Saturday, March 27, 2021

Coti 15x coin for march 2021



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In this video Coti 15x coin for march 2021, I'll go through the the whole events & news of coti with technical analysis & used coinmomo to see event & news for coti.

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UK bitcoin capital gains tax free limit

I'm trying to get my head around the capital tax in the UK. I understand that the capital gains tax isn't for the value of the bitcoin traded for fiat, but for the profit gained from what was put in.

I have three main questions that I'd like some help with.

1) how to I calculate how much I need to pay, if I'm investing by DCA. Do I just check what the price was when I bought the bitcoin? But If I have bought over multiple weeks, then I have bought in for different prices.

2) The UK capital gains tax free limit is £12000. So does that mean that I can avoid paying any capital gains tax if I realise less than £12000 from by holdings each tax year?

3) can I increase the amount I can claim tax free by transferring to my wife a portion of the amount? Say I'm wanting to buy £20000 fiat from my holdings, can I transfer £10000 to my wife for her to cash out since transferring cryptoassets to spouses are not taxable events?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

When in Doubt, ZOOM OUT! (LTO Charts & Analysis)

Hi guys,

I have been posting charts over on the LTOnauts Telegram channel and a few users suggested that I create a Reddit post showing some of my analysis.

Before we get started, here is what this is NOT:

  • Financial advice.
  • Analysis from a trading expert (I am not an expert).
  • Predictions about what will happen in the future.

However, this IS:

  • A long-term view of current trends on the LTO chart.
  • Some speculation about possibilities that may come to pass.
  • An attempt to make sense of short-term price action using long-term trends and context.

Keep in mind that technical analysis on a low cap market such as LTO/USD can be wrecked at any moment by whales making big moves or Bitcoin moving the entire crypto asset class in extreme ways.

Alright, let's dive in!

The larger trend on the daily chart

Upper and lower trends on the daily chart.

Zooming out on the daily charts shows a few lower trend lines across time for LTO/USD. Currently, LTO price action is bound in an overall upward trend between lower and upper bounds. As you can see, the bottom trend line has been re-set three times so far on the daily chart. This is great news as it shows exponential growth.

There is another project whose chart that shows a similar lower trend pattern. Perhaps you have heard of...

LINK/USD Weekly Chart

I find this interesting because I have often compared LTO's growth potential to that of Chainlink. Both are projects that feature a utility token that is available for retail investors to purchase and required for customers to use the service. This token is used for each transaction that is completed, and an increase in transactions has a positive impact on price. I'm not saying that LTO is necessary going to see a price increase upwards of 30,000% like LINK has, but it is a comparison to consider.

A closer look

Closer view at our current daily trend.

You'll notice that there is a dotted green line on this chart. This was a previous upper bound that has since been broken by our previous two All-Time Highs (ATH). This is good news, as the next ATHs may continue to re-print the upper bound that we can use for this daily trend. Often a trip to the top of this channel will be followed by a visit near or to the bottom.


A new daily trend forming?

Yellow line = a potential new daily trend line

Though most trips to the top of the channel are usually followed by downward movement, our most recent ATH has actually resulted in several days of accumulation and push back toward the top. The yellow line in the preceding chart shows that there is potentially a new daily trend forming. I do not believe this this will be a long term daily trend (I'll show you why when we follow these trends out to the end of 2021).

However, let's look at possibilities at this point in time.

  1. This yellow line could be a short-term support that brings us back to the top of the channel. The yellow line converges with the dotted green (which seems to still be offering some resistance) on April 11th. The yellow line converges with the solid green line on April 27th. Note that the yellow line currently shares a price zone with the 20 day MA and 21 day EMA, which have acted as a decent support band in recent weeks.
  2. The yellow line will not hold as support and price action may print a sort of double top at the dotted green line before revisiting the bottom of the channel. As of today (March 27th, 2021), the bottom green trend line sits around $0.39. So price could drop that low and still be within the overall rising wedge on the daily chart. Keep in mind that this bottom trend line climbs in price every day.

The long view (trend lines at EOY)

I said we would take a look at where these trend lines land at the end of the year (EOY)...

EOY prices for each trend line.

To be clear, this is a very dubious exercise. These trends can change between now and the end of 2021. Keep in mind that whales and the behavior of Bitcoin can sweep all of this off of the table quite easily.

Notice that the yellow trend line brings us to a price of $652 EOY. This is why I do not think this line is a reliable long-term trend, but rather a more short-term trend within the context of the more established daily trend.

