Thursday, April 9, 2020

Bitcoin trading: A layman's guide

Complete Guide On How To Cash Out Bitcoin (BTC)

Complete Guide On How to Cash Out Bitcoin (BTC). let us explain how to redeem bitcoin! Broadly, there are two methods to convert bitcoin: On-exchange and off-exchange......Read more 👉

#Cryptocash #bitcoincash #Bitcoin #BTC #cryptocurrencies #cryptospace #Cryptoregulation #Onexchange #offexchange #Topcryptoexchange #P2Pexchange #conversionofcryptocurrency

Bitcoin Mining Hardware Maker Reports $148M Net Loss in 2019 (current BTC/USD price is $7,293.11)

Latest Bitcoin News:

Bitcoin Mining Hardware Maker Reports $148M Net Loss in 2019

Other Related Bitcoin Topics:

Bitcoin Price | Bitcoin Mining | Blockchain

The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools. Follow us on Twitter @CoinSalad.

[Daily Discussion] Friday, April 10, 2020

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

Other ways to interact:

[Altcoin Discussion] Friday, April 10, 2020

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Discussion related to recent events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • General questions about altcoins

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • All regular rules for this subreddit apply, except for number 2. This, and only this, thread is exempt from the requirement that all discussion must relate to bitcoin trading.
  • This is for high quality discussion of altcoins. All shilling or obvious pumping/dumping behavior will result in an immediate one day ban. This is your only warning.
  • No discussion about specific ICOs. Established coins only.

If you're not sure what kind of discussion belongs in this thread, here are some example posts. News, TA, and sentiment analysis are great, too.

Other ways to interact:

DogData solutions

ETHBNT #ETHBN #Dog_welfare #Dog_Breeding #DogData #IEO #blockchain #crypto #bitcoin #etherum

DogData solutions leverage the knowledge and experience of the community DogData events App leverages social media to create notifications.

I got a ransomware email spam. How did they get a portion of my password?

I got this email:

I know, Go49ers (not actually what it says, just using that as an example), is your password. You don't know me and you're thinking why you received this e mail, right?

Well, I actually placed a malware on the porn website and guess what, you visited this web site to have fun (you know what I mean). While you were watching the video, your web browser acted as a RDP (Remote Desktop) and a keylogger which provided me access to your display screen and webcam. Right after that, my software gathered all your contacts from your Messenger, Facebook account, and email account.

What exactly did I do?

I made a split-screen video. First part recorded the video you were viewing (you've got a fine taste haha), and next part recorded your webcam (Yep! It's you doing nasty things!).

What should you do?

Well, I believe, $1900 is a fair price for our little secret. You'll make the payment via Bitcoin to the below address (if you don't know this, search "how to buy bitcoin" in Google).

BTC Address: bc1qp9tqyxxrs8s8ul02vlsh6l0cqnelsnaee58c9m (It is cAsE sensitive, so copy and paste it)


You have 24 hours in order to make the payment. (I have an unique pixel within this email message, and right now I know that you have read this email). If I don't get the payment, I will send your video to all of your contacts including relatives, coworkers, and so forth. Nonetheless, if I do get paid, I will erase the video immidiately. If you want evidence, reply with "Yes!" and I will send your video recording to your 5 friends. This is a non-negotiable offer, so don't waste my time and yours by replying to this email.


I'm read that this is just a common spam email. However, Go49ers is a common password or part of a password for me. How did they get this? I'm pretty sure I don't have any keyloggers on my computer. Ironically enough, I ran through the r/techsupport Official Malware Removal Guide and installed a Kaspersky subscription on all my computers within the last week.

So, my questions:

  • How did they get part of my password?
  • I will change any passwords that have Go49ers in them. Is there anything else I need to do?

Thanks for your help.

Hundreds of Darknet Listings Are Selling Masks and PPE Products for Bitcoin (current BTC/USD price is $7,317.67)

Latest Bitcoin News:

Hundreds of Darknet Listings Are Selling Masks and PPE Products for Bitcoin

Other Related Bitcoin Topics:

Bitcoin Price | Bitcoin Mining | Blockchain

The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools. Follow us on Twitter @CoinSalad.

White Swan came, Black Swan's a comin'

Like many here, I'm trying to come up with an investment thesis and a strategy for these uncertain times. I'm currently Bearish - have gone largely to cash, but want to invest in defensive plays because I see much more uncertainty ahead. So this long and rambling post is going to try to play with some ideas I've been having about the future. For the record, I've been investing for 8 years, was primarily an ETF buy and hold investor, and am Canadian, with a background in Political Science. ( I mean, I've got an undergraduate degree and a long-time interest, I'm no expert or nothing.)

