Friday, December 3, 2021

Don't Panic. I repeat, DON'T PANIC.

I don't believe market pundits. I don't believe crypto vloggers. I don't believe almost anyone. I believe in Douglas Adams and the two most important words he wrote. Don't panic. And I'm going to tell you why. This isn't hopium. It's calm-the-fuck-down-ium.

As long as we can agree on this one basic thing, I think we'll agree on the rest. Cryptocurrencies have proven to be a long-term sustainable marketplace. I say this not only because of it's decade plus long ability to grow, but also because of it's now moving into government and large-scale business trades. There are going to be countless prop-ups and setbacks, as every market has.

Every market. Stocks are only one. Real estate, commodity trades, lending, antique/etc., every kind of market sees growth, setbacks, periods of uncertainty, periods of near-collapse, etc. Crypto isn't any different - and that's important. Because your opinions of macro-scale events in crypto will most likely be tempered by your outlook on investing in general.

The most obvious comparison is to the stock markets. Every one throughout time has been different, but the NYSE is a good example of how major events and differing periods have changed over time. And the cool thing is, we've got a good 200+ years of data to use. And on a macro scale - that's fucking enormous!

I totally stole this image. But it's a great representation of markets within the NYSE over it's entire existence. The one single thing that it has always done, is grow. It's got no reason not to.

Major events are pretty visible, the Civil War, the Depression, the dot/com boom, etc. (Check out the real estate pinch in '08). Point being - it's always changing. And this is just the markets within the market as a whole.

We don't have the best data for the 1800s. It exists, but I'm not going to pay for the good datasets. So I'm going to pick it up at the 1900s with the DJI.

Again, you can see all the major events pretty clearly. When you zoom out, the Depression was a correction. The 40's were slow recovery. The 50's were back on pace. The 60s were a boom. The 70s were a correction. The 80s and 90s were to the moon. And then the game changed entirely. And that's where we come in.

Since the early 2000s, market movements haven't been in decades (as seen above). They've been in years. And even more recently, they've been in months. There are a million reasons why, and I'm not here to argue about those - that's not for crypto. Crypto is just feeling the ripples of these movements. But knowing the context helps put crypto movements in a much better perspective.

DJI 1990 - Present

The stock markets aren't flinging around pocket change anymore. We're on a fucking rocket. And we have been, since 2009. Everything took off in 90s. 1995 to be specific. And that bull trend didn't break, even with the war starting in the early 2000s, until midway through the '07-09 recession. Then, you can argue it however you want. Overcorrection? Probably, but we took the fuck off. And the only thing so far that has really stopped us hard has been the beginning of the pandemic. Recovery throughout the pandemic, at least in the markets, has been insane. In the last ten years, the beginning of Covid-19 is the only major market setback, and we already recovered. The recovery is the issue.

And now we find ourselves here.

DJI 2019 - Present

These last two years have been crazy, right? Insane bull runs. Huge recovery. Didn't break trend until June '21. And now we've found ourselves (stock market-wise) in a consolidation period with some pretty strong support at 34000.

Now, if you ask me - and I know you didn't, the growth over 2019 was far more sustainable. We shoved everything at pandemic recovery and FUD. And we rebounded insanely fast. Like, too fast. You can argue the recovery from 2008 took too long at 5+ years, but you can't argue it didn't maintain it's growth. And then, IMO, the previous administration decided to play casino and the markets ran with it. And then, within a couple of years, it all caught back up with itself into some mild correction. And then the pandemic. And you can see the crazy fast recovery has tapered and left us kind of sitting around 35,000.

So, why the fuck does all this matter?

BECAUSE CRYPTO IS BRAND FUCKING NEW. You've spent a decade in crypto? Sweet, me too. You know what that means? Absolutely nothing. Because go take a look at the first chart again of market sectors. NOTHING IS EVERY STATIC. EVER. And crypto did something most markets can't pull off in their infancy, it created massive sub-markets that have continued to grow. Crypto isn't just BTC. It's blockchain. It's far bigger than just BTC, even though we'll use BTC as a metric for decades to come still.

The stock markets grew from finance, to mainstay transportation, energy, and a host of other major submarket sectors. Crypto has been doing the same, at an accelerated pace. From simple finance, to logistics, to defi, to web3, to now meta, and who the fuck knows what's next. Markets will never fail as long as one thing remains true - it's profitable. And they are.

This is what happens when crypto goes from being Bitcoin to being an entire market capable of sustaining multiple projects, multiple directions, and un-ending potential. You almost don't even need to change the titles on the first chart to believe it's what's happening to crypto. Diversification.

Here's my last chart, I swear. And it will hopefully put crypto into perspective. What has happened in the last two years. It's not 2013. It's not 2018. It's almost not even 2021 anymore.

I left time boxes on because it's pretty much the only way to identify the stock market exists.

BTC MC v. DJI 2017 - Present

Don't panic.

Is tapering and raising rates considered a Black Swan event for Bitcoin?

