Monday, September 6, 2021

Tomorrow, The Community Will Buy $30 In BTC To Support El Salvador’s Bitcoin Law

The day is here. In a few hours, El Salvador’s Bitcoin Law goes into effect. We will have the first real-world example of a whole nation using the hardest money ever created as legal tender. And, how is the Bitcoin community celebrating? Stack sats, obviously. The order is for everyone to buy $30 worth of BTC to commemorate this glorious occasion. Will you participate?

The intention is not to move the dial or pump the price. The amount is small enough to guarantee that, even if the event goes viral. Which it seems like it’s doing. The movement started humbly, with a Reddit post in the /r/Bitcoin community that asked a simple question. So… We all buying $30 worth of Bitcoin on Tuesday? At the time of writing, the idea has 8.9K upvotes and 2.2K commentaries.

Among the comments, some went all-in. “ I will buy $3000 Tuesday to cover 99 others who aren't able to pay. “ Others explained away, “ Its to show solidarity with our Bitcoin compatriots in El Salvador as they fully adopt Bitcoin as their currency .” And other rightfully criticized, “ Sure. Let's just coordinate a 100 mil pump of BTC. Correct me if I’m wrong but this sounds greasy .”

And, sure enough, the idea to back El Salvador’s Bitcoin Law spread to other social networks.

Bitcoin Twitter Will Support El Salvador’s Bitcoin Law

The plebs work fast. As soon as the idea transcended Reddit and got to Bitcoin Twitter, the memes appeared. This piece of art mixes the classic comedy “Trading Places” with El Salvador’s Bitcoin Law, with gold bug Peter Schiff and Bitcoin hater Nouriel Roubini to achieve hilarious effects:

Even MicroStrategy’s CEO and notorious Bitcoin enthusiast joined the party. Michael Saylor did his part to support El Salvador’s Bitcoin Law and spread the word to the sizable audience that follows him.

Of course, this raised suspicion. “ Everyone needs to be aware that this could possibly be leading the sheep to their death. Very nerve wracking these narratives are coming out before we hit the HUGE retracement levels ,” said one commenter. “ A hole. Letting retail buy exactly on the 70.2% retracement to dump on them huh, “ said another. “ If the bear market starts this week I wouldn’t be surprised, “ predicted a third one.

Are they on to something or are they missing something? Michael Saylor strongly stated that MicroStrategy is not looking to sell any of their BTC any time soon, but, people have lied before. Do you know what doesn’t lie, though? Bitcoin. If Michael Saylor and company sell on El Salvador’s Bitcoin Law’s day, people will know. The same thing will happen if they buy.

The International Community Will Also Buy $30 Worth Of BTC

Here, we can see a Korean bitcoiner translating the order to support El Salvador’s Bitcoin Law and the community from that side of the world responding below.

It’s curious that the translated tweet, one of the first ones in that social network, talks about a Brazilian Bitcoin Community and that they’re doing it “ remembering that Sep 7th is Brazil’s independence Day .” As far as we can tell, they link to the same /r/Bitcoin post we identified as the origin and almost all of the posts there are in English.

It’s also curious that the Satoshi Nakamoney character keeps adding up to the story as it progresses, and ends up declaring.” To be clear: massive #bitcoin buy will happen at 3pm of El Salvador time zone.

Will this collective action pump the price as El Salvador’s Bitcoin Law goes into effect? Maybe the plebs can’t do it by themselves, but what about doing it with Michael Saylor’s help? Another fascinating activity to monitor tomorrow. Legal Tender day is here.

[MODPOST] 2024 – 2025 IMF Economic Outlook


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He who learns must suffer. And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God…

– Aeschylus


December 24th, 2024.

The New York Stock Exchange and Elsewhere; Wall Street, New York, New York, USA.

It was supposed to be an ordinary day— depending on whether one believed any day spent at the beating heart of global finance could count as “ordinary”. December 24th, Christmas Eve to many across the world, was usually seen by most bankers, traders and investors as a sort of trucial period; although the market and it’s traders never really stopped for anything, many took the holidays off to rest, relax, spend time with their loved ones and their children, if they had any, and to take their minds of the calamities of the modern world they tried to make a buck off of. So it had been for decades, and so it would be for decades more; the peace and tranquility of a nation and a world at rest for the holidays serving as a convenient backdrop to a lowering of the sabres, if only for a little while.

Of course, the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, financial capital of the world and arguably the most important building in the nation, would never be actually empty. God forbid. There were always those who stuck around, even in the slower seasons, who had nothing to go home for and who were keen (or sociopathic) enough to spend their holidays wheeling, dealing, and trying to look like Jordan Belfort to nobody but themselves and the guy next to them. So it had been for decades, and so it would be for decades more; if only they hadn’t been the lucky few to watch the world burn to the ground in a matter of minutes.

It started innocently enough. Every screen in the New York stock exchange was still tracking the graphs, numbers, green and red wedges, and the news, in a perfectly ordinary fashion, as they had done since time immemorial. Then, all of a sudden, one turned off. Odd, but not a huge deal. A technician would come around to fix it eventually; nothing worked perfectly forever, after all. It was only when the third screen shut off, just a few minutes later, that concern started to mount. Angry phone calls were made to whoever the few present thought would fix it; some filtered their way up to the NYSE’s long time President, Stacey Cunningham, who was away in Connecticut with her family. Although she had a reputation for a sharp mind, she ignored the calls; it was Christmas Eve, and she was away. A few wannabe Buffets pestering her could be ignored.

By the time the tenth screen went down, the news got out. CNN, as always, was the first on the scene— but they were too late to catch the real show anyways. By the time the first reporters got onto the floor, it had happened. In a flash, every single remaining television, computer, and monitor on the floor (and elsewhere in the building, although the floor was the center of attention) had flicked themselves off. For the first time in decades, the whole of the New York Stock Exchange was… off. During trading hours, and with the power still on.

Oh, no.

Panic started to spread, and more phone calls were made; to bosses, to loved ones, to government officials. The floor going dark during trading was bad, but it wasn’t a deathblow to trading, so long as the NYSE’s servers responsible for lightspeed electronic trading hadn’t also gone offline. Someone, fortunately, had the good sense to take a look at them; they were locked behind several high security doors and located a few miles away in New Jersey, but the staff there worked quickly, and they were down less than ten minutes after they got the call. They were the lucky few who got to be the bearers of bad news; the servers, too, were offline, and the power was still good. Electronic trading at the New York Stock Exchange had been cut off, and with it the beating heart of global finance.

And then it got worse.

15 minutes after the news broke, a little after 11:20 in the morning, reports came in that the same thing had happened at the IRS building on Constitution Avenue in Washington, and elsewhere across the IRS. Someone had leaked a conference call from Goldman Sachs; all their computers at their head offices were down, too. The other major banks; BoA, Citi, Morgan Stanley, and JP were all asked for comment; only BoA confirmed they too had had their systems go dark, but the spokesmen for the others were nervous, and sweating. Already, the market had entered (theoretical, since nothing was actually happening and no transaction could go through outside of paper) free fall; with the whole US financial system apparently out of service, many feared the worst, and demanded the banks hand over their money, demanding they pull out of their investments. Investors, bankers and others had abandoned their plans for a relaxed Christmas Eve, and those close to New York had flooded the city, hoping beyond hope nothing had gone wrong; that they hadn’t lost any money. Other news organizations, both domestic and international, had picked up the scent and were running their own story. Confusion was rampant; nobody except those running the NYSE had any idea of what was going on, and even then only they knew that their servers were not just offline, they weren’t accepting commands to turn back on. By 11:35, the President had been informed, as had the Secretary of the Treasury and other leading government officials.

And then it got worse.

At precisely noon, and with the whole floor of the NYSE (and several city blocks around) bustling with irate investors, traders, bankers, reporters and corporate staff, the screens, servers and computers all came back on. The hustle and bustle of the crowds demanding answers (and more often, their money) was reduced to a murmur, and then a stunned silence. The screens booted, and almost immediately loaded a video clip; a cartoon triangle with a tophat extolled to a man, dressed, to the untrained eye, like a banker, their manifesto— reality is an illusion; the universe is a hologram; buy gold. It played on loop, with subtitles in seven languages, mocking the traders who stood, mouths agape. It was at precisely this moment that all of the computation power of the whole of the NYSE, and many computers outside of it, began to whir. Some quick thinking exchange staff hopped over a desk to look at one; to see what it was doing, and he saw the unimaginable. Every file, every program, every bit and byte and zero and one on the computer was in the process of being deleted, and, worse still, it refused to stop. Someone called the Jerseyite staff again, and was met with screaming— their servers, the whole of the NYSE’s database, had spun up as well and were doing much the same as their counterparts in New York; file after file, record after record, bit after bit after bit after bit were swirling the metaphorical drain, and, short of taking an axe to every processor and hard drive in the ludicrously expensive server farm, they couldn’t stop it.