I've read Nassim Taleb's Incerto series and have been mainly convinced, I think, and am surprised at the number of people who are calling this a Black Swan (BS) event; there's a post from today where a guy points out that it's not, and that Taleb himself says it's not and he got downvoted to hell. So first off: the Covid-19 pandemic was not a Black Swan. The Covid-19 pandemic, or one like it, has been predicted by damn near everybody for decades. The Obama administration even used a similar pandemic as a war game to get the Trump administration up to speed during the transition, Bill Gates called this years ago, we had a similar outbreak in SARS and H1N1, etc. Even if that wasn't the case, C19 would only be a BS for China - as a bunch of media sources have pointed out, there were US intelligence reports as far back as December saying this would be a huge deal, which were ignored by the administration. So all the suggestions that this is a BS event are really just pointing out how bad many governments, markets, and corporations are at predicting the future - they're unable to predict or prepare, or respond appropriately for a predictable event and only capable of reacting (with the exception of some countries like South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Germany...)

Now with the market rallying the bulls are all saying "it's priced in, you can't fight the Fed, etc," and I'm thinking:

1) The emperor has no clothes; the US government is clearly incompetent. It couldn't even listen to it's own experts about the likely extent of the pandemic, had no plan or even seemingly the ability to be at all proactive. For example, an aircraft carrier had a port call in Vietnam, during the middle of a pandemic that started in Asia. Then, completely predictably, it had an outbreak of C19 and it's capabilities were badly damaged and the administration couldn't even properly help it's own ship, nor manage the public relations fallout that resulted. I mean, do you have any idea how insane it is that that ship was allowed to dock during a pandemic? One of the most powerful military devices that ever existed got taken off line cause the administration couldn't understand it's own intelligence.

This incompetence isn't limited to the US of course - the UK handled their initial response badly and had to switch horses mid-race, Canada lagged badly responding as well, Italy and Spain mismanaged their response - but I'd argue that the US, given their advantages in intelligence collection, should have been best positioned to deal with this crisis so I focus on them.

2) Because of this, I think the odds of a real Black Swan event have gone up considerably, and if one does occur, it will occur when the US is historically divided and weakened and where it's economic system is out of ammunition to deal with a second crisis. I'll explain:

We have been living at at time when major geopolitical disruptions have been absent - while proxy wars and minor terrorist attacks still occur, there's been no wars between great powers for some time, and I think many have come to see this as natural; that the unipolar world will continue. But Russia is resurgent, China has a 50 year plan to grow its economy and eventually take a place as a hegemon, which may be entering end-game, and much of the Western international community has grown uncomfortable with US leadership, given the American tendency to elect incompetent Republicans. So we're likely entering an era of uncertainty and increased instability as the contenders vie for status in the new international order.

This doesn't mean war or open combat - it's become a cliche that the new wars of the 21st century are economic ones, and, given nuclear proliferation that's likely to continue. And I think we're more likely to see significant economic combat in the next 6 months than at almost any time during the last decade, because: 1) Trump is incompetent (and here I should stop just shitting on Republicans... the Dems have picked a 77 year old half senile fool to go up against him. I mean, looking at the two guys contending for the leadership of the most powerful country that has ever existed, it's hard to come away thinking that this is the sign of a healthy political system.)

2)America is weak (relatively speaking obviously, they're still the undisputed big swinging dick) and divided.

3)Because of C19 hits to economy, Trump may not be re-elected. I suspect that if it looked likely that he's re-elected, China at least would be content to sit quiet and wait for 4 more years of dumbasserry to take its toll on US hegemony - similarly with Russia. But if it looks like he'll lose come November, they'll take advantage.

What would that economic war look like? Lots of options that I see, and I'm curious if you guys see other ones. I mean, what would it look like if China dumped treasuries over the next 7 months? Or what would happen if China and Russia, or even OPEC+ decided to trade oil in non-US dollars? Or what if China leverages foreign aid to African and Asian countries hard-hit by C19 for long term trade deals designed to damage US interests? Iran and North Korea are additionally wild cards, and if either one is hard hit by C19 could go down flailing with unpredictable results. Any others I'm missing? Curious to hear other's ideas.

Now, note I'm not saying that odds of economic war with China or any other US adversary are likely; I'm saying if the odds of a geopolitical Black Swan were usually 5% in any given year of the last twenty, I suspect the odds of a major BS have gone up 4 or 5 fold - so like 20-30%. And I'm wondering, given unlimited QE, zero interest rates almost everywhere, central banks everywhere supporting stock and currency markets, etc -- what a defensive portfolio, preferably one that's still exposed to positive black swans like a sudden cure, would look like. Is it gold or silver? Cash? Bitcoin? I've already got enough guns and bullets and a bunker... just kidding about the bunker.

But seriously, I'm thinking something like 10-20% PMs and miners, 20% cash, 20% bonds and the rest equity ETFs of some countries likely to benefit from a stronger and more dominant China, like South Korea and Australia. Given Chinese dishonesty and the opacity of the financial system, investing directly in Chinese companies makes me nervous, though I've been considering a stake in BABA. Canada, it seems to me, is too joined at the hip with the USA to do anything other than follow where it goes.

