Sunday, March 12, 2023

Do you subscribe to the view that BTC is an insurance product in the event of fiat failing? -Greg Foss

I think Greg Foss describes Bitcoin in a compelling way as an insurance to protect against fiat's failure. It is available as a safety net in the event of fiat values collapsing. When viewed this way, there aren't as many alternatives I can think of that would offer the same potential as BTC to hedge against a global fiat erosion. All existing hedges are still part of the traditional system.

This is a more neutral way of viewing BTC and less of a hyper maxi view that it's competing with money. It's simply a possible backup if one ever becomes necessary. As a society, safety nets and urgent alternatives seem warranted in such a volatile macro economy.

Greg works as a credit risk manager and has attempted to provide a valuation to Bitcoin in the context of fiat insurance. With his current risk score and assigned values, he estimates Bitcoin is currently worth $400,000 a coin as a hedge against fiat's global risk.

I can see this being a rationale value proposition. In terms of risk management, it offers something without counterparty risk. Unlike all other traditional fiat hedges.

This could easily be one of the best thing to happen in years

This is exactly why BTC was created 15 years ago

It is no coincidence bitcoin was created right after all the “to big to fail” banks all went down over a decade ago.

There is no trust left in tradition finance and governments who are the most irresponsible money managers in existence.

When you loan out money you don’t have that’s as bad as the average person putting everything on credit bc they can’t afford it. Without collateral and backing of assets everyone who holds money in a bank just has IOUs from that bank.

With defi you control your assets, you own the actual keys, there is no one entity that can fail and make you go bankrupt.

30+ trillion is debt is all that needs to be said. How can you trust a financial system built on IOUs with no responsibility? We need bitcoin and hopefully events such as SVB open more peoples eyes to it


This could easily be one of the best thing to happen in years