However, the other prices shown here may be more realistic. $28.65, $22.05, $15.25, and $0.27 are all within the realm of possibility, especially as the LTO Network experiences positive fundamental events, such as the expansion of the UN Land Registry, DIDs, integration of Chainlink, a possible U.S. exchange listing, and many others that I am surely missing.


If you are still here, thanks for following along!

I have some follow-up charts that I will post in the coming days that are related to this longer term view. I post more short term analysis almost every day over in the LTOnauts Telegram channel, so feel free to join us over there if you would like to see more!

Tl;Dr Don't fret about short term price action too much. Zooming out shows that we will experience up and down movement, but the overall trend is very bullish indeed.

Rectifying the Robinhood mistake

When I first decided to invest in Bitcoin, I knew no better than to use Robinhood so I put a bunch of money in thru RH. After learning more about crypto, how it works and the whole point of it over the last year or so, I realized I made a mistake. You live and you learn, at least I didn’t do the same with ETH lol.

If I sell the Robinhood Bitcoin holdings to buy and hold my own coins, it’ll create a taxable event so I’ll lose a chunk of the $. Was anyone else in this situation and how did you proceed?

The Global Monetary Reset - Why this is only the start of CryptoCurrency

TLDR in the end

First of all, let me start by saying that im not a financial expert nor a financial advisor. This is not financial advice.

Second, a big thank you to everyone in r/CryptoCurrency. Great community! The amount of education I was able to get in a short amount of time, is also thanks to many of you! Im converting most of my personal wealth to crypto and Im already on the works to change pretty much 100% the way my company works. Professional/Social world is now a digital experience, that has many implications and I couldn't just remain still while the whole world around me is shifting.

(ok, lets start)

Why we are in the beginning of the Biggest Bull Market in Crypto?

Because we are reaching the end of the Dollar/debt monetary system. GMR. What does this mean? Global Monetary Reset. The last one was in 1971. Some information about it:

1971 GMR Facts

  • US President Nixon temporarily suspended the dollar's convertibility into gold (effectively permanent - still suspended as of 2018)
  • This effectively ended the Bretton Woods Agreement

Before the 1971 GMR

  • Previously dollars were convertible into gold at $35 per ounce

After the 1971 GMR

  • The dollar is no longer convertible into a fixed value of anything
  • Allowed all currencies to float against each other
  • Allowed politicians and central bankers to print money and spend with abandon (convertability to gold was not holding them back)
    • Allowed large deficit spending
    • Allowed rapid increase in credit
    • Resulted in inflation
  • Effectively removed the mechanism that balanced trade deficits over time
    • Resulted in some countries having massive and long-sustained trade deficits
    • trade and account balances never get settled (since there is no global reserve asset like gold)
  • Allowed domestic monetary polices to avoid financial discipline that was historically imposed by the gold standard
    • trade imbalanced no longer resulted in loss of gold & domestic deflation

Reasons for the 1971 GMR

  • The US printed more dollars that it could back with how much gold it had (at the $35 exchange rate)
    • Cause by significant war spending (Korean war, Vietnam, Cold war) and welfare spending
  • Due to the rise in US paper dollars, foreign countries started to convert their dollars into gold
  • This started to quickly drain the US gold supply
  • Ending the dollar convertibility to gold stopped this outflow

1971 GMR Impacts

  • Removed the primary reason why foreign countries held dollars
  • The dollar started to depreciate rapidly against other currencies
  • Oil producing countries started to ask for payment in gold instead of dollars
  • Created the need for the Petrodollar SystemSource: link

Now for some perspective, lets also check out some actual numbers and charts.

M1 Money Stock -

What Is M1?

M1 is the money supply that is composed of physical currency and coin, demand deposits, travelers' checks, other checkable deposits, and negotiable order of withdrawal (NOW) accounts. M1 includes the most liquid portions of the money supply because it contains currency and assets that either are or can be quickly converted to cash. However, "near money" and "near, near money," which fall under M2 and M3, cannot be converted to currency as quickly. Investopedia

Great. Now lets look at our baby.

Bitcoin -

Bitcoin is a type of cryptocurrency. There are no physical bitcoins, only balances kept on a public ledger that everyone has transparent access to. All bitcoin transactions are verified by a massive amount of computing power. Bitcoins are not issued or backed by any banks or governments, nor are individual bitcoins valuable as a commodity. Despite it not being legal tender, Bitcoin is very popular and has triggered the launch of hundreds of other cryptocurrencies, collectively referred to as altcoins. Bitcoin is commonly abbreviated as "BTC." Investopedia

Great. The charts had a huge spike, almost correlated I guess. Lets not make assumptions here! Ok, lets look at some more data.