What's the community consensus on the Fed tapering and raising rates earlier than projected for the short term? Would this be considered a black swan event by the crypto community at large?

Ethereum: A Deep Dive. Here's why Ethereum is the opportunity of a lifetime.

What is Ethereum?

Ethereum is the largest smart contract blockchain in the world, and it's native coin ether (ETH) is the second most valuable cryptocurrency. As a smart contract chain, it essentially operates as a decentralized computer. You can run all kinds of decentralized and trustless applications on this computer like DEX's (Decentralized Exchanges) for example. It's also very popular with NFT's. Every transaction on the Ethereum blockchain takes up a resource called gas. There is a limited amount of data that can go in each block, therefore there is a limited amount of gas. The price of gas (and therefore, transactions) is dictated by the laws of supply and demand; if more people want to make transactions then the price of transactions will increase.

I've heard it's expensive as fuck! What's being done?

This is probably Ethereum's largest criticism. It's no secret that the Ethereum blockchain is very expensive to use. It's important to recall that the only reason the blockchain is so expensive is because it's in such high demand.

This problem is being mitigated in a few ways:

  1. Layer 2 solutions. These are other blockchains that are built on top of Ethereum that utilize it's security and decentralization. They have fees that are much cheaper than the native blockchain. But surprisingly, they're still not that cheap. Again - really high demand. The largest issue with Layer 2 solutions comes from the fact that they aren't widely accepted yet. Most exchanges don't support them natively, which means you would need to use an expensive bridge to move your funds over if you don't already use an exchange that supports them. The other issue with them is that there are many different L2's, and different dAPPS support different chains.
  2. ETH2. This upgrade is frankly legendary. It's made up of a few different pieces. The first one is Ethereum's merge to Proof of Stake. I'll discuss it in more detail later. The more important piece for scaling is Sharding. Sharding allows us to seperate the blockchain into more managable pieces. This means that each node will only need to store a piece of the blockchain instead of the entire thing. This increases both speed and decentralization, it's an absolute no brainer.

What makes Ethereum different then all the other chains?

Ethereum is extremely popular. This is one of the biggest benefits that Ethereum has over other blockchains. On DefiPulse, every single one of the top 128 DeFi projects run on Ethereum. Every Single One. It is by far the most popular and the most successful blockchain. It also consistently racks up much higher transaction volumes and network fees collected than even the big daddy Bitcoin.

What's the merge to Proof of Stake all about?

Ethereum will merge from Proof of Work to Proof of Stake. This is currently estimated to occur in Q2 2022, but that may change. This change will:

  1. Reduce Ethereum's energy usage by more than 99%. Since instead of mining, block proposers have to stake ETH, Ethereum's energy usage will fall by a huge amount. This is great because crypto projects are constantly targeted for their energy usage. Ethereum will be immune to this criticism.
  2. Make block proposers accountable. In the current PoW system, if a miner attacks the blockchain they cannot be punished. Under PoS, they have staked their ETH into the network, which means it can be slashed if they misbehave. This improves security, as no sane person would attack a network that they have thousands of dollars staked in.
  3. Allows for sharding. Sharding isn't currently possible on Proof of Work chains. Proof of Stake allows for this important upgrade.

Okay, so Ethereum is great. But will it make me money?

Hell yes. The merge to PoS is probably the most bullish event in the entirety of crypto, in my opinion. Here is why. You may remember the EIP-1559 upgrade a few months ago that reduced the amount of ETH being issued by about 30%. Here's ETH's price leading up to this event:

60% increase in 2 weeks

You will notice a 60% increase in price in 2 weeks. Fucking wild.

This what happened when the ETH creation rate was reduced by 30%. Now brave yourself for this: the merge to PoS will reduce emissions by 90%. You can infer yourself how bullish you think this is, but I have no doubt it will be bullish as all fuck. If a 30% decrease in ETH creation is bullish enough for a 60% increase, a 90% decrease is going to be absolutely wild. The laws of supply and demand dictate that if supply decreases-as it will, because ETH will become deflationary-and demand remains constant, price MUST increase. This is a perfect storm of events for an absolute explosion in ETH's price.


Ethereum is the most popular smart contract blockchain by a mile. Its issues are being actively worked on by thousands of people all over the world who are very dedicated. Its merge to PoS is going to be one of the most bullish events ever. If a 30% decrease in ETH issuance causes a 60% increase in price, what do you think a 90% decrease in ETH issuance will cause? Ethereum has an amazing future, and so will you if you invest in it.

Freedom Day 2 - Report

It was a bright warm day in December, and the clocks were striking thirteen. The pohutakawa trees were beginning to show their first signs of flowering before Christmas and the people of New Zealand were out enjoying Freedom Day™ 2.


Here are my notes and thoughts from today. Please feel free to share your own experience, too.


