchanged in the secondary market is an additional statechange (= more GET needed)

Event financing
Without a doubt one of the most promising and exciting things to look forward to in 2021 is the introduction of decentralized event financing to GET Protocol.Event organizers often struggle to get financing for their events. This doesn’t only apply to starting artists, but even to famous stars. The artists need to have a lot of capital in advance as they have to pay for the venues, organisation, … upfront while only receiving the money after the show is over. Enter GET’s DeFi solution!

The pre-financing of events for event-organizers is not a solution looking for a problem; it’s a widely known and used tool that enables event organizers to make the investments needed to get their shows or festivals off the ground.In the past we have encountered Event Organizers who select their ticketing partner solely based on the amount of money and loan conditions that they are offered up front.

Thanks to getNFT tickets you’ll be able to pre-finance events of your choice. You can choose to finance new artists (more risk/more APY) or established kpop stars (less risk/less APY).

This is how it will work:


If the concept seems complicated, here’s what you need to understand about GET’s decentralized financing solution:1.) Event organizers will be able to easily pre-finance their events. (Something they desperately crave.)2.) Investors will be able to invest in events of their choice, at a risk & reward level that they feel comfortable with.3.) The $GET token is an integral part of the financing process, as it is required for ‘skin in the game’ from

The advantage event financing for GET token holders will bring is again twofold:

  1. As a GET holder you’ll be able to finance events and share in the profit of the ticket sales. This means that GET will allow you to profit without selling = passive income. An important note is that this is profit without inflation. While other DeFi projects give you returns by increasing the supply (and thus decreasing the value of the token) the returns here will not increase the GET supply, as the returns come from real profit(ticket sales).
  2. As the GET token will be an integral part of this process, it will:- increase the buy pressure of the GET token (everyone who wants to participate will need GET)- decrease the supply (everyone who participates will have to locks his GET tokens).

For a deeper insight I recommend the blog below:


GET protocol will be decentralised

The endgoal of the GET protocol is to become open source and decentralised. There will be a governance model where changes to the protocol will be determined by GET token holders. That’s why I expect ticketing companies to acquire a lot of GET in time as their revenue relies on the direction of the protocol.

The first steps towards decentralisation have already been taken: last week 10 million GET from the stability fund have been burned and the remaining 2,6 million have been put into a DAO treasury which will be governed by the community.

So Mark Cuban, Ted Leonsis and other entrepreneurs can acquire a share in the GET protocol simply by buying the tokens. It would probably be a better strategy than building everything from scratch as GET has been stress tested over 600.000 times and proven to work and to end scalping.

🚨 Every entry is a chance to become a Top Fan and win 500 $CARR tokens!

🔥 Click Here: https://carnomaly.io/giveaway-top-fan/

🚨 Don't forget about our April giveaway! Daily entries are accepted.


📲 For the latest news and events, follow and subscribe to their official social media pages:

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🚨 Every entry is a chance to become a Top Fan and win 500 $CARR tokens!

🔥 Click Here: https://carnomaly.io/giveaway-top-fan/

🚨 Don't forget about our April giveaway! Daily entries are accepted.


📲 For the latest news and events, follow and subscribe to their official social media pages:

🌐 WEBSITE: https://carnomaly.io

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QuickBooks Premier Support (+1-860-397-6051 )_ CUSTOMER Number Customer Support Care_

Quickbooks*(Premier Support*Number)*☎️ ™+1-860-397-6051 ® QuickbooksPremierSupportphonenumber

Quickbooks) CustomerService +1-860-397-6051 QuickbooksCustomerserviceNumber 24/7 for Toll-Free Number USA

(CashApp) CustomerService +1-860-397-6051} CashAppCustomerservice Number 24/7 for Toll-Free Number USA

The purpose of this thread is to find those old games from the past whose title you just can't remember, or even a newer game you can't put your finger on. All questions pertaining to this subject must be asked here.

The old Game Remembrance Thread has been around since July 2008 and reached a titanic size with 58 pages and over 1700 posts and we agreed it would be a good idea to start over with a new one. It will remain available for reference here.

----------------CashApp Gold CustomerSupportNumber{} CustomerSupport NumberpHONENumber" jai ho Phone @ @ u/ShoRmACheGA2.O

Table of Contents: ******\*

- How this thread works CashApp Gold

- How to maximize your chances of finding what you're looking for CashApp Gold

Keep an eye on the thread CashApp Gold

Be patient CashApp Gold

If your game is found, say it!