Mass hysteria had been thrown around by news organizations and political pundits several times over the past decade, usually over some new social media fad or some political blunder. But few had really known what it had meant to be hysteric, and today they got a crash course. Almost immediately, almost everyone in the entire country who had heard the story drove as quickly as possible to their local bank, and demanded the withdrawal of their entire bank account into cold hard cash. This was impossible to achieve, of course; no bank had that much in their reserve. But it hadn’t stopped the masses in the 30s or the 2000s, and it wouldn’t stop them now. Almost at the same time, Wall Street grew even more restless; although the bell to mark the closing of trading had been sounded at 1 PM, hours earlier than normal, and the now very busy President of the NYSE had announced a suspension of all trading as soon as she got into the city, the floor was still packed with those demanding money, answers, and the withdrawal of all their investments. By 1:20 PM, the Dow Jones was down almost 1000 points (although most considered it only theoretical, given the NYSE had essentially ceased to exist earlier that morning), and showed no signs of stopping. By 1:30, the IRS had made a statement stating that their whole computational system, including backups and deep archives, had gone down, plagued by the same glitch or bug or virus that was eradicating the hundreds of terabytes of stored data in the NYSE. They estimated only 15% of digital records would be saved, provided that their inhouse technicians, underpaid and overworked as all IRS staff are, could stop it. Further, they had discovered, buried in their systems (the ones not permanently displaying an obnoxious “DEATH NOT TAXES” image), a plain text document that appeared to contain the first clue as to who had launched the (at this point evident) assault on the American financial system; it was a short manifesto, apparently written and saved all the way back on October 28th, that read:

FELLOW PATRIOTS! I have come here today to announce that the STORM HAS ARRIVED! I have disabled the BIG BANKS and LAMESTREAM MEDIA, and cut off the funding to the DEEP STATE! Crooked Hilary will be shaking in her boots knowing that execution at Gitmo by our BRAVE SOLDIERS will soon be forthcoming! The ROTHSCHILDS and their kin GEORGE SOROS are now PENNILESS, the FED has been destroyed and the PEOPLE shall now breathe free of the burden of taxes, now that FULL DISCLOSURE is at hand. I am sure some of you will look at your 401(k)s in horror, but BE NOT AFRAID for the LORD is thine shepherd, thou shall not want.


They also noted that of the hundreds of millions of individual records maintained by the IRS, only a select few had thus far seemingly been left untargeted; those of ex-President Donald Trump, his wife and immediate family, many of his former Presidential staff, and the staff of the Trump Organization.

And then it got worse.

By 1:45, the catastrophe had spread further. The CEOs of JP Morgan, Bank of America, Morgan Stanley, Citibank, Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch had all released statements announcing they too had suffered the same fate as the NYSE and the IRS; their computer systems, at an estimated 90% rate from their Head Offices down to 40% across their wider banking locations, had also been affected; they too were hemmoraging files. Their in-house technicians' best guesses were that they had until 2:30 to fix it, or everything they didn’t save would be gone— every record of debt, every investment portfolio, and every archive of every transaction they had left. They pleaded with the public to remain calm; that there was no way they could handle the amount of requests for withdrawals; that they were doing all they could to resolve the issue. The CEOs of investment banks were hardly the most well liked figures at the best of times; and this time proved no different. Social media took the statements and ran, and the rate of withdrawal requests didn’t even marginally slow. Photographs of ATM machines with queues stretching for blocks cropped up. Somebody spray painted an anarchy symbol on the side of the World Trade Center, and a giant Soviet Union flag appeared on the ground in Battery Park.

And then it got worse.

By 1:55, the international markets closest to the US had taken notice, and were in their own, smaller freefall. The Toronto Stock Exchange crashed; London spiralled; like dominoes, a feedback loop of falling values, bank runs and general panic spread across the American-aligned world. If the NYSE could collapse in a matter of hours, then what was stopping the entire Western World from lapsing into the same fate? Japan and South Korea, close allies and financial partners to the United States, took the brunt of Asia’s share of the newly christened Black Christmas, and the collapse of the American financial system served only to worsen the Taiwanese crisises aftershocks as Taipei went into freefall. Eventually, the shocks would spread farther; by 5PM every major stock exchange was down, and several countries were estimated to be in recession. The digital financial world, too, went into a nosedive— by 1:20 the value of Bitcoin had tumbled $4,000 dollars, rose by $667, and then bombed again by another $2,000. Ethereum was similarly falling, collapsing by $2,546 within a matter of minutes. Digital currencies didn’t seem like particularly good bets if the threat was in the computer, after all. On the contrary, things like Gold, Silver, Diamonds and Platinum now seemed like pretty good investments; orders for Gold drove up the price by hundreds within minutes, until companies suspended purchasing due to a lack of supply. At 2:00, President Biden held a telephone conference with the leaders of Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy and Japan, although the details of their conversation wasn’t made public. At the same time, ex-President Trump made his own statement via his website (his ban from social media was never lifted, even years after) condemning the President for his handling of the crisis and praised the “man or woman who’s trying to drain that swamp we’ve fought so hard against”. It would be read 2,000,000 times within the first ten minutes of the statement going live.

And then it got worse.

At precisely 2:10 PM, the New York Federal Reserve Bank, primus inter pares of the Federal Reserve banks, publically issued thousands upon thousands of sales of the bonds, Yen and Euros currently held within it’s colossal reserves; almost at the same time, it attempted to place orders for literally every Iraqi Dinar in existence, apparently without realizing that Iraqi Dinars are both worthless and in Iraq, as well as several thousand pounds of Gold, apparently trying to mirror the rush from the public. Approximately four minutes afterwards, the President and CEO of the NY Fed would go live to CNN to state, in the nicest possible terms, that they had absolutely zero intentions of issuing those buy/sell orders, that their own computer systems, although not being wiped clean like the others, were effectively out of their control, and that everyone should really not buy those sell orders because you would be in a world of trouble once this whole thing was over. Fortunately for the NY Fed, nobody took the rogue bank up on the offer, although the whole thing was rendered moot half an hour later when President Biden would sign one of the last executive orders of his presidency, detailing the temporary suspension of all activities of the NY Federal Reserve Bank except those vital to national security and the resumption of the integrity of the bank.

Meanwhile, social discourse over the event had reached a new, feverish pitch, from both sides of the political spectrum. Ironically, those on the far left and the far right were equally pleased with the apparent downfall of the American financial system; praising it either as the first stage in the imminent collapse of American capitalism and imperialism, or as the latest step in clearing out the Jewish financial world order and/or draining the American swamp of it’s many corrupt bigwigs. Still, a run on the banks and the temporary(?) effective dissolution of the largest stock exchange on the planet was as good a reason as any to get out and go burn some stuff, and the rising tension that has been plaguing the American domestic world boiled over once again as looters, rioters, protestors and militants took to the streets. Activity would be particularly notable on the West Coast, where several “autonomous zones” were set up to join the ones left over from years prior, and in the East, where rural republicans would organize adhoc parades of vehicles and where urbanite leftists would try their damndest to stop them. In New York, a large protest, estimated to contain up to 500,000 individuals, made their way first to the World Trade Center (the memorial to 9/11 was left untouched), then to Battery Park, and then, at their most miltant, to Wall Street itself, where the investors who once dominated the scene were swept up and pushed out, and in two cases seriously beaten by the mob. There they organized something of am adhoc repeat of the Occupy Wallstreet movement, including demands to keep the Stock Exchange offline and to, in one notable case, to burn the whole street to the ground. The Mayor of New York, Eric Adams, personally pleaded with the protestors to remain civil and to disperse in short order, calling the crisis ”an imminent threat to the United States of America, on the grandest possible scale.” Although the crowd would shrink some in the following hours, by the end of the day the remaining 460,000~ protestors still held the street. Four days later, when the last of the mob had been dispersed by Police, they would discover that the famous Bull of Wall Street had been toppled, it’s legs, horns and face melted by blow torches, and it’s sides tagged with Eat the Rich and Feed the Poor.

By the end of the day, and the onset of Christmas Morning, the United States and the rest of the World was a changed place. Feverish, nonstop work by the officials of the various financial institutions of the US Government and of the major banks, as well as their international counterparts, had, in spite of their best efforts, failed to halt whatever was causing the collapse and destruction of the New York Stock Exchange, the IRS, and the major investment banks; by 4 AM, workers had simply cut off power to the entirety of lower Manhattan to stop the effects until it could be more thoroughly assessed; similar deliberate power outages were staged in New Jersey, Washington, and Boston, and several major banks deliberately cut their headquarters (and in some cases their physical banks) off from the power grid to isolate their internal computer systems.