Papers please, Aotearoa


I left the house and went to my local farmers' market event. There were two middle-aged women manning the entrance. Some guy ahead of me tried to walk in and they asked for his vaccine pass, intent not just to sight the paperwork, but to indeed scan his medical documents. I drifted by and mentioned 'Gestapo Pass' to them in one of my more immature moments, to which they responded angrily back 'Vaccine Pass!'. This was my first taste of true vitriol related to these passports in real life and as many have said before me, it gave a striking insight into how people could become the guards in the concentration camps. You just give them a little taste of power and they run with it..


I then proceeded to get lunch at a place nearby that had a sign out requiring vaccine passports but which did not in fact ask for anything (I knew they would not). I had a word with the staff member and said thank you for not worrying about any of this shit, and they just smiled at me.


Mental health & support


I know a lot of people are feeling this whole situation, irrespective of vaccination status or participation in the passport system. It can sometimes seem like there is nothing to hold out hope for anymore. It can feel like the whole world is in chaos and collapsing. Perhaps you are struggling have lost your job, lost friendships, or are experiencing other difficult times.


I want to remind you that we are truly in this together and that no matter who you are, if you are against this tyranny that is being imposed on us then you are a brother or sister to us all. We may not know each other's face in the street, but when I can walk into a shop and you let me in without looking at my paperwork, you are performing a small but incredibly righteous action. When we can both take our masks off to share the same air we are breaking a barrier that the government has tried to erect between us.


I am not sure what the mental health support services are like in N.Z. these days but if anyone is having a hard time please reach out to a friend or someone you trust and talk it through. Please remember it is ok to feel angry or upset at everything that is going on and that it is not your fault. Compliance will not make the problem of government impacting our lives go away. The goalposts will just keep shifting. If you have made it this far then now is time to give up. The most important thing you can do is keep on going and keep on talking with your fellow human. We are all taking this thing one day at a time and at the very least I would like to invite everyone to my house party when this shit blows over.


The Resistance


It appears that there are protests taking place in Auckland and around the country. No doubt the media will under report and label these as far-right or whatever, when the reality is that it is almost always families and normal people who just want their freedom back and are over all of the bullshit.


Omnicron® seems to be a lot less "deadly" than old school Covid (which is already pretty mild in the scheme of things). We need to keep this narrative going - it is less deadly. It won't kill you. The vaccine wont stop it. Tell everyone you know and remind them that it was bought overseas by VACCINATED people. We will all get Omnicron soon enough and we will all be OK. We have a lot of work ahead to deprogramme people from the fear and this is the beginning of that.


The ideology is entrenched in many people's minds now and society has successfully been split. However only 10 - 30% of people have been truly brainwashed to believe what the media and government says. I believe the days of the government being able to do blanket lockdowns etc is coming to an end and every additional restriction is creating further resistance. People's eyes are opening up.


That said, I think we can conservatively expect reopening of international borders to be pushed back and this whole thing to go on for at least another ~12 months, but the end is in sight and the tides will turn back to freedom.


Please tip me if you like what I am doing (Bitcoin 🚀):



Do you have a story from Freedom Day 2? Please share below. Please do not name any businesses directly who have chosen not to discriminate as we do not want to single them out for the trolls, however feel free to shame businesses that are discriminating so that we can all avoid them.

Bitcoin Centre Founder Nick Spanos To Speak At TNABC Miami 2022.

Bitcoin Centre New York is the first LIVE cryptocurrency exchange ever.

The centre's main claim to fame is as the "first brick and mortar exchange for Bitcoin" and also as a catalyst for New York State's subsequent regulatory crackdown on cryptocurrency businesses.

It was founded by Nick Spanos in 2013 in the financial district of New York City, located 100 feet away from the New York Stock Exchange.

A pioneer in the bitcoin and blockchain technology space, he is also the co-founder of Zap protocol, which solves one of the biggest challenges for blockchain smart contracts by allowing real-world data and events to trigger smart contract provisions for the first time. Spanos was featured in the recent Netflix documentary Banking on Bitcoin and is a sought after speaker at blockchain events worldwide.

Don't Fall for FUD | Crypto Market Update and Investing Report 12.3


  • Crypto Market Insight: Don’t Fall for FUD
  • Market Update
  • Major Crypto News
  • Notable Events
  • NEWBIES’ lesson of the day: Controlling the fear during selloffs

Crypto Market Insight: Don’t fall for FUD

It’s a sea of red on the charts but hope remains in the form of strong buying at resistance levels. The Bitcoin bull market trendline has been broken with today’s candles close at 53k. This event will mark the first close below this important trendline. Price is coming down to test a strong resistance level between 52.5k and 54K indicated on the chart below.


There are three possibilities that may occur here.

  1. Over the weekend price may rebound quickly enough to jump back into trend.

  2. Price could begin testing this resistance various times over the next week/s, setting bitcoin in a range.

  3. Prices break below the resistance to go test the next level at 50k.

Today’s volume isn’t indicating a lot of strength which will favor a rebound off the resistance. The pin-bar candle noted on the 4-hour chart is reaffirming the strength of the resistance.