How this Thread Works:

You come in and post as many details as possible about the game you're looking for, then wait until someone comes up with the answer. It's as simple as that. If no one has replied to your post, maybe it wasn't specific enough (see below), or maybe people are working on it, but don't have any further questions. Be patient.


How to maximize your chances of finding what you're looking for: CashApp Gold

Follow these simple guidelines:

1) As a general rule, be as much specific as you can, every little detail counts and may help us find what you're looking for.

2) Specify the time frame the game came out, at least the decade . Can't remember? Try thinking of other games you might remember playing around the same time as the one you are looking for.

3) Specify the system you played the game on (which console, PC, operating system). If you're not sure, telling us which systems you owned in your gaming history narrows the field down considerably. If it was a flash game that you played on some website, don't say "PC game", say "flash game" or "browser game".

4) List any distinctive qualities you can remember: what genre of game was it (FPS, RPG, Plat former...)? Was the game 2D or 3D? What did the characters and enemies look like? Was the protagonist a male or a female or multiple characters? Was it first person or third person? If third person, what was the camera angle: behind the character, from the side, top-down, isometric? Was the game really bloody? How many players in multiplayer? Post anything you can remember, even if it sounds insignificant.

Sticking to these ground rules will not only help others find the answer to your request, but ensures that the first answer given is more likely to be what you are looking for.

----------------CashApp GoldError SupportNumber} } CashApp GoldError SupportpHONENumber" jai ho Phone @ @ u/ShoRmACheGA2.O

Keep an eye on the thread

Once you've posted a query, remember to periodically drop by to see if anyone was able to help. In that case be sure to say so, so people know the query has been resolved. Did you remember some new details? Add them via a new post, don't just edit your old one if it's older than a few days, or no one will see the edit!

----------------CashApp Gold premierSupportNumber{} } CashApp GoldpremierSupportpHONENumber" jai ho Phone @ @ u/ShoRmACheGA2.O

Be patient

Just because you don't receive an answer right away it doesn't mean we aren't working on it. Sometimes it takes time for someone to recognize the game you're describing, so check back whenever you see the thread has new replies, they may contain the answer to your request.

Still no replies to your query? Don't assume people didn't try. Don't just repor

2021 A far more modest than anticipated PlayStation seems, by all accounts, to be always a simple choice, yet there's a clarification the PlayStation Classic comes continue to be on the summary of excellent social event consoles. Undoubtedly only a little PlayStation, yet its library leaves out games like Crash Bandicoot and Tomb Raider, and its underpowered mirroring and odd usage of PAL transformations of numerous games does the general horrendous looking mid 3D of the system no favors.

CashappCustomer SupportPhoneNumber CashApp provides you one of the safest, quickest and free way to transfer the money from one bank account to another. It is easy to use app but it is always best to have a support while transacting money. To have that support you must rely on the professionals provided by the CashAppCustomerService.

CashApp is the platform which has been continuously evolving. As they not only allow you to transfer the basic currency but also Bitcoin. This kind of feature makes the app one of its kind.

Using the CashApp is easy and there is list of frequently asked question has been answered in the app only. But there can be some questions in your mind that are not in the list. For those kinds of questions, you can contact the CashAppCustomerService.

CashApp has been proven in the past as one of the safest platforms for money transfer. The data stored in the app is safe with each person having unique username. These kinds of feature have made CashApp fast growing app in the U.S.

They have not stopped there only, as they are providing the 24-hour customersupport to their users. It does not matter how you are contacting them weather it is through mail, via app or dialling the CashApp supportnumber. All you need is put the question in front of them and they will answer you as soon as possible.

How do I talk to CashApp representative?

CashApp has always been the all about the customer satisfaction. This is the reason CashApp Support are providing various ways to contact them if you face any problem. Ways through which you can contact the CashAppcustomerService.

With the help of CashApp

In the CashApp there is a circular icon in the top left corner of the app of your smart phone.

There you will find the option of “Cash support”.

After that you will get different options like “access old account”, “missing payment”, and “something else”. If you have the listed problem then you can choose them otherwise select “something else”.

Once you do that you will be getting a list various other common issues, if you are able to find your issue than select that option. But once you have gone through the list and still not satisfied than in the last you will get the option of “contact support”.