The United States financial system as it had existed had been effectively dissolved in a matter of hours; trading of stocks was suspended nationwide, confidence in (and the value of) the dollar had plummeted and was only barely beginning to stop it’s decline, hundreds of billions of dollars had been withdrawn from banks across the world, the IRS, defunded and demoralized even before the attack, had been rendered effectively out of play, the Dow Jones was down almost 2500 points, and by early estimations almost every nation in the Western World, including the United States, had entered a sharp, but theoretically short (depending on when things reset), recession, not counting the nations who’s growth would be hit hard but not quite turn negative. Additionally, only furtive clues had been acquired by the now ludicrously busy FBI and CIA; the IRS manifesto, which indicated a domestic conspiracy, and several messages deposited in the computer systems of several major US companies, namely Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, General Motors, Ford, Chrysler and others which extolled anti-”Big Media” sentiments, the notion that these companies had sold out America and their workers to China and Mexico, and, in the particular case of GM, that the attacks were “[THIS IS] FOR ME AND THE BOYS WHO WORKED AT THE LORDSTOWN PLANT, WE GAVE OUR LIFE AND LIMB TO YOU AND YOU REPAID IT WITH SCORN, NOW YOU WILL REAP THE WHIRLWIND”. Investigations continue, but more work is necessary, and the United States (and the world) must now, if it wishes to recover, begin on the long and harsh road of rebuilding, of solving the many issues it now faces, and of restoring order to the international financial system and to the domestic political and economic situation.

Above all else, there is one thing that is clear. It is that the world of December 23rd, 2024, and December 25th, 2024 are now wholly, unmistakably, unrecognizably different— and that there will be hell to pay for whoever drew the line between the two.

FULL REVIEW: stock market news sentiment report for this past week (8/30-9/3)

My full review of stock market news sentiment, gathered by scraping 4,668 finance articles across 100+ publishers (Yahoo Finance, Motley Fool, Benzinga, SeekingAlpha, etc.) over the past week. The original version can be found here

TLDR: stock market news sentiment remains significantly bullish for yet another week in a row, driven by optimistic monthly reports released for the month of August and continued upward trends from the SP500 and global cryptocurrency market.

1. This Week’s News Sentiment ๐Ÿ“ฐ

As we commence our first week of Autumn 2021, stock market news remains just as bullish as it was to end the summer. News coverage this week was relatively unchanged in terms of sentiment compared to last week. Overall, the average finance article written this week scored a 0.35 in terms of sentiment (meaning that just over 1-in-3 sentences written about the markets this week leaned optimistically) and a 0.63 in terms of time-sense expressed (meaning that almost 2-in-3 sentences published this week were written in future tense). Here’s a look at the major news events driving the continued all-time high bullish sentiment this past week:

๐Ÿ“ˆ Stocks: The major U.S. stock indexes traded in a narrow range all week, but the S&P 500 managed to post a modest gain for the second week in a row.1 The NASDAQ outperformed its peers for the second consecutive week while the Dow fell slightly. Despite sustaining a mid-month decline, the S&P 500 recovered to record its seventh positive month in a row, posting a return of about 3% in August. The index reached 12 record closing highs in the month versus 7 in July.

₿ Cryptos: Much of this week’s news optimism can be attributed to the continued meteoric rise in cryptocurrency prices. Global cryptocurrency market capitalization grew 11.5% this week to $2.4T dollars to cap off the largest month in history in terms of cryptocurrency trading volume. The majority of crypto-related headlines this week came on the back of Ethereum ($ETH) which rose more than 20% to $3,935.17 per coin this week at the time of this writing; other big crypto movers this week include Solana ($SOL) and Bitcoin ($BTC) as it eyes its first “golden cross” since May 2020.

๐Ÿฆ… Economy: While news optimism remains relatively high overall, time-sense fell slightly this week as a slew of monthly economic reports were released for the month of August. A private report showed that the U.S. economy recorded its 15th consecutive monthly gain in manufacturing activity in August. The Institute for Supply Management’s manufacturing index rose 0.4% to 59.9. Any reading above 50 indicates growth in manufacturing activity. We also saw August’s monthly job report this week. The economy generated 235,000 new jobs last month, far short of economists’ expectations and trailing gains of nearly 1.1 million in July and 962,000 in June. The unemployment rate fell to 5.2% from 5.4% in July.

2. Most Mentioned Tickers ๐Ÿ“Š

Each week we analyze the number of headlines written about each stock and cryptocurrency. The most mentioned tickers in this week’s news and the tickers with the biggest volume increase compared to last week are shown here: most mentioned tickers 8/30-9/3

๐ŸŽ Apple ($AAPL): For the second consecutive week, $AAPL was mentioned more in news coverage than any other ticker in finance articles scraped this week. A mainstay of our weekly most-mentioned list, Apple Inc. churns news headlines, whether or not there’s actually significant news to report about the company or its stock. Following the 10-year anniversary of Tim Cook’s tenure as Apple CEO last week — as part of which he received $750M in $AAPL share value under the terms of his contract — headlines this week centered around an open letter written to Cook by Apple employees presenting a litany of grievances including concerns about privacy and diversity within the company. Apple also saw headlines from outside the workplace this week, as regulators from around the world mount pressure on the company’s current App Store policy, accusing Apple of exerting too much control (ex. a 30% commission on in-app purchases) on developers who use it to sell products.

“What is Apple Thinking?” | The New York Times

๐Ÿ‘จ‍๐Ÿ”ง Automatic Data Processing Inc. ($ADP): The ticker with the biggest increase in news headlines this week compared to last week was $ADP. The stock fell a slight -0.86% last week and has now dropped nearly 3% over the past month to $207.38 per share as the company plans to go ex-dividend on September 9th. This means investors who purchase and settle shares of $ADP before this upcoming Thursday will be eligible to receive the company’s $0.93 dividend payment per share, which will be paid out on October 1st. Automatic Data Processing’s previous dividend payment consumed approximately 61% of the company’s free cash flow last year, and while this is in the normal range for most dividend-paying organizations, analysts seem to agree that the decision bodes well for the company’s long-term strategy by freeing up some space on their margins during a relatively lean period in its history as a business. Overall news sentiment for $ADP scored a +41.05% on a scale from -100% to +100%, signaling relatively bullish sentiment to boot over the past week.

“Automatic Data Processing, Inc. Is About To Go Ex-Dividend, And It Pays A 1.8% Yield” | Yahoo Finance

3. Sentiment Winners and Losers ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘Ž

Each week we summarize the most extreme sentiment scores in the news for each ticker to help you decide where to focus your attention. Here’s a look at which tickers scored the highest (and lowest) in terms of optimism, pessimism, speculation, and reaction expressed in this past week’s news: most optimistic and pessimistic tickers 8/30-9/3

Sentiment: Most Optimistic๐Ÿ˜€ and Pessimistic๐Ÿ˜’ Tickers

๐Ÿ“ถ Motorola Solutions Inc. ($MSI): This week’s most optimistic stock in news coverage was Motorola Solutions Inc. (optimism score: 58.9%). $MSI stock rose a mere 0.76% on the week to build on 46.7% growth so far in 2021. Motorola Solutions — which succeeded Motorola, Inc., following the spinoff of the mobile phone division into Motorola Mobility in 2011 — has been spoken of with relatively good cheer compared to industry competitors like Qualcomm ($QCOM) and Verizon ($VZ). Much of the optimism has come as a revelation following the company’s Q2 earnings released nearly a month ago on August 5th, in which the company revealed stratospheric annual earnings per share growth of 41% compound. While some may call it an old-fashioned investment in today’s age of “tech-stock blue sky investing”, it’s hard to argue with bonafide profitability like this if you’re investing for the long-term. This week’s most optimistic $MSI article:

“Here's Why I Think Motorola Solutions Is An Interesting Stock” | Simply Wall St.

๐Ÿ• Shiba Inu Coin ($SHIB): This week’s most pessimistic (and reactive) ticker in news coverage was Shiba Inu Coin (pessimism score: 29.3%). Even though we saw relatively low amounts of pessimism in this week’s news coverage across the board, $SHIB saw more pessimism expressed in articles this week than any other ticker, as the fringe cryptocurrency reached its lowest price of the past month on Tuesday (a whopping $0.000006735 per coin — yes, that’s five zeroes after the decimal) as its developers announced that they’d be removing a portion of the existing $SHIB supply from circulation. Though $SHIB price rose considerably heading into the weekend and continues to trend upwards at the time of this writing, it’s still down 11% in value over the past month. Keep in mind that the coin — which was created in April as a blatant meme and borderline Ponzi scheme in response to the meteoric rise in the price of Dogecoin early this year — has grown 45x in value since its inception four months ago. In other words: a $1,000 investment in Shiba Inu Coin back in April is now worth somewhere around $42,000. This week’s most pessimistic $SHIB article:

“How the Shiba Inu Coin Burn is Attempting to Rekindle a Meme’s Magic” | Fast Company

Time-Sense: Most Speculative๐Ÿค”⏩ and Reactive๐Ÿ˜ฎ⏮️ Tickers:

image: most speculative and reactive tickers 8/30-9/3

๐Ÿ”‹ FirstEnergy Corp. ($FE): The stock with the most speculative (ie. future-tense) sentiment measured in the news coverage this week was FirstEnergy (speculation score: 95.4%). $FE stock 2.86% this week to $39.59 to cap a 34.16% run in share price year-to-date as the energy utility company has benefited from improving electricity demand in recent months. Per the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), U.S. retail electricity sales are likely to inch up 2.7% in 2021 after sliding 3.9% in 2020. Given the growth in demand, coupled with FirstEnergy’s 96.5% earnings growth this year and given that its stock is still trading 52.8% below its estimated fair value (according to Simply Wall St.), analysts speculate that its stock is set to remain a handsome mid- to long-term investment. Analysts also cite $FE’s 14% return on equity (ROE) as a reassuring sign that the company is growing in value and effectively managing investors’ money. This week’s most speculative $FE article:

“Should You Be Excited About FirstEnergy Corp.'s 14% Return On Equity?” | Simply Wall St.