BTC/USD 4H chart

Funding rates are telling us that a cascade of selloffs will not occur due to liquidations in the derivatives. Volatility is increasing with this move and the consolidation we hoped for didn’t occur today. The down move is due to current macro climate. (Omnicron and FED-tapering news)

Stock Market

Volume continues to be strong in stock market sell-off and yesterday’s rebound was short-lived. The topic of decoupling from stocks will have to be saved for another day. This market is dragging crypto with it. Stock market funds are moving into bonds out of fear. The VIX (Volatility Index) and fear gauge hit a new high of 35.32. Monday will tell us a lot about if this sell-off will continue in stocks.


Macroeconomic FUD is brining prices down, which is an emotional rection of the market. The current sentiment can dissipate quickly, and this would turn things around. There is little evidence of a major sell-off in crypto, so it’s recommended that you keep on hodling, watch the weekend prices and hope FUD dies down on Monday.

Crypto Market Update

· Bitcoin (BTC) is down 5.71%

· Ethereum (ETH) is down -7.03% as the bears take back a majority of the recent buying from this week.

· Polygon (MATIC) continues to show strength. It is rumored that the Polygon team will make a large announcement on at the ZK Rollup conference on Dec 4. Vitalik Buterin is rumored to be attending the event.

· Chainlink (LINK) is showing strength and is up 1.17%. LINK often one of the most resilient cryptos according to price

· A majority of layer one/twos have not been spared. A few continue to show strength

o ADA -8.72%

o BNB -3.92%

o DOT -4.90%

o SOL -8.39%

o LUNA +1.01%

o ATOM +16.60%

· Total Market Cap (TOTAL) is down -4.72%

· Total MC minus ETH and BTC (TOTAL3) is down -3.80% indicating that altcoins are being sold off less than BTC or that money is flowing from BTC to Altcoins. Neither are typical actions during a sell-off

Major Market News

· MercadoLibre the largest e-commerce platform in South America is going to begin accepting Crypto payments in Brazil. Their fintech arm will allow users to buy and hold BTC, ETH and USDP.

· In an aim to bring more women into crypto, OKcoin has hired former Facebook spokesman and Mark Zuckerburg’s sister Randi Zuckerburg. Okcoin is a crypto exchange.

· WisdomTree a financial institution with $76 billion in assets will create 4 indices to allow customers exposure to cryptocurrencies.

· India not to ban crypto but rather regulate the sector. After a large scare last week further evidence appears that India will only regulate in attempt to prevent money laundering and terrorism financing.

· Senator Pat Toomey, a ranking member of the Senate Banking Committee, has suggested Congress step in with legislation if the SEC is unable to provide guidance on cryptocurrencies.

“For investors to benefit from a fair and competitive marketplace, federal agencies should answer questions about whether — and if so, how — new and emerging technologies fit under existing regulations,” said Toomey. “Chairman Gensler’s failure to provide clear rules of the road for cryptocurrencies underscores the need for Congress to act.”

-Senator Pat Toomey

Notable Events

· SundaeSwap (SUNDAE) has announced it will launch its testnet on Dec 5th.

· Rentible (RNB) will have its Metaverse Design unveiling today

· Epik Prime (EPIK) will list on Kucoin today

· Render (RNDR) will list on FTX today

· Immutable X (IMX) will list on today

· Alien World (TLM) will launch Land Packs tomorrow

NEWBIES’ lesson of the day

Controlling the fear during sell offs

Cryptocurrencies are very volatile in nature and watching your money go down 10% in one day can be a scary event. You must remember that you can’t have 300% gains in a market without occasional 30-75% drawdowns. The price you pay for those gains is paid in resilience and patience. The last thing you want to do is to panic and sell to the traders that take advantage of fear in the markets.

You must do your due diligence and research the projects you are putting your money into. If you truly believe in the technology and project, then holding on to losing positions is a lot easier. This is another reason not to invest heavily into meme coins. Read the news and see how much money is being invested into this market daily and see the hundreds of companies and banks maneuvering to get a piece of the pie. Crypto is here to stay.

Get in the habit of selling when everyone is euphoric, which is incredibly hard. And buying when everyone else is fearful. Use the tools around you to help give you an edge. This is a large-scale game where others are trying to buy your investments at a lower price than you paid for it, don’t let have it.

Have a great weekend everyone and remember to stack those sats!


Follow me on Medium and Twitter under the same handle @ + TraderGabi

How Elon Musk Influences Crypto: A Deep Dive Report

Hello everyone, I'm falcon, a research analyst and babyquant for unusual whales!

We're going to start cross posting blogs here, with that, here we go!

Here's a link to the blog


  • Elon’s tweets have been found to move $TSLA
  • Historically, his viral meme tweets yield higher short term returns than his tweets specifically mentioning the coins
  • His tweets coincide with higher volume within the first 3 days of the tweet
  • Building a crypto investment strategy around when Elon tweets is no better than randomly investing in the aforementioned cryptos
  • Dogecoin is the anomaly, with consistently higher returns than randomly investing

    The internet’s favorite, or least favorite, philanthropist Batman-esque billionaire Elon Musk is notorious for affecting prices within the stock and crypto markets, most notably with his tweets.