Anyways, if you stuck with me through all that, thanks and I'd love to hear other's thoughts. I'm absolutely not a prepper nor prone to panic -- I just think we're living in real interesting times and the times are likely to get interestinger in the near future.

If Bitcoin Works in Zimbabwe, It Works Everywhere (Part 4 of a Six-Part Documentary Podcast Series) (current BTC/USD price is $7,299.10)

Latest Bitcoin News:

If Bitcoin Works in Zimbabwe, It Works Everywhere (Part 4 of a Six-Part Documentary Podcast Series)

Other Related Bitcoin Topics:

Bitcoin Price | Bitcoin Mining | Blockchain

The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools. Follow us on Twitter @CoinSalad.

Introducing the #SendNodes Contest with Kusama and Avado

Introducing the #SendNodes Contest with Kusama and Avado

Introduction to Kusama, AVADO and Nodes

What is Kusama?

Many of you may be aware of Kusama, but for those of you who are new, welcome! Kusama a scalable, multichain network for radical innovation. The network is a development environment for teams who want to move fast and innovate, or prepare for deployment on Polkadot. Some of these teams building on Kusama include Acala, building a custom blockchain for DeFi; and Chainlink, building a blockchain dedicated to its Oracle network. Kusama was founded in 2019 by Gavin Wood, co-founder and original CTO of Ethereum, and is maintained by the same teams that are behind Polkadot. Kusama is a project of Web3 Foundation, a Swiss foundation that funds research and development teams building the technology stack of the decentralized web. Web3 Foundation works with best-in-class entities such as Parity Technologies to build Kusama and foster development of the services and applications that will run on it.

What is AVADO?

AVADO is a pre-configured blockchain computer. Our focus is to make it as easy as possible to run your plug and play blockchain node. AVADO is hardware equipped with an operating system allowing you to deploy a Kusama node, Sentry node, or a node on the Westend testnet with a click of a button. You can even run them all at the same time if you’d like. In addition, we created the Run Your Own (RYO) Cloud, allowing every AVADO user to participate in and give others access to the packages running on your AVADO. You can see on which packages are available. In other words, a decentralized AWS.With many different hardware alternatives and prices, AVADO makes sure everyone can find what best suits their needs. See below for the #SendNodes prizes from AVADO!

What are nodes used for on Kusama?

Kusama is constructed and operated by a large network of nodes. These nodes, similar to nodes on the bitcoin network, help to provide decentralization and stability to the network. Nodes can be “full nodes”, which host a full record of the Kusama blockchain but do not participate in validating the transactions of the network. On the other hand, nodes can also be run as “validators”, which help contribute to running the network and verifying the accuracy of transactions. Validator nodes require much more technical knowledge to operate, so we highly encourage you to run a full node unless you’re an advanced software developer. This contest is meant to help you learn how to participate in Kusama as a full node or validator node, and thus, begin owning and operating a true piece of the network!

Contest Overview

Introducing #SendNodes, Kusama’s and AVADO’s social media competition for spinning up nodes, tweeting screenshots of your nodes and asking friends to “#SendNodes” back. Don't know how to spin up a node? Below are links to guides and tutorials you can use. For this contest there is also a #SendNodes Telegram channel where you can ask questions or you can ask questions on Kusama’s subreddit. For #SendNodes, you can spin up a full, validator or sentry node. See options and tutorials below.

Contest Options:

Option 1 - Spin up a full node (Technical Level: Low-Medium)

Follow these directions carefully:

Option 2 - Spin up a validator node (Technical Level: Very Advanced). In addition to your validator node, you can spin up a sentry node and connect it to your validator node.

Follow this guide:


Watch this tutorial:


Follow this workshop:

For questions, please go to our #SendNodes Telegram:



Prize: i5 Avado computer


1000 $KSM


Prize: 50% off coupon for an Avado box of your choice


500 $KSM


Prize: 25% off coupon for an Avado box of your choice


250 $KSM


Prize: 25% off coupon for an Avado box of your choice


100 $KSM


Prize: 50 $KSM

How Will Prizes be Awarded?

You will accumulate points for completing tasks in Vyper. At the end of the competition, Viper’s random winner selector will select a first place, second place, third place, forth place, and 25 additional winners. Although the winners will be randomly selected, the API is set up to award those who have completed the most tasks and accumulated the most points.


Start: Today (April 9th, 2020)

End: All submissions are due at 00:00 UTC on May 6th, 2020.

Winners will be announced from Kusama's Twitter on May 7th.


DO NOT CHEAT! If you are caught cheating you will be disqualified.

Have fun

Make sure to tweet your node(s) before the end of May 6th.

Twitter Submission Guidelines

Every eligible entry is required to submit their node on Twitter.

Please tag both #SendNodes, u/Kusamanetwork and u/avadocloud in your submission tweet.

If you have any questions, please ask them in the #SendNodes Telegram channel.