The Greatest Wealth Transfer In History - - Nov 11, 2019

Over the next two decades, the United States will experience an unprecedented shift of demographics and finances that will likely be felt by every American.

Baby Boomers, the generation of people born between 1944 and 1964, are expected to transfer $30 trillion in wealth to younger generations over the next many years. This jaw-dropping amount has led many journalists and financial experts to refer to the gradual event as the “great wealth transfer.”

In no prior time in the history of America has such a vast amount of wealth moved through the hands of generations.

Bitcoin is 'more a substitute for gold than the dollar' — Fed Chair PowellWhile Bitcoin (BTC) is too volatile to be money and is "backed by nothing," it could be a "substitute for gold," said the chair of the United States Federal Reserve.

Speaking at an event hosted by the Bank for International Settlements, or BIS, on Monday, Jerome Powell delivered frank comments in response to a question on cryptocurrency. Source

For now, we have a Money stock chart that looks similar to Bitcoin chart, which means that there is a correlation with the increase amount of money in the world and the growing of bitcoins market cap. The younger generation are the "Bitcoiners", and at the same time we will witness The Greatest Wealth Transfer In History. Then, Fed Chair Jerome Powell is already saying it might be a substitute for gold...

Things are getting spicy!

Automation & Job loss StatisticsMore than 25% of jobs in the US are experiencing high levels of disruption due to automation.

This figure amounted to 36 million jobs in 2016, with more than 70% at high risk of being replaced by automation. The same research on jobs at risk of automation found that 36% of American workers face medium-level exposure to these disruptive technologies by 2030, while 39% – or 57 million jobs – will face low-level exposure. Source

Enough of data. Now let me tell you what is my interpretation. Its worth what its worth.

I believe we are already in the middle-end stages of the transition of monetary system. Its not meant to be a 1 day thing. And if we think that when they are FOMOing, we are being a bit naive imo. Changes with gigantic proportions like a monetary system reset takes years until its in place. So now, let me remind you of the massive corporation and institutional adoption of Bitcoin during 2020 and in the start of 2021, it is only getting faster and wider. Now, lets also remember the fact that Bitcoin's 2024* halvening will dramatically decrease the Bitcoin supply, just like last year.

I am honestly OVERWHELMED by how far the crypto world has evolved. The amount of good ideas in the space is mind blowing. What I see hapenning in the future? DeFi is bringing a new economy. A new way of work, A new way of getting value. Its not money anymore, its cryptocurrency. Examples of this:

  • Brave users are rewarded in BAT (Basic Attention Token) for the ads they watch. Users get paid by attention spent on ads.
  • Decentraland casino is now HIRING! - link
  • Many games rewarding players with crypto
  • r/CryptoCurrency and moons. In the future, who knows what this little thingy can do/buy,
  • The whole NFT industry will most likely be the new way of distributing art and media, who knows what more can come from there.


Again, im not a financial expert nor a financial advisor. This is not financial advice. Im not a professional at this but I consider having an "accurate" view of how the world works and, from all the signals we've been getting, I have no doubts anymore.

TLDR: Global Monetary Reset incoming, go back to the top and read the post. Not trying to be provocative but helpful! Do your own research.

Please, if you have read this whole thing leave your opinion, I would really like to discuss this perspective with other people. Thank you for your time!

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ДЕНЬ МАНЬЯКА (Sasha Sotnik) (Vimeo) (Sotnik-TV Live)

27 марта - День садиста. Маньяк Путин поздравил садюг-росгвардейцев с днем создания силового козлятника. А накануне из места отбытия заключения вышел политический узник Марк Гальперин.

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What happens to Ethereum when Bitcoin implodes?

Hypothetically, say Bitcoin collapses for reasons that do not apply to Ethereum. Will Ethereum implode as well due to coupling in the market and the general deleveraging mayhem that ensues? Or, is Ethereum sufficiently decoupled to weather or even benefit from an event like this?

What are your thoughts?

Can someone ELI5 why Michael Saylor says its beneficial to borrow against crypto. I can't get my head around it.

He says it is a non taxable event to borrow money vs selling. And you get to keep your btc. But you have to always extend the loan (which will work because fiat loses in value compared to btc) to pay for the interest. And I suppose he means that I should put the money I loan into stocks or something to let them work for me. However if extend your loan then you owe more money, so in essence your collateral, ie your Bitcoin becomes less worth. Now how is that different to selling small amounts of btc every year? I mean I have to pay tax for revenue I make on the stocks... and if I spend the money then I just devalue my btc collateral. If lender decides to liquidate my collateral then I have to pay the tax I presume.