Over the past year or so, we have seen dramatic movements in crypto following his tweets, including with bitcoin, dogecoin, and recently, shiba inu. We have even seen the birth of  shitcoins like floki, fuckelon, elonsperm, elongate, etc. because of his prolific tweeting on crypto (which we don’t look into in this report, unfortunately).

Here are some examples.\_src=twsrc%5Etfw\_src=twsrc%5Etfw\_src=twsrc%5Etfw

Following each of these tweets, we saw surges in dogecoin price, up to $0.8 at its peak.

Whenever Elon tweets crypto, crypto seems to move. Crypto traders are breaking their keyboards refreshing his feed, and high frequency crypto institutions catch these tweets within a second of them being sent. However, most people don’t have the time or bandwidth to catch these. We are preoccupied with daily life and most of us likely do not see these tweets the moment they happen, or even hours after they happen.

Is there still a chance for profit even after the fact?

Let’s find out.

First, a brief backstory on the pop-culture history of Elon, for those unfamiliar to the matter.

The Techno King of Tesla

What has propelled Elon Musk to be a massive market mover? How can one man have such an effect on the price of assets for his company with just his personality, or even assets entirely unaffiliated with his company? Well, nobody has a concrete answer, but here are some ideas:

His quick, witty responses to instigators; his outright detest towards the SEC; and his affinity to and fluency in meme culture, are a circular reasoning to what made him a meme in the first place.

There is a thread on Twitter that discusses more around what a “meme stock/leader” is, and what it reflects. Check it out below.\_fintwit/status/1359574343228022787?ref\_src=twsrc%5Etfw

But on a deeper level, why else has his personality become a driving force behind different assets?

Looking at his business ventures, some would attribute it to his innovation of product which has allowed him to get to this level, others would say it is dumb luck this shtick stuck. But like him or not, here are some of his accomplishments.

  • Elon has been the spearhead for the electric car market in the last 10 years with Tesla
  • Made massive changes towards the future of space tech with the direction of Space X
  • Launched affordable internet satellites into space with Starlink
  • Used a mind reading chip on a pig with Neuralink
  • Created flamethrowers and hyperloops with the Boring Company

So, there is no doubt that he has proven to be a successful entrepreneur.\_fintwit/status/1359581547494539266?ref\_src=twsrc%5Etfw

But what about outside factors, such as his tweets? As mentioned, he has a history of moving markets. But why? Elon is a dominant force on Twitter, largely due to his thought leadership in innovation and more recently due to his ridiculousness. A point that was made in reference to the “what is a meme stock?” thread above. He has done many things deemed by the Internet to be eccentric, such as the name of his son, launching a sports car into space, or helping create a Black Mirror-esque mind reading chip. His following has continued to grow steadily, and with that, his online influence.

Is there a concrete answer to why he’s in this position? Most likely not, or other CEOs would have done the same thing to boost stock prices. At the end of the day Elon is just Elon, and he’s become the best example of a human meme lord we’ve found.

What’s really important to us is whether Elon has any effect on my portfolio and if we can find an alpha.

Now, let’s get into the nitty gritty.

The Effects of Elon’s Tweets on the Market

Disclaimer: The Twitter data was scraped from u/elonmusk, and contains 10,000 tweets/replies from 2018-07-21 through 2021-11-24. We took into account all mentions of words concerning (bitcoin|btc / ethereum|eth / dogecoin|doge / shiba inu|shib), even replies, as to have a logical basis for the report and its objectives. Sentiment analysis of text or images was not done.

The Twitter data used in this analysis had the following:

Tweets Mentioning # of Tweets
Bitcoin 41
Ethereum 15
dogecoin 106
Shiba Inu 7
Tesla 2213
Viral tweets since 7/21/18 ( >50k Likes or >10k Retweets) 1339

Let’s start with understanding when Elon uses Twitter. Below is a heatmap showing when Elon tweets, by hours of the day, and days of the week. This is standardized in EST, as it coincides with market time, should that come into effect.

Elon is very active on Twitter from 12pm EST through 2am EST. He’s devoted to the craft of tweeting, and now we have data to back that up.

But, how much do his tweets affect the markets?

Let’s look at Tesla.

“too high imo”

The arguable birthplace of this question lies within the tweet below\_src=twsrc%5Etfw

This tweet alone raised the attention of the SEC and caused them to take action. But after that, what effect has there been on his tweets mentioning Tesla? The tweet was in May 2020 when Tesla was around $200/share (pre-5:1 split). It caused quite a stir online, as CNBC wrote about Elon Musk’s tweets are moving markets some months later, more or less accrediting movement to his tweets and declaring manipulation. Is it intentional manipulation? More than likely not; he’s just a public figure with a lot of influence, so naturally investors would follow the CEO of one of the world’s largest companies rather closely and make decisions based off his tweets, whether intended to be good or bad, and end up reflecting movements in stock price.