Compete for Points and Prizes on Vyper

During this competition all points will be accumulated on Vyper. Besides deploying nodes you can receive points for completing other tasks like attending a crowdcast, liking someone elses node, asking someone to send you a node, etc. At the end, 29 winners will receive $KSM and swag. Check out the tasks on Vyper:

See our terms and conditions

Introducing the #SendNodes Contest with Kusama and Avado

Introducing the #SendNodes Contest with Kusama and Avado

Join the competition on Vyper

Introduction to Kusama, AVADO and Nodes

What is Kusama?

Many of you may be aware of Kusama, but for those of you who are new, welcome! Kusama a scalable, multichain network for radical innovation. The network is a development environment for teams who want to move fast and innovate, or prepare for deployment on Polkadot. Some of these teams building on Kusama include Acala, building a custom blockchain for DeFi; and Chainlink, building a blockchain dedicated to its Oracle network. Kusama was founded in 2019 by Gavin Wood, co-founder and original CTO of Ethereum, and is maintained by the same teams that are behind Polkadot. Kusama is a project of Web3 Foundation, a Swiss foundation that funds research and development teams building the technology stack of the decentralized web. Web3 Foundation works with best-in-class entities such as Parity Technologies to build Kusama and foster development of the services and applications that will run on it.

What is AVADO?

AVADO is a pre-configured blockchain computer. Our focus is to make it as easy as possible to run your plug and play blockchain node. AVADO is hardware equipped with an operating system allowing you to deploy a Kusama node, Sentry node, or a node on the Westend testnet with a click of a button. You can even run them all at the same time if you’d like. In addition, we created the Run Your Own (RYO) Cloud, allowing every AVADO user to participate in and give others access to the packages running on your AVADO. You can see on which packages are available. In other words, a decentralized AWS.With many different hardware alternatives and prices, AVADO makes sure everyone can find what best suits their needs. See below for the #SendNodes prizes from AVADO!

What are nodes used for on Kusama?

Kusama is constructed and operated by a large network of nodes. These nodes, similar to nodes on the bitcoin network, help to provide decentralization and stability to the network. Nodes can be “full nodes”, which host a full record of the Kusama blockchain but do not participate in validating the transactions of the network. On the other hand, nodes can also be run as “validators”, which help contribute to running the network and verifying the accuracy of transactions. Validator nodes require much more technical knowledge to operate, so we highly encourage you to run a full node unless you’re an advanced software developer. This contest is meant to help you learn how to participate in Kusama as a full node or validator node, and thus, begin owning and operating a true piece of the network!

Contest Overview

Introducing #SendNodes, Kusama’s and AVADO’s social media competition for spinning up nodes, tweeting screenshots of your nodes and asking friends to “#SendNodes” back. Don't know how to spin up a node? Below are links to guides and tutorials you can use. For this contest there is also a #SendNodes Telegram channel where you can ask questions or you can ask questions on Kusama’s subreddit. For #SendNodes, you can spin up a full, validator or sentry node. See options and tutorials below.

Contest Options:

Option 1 - Spin up a full node (Technical Level: Low-Medium)

Follow these directions carefully:

Option 2 - Spin up a validator node (Technical Level: Very Advanced). In addition to your validator node, you can spin up a sentry node and connect it to your validator node.

Follow this guide:


Watch this tutorial:


Follow this workshop:

For questions, please go to our #SendNodes Telegram:



Prize: i5 Avado computer


1000 $KSM


Prize: 50% off coupon for an Avado box of your choice


500 $KSM


Prize: 25% off coupon for an Avado box of your choice


250 $KSM


Prize: 25% off coupon for an Avado box of your choice


100 $KSM


Prize: 50 $KSM

How Will Prizes be Awarded?

You will accumulate points for completing tasks in Vyper. At the end of the competition, Viper’s random winner selector will select a first place, second place, third place, forth place, and 25 additional winners. Although the winners will be randomly selected, the API is set up to award those who have completed the most tasks and accumulated the most points.


Start: Today (April 9th, 2020)

End: All submissions are due at 00:00 UTC on May 6th, 2020.

Winners will be announced from Kusama's Twitter on May 7th.


DO NOT CHEAT! If you are caught cheating you will be disqualified.

Have fun

Make sure to tweet your node(s) before the end of May 6th.

Twitter Submission Guidelines

Every eligible entry is required to submit their node on Twitter.

Please tag both #SendNodes, u/Kusamanetwork and u/avadocloud in your submission tweet.

If you have any questions, please ask them in the #SendNodes Telegram channel.

Compete for Points and Prizes on Vyper

During this competition all points will be accumulated on Vyper. Besides deploying nodes you can receive points for completing other tasks like attending a crowdcast, liking someone elses node, asking someone to send you a node, etc. At the end, 29 winners will receive $KSM and swag. Check out the tasks on Vyper:

See our terms and conditions


My solid wealth helps prepare your savings for the biggest financial crisis since 1950 – from home!