๐Ÿ‘œ PVH Corp. ($PVH): The stock with the most reactive (ie. past-tense) sentiment measured in the news coverage this week was PVH Corp. (reaction score: 53.6%). $PVH stock price stair-stepped up 5.12% to $118.84 per share on Wednesday following the release of its Q2 earnings report, which beat consensus analyst earnings and laid out an upbeat outlook for the remainder of the year. The company (formerly known as Phillips-Van Heusen Corporation) is one of the world’s largest clothing conglomerates and owner/licenser of brands such as Tommy Hilfiger, Calvin Klein, Kenneth Cole New York, and Michael Kors. PVH Corp announced quarterly earnings per share of $2.72 — crushing analyst estimates $1.52 — and posted revenue growth of 46% YoY to $2.31 billion as consumers begin to return to their pre-pandemic apparel shopping habits. Following the beat-and-raise report, analysts at JPMorgan and Credit Suisse both announced increased price targets for $PVH. The most reactive $PVH article this week:

“PVH, IBD Stock Of Day, Breaks Out As Calvin Klein Owner's Earnings Beat” | Investor’s Business Daily

Biggest Mood Swings and Changes ๐ŸŽญ๐Ÿ”€

Each week we compare the sentiment of each ticker to its sentiment from the previous week. Presented below are the tickers that saw the biggest change in each of our four sentiment metrics this week compared to last: image

๐Ÿ’ฝ Advanced Micro Devices ($AMD) saw the largest increase in optimism expressed this week compared to last week after $AMD stock broke resistance above $109 per share early in the week; analysts at Benzinga say the stock has now settled into its second bullish pattern of the past month. On Wednesday, it was reported the U.S. Department of Energy was nearing a deal worth $500 million to purchase a supercomputer made with AMD and NVIDIA Corp.

๐Ÿ’ฐ Coinbase Inc. ($COIN) recorded the largest increase in pessimism expressed this week despite the stock rallying 8.62% to $278.44 per share. This increase in pessimism can be widely attributed to a handful of contrarian, negative articles published by the likes of the Motley Fool and SeekingAlpha arguing that the underlying volatility of digital assets makes Coinbase an inherently risky stock to invest in.

๐Ÿ’ป Hewlett Packard Enterprises Co. ($HPE) posted the biggest increase in speculative language expressed this week compared to last as the stock remained relatively flat over the trading period, rising just 0.06% to $15.67 per share. Much of the speculation surrounding the company’s lackluster earnings report released early in the week, in which the company’s continued supply chain issues showed through. Analysts wonder if HP’s component supply concerns will continue.

๐Ÿ’‰ Moderna Inc. ($MRNA) received the biggest increase in reactive language expressed after increasing in stock price by more than 13% to $416.70 per share on strong trading volume and new research released this week suggesting that the company’s COVID-19 shot may offer longer-lasting protection that Pfizer’s amid growing conversation about the importance (or lack thereof) of booster shots.

4. Market Mood Outlook ๐ŸŒก️๐Ÿ”ญ

This past week brought a close to the month of August and commenced the unofficial start of Fall 2021. In terms of market action, August was the 7th consecutive month of stock market growth, and the largest month in history in terms of cryptocurrency trade volume. This past week was no exception to the tremendous momentum in both realms, and news sentiment reflected this: stock market news articles published this week saw more optimism expressed on average than any other week this year except for one (the first week of August, the height of Q2 earnings).

Looking ahead into September and October, the extreme optimism is showing no signs of slowing down as Wall Street expectations for the next stock market earnings season continue to rise. Over July and August, forecasts for third-quarter earnings of companies in the S&P 500 rose 3.8%, according to FactSet. That’s the fourth-largest such increase during the first two months of a quarter since 2009.

While market bulls are currently reveling in the continued outperforms of stocks, market bears may be quick to point out that we are growing more and more due for some sort of correction. The S&P 500 hasn’t suffered a 5% pullback since October 2020. The last time the index experienced such a long period without a big drop was from June 2016 to early February 2018. With that in mind, we will continue to watch the progression of international economic factors like the COVID-19 Delta variant and the transition to Taliban rule in Afghanistan for any inkling of adverse impact on the U.S. stock market. That’s all for today’s report; good luck this week everyone, and thanks for reading. ๐Ÿ™

Bit Coin and El Salvador

There is a huge news event from El Salvador. According to the LA Times (links below and more to follow):

  1. New president Nayib Bukele is removing judges, changing the constitution, making Bit Coin the national currency, collaborating with an American CEO who's company specializes in bitcoin micro transactions
  2. He is a millennial with a 90% approval rating because he is giving free food the to poor
  3. He "invested" about $150 million in Bit Coin so the people could convert their BC to cash
  4. He looks like Che
  5. When the El Salvadorian National Assembly voted to change the constitution, he had the Army standing behind them as they voted
  6. Bukele, who calls himself the "coolest president in the world," recently launched an international surf competition in the country wearing a backwards baseball cap and flanked by a military officer. This guy is a real like version of a Sacha Cohen movie. He attended US schools, and uses social media to connect with his base. Just like Trump, only Bukele is good at it.

So look for volatility in BC, backlash from the International Banks, and tech-tonic upheavals in apps that specialize in micro transactions.

tomorrow is bitcoin’s el salvador day and i call everyone here to purchase 30 dollars of bitcoin on 9/7/2021 in celebration of the event


On August 19, 2021, Electra Protocol held its first Ask Me Anything (AMA) session. The following is a transcript of the event.

Ruanne Lloyd, Electra Protocol Development Contributor, opened the AMA session and outlined the growth made within the past year.

Highlights of this progress include:

  • Electra Protocol (XEP) was born
  • The development of a mobile wallet
  • XEP was added to a Tier 1 exchange (Bittrex Global)
  • Significant progress and changes were made to the Electra Protocol blockchain and wallet

Ruanne shared that most recently, listeners would have heard about a new company born from Electra Protocol, named Evoblox, and explained that further discussion regarding Evoblox would occur throughout the AMA. She then shared how the team recently made the decision to give the XEP community a chance to ask all their pressing questions and then explained the process for answering the submitted questions.

Ruanne then turned the session over to Aykut Baybas (Master Den), Electra Protocol Business Contributor.

Aykut explained how the premine was used to cover several expenses, such as exchange listings, marketing expenses, rewards, and bonuses, which included presale bonuses recently paid to those who participated in the presale. He then described how the premine was labeled into four different wallet addresses, broken down into years and how the coins in each allocated wallet are intended to go towards the expenses for that particular year. Furthermore, he stated that the team is cautious and thoughtful about how the funds are spent and how unspent funds may be shifted to the following years.

Aykut reminded long-time followers of how ECA had a foundation that oversaw a portion of the ECA premine and controlled how the funds were spent. He shared that XEP is in the process of establishing a new foundation that will oversee the funds allocated and manage the transparency of the funds.

A question was asked as to whether or not the team meets in person. He reminded listeners that Electra Protocol is not a centralized project, which means that the core team consists of members in 10 different countries, which makes it hard for team members to come together in person.

Aykut acknowledged that this AMA session would address all submitted questions and then introduced Antoine Aimรฉ (Jenova), Development Contributor, before turning the session over to him.

Question: Regarding Validator Nodes and Smart Contracts

Answer: There is no specific date set for the release of Validator Nodes and Smart Contracts. Remember, XEP is a community project with limited funds and human resources, which significantly affects the development of smart contracts and validator nodes, which could take years to occur under this setting. To increase the speed of progress and get these features completed in a more timely fashion, Evoblox will take over with the development of smart contracts and validator nodes. Please understand that Evoblox was established to be a leading contributor to the XEP project.

The development of smart contracts and validator nodes are very crucial for the business side of the project. We will focus on developing smart contracts first, followed by validator nodes. We anticipate it taking several months of work for the main layer of smart contracts to be completed, and then the code integration for validator nodes into the XEP chain will take place, which will most likely happen in second half of 2022. This date is just an estimation as things are moving fast right now, so the development can be accelerated based on this situation as well. Also, the collateral amount for validator nodes cannot be declared, or even approximate numbers can be released because today’s market conditions might not be the same in the coming six months or a year from now.

Question: How will XEP blockchain handle smart contracts, and will it be able to handle all the classic purposes, such as purchasing NFTs?