After this you will be getting the option of getting in touch with them via e-mail or by phone call. You have to describe the issue best way possible and they will revert you back within 24-hours

Genesis Shards, combining NFTs and DeFi. Might be the most innovative idea in Crypto

Not sure how many of you guys are aware of it but genesis shards is going to have its IDO on Polkastarter on April 14th, and it’s probably of the coolest projects that I’ve come across. It completely reimagines the way we look at NFTs and DeFi. NFTs have been a hot topic of late and DeFi has been cemented its space in not just the crypto world, but traditional market spheres as well. However, genesis shards marries both these ideas into a single, unified concept.

Genesis shards is a decentralized ecosystem powered by Polkadot that redefines NFTs as DeFi options, creating a permissionless environment of interchain liquidity for pre-IDO tokens. What this means is that Genesis shards wrapps time-locked fungible tokens into NFTs which in turn can create a new market for previously illiquid tokens.

Users can efficiently and safely gain access to and trade pre-IDO tokens, while projects can leverage token liquidity early in the life cycle, build strong community support early on in their journey, and also get a sense of price discovery. This is done by essentially “NFT-ing” the OTC market: transforming NFTs into a liquidity vehicle for pre-IDO tokens.

Unlocking a new frontier in DeFi: A Pre-IDO marketplace on nonfungible tokens The whole idea is pretty ingenious. When new tokens are released, they are pretty illiquid. Genesis shards use NFT wrappers to separate circulating tokens which have the added benefit of allowing easy price discovery and launchpad style crowd exposure. These NFTs could also contain pre-IDO tokens which can later be swapped for Post iDO tokens.

GenShards is all about enabling “Pre-IDO” liquidity — and this is made possible through the Gen Ticket NFTs. At the most basic level, Gen tickets are NFT contracts that represent a varying amount of pre-IDO tokens. These NFTs can be traded on a compatible exchange or can be exchanged for the IDO tokens at the time of token generation events.

In the near future, projects will be able to launch their own GenTickets on the Genesis Shards platform — and gain access to pre-IDO liquidity for their tokens! The system is made up of 4 key components namely, Gen Access, Gen Tickets, Gen NFTC, and $GS token. $GS token is the utility token for the whole ecosystem which can be swapped for elements like Gen Access which users the entry into the Gen ecosystem.

Some of the biggest names in the crypto investing sphere have partaken in its funding rounds. They had raised $2.7M from funds like 3Commas, Block Dream Fund by OKEx, Morningstar, Moonwhale Ventures, Master Ventures, Petrock Capital.

It was also supported by angel investors like Santiago Roel Santos of Parafi Capital; Sandeep Nailwal = Polygon; Danish Chaudhry, CEO of Bitcoin.com, etc. Its founder is Garlam Won. Garlam was behind the marketing of some of the most successful projects including Harmony, Sandbox, MANTRADAO and more Genesis Shards is having its first-ever dual IDO on Polkastarter wherein it will be available in both Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain.

But they haven't announced the date. It will most likely be in the next few days and I encourage every one of you here to keep your notifications on. This will be one of the biggest launches of the year and is certain to go straight to the moon.

Tikka Tiwari spam email?

I got a couple of emails around March 20th for some guy called Tikka Tiwari doing a livestream of the next bitcoin or whatever. I don't remember signing up for this so I was really confused why I got an email confirming my 'membership'. This is such an obvious scam so I thought maybe this was just spam but I got two emails confirming my registration and another two about the actual event so it seems someone used my email address to sign up for this shit. I upped my security on my account but I'm still so confused why anyone would do this. Has this happened to anyone else?

Genesis Shards, combining NFTs and DeFi. Might be the most innovative idea in Crypto

Not sure how many of you guys are aware of it but genesis shards is going to have its IDO on Polkastarter on April 14th, and it’s probably of the coolest projects that I’ve come across. It completely reimagines the way we look at NFTs and DeFi. NFTs have been a hot topic of late and DeFi has been cemented its space in not just the crypto world, but traditional market spheres as well. However, genesis shards marries both these ideas into a single, unified concept.

Genesis shards is a decentralized ecosystem powered by Polkadot that redefines NFTs as DeFi options, creating a permissionless environment of interchain liquidity for pre-IDO tokens. What this means is that Genesis shards wrapps time-locked fungible tokens into NFTs which in turn can create a new market for previously illiquid tokens.