Capital markets reacted irrationally to the Corona crisis as all asset classes lost value. Historically gold was a safe haven but panic rushed investors towards cash. However, zero interest and rapidly increasing government debt pose significant risks to the Euro.

Bitcoin can fill this gap. The world’s number one digital currency offers fast price recovery. The upcoming halving event doubling Bitcoin’s scarcity factor on May 9th 2020 might even further increase Bitcoin price.

Hence, the irrational dip of digital currency prices might be the optimal opportunity to profit from the Bitcoin stabilizing and prepare your savings for the biggest financial crisis since 1950.

Go to the website mentioned for more information.

[Hire Me] Crypto News Writer

I am a freelance news reporter with a wealth of experience, having written for several news publications such as,, and BitcoinExchangeGuide and have written hundreds of news articles in the process. I'm interested in long-term working relationships and offer in-depth research on more complex pieces as well as fast turnaround time for breaking stories. I charge $0.05 per word and accept a wide range of cryptos. My work can be found below and feel free to message for more information.

Bitcoins Bull Case Strengthens After Breaching Price Hurdle at $7.1K (current BTC/USD price is $7,304.95)

Latest Bitcoin News:

Bitcoins Bull Case Strengthens After Breaching Price Hurdle at $7.1K

Other Related Bitcoin Topics:

Bitcoin Price | Bitcoin Mining | Blockchain

The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools. Follow us on Twitter @CoinSalad.

Weekly /r/Iowa Events Thread for the week of April 09, 2020

This thread is for any events going on in Iowa this week! What events will you be attending? What events do you want to attend? What events do you want to promote? Whats new around that state this week? Add a comment below. Anything from music to politics to a house party.

If you have any recurring events, specials, or other suggestions for this weekly thread, please send us a modmail or post it here and ping /u/annarchist - else it will likely be focused on shit Im interested in.

Please provide the following when posting new events: Time, Date, Location, Cost and some sort of description of the event.

New threads start every week, and will be stickied at the top of the subreddit. I am still working on the formatting, so if it sucks or you want changes, please provide feedback.

Here are some places to find things to do - if you see something that looks cool feel free to discuss it here because I'm sure some of us will miss it: Cityviews Calendar - Juice Calendar - Des Moines Register Event Page - Catch Des Moines Calendar - Travel Iowa Event Search

Outdoors: Trout Stocking Schedule | Iowa Biking Maps | Outdoors Things to Do | Hunting Regulations | Fishing Regulations Note -Annual Iowa hunting and fishing licenses expire on Jan. 10.

Sports: Iowa Cubs Schedule | Cedar Rapids Kernal Schedule | Hawkeye Football Schedule | Hawkeye Basketball Schedule | Iowa State Football Schedule | Iowa State Basketball Schedule | Drake Basketball | UNI Football | UNI Basketball | Barnstormer Schedule | Waterloo Blackhawks

Music: Bands in Town - Des Moines | Bands in Town - Cedar Falls | Bands in Town - Iowa City | Nitefall on the River

Local Message Boards: UrbanDSM|IowaOutdoors515Crew Election|Dates :--|:-- General Election|November 6, 2018. City Primary|October 8, 2019 Regular City & Regular School|November 5, 2019 City Runoff|December 3, 2019 Primary|June 2, 2020 General|November 3, 2020

Des Moines Reoccurring Events:
*Third Friday of Every Month is Mixology at the Science Center in Des Moines * Blues Jam Band every Tuesday at Carl's Place, $3 tallboys * Area515 1731 Grand Avenue, Des Moines - Electronics Club 2nd Wednesdays at 7pm - 3D Printing Club 3rd Mondays at 7pm - Ham Radio Night 4th Mondays at 7pm * Young Professionals Connection Calendar * Des Moines Bitcoin and Blockchain MeetUp at Gravitate in West Des Moines - 4th Thursday of the month - 7:00pm * D&D at Mistress Brewery in Ankeny Sundays 3:30pm-7:30pm.

Quad Cities Reoccuring events: * Every other Wednesday (July 25th): Eat the Streets (downtown Davenport) * relevant sub thread

Cedar Falls Reoccurring Events: * Every Tuesday night there are rides that leave at singlespeed in CF. 5:30 is the 22mph average ride. 6:00 is the 18mph average ride and women's ride. * Every Wednesday is the the CvC WOW ride that meets at 6 pm at 4th and Main St in CF. Several types of rides for all types of riders.

Council Bluffs Reoccurring Events: * Every Thursday night in council bluffs is the Taco Ride from CB to mineola Iowa

Central Iowa Bar Map - If you know who created this or want to download the XML and expand on it, please do so! If you create an updated one including your regions bar, Ill replace this one.

Note this is going to start likely central Iowa Centric as I am using that as the baseline the creation of this.

Tag/ping /u/AnnArchist if you post in here with like something added on a weekly basis. I also included the tag here so I remember to check this.