Did he think this through or am I being slow? Please ELI5 to me...

Now is the best time to buy in terms of potential gains vs risk

Many people complain that Bitcoin is too expensive, that they are too late etc. I will talk about Bitcoin only.

Guys, from logical point of view, now is the best time to get into it in terms of appreciation vs risk. Few points here:

  1. Nobody knew if this thing is going to be future. Everyone had some ideas, dreams, hopes, but nobody knew. If you bough at the beginning, you could not have known that this thing would go up like that. Nobody could asure. There might have been bug, some mistake, hacks, faith of people using it could have been somehow lost because of some event. Yes, you would have made huge gains, but with extreme, extreme risk.
  2. Today, the potential for sudden 100x is probably off the table. But. Now, everyone knows the name Bitcoin. Companies are starting to work with it. Soon, there might be some government trying to insert it into their reserves. We can even use Bitcoin in our daily lives. Ant the best thing? Potential for appreciation is still enourmous. We could go to 10 mil. coin in next 10 years. It would mean nearly 200x. You cant even imagine how big is that number. In stocks, you wait for double every 7 years on average.

We can make an example, just for better imagination.

In past, risk vs reward was like 10 000 vs 10 000. Now it might be 500 vs 3 000. In past, risk was probably same as reward. Extremely big. Today, risk vs reward is unbalanced and there is no other asset class on earth with that kind of ratio. Stock, real estate, bonds, their appreciation usually matches their risk profile.

I am not saying that crypto is safe. Its not. Its still risky asset class. But that asymmetry in risk vs reward is probably the best it has ever been.

Cardano Rumor Rundown 03.27.2021

Hey Everyone!

I've been obsessively consuming all the Cardano news and media on a daily basis for years now. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to share a list of what I'm seeing for anyone else who's interested. Feel free to make additions as you see fit. Many of your additions from yesterday are in the “Newly Covered” list for today. Also let me know if you think any of the “Previously Covered but Still Interesting” items are no longer interesting and should leave the list.

Check out the youtube companion to today’s post:

Let's go....

Newly covered today:

  1. Someone paid $23k for the notorious “Your telling the CEO of IOHK…” tweet.
  2. IOHK is rolling out a new team that will fight the scammers in crypto. In my mind this involves guys in polo shirts with popped collars carrying these and hunting the bad guys while ‘90s action movie music plays. Probably Dwayne Johnson is their commander. Maybe that’s not what Charles has in mind.
  3. Cardano is the Tesla of crypto. We’re just in that early stage right before the Model 3 launch where the Ford and GM guys are at peak fear/peak shit talking but we haven’t made that big move yet. “It’s an illusion, they’ll never release a sub $40k car.” We’ll see shortly, gentlemen...we’ll see.

Previously Covered but still interesting:

  1. Charles posts a pic of a taxidermy African bird called a Turacos. He follows up that post by saying "Guys sometimes a stuffed Ethiopian exotic bird next to an old identity book is just a stuffed Ethiopian exotic bird next to an old identity book. Stop reading into things". Everyone enjoys speculating what exactly this could mean with the obvious implication being that the African bird announcement involves digital identity in Ethiopia.
  2. Famed crypto enthusiast and billionaire Mike Novogratz asks the Cardano world "Can anyone make a real bull case for $ADA? Does anyone build on it? Use it? Why is market cap so high? Should it be a funding asset? It’s one of the few cryptos I haven’t traded in my life."
  3. It's announced that 591 different assets have been minted on Cardano in the last eight days.
  4. Catalyst Fund 3 Voting is ongoing, it looks like the Yoroi team has worked out the voting problem in the Yoroi wallet.
  5. Charles was on Real Vision earlier this week.
  6. Cardano SPO Schweta Chauhan was profiled by Forbes.
  7. UAE Fund FD7 Ventures says ADA could 20x in next 2-3 years
  8. Charles will be speaking at the Blockchain Africa Conference this week which may or may not give us more clues as to the African Bird announcement.
  9. SingularityNet collaboration with Cardano going down. How else is Skynet gonna pay the Terminators?
  10. Wolfram Alpha collaboration with Cardano. What will it look like? Mentioned in several recent AMAs. Sounds like Charles and Stephen Wolfram want to be best brohs. That feels good broh.
  11. What did Charles actually do (if anything) on the day of the recent Thanos Infinity Gauntlet snap pic? Just general or was something specific happening behind the scenes? RETIRED!
  12. Alonzo hard fork (non)event to complete Goguen and add smart contracts in Q2. You’ll barely feel it broh. Not even an event. Lots of combinator broh.
  13. Actual target date of Alonzo hardfork combinator event (smart contracts) will be revealed at Cardano 360 show at end of March.
  14. Charles claimed Elon was trolling Cardano with “meta for k” on twitter. Can anyone argue one way or another on this?
  15. Ourobouros omega is slated to bring significant innovation to the Cardano consensus protocol.
  16. Possible Soulja Boy Cardano collab on NFT. Maybe Soulja Boy could be best brohs with Charles and Stephen Wolfram broh?
  17. Coinbase Listing of ADA. Will the DCG Mafia ever allow ADA to compete on an even playing field with “their precious” (read in Gollum voice) ETH? Maybe we don’t even need them? RETIRED!
  18. Twitter revamp via Cardano? Charles did a whole vid on fixing social media curation. Other hand: they won’t even give Charles a blue check mark. (Retired: he finally got it) Other other hand: Jack has a mutual love of Africa.
  19. In the Protocol Parameters vid, Charles suggested they will introduce a CIP (Cardano Improvement Proposal) to change the inflation model to accommodate pay for stakepools for processing transactions/data from the ETH, IELE, and Catalyst sidechains. We’ll get to vote on CIPs like this. Kablam! Democracy! Kablam! Voltaire! Kablam! More duckets for staking! Don’t worry broh. They’re gonna stay serious here broh. Charles squinting real hard/blinking/talking slower/using hands a lot here broh. Not planning to violate the things learned from the long Oxford research arc and the input of the Prism Group (Harvard dudes) broh. Snake still eats tail broh. Kablam!
  20. Charles mentioned a seven person anti-corruption committee reviewing the Ethiopia project. Hopefully no shenanigans there broh.
  21. Charles is scheduled to appear on Lex Fridman’s Podcast in June. Lex seems like a nice guy broh. He’ll probably end up best brohs with Charles, Stephen Wolfram, & Soulja Boy. Ben Goertzel is also in broh. Lex needs a girlfriend but no paying ADA to romance the androids. Just take lion’s mane, maybe some ‘83 Gordon & McPhail, and solve global issues together broh.
  22. Will a Joe Rogan appearance follow this? It was always ”Goguen before Rogan.” They both love meat and you can barely tell they’re both filthy rich. Match made in heaven?
  23. 100% Decentralization of block validation incoming this month!!!!
  24. Liquidity bird to land sometime soon? What is it? RETIRED!
  25. What about the whispers of a telecom deal? Part of the Ethiopia project?
  26. What about paying for utilities and transportation? Part of the Ethiopia deal?
  27. Academic credentialing project in the nation state of Georgia. Lots of mentions of this over the years.
  28. Mongolia project. Also lots of mentions of this over the years.
  29. Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, Ghana, & South Africa. It seems like there have been a decent number of indicators over the years that these governments are also already in play or targeted for the pan-Africa strategy of 100 MM users in 5-10 years.
  30. In the recent Cardano 360 show there was talk of Emurgo possibly being in the process of building something that sounded kind of like a Metamask for Cardano. Sebastian building stuff works good broh. If not, what will fill the Metamask role in the Cardano ecosystem as a sort of universal(ish) bridge for users of smart contracts? Daedalus? Or something new that would be standalone?
  31. Justin Roiland knows about Cardano. What if they ever mention it on the show broh?