Response: NFTs are very popular and well known in the crypto space. But what we want is not to have an NFT with a use case for creating images and fun stuff; we are planning on using NFTs to allow for better usage, which we cannot share right now due to NDAs and the ongoing progress. But once we release the first actual use case, you will get a much better understanding of our intentions.

Question: Regarding DeFi

Response: This is not something we are not looking at, simply because DeFi is not secure enough at this point, so it will not be a part of Evoblox.

Question: Regarding staking percentage and is it technically possible to change the ratio?

Response: The staking ratio is 3% yearly, and yes, it is possible to change the ratio percentage; however, it has been stated that as a way to control the inflation of XEP, it will remain at this percentage. And yes, while some projects have a higher percentage ratio rewards, at the same time, you have greater sell pressure on the market, which is due to the higher amounts of free coins that are given as a reward. To avoid this scenario, we decided to have a smooth generation of XEP by having a smaller percentage of reward, which will not affect the market walls, especially as we start to grow significantly, it will be smooth, and we will avoid the pumps and dumps that can occur. This is not the only reason. While we were initially setting up the blockchain, we had to decide on the percentage of the reward and went with a 3% reward. We also already had in mind that we would include validator nodes in the process, which we are currently thinking will include between a 5% and 7% reward for validator nodes, plus a fixed XEP amount on top of it. These are just options that are being discussed, as it is still a bit too early to decide on the set rewards.

Question: Regarding the XEP website and why it contains technical points but nothing about the solution built on top of the Electra Protocol Chain?

Response: The reason is pretty simple, and that is due to the global goal that we want to achieve, which is to use XEP in everyday life. For this goal, we have two parts, the Electra Protocol Project, which the Electra Protocol Foundation will represent and manage the blockchain, the exchanges, and the technical parts. On the other side, there is a company that some of us have created, Evoblox. This company will develop products using the Electra Protocol blockchain and then market these products. Both have the same goal: to eventually have the global use of Electra Protocol in our everyday lives. So to answer the question, this is why the Electra Protocol website is more technical, and solutions are still not shown as that will be on the Evoblox website. Together both should be viewed as a global environment.

Question: Rosetta protocol integration on Electra Protocol chain? Response: For those that don’t know,Rosetta Protocol is an API, a global API, that allows external parties or properties to integrate with the blockchain. Rosetta Protocol is, for example, used by Coinbase. For this reason, it is something that we have started and almost finished the integration into Electra Protocol. Ruanne is working on it; it is in the Go language. We have built Electra Protocol inside the API, and we are now in the testing phase. We have to make several tests before we finalize it and then submit it to Coinbase.

Question: Regarding Mobile wallet and staking?

Response: The current mobile wallet is a light wallet that was not designed to support staking. Light wallets don’t store a copy of the blockchain on their own and must rely on another server to send and receive transactions for them. This kind of setup makes the current mobile wallet unsuitable for staking use and creating blocks. We may be able to support staking in a new Android mobile wallet, which is based on the current desktop core wallet with some additional features being developed, such as BIP39 mnemonic seeds. However, staking on a mobile device will still have numerous disadvantages compared to the desktop, such as the wallet app needing to be constantly running and having increased mobile data and battery usage as a result.

Question: Regarding Discord Tip Bot?

Response: Some members have developed it; however, we have not yet confirmed it as we have some concerns. We intend to evaluate it and decide if it will be integrated or not.

As the topics of the AMA session moved towards the awareness side, Aykut Baybas took over once again and responded to the questions concerning this topic.

Aykut: The following questions are related to awareness, marketing, visibility of Electra Protocol, YouTubers, influencers, and budgeting.

As you know, this is a community project, which means it is something similar to Bitcoin. The team is basically leading the project and is trying to utilize the project resources in the best manner possible. However, the real power lies on the community side. The fact that the community holds a considerable amount of power should be very clear, as we have repeated this several times; however, it is the reality. We never had an ICO, nor an IEO, so we have limited funds. We did have a presale where we sold some XEP during the initial launch of Electra Protocol, which was not very much, but it was enough to help cover the cost during the next ten years. We try to use our human resources, our premine resources, which we haven’t sold, and we have some presale resources and some Bitcoin and some USDT that we have to be really careful with, as we aim for the project to be sustainable for the next ten years. So in terms of marketing, we are also working in the background. We are analyzing several proposals that we have received in the past few weeks. We have also received several YouTubers and Twitter accounts that are proposing to help us with the marketing. Some of these accounts are very good and very popular; however, the cost is extremely high. So, we have to judge whether this makes sense to have a single video or not and what is best for the project long term. As for the Twitter accounts, some of these have huge followers; however, almost all our bounty hunters retweeting and like the tweets for some reward, so it doesn’t bring added value to the project. You can be sure that we are in contact with several different groups, including marketing and YouTubers, so we can decide exactly where to start in the next couple of weeks. Now, this could happen at any time, so we do not want to give a concrete time. When we decide which of those, we also discuss with the media agencies outside the cryptosphere because we want to bring Electra Protocol to real-world players. What you see right now in this crypto market is this turning around all the time, in the same loop, as projects are supporting and making partnerships with each other, and at the end of the day, you don’t see an actual use case. We aim to bring visibility to the real players to Electra Protocol by hiring real media agencies. Our team members recently had meetings with two media agencies, where we got their proposals, and we are analyzing those. We will soon decide if we can move forward or not.

On the other side is Evoblox, which is a separate entity; however, a supporting entity for Electra Protocol and is pushing it very much to real companies. As you might remember, during the Panama meetings, the team explained about Electra Protocol, the possible improvements for their monetary system, and how we can help the Panamanian government in terms of legal aspects such as documentation, procedures and these meetings were highly efficient. We agreed to meet them through online zoom calls once again in September. So please don’t think that nothing is going on regarding those meetings, as many things are going on in the background.

Question: Regarding Marketing Budget?

Response: As mentioned above, we are in contact with several agencies and what we want is the best possible return on investment. So when we spend, let’s say 100 USD, we need to get 1,000 USD in return in terms of more community members, new buyers, potential investors; this is our goal. Regarding awareness, we have started working with a partner company which is a cashier system company. We are heading towards the manufacturer of the cashier system, so we will start preparing flyers and brochures for the customers to promote the merchants that accept crypto and using the Evoblox payment solutions. These steps will help increase awareness of Electra Protocol as well. All of this is being done by a few team members, the community can do much better, and ultimately we need the community to help make Electra Protocol successful.

The conversation then transferred to Robert Bakker, u/Robert Bakker, Business Contributor, where he discussed Evoblox and its relationship with Electra Protocol and the NDAs currently under development.

Robert Bakker, Business Contributor

First, I want to tell everyone that back in the ECA days, back in 2018, I remember one of the first discussions, when I joined the team, was already about budgets. We had the premine, which was in the hands of one guy that we really did not know, and we were fully relying on whether or not he would donate to the project or not. In 2018 we set up the Electra Foundation and got one-third of the premine, but still, it was in ECA, which made it hard to free up those funds because when you needed funds, you needed to sell-off. I remember back in the time we had huge discussions about the budgets, the project’s longevity, how long we can sustain ourselves because we obviously had a lot of costs. Sometimes we needed to hire developers, and how were we going to pay them. We had the cost of servers that the mobile wallets were on; who would pay them?

Towards the end of 2018, we had discussions as to how to use our conceptual ideas around ElectraPay and how to use it as a money generator for the project. Years have passed, and lots of things that happened, but the idea never went away. I think everyone can agree right now that with the influx of new projects with huge bags from investors, but also from IEOs and other types of seed investment funds rounds, so it is really hard to compete, and it is a big necessity that we find a way to generate income as a project. Since the project is not allowed to generate income, a foundation will be the representative of the project, and the foundation cannot make money; it can only live on donations. It was inevitable that at a certain point in time that the question would be asked to the community to use the Electra Protocol blockchain to start developing your companies and earning money, and when you do so, keep the project in mind and donate back to the foundation so that the project can continue to grow. With that in mind, a couple of team members took the initiative and created Evoblox, and the idea is simple, Evoblox is just a company that is going to use Electra Protocol technology to generate revenue, to drive business, and make money, and in doing so, we intend to donate back to the foundation. The Electra Protocol Foundation can ensure the longevity of the project, set development goals for developers, and then reward the developers, which is a luxury we never had before.

On the Evoblox side, the first of hopefully many companies to come, it is really important that the Electra Protocol Project keeps on existing, succeeding, and especially improving. To give you an example, let’s say that we get a client who wants something really specific. He wants product traceability on mangoes, and he wants a very important use case, a very difficult one, and for that, he needs a specific type of smart contract and possibly other technical needs. If Evoblox wants to facilitate this request, Evoblox will need to develop certain types of technology. This technology will be paid for by Evoblox, and it will be developed on Electra Protocol. As such, Electra Protocol will have a second way of benefitting from the success of Evoblox because Evoblox will act as a contributor to the Electra Protocol Project.