Iowa Discord Server

Bitcoin Doesnt Care as US Debt Reaches an Unfathomable $24 Trillion (current BTC/USD price is $7,318.63)

Latest Bitcoin News:

Bitcoin Doesnt Care as US Debt Reaches an Unfathomable $24 Trillion

Other Related Bitcoin Topics:

Bitcoin Price | Bitcoin Mining | Blockchain

The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools. Follow us on Twitter @CoinSalad.

Earn Free Bitcoin: Best Websites To Earn Free BTC (2020 Guide)

The halvening and the Stock to Flow Model is not a hype cycle but fundamental. EXPLAINED

There is a difference between hype and fundamentals. Wall st bonus or Chinese New Year or new partnership is a hype cycle.

Buy the rumour sell the news is a hype cycle.

The halvening is a fundamental event. Bitcoin is fundamentally undervalued compared to its market cap right now. Intrinsic value is greater than market cap. Intrinsic value is 8.5k right now. The price of Bitcoin on the spot exchanges always reverts back to the intrinsic value over time. The stock to Flow model is cointegrated which means that if you plot the error between Bitcoins traded price and the model predicted price it forms a bell curve around the intrinsic value. This bell curves proves the legitimacy of the model If the model was wrong the plot wouldn't result in a bell curve. It would have chaotic spurious data.

A lot of people think stock to Flow model is just good because it looks accurate on the chart. But truth is it mathematically checks out

Here is how you can work it out yourself:

1/ First, you need to choose a program like Microsoft excel.

2/ Then, you want to load a dataset of the price history of BTC. So in one column you'll have the day and in the other column you'll have the price.

3/ You'll want this data to go back as far as possible to have as much data as possible. So thats 10 years of daily data. Would give you 3650 rows.

4/ Then, on the next column you need to put the predicted price of bitcoin according to S2F.

5/ Then, in the next column you want to subtract the previous column from the one before it. This new column will be your error data set. Which tells you each day how overshot or undershot the predicted price was.

6/ For the S2F flow to be cointegrated, the error dataset should form a bell curve (it should be "normally distributed") To calculate whether the error data set is normally distributed you need to use a normality test. There are several in data analysis. A popular one is the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test.

7/ After you conduct this test it will tell you how closely the error set matches a bell curve. The more it matches a bell curve the better the prediction model is.

Bitcoins Stock to Flow model:

Hodlers play a huge role in the stock to flow.

Weekly general discussion - April 09, 2020

Welcome to the weekly general discussion thread of /r/btcsv! Thread topics include, but are not limited to: General discussion related to the weeks events, questions that don't deserve their own thread. Please discuss prices in the Weekly Bitcoin markets and price discussion thread.

Hoo Launches BCH & BSV Halving Campaign

Dear Hoo users,

For BCH and BSV are halving their block rewards this month. Hoo decided to launch campaigns related to the halving. Those who trade BCH and BSV on Hoo will have a chance to share the Halving Gift Packs.

Time: on Apr. 9, 2020- Apr. 13, 2020

Cryptocurrency: BTC, BCH, BSV

Campaign 1: Halving Mining Rewards, Double Trading Bonus

Users who make BTC, BCH and BSV daily transactions during the event are qualified to get the reward. Users whose net buy volume (in USDT) ranked top 3 will get a BCH / BSV Gift Pack!

Campaign 2: Bitcoin Family Financing Session, Active Users Enjoy Interest+ Coupon

Hoo’s BVS/BCH/BTC halving earnings are higher than the other exchanges. In addition, Hoo will pick up 20 active trading users daily in Hoo community and send free Hoo coin + interest coupon. Come and enjoy higher profits!


  1. Event interval: 00:00:00:00–24:00:00:00(UTC + 8). We will calculate the total net buy value of the three coins in USDT. Top 3 traders will get the Gift Pack;

  2. The second and third prizes of Net Purchase Trading Bonus campaign depend on the price of BCH / BSV on the same day. If the price of BCH is higher than BSV, BCH will be awarded to the second prize and BSV was awarded to the third prize. Vice versa;

  3. Net buying formula: Net Purchase = Buying Volume - Selling Volume ;

  4. Hoo will announce the winners of the daily net purchase ranking and the awards will be distributed within 3 working days;

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April 8, 2020

28 [M4F] - English guy - Honestly I'm quite enjoying this lockdown, I've gotten a load of stuff done and started trying to look into trying new things, and still had plenty of time for videogames/TV too! Fancied meeting new people as I went about my jobs today (preferably female + long term friends)

TL:DR - I like meeting people and I'm decently interesting. Drop me a message :)

Pretty much title, if it wasn't for the actual risk, I'd be happy as a clam. I've got so much time for stuff and its just nice to not have to worry about getting up and rushing to work. I've started a free online uni course about extreme geological events, restarted learning a new language and I'm considering trying British Sign Language, I've deep cleaned my room and got a list of other jobs I want to do. But so many people seem so bored and fed up :\ In any case I wanted to meet folks to talk to :)

I was learning German, or trying to I guess, but it took a bit of a backseat, but its something I want to get back into. Decided to swap to learning Turkish as the initial plan was to visit Munich, but that turned into a Istanbul trip so its taken a back burner. If you speak German orTurkish that's a plus as at some point I may want to try it if I get decent, even if not its nice to have native speakers as a reference with grammar/pronunciation etc. In any case, I'll chat to pretty much whoever. 18+ is really my only condition, but beyond that, I've no issues with people from anywhere, if I sound like someone you'd want to chat to, drop me a message :)

As for why internet friends, I think I just like the variety and the potential? Like I can be hanging out gaming, and be speaking to people from all over the globe, and with every orange envelope that pops up it could be someone who becomes super important ya know?