  32. There is also the looming possibility of a Bitstamp listing.
  33. Yoroi reaches 100k installs!
  34. Cardano tattoos are starting to get elaborate.
  35. There will be a “Mastering Cardano” book. No author signed on yet. Hopefully he or she will have a hairline that is even more dracula than Andreas Antonopoulos. I kid. Love Andreas.
  36. Cardano reached 550k wallets in half the time it took BTC
  37. Cardano now has it’s own thirst trap twitter accounts. I won’t list them. But, you probably already know which ones those are if you follow #cardano. It’s probably bullish that we are now big enough for them to target us.
  38. We can now claim that Catalyst is the world’s biggest DAO! Luckily, I think it is safe to suspect that ours is less susceptible to recursive call attacks than ETH’s first big DAO.
  39. IOHK releases a good article contrasting the various blockchain accounting methods: EUTXO (Cardano) vs. UTXO (Bitcoin) vs. Account Balance (Ethereum). This is one of those nice articles where the British guy pleasantly reads it to you if you want. Use this one to convince all your friends you are the ultimate blockchain expert: “listen Kyle...the shortcoming of UTXO accounting is....”
  40. Cardano devs at IOHK are the most productive in the industry! Already 3,170 commits and climbing this week! I sleep better at night knowing they are not allowed to sleep. Kidding….kidding.
  41. Actual spycam footage of Brian Armstrong watching Coinbase customers discover ADA. RETIRED!
  42. Novogratz follows up that he’s bearish for now but will jump on a call with Charles next week.
  43. Apparently the first $1200 stimulus check if invested in ADA would be $44,800 now.
  44. Charles gives us that real talk about why a young billionaire would devote his life to this Cardano thing.
  45. Cardano uses a tiny fraction of the energy some other top-ten blockchains use. This factoid alone should allow you to hook up with eco-obsessed nature people.
  46. Now you can drive your drinking buddies crazy with your ADA obsession without even saying a word!
  47. Will Babel Fees in Cardano lead to delegators receiving an almost index fund like assortment of native tokens? Will SPOs be willing to accept a wide assortment as payment for transaction fees? Will the economics of the delegation/staking landscape require SPOs to share those Babel Fee tokens with their delegators?
  48. Will NFTs be a glaring exclusion from Babel Fees? Will I have to pay for the transaction fees on my NFT in ADA because I don’t want to give an SPO a small piece of the ownership interest in the digital art or other asset represented by the NFT?
  49. There’s a new Crypto Time Traveler and this one loves Cardano.
  50. Business Insider covers Cardano among four other coins.
  51. The “Cardano Pizza” event becomes an NFT.
  52. Bloomberg covers Cardano, Cites Charles as saying 100 Companies Coming Over
  53. Cardano definition added to search function in Bloomberg Terminal
  54. Commenter Report: Africa Special has finished recording
  55. Cryptoviser apparently is not romantically in love with us.
  56. There is a Part 2 to the IOHK EUTXO discussion we reported under item 39. Good read for verbally upstaging your ETH & BTC supporting co-workers. Be the king of the post-zoom call crypto banter!
  57. Commenter Report: the “metamask of Cardano” speculated about previously in item 30 is the “Yoroi dApp connector”. It’ll be rolled out “with Ergo first and Cardano once Plutus is released.”
  58. It looks like this Yoroi dApp Connector info has even been detailed by Sebastien and Rob on yt. Not sure if we can link directly to this video. But, here is the link to the link. Looks like the dApp Connector talk starts at 1:23:10.
  59. The visionaries among us are already thinking about advanced NFT derivative instruments (some even created by AI) in our ecosystem.
  60. Today is staking rewards day for Epoch 253! Let’s get those duckets!
  61. Cardano is getting a disproportionate cut of the attention market compared to its CMC neighbors.
  62. “Ask the Doctor” is switching from ERC-20 to Cardano. Note that Ask the Doctor is linked to FD7 Ventures in Item 7 below.
  63. We get another People of Input Output Global video. This one features Dan Friedman. He currently lives in Japan. But, the interview starts off with some very interesting stories about his youth in 1980s Kiev, Ukraine. His speaking and story-telling style is similar to the captain in a 1990s buddy cop movie (in a good way). Very interesting and compelling guy.
  64. St. Patrick brings us the green today! The Liquidity Bird has landed!!!!!! We begin going live on Coinbase Pro tomorrow!!!!
  65. Native Token Minting Workshop released on the Slack Dev Community Channel.
  66. This Minting Workshop above is a follow up after a previous Native Token Workshop from 03.04.2021.
  67. The Coinbase News is allowing us to retire rumors 11, 17, and 41 above.
  68. Today is Coinbase day! Finally! Rejoice. Trading on Coinbase Pro is supposed to open at or after 9am Pacific!
  69. Charles finally gets the blue check on twitter.
  70. Perceptions are shifting on which platform will be #1 for smart contracts over the next decade. Here’s the biggest crypto youtuber asking his co-host if he’s losing faith in the traditional #1. If you’re in Cardano, you can guess which coin his answer is shifting away from.
  71. Even septuagenarians are getting in on Cardano.