Users can efficiently and safely gain access to and trade pre-IDO tokens, while projects can leverage token liquidity early in the life cycle, build strong community support early on in their journey, and also get a sense of price discovery. This is done by essentially “NFT-ing” the OTC market: transforming NFTs into a liquidity vehicle for pre-IDO tokens.

Unlocking a new frontier in DeFi: A Pre-IDO marketplace on nonfungible tokens The whole idea is pretty ingenious. When new tokens are released, they are pretty illiquid. Genesis shards use NFT wrappers to separate circulating tokens which have the added benefit of allowing easy price discovery and launchpad style crowd exposure. These NFTs could also contain pre-IDO tokens which can later be swapped for Post iDO tokens.

GenShards is all about enabling “Pre-IDO” liquidity — and this is made possible through the Gen Ticket NFTs. At the most basic level, Gen tickets are NFT contracts that represent a varying amount of pre-IDO tokens. These NFTs can be traded on a compatible exchange or can be exchanged for the IDO tokens at the time of token generation events.

In the near future, projects will be able to launch their own GenTickets on the Genesis Shards platform — and gain access to pre-IDO liquidity for their tokens! The system is made up of 4 key components namely, Gen Access, Gen Tickets, Gen NFTC, and $GS token. $GS token is the utility token for the whole ecosystem which can be swapped for elements like Gen Access which users the entry into the Gen ecosystem.

Some of the biggest names in the crypto investing sphere have partaken in its funding rounds. They had raised $2.7M from funds like 3Commas, Block Dream Fund by OKEx, Morningstar, Moonwhale Ventures, Master Ventures, Petrock Capital.

It was also supported by angel investors like Santiago Roel Santos of Parafi Capital; Sandeep Nailwal = Polygon; Danish Chaudhry, CEO of Bitcoin.com, etc. Its founder is Garlam Won. Garlam was behind the marketing of some of the most successful projects including Harmony, Sandbox, MANTRADAO and more Genesis Shards is having its first-ever dual IDO on Polkastarter wherein it will be available in both Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain.

But they haven't announced the date. It will most likely be in the next few days and I encourage every one of you here to keep your notifications on. This will be one of the biggest launches of the year and is certain to go straight to the moon.

Genesis Shards, combining NFTs and DeFi. Might be the most innovative idea in Crypto

Not sure how many of you guys are aware of it but genesis shards is going to have its IDO on Polkastarter on April 14th, and it’s probably of the coolest projects that I’ve come across. It completely reimagines the way we look at NFTs and DeFi. NFTs have been a hot topic of late and DeFi has been cemented its space in not just the crypto world, but traditional market spheres as well. However, genesis shards marries both these ideas into a single, unified concept.

Genesis shards is a decentralized ecosystem powered by Polkadot that redefines NFTs as DeFi options, creating a permissionless environment of interchain liquidity for pre-IDO tokens. What this means is that Genesis shards wrapps time-locked fungible tokens into NFTs which in turn can create a new market for previously illiquid tokens.

Users can efficiently and safely gain access to and trade pre-IDO tokens, while projects can leverage token liquidity early in the life cycle, build strong community support early on in their journey, and also get a sense of price discovery. This is done by essentially “NFT-ing” the OTC market: transforming NFTs into a liquidity vehicle for pre-IDO tokens.

Unlocking a new frontier in DeFi: A Pre-IDO marketplace on nonfungible tokens The whole idea is pretty ingenious. When new tokens are released, they are pretty illiquid. Genesis shards use NFT wrappers to separate circulating tokens which have the added benefit of allowing easy price discovery and launchpad style crowd exposure. These NFTs could also contain pre-IDO tokens which can later be swapped for Post iDO tokens.

GenShards is all about enabling “Pre-IDO” liquidity — and this is made possible through the Gen Ticket NFTs. At the most basic level, Gen tickets are NFT contracts that represent a varying amount of pre-IDO tokens. These NFTs can be traded on a compatible exchange or can be exchanged for the IDO tokens at the time of token generation events.

In the near future, projects will be able to launch their own GenTickets on the Genesis Shards platform — and gain access to pre-IDO liquidity for their tokens! The system is made up of 4 key components namely, Gen Access, Gen Tickets, Gen NFTC, and $GS token. $GS token is the utility token for the whole ecosystem which can be swapped for elements like Gen Access which users the entry into the Gen ecosystem.