As for what I'm looking for, fairly laid back on it, I like meeting people and if it goes anywhere, that's always lovely. I'll be honest in saying that if benefits happen, flirting and so on, that's fun, but my goal is conversation and if anything happens beyond that, its simply a fun bonus as opposed to the goal. If you do message me and have a certain intention in mind, whether its platonic or not, by all means include that in the opening message, on my end I always prefer when intentions are known from the start. So whether you've been happily married and only looking for strictly platonic, or enjoy benefits and flirting, or whatever, feel free to state that, it won't affect my responses at all. Just feel its easier to be honest and pretend I'm a saint, platonic chat is 110 percent fine with me is the point.

I don't love the reddit chat, and I prefer to move platforms, I don't really video or voice, but if we get on we can do sometimes if you want. I've got most apps, whatsapp/telegram/discord are all preferable, kik and snapchat work too. As well as other apps I forget about, but drop me a PM and I'm sure we can find something that works essentially

My only real hang up is when you get fond of someone and they disappear, I don't mind if its early on, maybe you're busy or there's no connection, but it does sting if one day you're like "I love speaking to you, you're so cute and fun!" and then next day you're gone for good. That does fuck me up. If you don't fancy talking anymore and we have spoke for a little while, I'd definitely prefer just a message as closure, but its the internet and things happen so eh.

As for me, I've been on a self improvement kick recently, looking for a new job, working out (trying to lose the gut while still eating fun foods is tough tho :P) and learning German. I live in England, I enjoy travel and have done a decent amount of Europe but still want to do way more and further afield.I read and I'm a good cook. I'm the fairly typical TV/football/videogames fan, I follow politics, but its gotten so depressing recently, I enjoy anime. I've gotten deep into cryptocurrency (bitcoin etc) and finance/investing in general I enjoy. I worked retail for nearly 5 years, but moved into insurance sales a few months ago. I'll likely gripe about work from time to time too.

As for what I'm looking for? - Really no preference, I'll speak to anyone who I find engaging. As the title states, preferably women and for long term conversation, but its not at all a hard limit or anything.

This has gotten way longer than I expected so without further ado, come say hey :D

28 [M4F] - English guy - Honestly I'm quite enjoying this lockdown, I've gotten a load of stuff done and started trying to look into trying new things, and still had plenty of time for videogames/TV too! Fancied meeting new people as I went about my jobs today (preferably female + long term friends)

TL:DR - I like meeting people and I'm decently interesting. Drop me a message :)

Pretty much title, if it wasn't for the actual risk, I'd be happy as a clam. I've got so much time for stuff and its just nice to not have to worry about getting up and rushing to work. I've started a free online uni course about extreme geological events, restarted learning a new language and I'm considering trying British Sign Language, I've deep cleaned my room and got a list of other jobs I want to do. But so many people seem so bored and fed up :\ In any case I wanted to meet folks to talk to :)

I was learning German, or trying to I guess, but it took a bit of a backseat, but its something I want to get back into. Decided to swap to learning Turkish as the initial plan was to visit Munich, but that turned into a Istanbul trip so its taken a back burner. If you speak German orTurkish that's a plus as at some point I may want to try it if I get decent, even if not its nice to have native speakers as a reference with grammar/pronunciation etc. In any case, I'll chat to pretty much whoever. 18+ is really my only condition, but beyond that, I've no issues with people from anywhere, if I sound like someone you'd want to chat to, drop me a message :)

As for why internet friends, I think I just like the variety and the potential? Like I can be hanging out gaming, and be speaking to people from all over the globe, and with every orange envelope that pops up it could be someone who becomes super important ya know?

As for what I'm looking for, fairly laid back on it, I like meeting people and if it goes anywhere, that's always lovely. I'll be honest in saying that if benefits happen, flirting and so on, that's fun, but my goal is conversation and if anything happens beyond that, its simply a fun bonus as opposed to the goal. If you do message me and have a certain intention in mind, whether its platonic or not, by all means include that in the opening message, on my end I always prefer when intentions are known from the start. So whether you've been happily married and only looking for strictly platonic, or enjoy benefits and flirting, or whatever, feel free to state that, it won't affect my responses at all. Just feel its easier to be honest and pretend I'm a saint, platonic chat is 110 percent fine with me is the point.