  72. Coinbase Pro did actually happen yesterday morning. Congratulations everyone. It’s been a long road and it was beautiful watching those initial candles build on the chart after all these years.
  73. The Crypto Time Traveler mentioned last week (Item 49) has apparently left us and now gone back to the future. It definitely adds a touch of realism when they actually leave.
  74. Charles delivered his pre-recorded keynote address at the Blockchain Africa Conference. His remarks support the rumor that the initial Ethiopia project will be around identity. He specifically mentioned Atala Prism. There was talk of the digital identity being able to be linked to wallets, payment systems, and property. He also reasserted that the deals on the table in Africa would bring “millions of users” into the Cardano ecosystem.
  75. If you haven’t seen it in the past, the Atala Prism website has a demo that works with the mobile app showing how the identity solution (along with academic credentialing, health insurance, and proof of employment) would run on Cardano.
  76. ADA is now live on as well as Coinbase Pro! So, you don’t even need to understand orderbooks to buy ADA now.
  77. Tim Harrison of IOG sums up this week perfectly: “Glass of nice red tonight, I think. Quite a week.”
  78. Never imagined there would be a holiday light display that flashed “Screw Doge Coin; ADA is Best” to the original Doge music. Friendly rivalry is probably good in crypto.
  79. Charles doubles down on the declaration that Cardano’s defining moment will be when it can provide the rails for micro finance from the developed world to the developing world not as a form of charity but as a profitable financial activity for both lender and loan recipient. He thinks it will be the biggest transfer of wealth in the history of the world. He says the base infrastructure for this is being rolled out over the next 24-36 months.
  80. The ADA adoption numbers are looking really good lately!
  81. Max Keiser is also not romantically in love with us. Charles lays down the stick pretty hard on this one. I’m saying good. If you can’t take the heat...stay out of the Cardano kitchen, my man.
  82. Cardano releases an infographic that sums up all the partnerships, deployments, startups, and functionality in the entire ecosystem. We got a lot going on!
  83. Here’s a really good article discussing decentralization in the context of Cardano core code maintenance. Really good job on this by
  84. The Cardano tattoo phenomenon continues to proliferate.
  85. BlockFi to add ADA “as soon as we can.”
  86. ADA Heart Pool made an awesome infographic guide to staking:
  87. Awesome comparative chart showing how much more decentralized Cardano is already compared to BTC.
  88. Transactions are way up over the last several epochs!
  89. Cardano 360 going down on Thursday March 25th. This is the big monthly streaming event where they tell us what’s going on. Save your spot here:
  90. Critics think that lack of burned fees is a valid complaint against Cardano. But, good outcomes at scale only come with good incentives and free competition. So, if the fees aren’t paying the costs of transactions in these other protocols, the question goes begging: who is? In the end, the answer always turns out to be that the transaction costs have just been obfuscated under the guise of inflation via coin emission or some other hidden tax on someone in the ecosystem (usually the coin holders).
  91. We are starting to see cracks in the psychological armor of the Ethereum crowd. This anti-Cardano post was at 0 upvotes (at time of writing) while the fairly pro-Cardano response received triple figure upvotes.
  92. When smart contracts go live with Alonzo (the final HFC event in Goguen), and we eventually have Babel Fees, it’s going to make almost zero sense for any developer to choose ETH over Cardano. This will apply especially to any project that sends tokens to its customers (e.g. NFT projects) and any project that involves significant computation or transaction loads on the network (e.g. DeFi projects).
  93. Emurgo is thinking about supply chain solutions for the seafood industry.
  94. Check out this very cool relay node global tracker form monadpool! Thanks for building this!
  95. We now have a Backstreet Boy. Might not seem that important, until you notice he has 600k followers. Network effects. Thanks, Nick!
  96. A guy tried to use Charles’s reaction to the King Soopers tragedy in Boulder to criticize Cardano. Charles told him to go f*** himself and then auctioned off the tweet with proceeds going to the families of the victims. The auction price quickly hit four figures and closed at $7k.
  97. Thursday is Cardano 360 and Friday will be “Get ADA Day” as staking rewards for Epoch 255 close. Gonna be an action packed close to the week. Enjoy!
  98. Here was my favorite moonboi tweet of the last few days. Old photo, but excellent captioning work here.
  99. Great new interview with Sebastien! In this one he explains a lot about the dApp Connector being built by Emurgo. As reported by a commenter in one of our earlier threads, it will work with Ergo first and then Cardano. A very interesting tidbit was Sebastien’s explanation of how the Emurgo dApp Connector will actually be safer than Metamask (which fills a similar role in the ETH ecosystem). Very good info. Thanks to Sebastien and the Cardano Podcast!