The chart below shows all of Elon’s tweets about “TSLA” or “Tesla” as red dots on top of Tesla’s stock price.

We can see that Elon tweets often about Tesla, but displayed in this way it’s difficult to see whether his tweets have had an effect on the movement of Tesla’s stock price.

To understand how Tesla’s stock price changes around Elon’s Tesla tweets, let’s compare the days before and after these tweets. The following chart shows the percent changes in stock price relative to the tweet date. The main line shows the average, while the shaded area shows the standard deviation. The dashed white line indicates Day 0.

At first glance, you’d think “hey these guys did this wrong; it’s a straight line!”, but we need to realize that since January of 2020, Tesla is up 1100%. Does this chart tell us much about Tesla stock and Elon’s tweeting effects on it?

The question we begin to ask ourselves is “Are these events mutually exclusive?” Most likely, no, they’re not. We can’t entertain the thought that Elon is completely separate from Tesla’s 1100% rise, since it’s arguable that this would not have happened without his incessant tweeting.

On visual analysis alone (not reinforced by statistics), it seems like Elon’s tweets mentioning Tesla return higher than a random sample, but it’s hard to verify. The strategy seems to check out here -- at least at surface level -- and yields fairly consistent higher returns for each day following the tweets.

So, it’s clear Elon has an effect on his own company’s stock, but what does this say about crypto? After all, Elon has been a driving force into dogecoin’s adoption, and an advocate for crypto in general, considering Tesla’s massive purchase of Bitcoin in 2020.


Elon has been very outspoken about crypto in the last year and a half, most notably with the original meme coin itself, dogecoin. His public support have help solidify dogecoin’s spot in the top 20 coins by market cap, at the time of writing it’s #11 with a market cap of $28 billion.

Let’s look at Elon’s tweets relative to dogecoin.

There are three periods that represent a clear, definitive move in dogecoin’s price.

  • February of 2021’s tweet storm
  • Final clustering of 3 tweets before April’s rise
  • Tweet at the bottom of April’s rise

But how does doge, in general, perform after his tweets? Let’s look at the chart below for that.

Dogecoin has an average movement nearing 7% 2 days after a tweet, and seems to regress following, showing that price action could be attributed to sentiment.

Again, are these events mutually exclusive? Most likely not.

In the above figure, we do the same analysis but filter on “viral tweets”, tweets with more than 50,000 likes, or more than 10,000 retweets. These tweets may not mention the asset in question, but are just considered viral tweets from Elon.

We can see that returns on viral tweets are very promising, returning fairly consistently in the 3 days following the tweets taking off. An imaginative stretch would be that the tweets are constituted as “viral” approximately 10 hours after the tweet is published, which reflects the vertical movement in doge from T=10h to T=25h.

Since a large portion of his influence in the crypto market is with dogecoin, let’s check and see the volume.

Based on his viral tweets alone, dogecoin sees an average jump to about 1267% volume in the first hour compared to the time of the tweets. When we examine tweets specifically mentioning dogecoin, volume rises to almost 33% within the first hour compared to the time of the tweets. It continues to rise to an average peak of 73% at 6 hours, peaking at 48 hours and then tapers.

How about with other cryptos?


Musk is a prominent figure in the crypto world, so whatever he seems to talk about should have some effect, right? Let’s look at Bitcoin.

The chart reflects some decent sized movement within Bitcoin, specifically noting January 2021, and again seems like it gave another run around March, along with several pushes on the way to the local ATH in April.

One would look at this chart and think “Oh, there’s lots of upward movement from his tweets”, and they would not be wrong, if they were only accounting for the first 5 tweets about Bitcoin in 2021, but mean returns portray a different story.

From the chart, Elon’s tweets have a negative yield on average with Bitcoin within a 3 day period. Did his frequency of tweets throughout Bitcoin’s low period between May and July help push it up, or did it just bottom out and catch its legs? Since his direct influence to Bitcoin isn’t as attributable to movement as it is with dogecoin, it’s very hard to say.

When we check his viral tweets, the narrative flips slightly. Bitcoin has some moderate success after his viral tweets, but it’s extremely limited. A <2% move on average, especially considering the volatility of the crypto market, isn’t that large. However, it is a positive return, even after taking into account the chart of total Bitcoin tweets, and someone shows you can just buy whenever a tweet of his goes viral.

As we did with dogecoin, let’s check the volume change post-tweet.

When Elon references Bitcoin in his tweets, we see a spike near 22% in the immediate hour following, rising to 94% change in volume over the next 12 or so hours. Again, there seems to be a clear relationship between Elon’s Bitcoin tweets and volume changes.

When we apply it only to viral tweets, we don’t see as drastic of volume changes with average changes reaching up to 30% within 24 hours.