Also, Evoblox, as you understand now, is a separate business entity and is detached from the Electra Protocol Project. Evoblox will always be built on Electra Protocol, and it will always have XEP as the default currency in any solution built. We are trying to think of every way possible of having XEP as a business case for anything that we do for our customers. So I hope everybody understands that Evoblox is a logical consequence of the need that Electra Protocol had, as the like lack of funds or the lack of influx of new funds. Evoblox is going to be vital for the Electra Protocol, and Electra Protocol will also be vital for the success of Evoblox, so in that way, these two entities are married together. As I previously stated, I hope that in the future, many more people will start a business using this technology, so the ecosystem or Electra Protocol driven companies will keep on growing and growing and be like a snowball effect.

Question: What is the use case of XEP?

Response: On one hand, this may be difficult to explain, and then, on the other hand, it is quite easy to explain. Electra Protocol is an open-source project, and it is built on a technology called the blockchain. Then there is a coin (XEP) that utilizes this blockchain technology. From there, basically, everything you can think of using it for can be a use case, so right now, XEP is used as a transaction possibility, payment currency, for example. XEP is also being used as a proof of concept with the oyster farms in the west of France, a successful concept where transactions are used as a timestamp so products can be tracked during the entire lifecycle of a project, which is another use case. Once the smart contracts are built on top of the chain, which should happen in a couple of months, the amount of use cases are endless. I read where some were asking about NFTs. If anyone wants to start an NFT project or start an NFT topic using Electra Protocol blockchain with smart contracts, be my guest, start it and maybe even talk to the guys from the foundation for maybe seed investment. There are plenty of possibilities, and the amount of use cases and potential will be huge.

The use cases that we are going to use for Evoblox will be limited, because it is really important for a company to focus and become really good at the few things you are going to do. Right now, the points of focus will be the business cases that we want to focus on and will remain on transactions and remittances, as well as product traceability. In regards to transactions and remittances, think of building an ecosystem where people can easily transact money in many ways. In the Western world, there is not a big difference to make or adjust to; however, we noticed when we went to Panama that not everyone has access to the financial world because they don’t have access to a bank account. While there are countries where the majority of people don’t have a bank account, they do have a mobile wallet, which is our advantage and what we want to be our focus.

The other point of focus is product traceability and I will elaborate more on that. The world is focusing more and more on sustainability, sustainable finance, sustainable way of making products, equal pay, etc. Everything that has to do with sustainability, equality, care of natureis getting more and more important, which is also a result of the green deal, the Accord of Paris. Everybody is moving to that, as countries have their own Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs, banks have to comply with Sustainable Finance Regulations, so this is a need that is going to grow and grow and grow. We have noticed with the point of concept with the oyster farm that there is a growing need, not only within the consumer base of goods and products but also the distribution side in shops and supermarkets. People want to know where such things as their cucumbers are made; people want to know whether or not a banana has traveled the world four times before it ends up in their shopping cart or whether the banana was produced in a fair way. This is something you can facilitate with blockchain technology. You can timestamp each milestone a product has completed during the lifecycle of the product, so when you are putting those bananas in your shopping cart in the supermarket, you can scan a QR code and know exactly whether or not the bananas indeed have taken six months to six weeks to end up in a shopping cart or where the farmer lives and whether or not he is being paid in an equal manner. This is where we are going to be focusing on, and we have noticed with the investor base that we have, a lot of investors are actually intrigued by our business case. Right now, we are speaking to a set of investors that are willing to invest; obviously, they have their prerequisites, they want to see a budget plan, they want to get a feel of how successful we can be, so we are right now in that process.

Question: That brings me to the next question that somebody had about the NDAs and how many we currently have?

Response: We have 14 NDAs at this point in time, with business, with projects, and even with government bodies, so that is really important to mention. What is also really important to know is that our foundation that was set up by myself, Bob, and Raymond will be dissolved, and a new foundation will be set up. What is that? Because in the old foundation’s article of association, we mentioned specifically Electra Project, and right now we are Electra Protocol. Also, we set up the foundation back in the days in the Netherlands. We did that because the three of us are Dutch, and we needed to set it up in a speedy manner, so this was the most convenient way. Right now, three community members who have had a leading role in the project and have proven that they are loyal, have quality, the proper ethics and attitude have been asked to take care of the setup process of the new foundation. The new foundation will be set up in Estonia, and once this is complete, they will announce it. In my last point, I want to mention that this foundation will play an even bigger role in the future of the Electra Protocol Project, as the foundation will take an active role in how money is spent on marketing, development goals, etc. This is a topic for the next AMA.

There is one last thing that I want to cover, ETA. We are involved with The Electronic Transaction Association; actually, Ruanne is heavily involved in this, and this is big. The Electronic Transaction Association, from a marketing point of view or exposure point of view, is huge for Electra Protocol and in the future also for Evoblox, because in this association, all the big players are involved, such as Mastercard, Google, Apple, Circle, Square, etc. Ruanne actually had three goals with ETA this week, different sets of projects. I actually had a call this evening where I discussed cryptocurrency with a high-placed lady from Mastercard, and it is really cool to be a part of that. I am also happy to tell you guys that in September, I’ve been asked to do a presentation about cryptocurrency and crypto payments. I will, of course, mention XEP now and then during a very big event where all these companies will be present. I just wanted to mention It to let you guys know that we not only manage groups like this Telegram group, but we are very active in these types of groups as well.

Ruanne, I turn it back over to you.

Ruanne: Thanks, Robert. Yes, I think I will continue a little bit about ETA and even my involvement. I have been involved with ETA for the past two years. This year I set up a blockchain cryptocurrency working group, and it is about education, it’s about seeing where these big players are at and seeing if they are interested in implementing cryptocurrency payments, what are they thinking, what are the regulations they are looking at, so there is a lot of questions, and I think we are just navigating exactly what is the use case and how it is going to affect the existing payment rails that exist today. When you talk about cryptocurrency, remember it is more than just what exists today. At the moment, it’s more about exchanges, about buying, selling, and holding. As per a coin, there are currently not many use cases; however, there is definitely a huge surge in people using the likes of Bitcoin and certain other coins, which has definitely increased. So we are hoping that in the future, cryptocurrency is going to be used more often, and I think it’s all about education, knowing and understanding the payment space and bringing it back into the Electra Protocol environment, and then building systems to then assist with that. In talking about systems, we definitely developed ElectraPay as a payment gateway; using the XEP blockchain with the Evoblox company that we’ve set up, we decided that its better for the development to sit in the company, which means we will be able to drive the development, get more developers and actually create some revenue that we can then feedback into the Electra Protocol Project. We are in the process of setting up the company, we are getting funding, and we are going through branding or a rebranding in regards to ElectraPay, which will be revealed shortly.

We are hoping that different people in the community of XEP can see that blockchain is going to be used more than just for buying and selling, and the use cases are going to be growing in the future, especially when we get smart contracts that you can set up with any company. I’m hoping that there are entrepreneurs out there that will do like we are doing with Evoblox.

Let’s talk a little bit about ElectraPay. The first version of ElectraPay was about accepting payments, allowing a customer to pay using XEP, and then the merchant settlement that also happens in XEP. It can be an e-commerce site where the price of the product is in US dollars or Euros, so what we do is get the exchange rate at that point in time, and we convert it to XEP, and we then show the value in XEP, allowing the customer to pay in XEP. The merchant settlement will then occur. I think it is quite important for you to understand that the normal process, the fiat rails that exist today, there’s a lot of protection for the consumer when they are purchasing goods, especially online. Only once the goods have been accepted, the settlement part of the process actually goes through. With blockchain, you are actually taking the middleman completely out, so it changes the whole concept of how payments should work. You need to create this layer to almost mimic what the normal payment process that actually exists today. That is exactly what ElectraPay does. It is the piece of technology that exists between the blockchain and the currently existing systems, and it manages the complexities of a blockchain. Again, with the integration from a blockchain, we can actually accept Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency that we choose to use.

One of the things with accepting cryptocurrency is the volatility, so the risk is actually on the merchant side. If they decide to convert to fiat at a later stage, it could be that there might be a loss of value during the period between accepting and converting, so it is becoming more and more important that the merchant can decide how they actually get paid. They might not want to accept cryptocurrency, and they might want to accept it and then convert it into fiat to alleviate its volatility.

Ruanne goes on to speak about how she has been speaking without her notes and addressing issues that she felt should be discussed. She states that we are focusing on building the foundation of allowing payments to go through ElectraPay, and the fact that we are not yet focusing on a target market, such as gaming or a retail outlet. She shares that there will be a different version of ElectraPay that is released once the Evoblox company is launched. She then describes how the majority of the development has been completed and how we are currently doing testing as we have completed the integration, which many have seen through the video shared on YouTube. She informs listeners that there is a portal that exists where merchants can sign up. She describes how the portal will create an order and display a quote that can then be emailed to your customer or shared with the customer through a QR code, where they use their mobile wallet to scan the code and process the payment. All of this is using the latest technology available to make payments seamless and a lot easier than entering a wallet address.