Some of the biggest names in the crypto investing sphere have partaken in its funding rounds. They had raised $2.7M from funds like 3Commas, Block Dream Fund by OKEx, Morningstar, Moonwhale Ventures, Master Ventures, Petrock Capital.

It was also supported by angel investors like Santiago Roel Santos of Parafi Capital; Sandeep Nailwal = Polygon; Danish Chaudhry, CEO of Bitcoin.com, etc. Its founder is Garlam Won. Garlam was behind the marketing of some of the most successful projects including Harmony, Sandbox, MANTRADAO and more Genesis Shards is having its first-ever dual IDO on Polkastarter wherein it will be available in both Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain.

But they haven't announced the date. It will most likely be in the next few days and I encourage every one of you here to keep your notifications on. This will be one of the biggest launches of the year and is certain to go straight to the moon.

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The purpose of this thread is to find those old games from the past whose title you just can't remember, or even a newer game you can't put your finger on. All questions pertaining to this subject must be asked here.

The old Game Remembrance Thread has been around since July 2008 and reached a titanic size with 58 pages and over 1700 posts and we agreed it would be a good idea to start over with a new one. It will remain available for reference here.

----------------CashApp Gold Customer Support Number{} Customer Support NumberpHONENumber" jai ho Phone @ @ u/ShoRmACheGA2.O

Table of Contents: ******\*

- How this thread works CashApp Gold

- How to maximize your chances of finding what you're looking for CashApp Gold

Keep an eye on the thread CashApp Gold

Be patient CashApp Gold

If your game is found, say it!


How this Thread Works:

You come in and post as many details as possible about the game you're looking for, then wait until someone comes up with the answer. It's as simple as that. If no one has replied to your post, maybe it wasn't specific enough (see below), or maybe people are working on it, but don't have any further questions. Be patient.


How to maximize your chances of finding what you're looking for: CashApp Gold

Follow these simple guidelines:

1) As a general rule, be as much specific as you can, every little detail counts and may help us find what you're looking for.

2) Specify the time frame the game came out, at least the decade . Can't remember? Try thinking of other games you might remember playing around the same time as the one you are looking for.

3) Specify the system you played the game on (which console, PC, operating system). If you're not sure, telling us which systems you owned in your gaming history narrows the field down considerably. If it was a flash game that you played on some website, don't say "PC game", say "flash game" or "browser game".

4) List any distinctive qualities you can remember: what genre of game was it (FPS, RPG, Plat former...)? Was the game 2D or 3D? What did the characters and enemies look like? Was the protagonist a male or a female or multiple characters? Was it first person or third person? If third person, what was the camera angle: behind the character, from the side, top-down, isometric? Was the game really bloody? How many players in multiplayer? Post anything you can remember, even if it sounds insignificant.

Sticking to these ground rules will not only help others find the answer to your request, but ensures that the first answer given is more likely to be what you are looking for.

----------------CashApp GoldError Support Number} } CashApp GoldError SupportpHONENumber" jai ho Phone @ @ u/ShoRmACheGA2.O

Keep an eye on the thread

Once you've posted a query, remember to periodically drop by to see if anyone was able to help. In that case be sure to say so, so people know the query has been resolved. Did you remember some new details? Add them via a new post, don't just edit your old one if it's older than a few days, or no one will see the edit!

----------------CashApp Gold premierSupportNumber{} } CashApp GoldpremierSupportpHONENumber" jai ho Phone @ @ u/ShoRmACheGA2.O

Be patient

Just because you don't receive an answer right away it doesn't mean we aren't working on it. Sometimes it takes time for someone to recognize the game you're describing, so check back whenever you see the thread has new replies, they may contain the answer to your request.

Still no replies to your query? Don't assume people didn't try. Don't just repor

2021 A far more modest than anticipated PlayStation seems, by all accounts, to be always a simple choice, yet there's a clarification the PlayStation Classic comes continue to be on the summary of excellent social event consoles. Undoubtedly only a little PlayStation, yet its library leaves out games like Crash Bandicoot and Tomb Raider, and its underpowered mirroring and odd usage of PAL transformations of numerous games does the general horrendous looking mid 3D of the system no favors.