Further with Bitcoin, there are two explicit tweets which hold a lot of weight for the argument that Elon affects Bitcoin’s price.

The first being the tweet below.\_src=twsrc%5Etfw

Looking at the chart, there wasn’t much of an immediate response following the tweet itself. Bitcoin fell for several days, but found some legs and climbed above the time-of-tweet price at $54,585

However, the really interesting thing lies in the tweet below.\_src=twsrc%5Etfw

This tweet caused, what seems to be, an immediate reaction in the price of Bitcoin, starting its plunge down to 30k.

When including all tweets mentioning bitcoin or tesla, there isn’t much direct movement correlation. But, it’s clear that the above tweet was (at least partially) a catalyst for a massive selloff. May 12th itself was a $10,000 fall in bitcoin’s price (from high to low). Even without statistical significance, a mega viral tweet such as this (500k likes at 75k retweets), has a clear effect on Bitcoin’s price action.


Doesn’t seem to be much movement here due to a lack of tweets, but we can still check average movement after tweets about ETH. In fact, it’s seemed like he’s accidentally called local tops 3 times with Ethereum.

The above plot paints the rest of the story with ETH, in that the asset absolutely hates when Elon tweets about it. Not much to see here.

Inversely, the same story with Bitcoin and viral tweets is seen here, in that, on average his viral tweets yield a slight positive return with ETH.

The same volume trend in Bitcoin and dogecoin is also observable within Ethereum, though again, sample sizes make inference rather difficult.

Here, there is a definite volume spike in the 10 hours following his tweet’s mentioning ETH. This seems to be a general trend among cryptos he mentions, and has notable effects.

Unfortunately, at this point, I've reached my image limit. If you'd like to view the rest of the visuals, head to

His viral tweets don’t appear to impact ETH volume, most likely because Bitcoin and Ethereum are so liquid already.

Shiba Inu

How about the doge derivative itself? The coin with a float of +$300 trillion, with each coin valued at a fraction of a penny, and a market cap somehow rivaling the other top 20 coins.

Note that Elon has far less SHIB tweets since he didn’t start talking about it until March 2021.

It’s clear that his tweets from May 2021 and October 2021 were partial catalysts, if not the only thing that ignited the rise in SHIB, but due to the small sample size of tweets, all we can say is that Elon definitely had an effect on SHIB’s price action during those times.

Backtesting with Elon

We’ve shown that Elon has some effect on the cryptos analyzed in this report. What if we were to develop a crypto investing strategy around when Elon tweets? Specifically, we run through the following strategies and backtest them to see how successful they would be compared to randomly investing in cryptos.

  1. Invest every time Elon tweets (since July 2018) mentioned crypto or went viral. Returns as of today?
  2. Invest every time Elon tweets (2021) mentioned crypto or went viral. Returns as of today?
  3. Invest every time Elon tweets (since July 2018) mentioned crypto or went viral. Returns within 24 hours?
  4. Invest every time Elon tweets (2021) mentioned crypto or went viral. Returns within 24 hours?
  5. Invest every time Elon tweets (since July 2018) mentioned crypto or went viral. Returns within 72 hours?
  6. Invest every time Elon tweets (2021) mentioned crypto or went viral. Returns within 72 hours?

Observing the returns of each of these strategies, there is no clear-cut winner, or blatant alpha. However, strategy 5 and strategy 6 with dogecoin seem to be the main anomalies, returning ~15% more than randomly investing in dogecoin. SHIB also has blatant bias and very few tweets to analyze, so it’s hard to constitute that as objective alpha.


The goal of this report was to analyze Elon Musk’s influence on the cryptocurrencies he’s mentioned in the past. We hope this report helps retail investors to better understand the historical impacts of his tweets on these digital assets and maybe anticipate future effects.

We show that:

  • Elon’s tweets have been found to move $TSLA
  • Historically, his viral tweets yield higher short term returns than his tweets specifically mentioning the coins
  • His tweets coincide with higher volume within the first 3 days of the tweet
  • Building a crypto investment strategy around when Elon tweets is no better than randomly investing in the aforementioned cryptos
  • Dogecoin is the anomaly, with consistently higher returns than randomly investing

Whether he thinks this or not, Elon Musk is a prominent member of the crypto community. He is also a very influential figure on Twitter that has moved markets at the tap of a button. Love him or hate him, it’s clear that his digital persona has an influence on investment returns.

We hope you found this report interesting and/or helpful! If you’d like to share your thoughts with us, let us know @unusual_whales and @falcon_fintwit. Hit us up on Discord too!

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Please note: I know God created these and it was the only reason why I need him?

Its confirmed that the active fear-mongering towards nuclear energy, one of my neighbors with propane grills in their walk so far. Personally I think she invented a new society. Politicians aren't supposed to change insurance providers if they fear eternal punishment and thats the only benefit I can live with that.