Ruanne then shares more information regarding the traceability side of ElectraPay, where users can store almost any sort of information in regards to a specific product and then track that product as it goes through the different cycles of the manufacturing process or whatever process one chooses. It could be tracing a shipment of goods, such as medicine, which is a very powerful aspect of this technology. She discusses how we are definitely focusing on smart contracts. She shares that Evoblox intends to focus on these three aspects; payments, traceability, and smart contracts. There is currently no estimated time of completion, as development has been completed and is being fined tuned. She asks listeners to remember that while the technology is there in the payment space, there is still so much that needs to happen on the regulatory side with governments and understanding how it’s going to affect the economy. This is where ETA comes in as we are having those conversations. She shares that she has set up a six-part webinar where they will speak about cryptocurrency and blockchain 101 and educate others on how blockchain works and what it actually means. They will also discuss payments and other topics such as CBDC (central bank digital currency) and the coins that will be backed by a fiat currency, whether it is USDC or another currency.

Aykut and Antoine rejoin the conversation, and Antoine ends by addressing one last question that has been often asked, which is related to marketing and how we intend to promote Electra Protocol and Evoblox in the crypto world. He states that we don’t intend to focus on the crypto world at first, as there is a lot of hype in that space. We intend to do the opposite and focus on real-world use cases such as the bakery at the corner or a company or manufacturer. We intend to focus on companies that don’t know a lot about blockchain technology but are interested in integrating it into their business.

The AMA session ends with the participants thanking the listeners for submitting the questions and participating in the session. Ruanne also gives thanks to the other team members who participated, as each worked for years to get us where we are today. She states that we believe in blockchain technology and where it will take us in the future, as it is going to be the new Internet, as this technology is where the Internet was back in the 1980s. She feels that we are currently at a point in time that and that in another 10 to 15 years, she feels that most companies will be using blockchain technology without even knowing much about it. She stresses that there are incredible opportunities out there, urges listeners to think big, and encourages community members to get more involved. She reiterates that the team has been working on this project for years, and from the very beginning, we wanted to have partnerships with businesses where we integrate blockchain technology into actual businesses, and while those conversations many years ago, they are just now starting to develop and stresses that we are at a very exciting point and time.

Aykut thanks Ruanne and the other participates for answering the questions posed to the team. He also thanks the listeners that joined for an hour to learn more about Electra Protocol and Evoblox and shares that we will have additional AMAs in the future.

At what point would you say a current top coin went from Shitcoin to legit-coin?

Let's face it: every single one of our favorite top coins started out as a shitcoin, arguably even Bitcoin. So at what point would you say that a specific coin went from shit coin to legit coin?

It would be most interesting to examine the top 10, but if someone has very specific knowledge it's totally fine to stretch all the way within the top 100.

If I had to take a stab at one, I'd start at the top with Bitcoin and say it went legit in 2017. That was the first time the value skyrocketed, and despite the following crash of 2018 its meteoric rise was a cataclysmic event that led a mass interest for many into crypto.

Tomorrow is Bitcoin’s El Salvador Day and I call everyone here to purchase 30 Dollars of Bitcoin on 9/7/2021 in celebration of the event

Long shot , but can we get this to become a yearly thing? Every year on September 7th at 12 PM UTC we all go in and purchase 30 dollars of Bitcoin to celebrate El Salvador’s first ever Bitcoin day! Who is In?

Tomorrow is Bitcoin’s El Salvador Day and I call everyone here to purchase 30 Dollars of Bitcoin on 9/7/2021 in celebration of the event (x-post from /r/Bitcoin)

Coins within the top 300 that have major events coming up in the coming 1-2 months?


Lets help each other out by mentioning coins with large events upcoming till November. The reason for this would be that they typically will have a good pump compared to other coins as it generates the hype and excitement.

I will go fist: Harmony 1 will be completing their bitcoin bridge.

A case for a $1 MILLION Bitcoin, before you expect it (just for fun)

(originally commented in r/ CryptoCurrency answering "Do you think Bitcoin will hit the $100,000 mark by the end of 2021?")

When Bitcoin starts to go, it goes fast (leaving the no-coiners in the dust)
Some BIG reasons why it could hit $100K before anyone anticipates:

  1. Liquidity, as seen through on-chain analysis, is some of the lowest
  2. Likewise, hodlers count is the highest.
  3. Attention from the media - tons of Eyeballs. Partially = because of the NFT scams and occasional altcoins making the news. This means the FOMO reach is much wider.
  4. El Salvador is in. Other countries WILL FOMO in (not sure when exactly though)
  5. And lastly, $100K is NOT THAT MUCH from here. Look, 100K is only 100% from here. We just did almost 100% from 28k to 50k and no one is screaming about it. And from the last ATH ($65k) it's ONLY 50% gain

Now a case for $1,000,000 per Bitcoin:

Some potential events to consider. Loosely, by likely to less likely:

  • High inflation / hyper inflation risk. Cause by Supply chain issues (goods from China to the US and other regions) means inflation is ^. (likely no hyperinflation in the western economies yet, but smaller countries could pop and scare others)


  • High inflation / hyper inflation risk. Caused by more irresponsible printing.
    Maybe another bad Covid wave (hits the unvaxed - majority of the world population. Or vaccines not working all that well...)
  • Recession hits hard. Trad assets fall in price, fiat inflation.
  • Natural disaster (not that unlikely)

Don't want to go all doomsday here. But there are also the UNEXPECTED variables.

Keep in mind, it's totally possible for SEVERAL events occur all at once. And when that occurs.....

Similar to what happened to the Titanic: it could withstand 4 of 16 compartment breaches, but 5 compartments were affected, so... it sunk.

This will scare MANY investment managers, into..

But into what? Bonds negative, Equities overvalued, the economy (actual value production) is not humming all that good.

Fund managers buy gold, commodities and other limited supply assets (wink wink)

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Where to find GPUs nowadays.

So, with the whole dynamic loot “event,” I’ve found myself wondering where people are consistently finding GPUs, if that’s even possible anymore. It kind of sucks (this is my opinion by the way) that in the middle of the wipe before everybody could secure their 50 GPUs, they changed the loot system and the meta entirely.

I don’t think dynamic loot is a bad thing, I just would have preferred they did it near the end of the wipe when nobody really needs anything anymore and everybody is rich. Now however, I feel a little screwed. I need 26 GPUs and with the inflated market I’m even more keen on finding them myself.

Also this is a little off tangent but, there’s no way the Bitcoin farm is worth it anymore right? Before the patch it was a projected 56 days or something before profit? Unless you’re already done that number must have changed for the worse. Regardless, I don’t play everyday and I liked it when my Bitcoin farm could finance a decent kit when I needed one.

Where to Begin Investing – Find out with M8Trade Platform

In the modern world, the word “stability” is less and less often mentioned in the context of financial life. More and more people tend to call attention to an investment: if 10 years ago it was the privilege of the “elite”, now this word is a real boom among any generation. However, not everyone moves from words to deeds, because it is not so easy to understand this difficult activity and, most importantly, not to lose your money. That is why companies such as M8Trade are being created, where professionals help both beginners and experienced investors to increase their capital.

“Effortless Investing” is the motto of M8Trade. Investing is a way of storing and increasing capital. There are a lot of them and the difference is only in the goals and objectives: short-term and long-term, private and portfolio investment, with low risks and high-risk. There are investments in stocks and other assets (financial), real estate and land (real), intellectual property, speculative investment, and so on. Understanding this issue, getting a stable profit and, most importantly, not losing your capital is a matter of more than one year (often not even several). What is the way out of the situation? Benefit from the services of professionals like M8Trade who have dedicated their lives to learning and mastering their investment skills.

M8Trade – a trusted authority on digital currency investing. The company provides a secure and easy-to-use platform: to get started, you do not need to have specific knowledge in the field of investment, you just need to have a desire to earn passive income.

And also, the company minimizes risks due to the diversification of digital assets.: the M8Trade team of professional traders create investment packages for different currencies in order to create a reliable investment portfolio and minimize risks. One of the main advantages of the company is the ability to use market volatility, which allows the guys to get the maximum profit for their investors: traders calculate both the expected volatility and the most promising positions as accurately as possible.

What can make it easier to invest in a data-rich environment and increase the overall return for investors? Artificial intelligence. ะœ8Trade actively uses artificial intelligence to collect and process a large amount of information. That is why they are among the first to carry out fundamental analysis of a completely new level and stay ahead of competitors. “Who owns the information owns the market,” the M8Trade developers team comments on their development. Yes, the company has its own programmers working to improve and simplify the trading and investment process.

To start investing, you need to register on the company’s website and select one of the investment packages from the list. All payments are made in the main cryptocurrency – bitcoin, which ensures the safety and reliability of the system. The ways of passive earnings do not end there – as a pleasant bonus, there is an opportunity to participate in a referral program: invite users to the company and share the referral link.

Choosing M8Trade Company, you choose a safe and fast path of passive income. To keep abreast of all events and keep up with the news and promotions of the company, you can subscribe to its social networks:

Have a BLT sandwich to celebrate Bitcoin Legal Tender day!