I don't love the reddit chat, and I prefer to move platforms, I don't really video or voice, but if we get on we can do sometimes if you want. I've got most apps and I'm sure we will be ableto find something that works if you want to swap to something else

My only real hang up is when you get fond of someone and they disappear, I don't mind if its early on, maybe you're busy or there's no connection, but it does sting if one day you're like "I love speaking to you, you're so cute and fun!" and then next day you're gone for good. That does fuck me up. If you don't fancy talking anymore and we have spoke for a little while, I'd definitely prefer just a message as closure, but its the internet and things happen so eh.

As for me, I've been on a self improvement kick recently, looking for a new job, working out (trying to lose the gut while still eating fun foods is tough tho :P) and learning German. I live in England, I enjoy travel and have done a decent amount of Europe but still want to do way more and further afield.I read and I'm a good cook. I'm the fairly typical TV/football/videogames fan, I follow politics, but its gotten so depressing recently, I enjoy anime. I've gotten deep into cryptocurrency (bitcoin etc) and finance/investing in general I enjoy. I worked retail for nearly 5 years, but moved into insurance sales a few months ago. I'll likely gripe about work from time to time too.

As for what I'm looking for? - Really no preference, I'll speak to anyone who I find engaging. As the title states, preferably women and for long term conversation, but its not at all a hard limit or anything.

This has gotten way longer than I expected so without further ado, come say hey :D

28 [M4F] - English guy - Honestly I'm quite enjoying this lockdown, I've gotten a load of stuff done and started trying to look into trying new things, and still had plenty of time for videogames/TV too! Fancied meeting new people as I went about my jobs today (preferably female + long term friends)

TL:DR - I like meeting people and I'm decently interesting. Drop me a message :)

Pretty much title, if it wasn't for the actual risk, I'd be happy as a clam. I've got so much time for stuff and its just nice to not have to worry about getting up and rushing to work. I've started a free online uni course about extreme geological events, restarted learning a new language and I'm considering trying British Sign Language, I've deep cleaned my room and got a list of other jobs I want to do. But so many people seem so bored and fed up :\ In any case I wanted to meet folks to talk to :)

I was learning German, or trying to I guess, but it took a bit of a backseat, but its something I want to get back into. Decided to swap to learning Turkish as the initial plan was to visit Munich, but that turned into a Istanbul trip so its taken a back burner. If you speak German orTurkish that's a plus as at some point I may want to try it if I get decent, even if not its nice to have native speakers as a reference with grammar/pronunciation etc. In any case, I'll chat to pretty much whoever. 18+ is really my only condition, but beyond that, I've no issues with people from anywhere, if I sound like someone you'd want to chat to, drop me a message :)

As for why internet friends, I think I just like the variety and the potential? Like I can be hanging out gaming, and be speaking to people from all over the globe, and with every orange envelope that pops up it could be someone who becomes super important ya know?

As for what I'm looking for, fairly laid back on it, I like meeting people and if it goes anywhere, that's always lovely. I'll be honest in saying that if benefits happen, flirting and so on, that's fun, but my goal is conversation and if anything happens beyond that, its simply a fun bonus as opposed to the goal. If you do message me and have a certain intention in mind, whether its platonic or not, by all means include that in the opening message, on my end I always prefer when intentions are known from the start. So whether you've been happily married and only looking for strictly platonic, or enjoy benefits and flirting, or whatever, feel free to state that, it won't affect my responses at all. Just feel its easier to be honest and pretend I'm a saint, platonic chat is 110 percent fine with me is the point.

If you'd like to talk, drop me a PM with your basic info. Name/gender/location/age and so on, if you include anything else you feel relevant that's great. And if you put your username in I'll message you back directly on the app

My only real hang up is when you get fond of someone and they disappear, I don't mind if its early on, maybe you're busy or there's no connection, but it does sting if one day you're like "I love speaking to you, you're so cute and fun!" and then next day you're gone for good. That does fuck me up. If you don't fancy talking anymore and we have spoke for a little while, I'd definitely prefer just a message as closure, but its the internet and things happen so eh.

As for me, I've been on a self improvement kick recently, looking for a new job, working out (trying to lose the gut while still eating fun foods is tough tho :P) and learning German. I live in England, I enjoy travel and have done a decent amount of Europe but still want to do way more and further afield.I read and I'm a good cook. I'm the fairly typical TV/football/videogames fan, I follow politics, but its gotten so depressing recently, I enjoy anime. I've gotten deep into cryptocurrency (bitcoin etc) and finance/investing in general I enjoy. I worked retail for nearly 5 years, but moved into insurance sales a few months ago. I'll likely gripe about work from time to time too.

As for what I'm looking for? - Really no preference, I'll speak to anyone who I find engaging. As the title states, preferably women and for long term conversation, but its not at all a hard limit or anything.

This has gotten way longer than I expected so without further ado, come say hey :D

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