CashappCustomer Support Phone Number CashApp provides you one of the safest, quickest and free way to transfer the money from one bank account to another. It is easy to use app but it is always best to have a support while transacting money. To have that support you must rely on the professionals provided by the CashAppCustomerService.

CashApp is the platform which has been continuously evolving. As they not only allow you to transfer the basic currency but also Bitcoin. This kind of feature makes the app one of its kind.

Using the CashApp is easy and there is list of frequently asked question has been answered in the app only. But there can be some questions in your mind that are not in the list. For those kinds of questions, you can contact the CashAppCustomerService.

CashApp has been proven in the past as one of the safest platforms for money transfer. The data stored in the app is safe with each person having unique username. These kinds of feature have made CashApp fast growing app in the U.S.

They have not stopped there only, as they are providing the 24-hour customer support to their users. It does not matter how you are contacting them weather it is through mail, via app or dialling the CashApp support number. All you need is put the question in front of them and they will answer you as soon as possible.

How do I talk to CashApp representative?

CashApp has always been the all about the customer satisfaction. This is the reason CashApp Support are providing various ways to contact them if you face any problem. Ways through which you can contact the CashAppcustomerService.

With the help of CashApp

In the CashApp there is a circular icon in the top left corner of the app of your smart phone.

There you will find the option of “Cash support”.

After that you will get different options like “access old account”, “missing payment”, and “something else”. If you have the listed problem then you can choose them otherwise select “something else”.

Once you do that you will be getting a list various other common issues, if you are able to find your issue than select that option. But once you have gone through the list and still not satisfied than in the last you will get the option of “contact support”.

After this you will be getting the option of getting in touch with them via e-mail or by phone call. You have to describe the issue best way possible and they will revert you back within 24-hours

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for choosing AirBitcoin

Pre-boarding Announcement

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. This is the pre-boarding announcement for flight 69420 to BitcoinNation. We are now inviting those passengers with small children, and any passengers requiring special assistance, to begin boarding at this time. Please have your boarding keys and KYC identification ready. Regular boarding will begin in approximately ten minutes time. Thank you.

Final Boarding Announcement

This is the final boarding call for passengers booked on flight 69420 to BitcoinNation. Please proceed to Uniswap immediately. The final checks are being completed and the captain will order for the doors of the aircraft to close in approximately five minutes time. I repeat. This is the final boarding call for passengers booked on flight 69420 to BitcoinNation. Thank you.

Pre-flight Announcement

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome onboard Flight 69420 from wherever to BitcoinNation. We are currently third in line for take-off and are expected to be in the air in approximately seven minutes time. We ask that you please fasten your seatbelts at this time and secure all altcoins underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments. We also ask that your seats and table trays are in the upright position for take-off. Please turn on all personal electronic devices, including laptops and cell phones. Smoking is prohibited for the duration of the flight. Thank you for choosing AirBitcoin. Enjoy your flight.

Prepare for Take-off

"Cabin Crew: Prepare for take-off"

Captain's Announcement

Good afternoon passengers. This is your captain speaking. First I'd like to welcome everyone on AirBitcoin Flight 69420. We are currently cruising at an altitude of $62,360 at an airspeed of +4% per hour. The weather looks good and with the tailwind on our side we are expecting to land in BitcoinNation approximately fifteen minutes ahead of schedule. The weather in BitcoinNation is clear and sunny, with a high of 25 degrees for this afternoon. If the weather cooperates we should get a great view of the blockchain as we descend. The cabin crew will be coming around in about twenty minutes time to offer you a light snack and beverage, and the inflight movie will begin shortly after that. I'll talk to you again before we reach our destination. Until then, sit back, relax and enjoy the rest of the flight.

Safety Briefing

Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the crew I ask that you please direct your attention to the monitors above as we review the emergency procedures. There are six emergency exits on this aircraft. Take a minute to locate the exit closest to you. Note that the nearest exit may be behind you. Count the number of rows to this exit. Should the market experience sudden loss, stay calm and don't listen for instructions from the cabin crew. Do your own research and make an educated decision. Oxygen masks will not drop down from above your seat. If you are trading with children, make sure that your own bags are safe first before helping your children. In the unlikely event of an emergency crash and evacuation of the market, leave your alts behind. Suicide-watch numbers should be pinned at the top of your favorite subreddit in case of emergency. While we wait for take off, please take a moment to review the safety data card in the seat pocket in front of you.

Thank you for choosing AirBitcoin.