  100. Today is Cardano 360 day!!!! Watch it here at 10:30AM Pacific, 17:30 GMT, 18:30 CET. This is the live monthly streaming show from IOHK. Watch this one. Hopefully we’ll get a target date for Alonzo. That’ll tell us when we get smart contracts.
  101. Looks like the Cardano 360 show may highlight how Cardano will not experience some of the shortcomings that leading blockchains have in the past (like the time that bitcoin accidentally issued 184 billion BTC in one block).
  102. Catalyst Fund 5 will have a $2MM total budget! Included will be a very interesting $50k Metadata challenge in Fund 5. Metadata can be used to prove the existence of a certain document or event to third parties without necessarily revealing the data contained therein. This means you can do cool things on the blockchain without using smart contracts as in the prior New Balance anti-counterfeiting and Beefchain traceability Cardano projects.The winners of this challenge are actually going to be incubated and supported by the IOHK Metadata team! People waiting for Goguen and smart contracts are definitely sleeping on what can be done with metadata on Cardano today.
  103. There is a Catalyst Dashboard available that gives you all the stats on the current projects in Cardano’s multi-million dollar decentralized innovation fund (the world’s biggest).
  104. Charles says they are going to end up spending $15-30MM this year on research and they will hire 100-200 people. That’s an investment in the future of the ecosystem!
  105. Cardano 360 was yesterday! The big news first: it sounds like the Alonzo (smart contracts) testnet will launch around end of April or early May. It’s looking like Alonzo HFC event will happen on main net late July or August. The stream was over three hours long. They covered so much! Now, let’s get to the other details revealed.
  106. Grigory Rosu from Runtime Verification gave a big rundown on the universality in programming languages that will be provided by K framework in Cardano. He said he should have some kind of proof of concept around six months from now.
  107. Michael Peyton Jones and Manual Chakravarty (the architects of Plutus) talked about 1) the benefits of Cardano’s modern approach to designing Plutus TX and Plutus Core and how Plutus Core basically being lambda calculus allows for mathematical verification of software written in Plutus, 2) how UTXO (and EUTXO in Cardano) are much more battle proven than other ledger accounting systems like account balance system (e.g. ETH) which have had problems, 3) how non-fungible role tokens will be a thing, and 4) how they are now laying out a real development platform for builders instead of just throwing Plutus out into the world.
  108. Lars Brünjes (Head of Education) laid out how they are going to train a group of developers through the Plutus Pioneers program. That group will help test the Alonzo test net after it launches.
  109. Lars has also cloned Uniswap in Plutus with a graphical user interface and completely automated price discovery in the liquidity pools. He did this as a proof of concept to show the capabilities of Plutus. That was demoed right on the stream.
  110. They then brought on people from three different Haskell development firms who will be building things on the testnet as a sort of “red team” test of Alonzo. They all seemed to be very capable in terms of Haskell development (note here that Plutus is basically Haskell).
  111. Tom Lindeman (Chief Security Officer at Runtime Verification) then laid out how disastrous the last few years in Ethereum have been for smart contract security. But, Cardano has a solution. IOHK and Runtime Verification will partner to certify smart contracts as to security. Runtime Verification will do the security audits. This program will be called “Alpha Frontier”.
  112. Charles then laid out the details of the timeline for Alonzo as described above. It sounds like they are targeting to be totally done and hit a code/feature freeze at the end of June. But, it will take Coinbase, Kraken, Binance et al. at least four weeks to update their systems before they can actually launch smart contracts on mainnet.
  113. Collin Edwards and Duncan Couts then gave us an update on the stake pool world as we approach “D DAy” or d=0 which is full decentralization of block production. A stake pool operator Shawn McMurdo has made some Cardano Improvement proposals as to 1) a non-linear curved basis for a0 (pronounced a-naught, represents stake pool operator pledge) to affect rewards more greatly, 2) non-centralized rankings in Daedalus, and 3) an adjustment to minimum fees from fixed to variable. Collin and Duncan clarified there will be no changes to a0 (pledge) or k (max pool size) at the d=0 (full decentralization) event coming up. Duncan also laid out how they are going to launch P2P node testnet in early Q2. This will allow for information to flow directly between nodes and will accomplish automation of things like peer discovery that are currently manual on the network.
  114. Dor Garbash then gave an update on Catalyst. As covered previously here, Catalyst has become a monster. There are 17k people in Ideascale and the treasury is worth more than $400MM. You heard that right, almost a half billion dollars in the Catalyst Treasury. We also heard from a bunch of the previous catalyst winners.

~Army of Spies