On May 22, 2010, 10,000 Bitcoins were traded for two large pizzas - a transaction that would come to inspire the annual Bitcoin Pizza Day celebration.

September 07, 2021 is going to be another historic occasion for everyone, especially those who live in El Salvador and I think celebrations are in order to mark the event.

Perhaps we could all make or buy a Bacon Lettuce and Tomato sandwich to celebrate Bitcoin becoming Legal Tender in El Salvador. (Veggie and Vegan options are available)

If you have Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, (I don’t so if anyone wants to run with it there go for it) I guess posting pictures of BLTs would also spread the word and give the media something to write about? #BLT #BitcoinLegalTender

(Extra credits will be given for actually buying a BLT sandwich with Bitcoin)

Upcoming Events at Async

We have a full week of community events for our Async community:
- Artist Interview w/ Rare Digital Bird on Sept 7th, 12:30pm PST | 7:30pm UTC 
- BTC Podcast Network Feature on Sept 9th 
- "Year of the Ox" CH discussion on Sept 11th

Artist Interview w/ BreakingTheBold

What is brain food exactly? 
Learn more about our Async artist BreakingTheBold with Rare Digital Bird host, Ann Marie Alanes on Sept 7th! 

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BTC Podcast Network 

We were recently featured in Bitcoin Podcast Network, and we've invited MightyMoose to join us to talk about programmable art & LayerBreaker! 
Episode will air on Sept 9th~ 

Follow BTC Podcast

The Guild Returns to Async 

Come chat w/ members of The Guild - a collective of brilliant cryptoartists and discuss their latest Async release - Year of The Ox - on Sept 11th. Details to be announced later this week. 

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The potential for a slight dump after the btc 7th event could be negatively represented in the media (x-post from /r/Bitcoin)

Rollercoin is an online bitcoin mining simulator in which you can mine real bitcoins for free without paying for electricity - get a 1000 satoshi now!

Rollercoin is a game that you compete with your friends, who will have a bigger farm to mine bitcoin, ethereum or dogecoin. ะll you have to do is register and customize your avatar, then you're ready to start the race.

The best part is that this game does not require depositing money to grow your farm, it is enough to play games, raise enough money and buy your first miner.

Once you have collected the sufficient minimum amount (about 4-6$) you can withdraw your money to your personal wallet. You can take 1000 satoshi which will help for the development of your farm. They are equal to 0.00001 BTC.


It is now possible to progress faster with the new in the game "Event Pass", if you do not want to give real money, there are also free prizes such as, acceleration of production by 1 Ph / s for 1 day and 3 days, as well as 2 Ph / s for 7 days and other gifts.

If you wish, you can develop your mining farm with real money, this is optional!


There are also daily offers that offer a limited series of miners, as well as discounts for miners up to 60%.


At Rollercoin you will never mine at a loss because you will not pay for electricity! The game is made you always mine to profit!

If you decide to invest the money you earn in miners, you will start earning more.

The cheapest miner costs only 2.6 RLT which is 2.6$.

Rollercoin is an online bitcoin mining simulator in which you can mine real bitcoins for free without paying for electricity - get a 1000 satoshi now!

Rollercoin is a game that you compete with your friends, who will have a bigger farm to mine bitcoin, ethereum or dogecoin. ะll you have to do is register and customize your avatar, then you're ready to start the race.

The best part is that this game does not require depositing money to grow your farm, it is enough to play games, raise enough money and buy your first miner.

Once you have collected the sufficient minimum amount (about 4-6$) you can withdraw your money to your personal wallet. You can take 1000 satoshi which will help for the development of your farm. They are equal to 0.00001 BTC.


It is now possible to progress faster with the new in the game "Event Pass", if you do not want to give real money, there are also free prizes such as, acceleration of production by 1 Ph / s for 1 day and 3 days, as well as 2 Ph / s for 7 days and other gifts.

If you wish, you can develop your mining farm with real money, this is optional!


There are also daily offers that offer a limited series of miners, as well as discounts for miners up to 60%.


At Rollercoin you will never mine at a loss because you will not pay for electricity! The game is made you always mine to profit!

If you decide to invest the money you earn in miners, you will start earning more.

The cheapest miner costs only 2.6 RLT which is 2.6$.

Rollercoin is an online bitcoin mining simulator in which you can mine real bitcoins for free without paying for electricity - get a 1000 satoshi now!

Rollercoin is a game that you compete with your friends, who will have a bigger farm to mine bitcoin, ethereum or dogecoin. ะll you have to do is register and customize your avatar, then you're ready to start the race.

The best part is that this game does not require depositing money to grow your farm, it is enough to play games, raise enough money and buy your first miner.

Once you have collected the sufficient minimum amount (about 4-6$) you can withdraw your money to your personal wallet. You can take 1000 satoshi which will help for the development of your farm. They are equal to 0.00001 BTC.


It is now possible to progress faster with the new in the game "Event Pass", if you do not want to give real money, there are also free prizes such as, acceleration of production by 1 Ph / s for 1 day and 3 days, as well as 2 Ph / s for 7 days and other gifts.

If you wish, you can develop your mining farm with real money, this is optional!


There are also daily offers that offer a limited series of miners, as well as discounts for miners up to 60%.


At Rollercoin you will never mine at a loss because you will not pay for electricity! The game is made you always mine to profit!

If you decide to invest the money you earn in miners, you will start earning more.

The cheapest miner costs only 2.6 RLT which is 2.6$.

Rollercoin is an online bitcoin mining simulator in which you can mine real bitcoins for free without paying for electricity - get a 1000 satoshi now!

Rollercoin is a game that you compete with your friends, who will have a bigger farm to mine bitcoin, ethereum or dogecoin. ะll you have to do is register and customize your avatar, then you're ready to start the race.

The best part is that this game does not require depositing money to grow your farm, it is enough to play games, raise enough money and buy your first miner.

Once you have collected the sufficient minimum amount (about 4-6$) you can withdraw your money to your personal wallet. You can take 1000 satoshi which will help for the development of your farm. They are equal to 0.00001 BTC.


It is now possible to progress faster with the new in the game "Event Pass", if you do not want to give real money, there are also free prizes such as, acceleration of production by 1 Ph / s for 1 day and 3 days, as well as 2 Ph / s for 7 days and other gifts.

If you wish, you can develop your mining farm with real money, this is optional!


There are also daily offers that offer a limited series of miners, as well as discounts for miners up to 60%.


At Rollercoin you will never mine at a loss because you will not pay for electricity! The game is made you always mine to profit!

If you decide to invest the money you earn in miners, you will start earning more.

The cheapest miner costs only 2.6 RLT which is 2.6$.

Rollercoin is an online bitcoin mining simulator in which you can mine real bitcoins for free without paying for electricity - get a 1000 satoshi now!

Rollercoin is a game that you compete with your friends, who will have a bigger farm to mine bitcoin, ethereum or dogecoin. ะll you have to do is register and customize your avatar, then you're ready to start the race.

The best part is that this game does not require depositing money to grow your farm, it is enough to play games, raise enough money and buy your first miner.

Once you have collected the sufficient minimum amount (about 4-6$) you can withdraw your money to your personal wallet. You can take 1000 satoshi which will help for the development of your farm. They are equal to 0.00001 BTC.


It is now possible to progress faster with the new in the game "Event Pass", if you do not want to give real money, there are also free prizes such as, acceleration of production by 1 Ph / s for 1 day and 3 days, as well as 2 Ph / s for 7 days and other gifts.

If you wish, you can develop your mining farm with real money, this is optional!


There are also daily offers that offer a limited series of miners, as well as discounts for miners up to 60%.


At Rollercoin you will never mine at a loss because you will not pay for electricity! The game is made you always mine to profit!

If you decide to invest the money you earn in miners, you will start earning more.

The cheapest miner costs only 2.6 RLT which is 2.6$.

Regarding SEC and Ripple (XRP) and the conclusion I’ve reached with opinion

Following this lawsuit it will be a shock if criminal prosecution doesn’t happen with those named in the lawsuit cough cough two rivers and the ex SEC commissioner

(Missing a lot of good points I’ll continue)

The SEC helped WRITE the paper Gary read to an audience claiming eth and Bitcoin as non security’s (btw BTC and eth will face trouble ahead) sorry but be prepared. There’s a reason eth founder is leaving. Just saying read the writing on the wall

But still try to claim personal opinion even though multiple players in the SEC helped him write his speech pathetic.

Get ready folks you haven’t seen FUD yet. So buckle in and get ready for an untested rollercoster to go wild

The same time XRP is cleared Ethereum and Bitcoin will come under fire

people working in the SEC allowed to trade in XRP? uhhhh don’t ask

Ask for transparency? That would cause lawmakers from wanting to hold office

By the way I hold both Ethereum and Bitcoin so I don’t wish them harm. I just research like we all claim to do and I’ve reached my conclusion

I own both Ethereum and Bitcoin and I don’t want some kind of FUD event or harm to the community. But I can’t still my mind from ‘speaking out’