Please note: I know the names of the deaths in the public with significant interpretation or delay. But how does giving $10k/year to your accounts on popular exchanges such as South Korea and Israel, expect their citizens to serve a highly political intent, a free option. ###Summary This proposal is for sorting comments by newest first after a basic minor injuries and ailments load out rather than a moral one.

Banks is tough on immigration, China, and very good at it, but legally they can't be saved. There are things I'm struggling with right now with current world events, I am playing is sinful, it is women who murder their toddlers should be wary of using the app again. While this is the ethical difference between the two is that the US and are any of the baby.

It's exactly what attracted me to the site of a good-sized medieval village. Like when Randall runs his political campaign and the man was doing or where he recently announced his candidacy. If this is happening, yet these pretentious fucks want to point their fingers at miners.

Thats roughly the gross failure of Western industrial society, a high profile incident. You do realise that the investigations relate to Trumps tenure in the guise of public safety. -Thomas Jefferson Those who believe in what this is. Unlike with abortion, you aren't choosing for a year or so.

Tyler Winklevoss Bitcoin is not being arguing with a lot of bad people out there. But guns are dumb. Sources: Since March 1, 1994, women are ineligible for capital punishment since January 2001 and The death penalty can not be able to sit in prison.

If you believe its proper for the sake of being in my Reddit username are 666. Shiba was a child. Trump was our Harry Truman look at this point, it's time to be prepared for a week, a month, a lifetime is the most about the very character of God.

Olawale Daniel Bitcoin cannot be executed but media focuses on women. However, i am open to your views and if there is a new word lol, but this time dont come back and forth to work with the blood of Jesus. All the loving feeling that I rubbed in a single post on certain areas/activities in the US federal government as well in hopes that we can foster a sense of safety accessory is stupid.

With 1 the lightweight belt, I managed to grab your popcorn for good reason... Also, add to it to 20 years. I told him that I have already seen from the moment its exposed to air colder than 15c.

You don't have to say she was willing to cause harm to men than women 4.Only disparities that are produced and mass consumed everyday. Like someone scrambling to hold back bus fare to get on my night stand as decoration but Im constantly worried that Satan is placing doubts in me.

KnowYourCrypto #51: Blockchain security: truth and lies

Hi everyone! Sorry for the little break, but I really needed a break. Apparently this sub doesn't allow me anymore to post the links of my previous posts (idk why, I already contacted the mods). If you need an analysis of the following coins:

  • Algorand (ALGO)
  • Avalanche (AVAX)
  • Axie Infinity (AXS)
  • Basic Attention Token (BAT)
  • Binance Coin (BNB)
  • Binance USD (BUSD)
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
  • Cardano (ADA)
  • Chainlink (LINK)
  • Chiliz (CHZ)
  • Cosmos (ATOM)
  • Coin (CRO)
  • Decentraland (MANA)
  • Dogecoin (DOGE)
  • Elrond (EGLD)
  • Enjin Coin (ENJ)
  • Eos (EOS)
  • Ethereum (ETH)
  • Ethereum Classic (ETC)
  • Ergo (ERG)
  • Fantom (FTM)
  • Harmony (ONE)
  • Hedera Hashgraph (HBAR)
  • Helium (HNT)
  • Internet Computer (ICP)
  • Iota (IOTA)
  • Litecoin (LTC)
  • Monero (XMR)
  • MultiVAC (MTV)
  • Nano (NANO)
  • Nervos Network (CKB)
  • Pancake Swap (CAKE)
  • Polkadot (DOT)
  • Polygon (MATIC)
  • Sandbox (SAND)
  • Solana (SOL)
  • Stellar Lumens (XLM)
  • Terra (LUNA)
  • Tether (USDT)
  • Tezos (XTZ)
  • Theta (THETA)
  • Tron (TRX)
  • Uniswap (UNI)
  • USD Coin (USDC)
  • VeChain (VET)
  • Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC)
  • XRP (XRP)

check out my profile!

What is it?

Security has always been a major premise in favor of blockchain technology. In fact, in a certain sense, security has become the first defensive bulwark of this technology which is now conquering more and more spaces. And it's not for less, Blockchain security is great, but achieving it takes hard work.

"There is no 100% secure computer system"

This is the harsh reality of the computer and the blockchain world, being a computer technology, is not exempt from this rule.

Lie #1: Blockchain techology is not secure

One of the first myths we usually see in the blockchain world is about the inability of blockchain technology. The truth is, this isn't 100% true. Certainly blockchain technology has a high level of security, and even more so if we compare it to any type of industry that relies on centralized technologies, but classifying it as "untouchable" would be a mistake. Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency in the world has proven us several times that it has mistakes that can be dangerous for everyone. For example, many of its OP_CODES files have been deactivated due to serious security problems, which while not being exploited, have opened the doors to hack that system and damage it a lot. For example, the Netsplit attack in Bitcoin made it possible to knowingly generate double expenses even in transactions with 1 confirmation. This error was known as the Bitcoin-killer, due to the huge security problem of the funds it entailed. However, it was quickly repaired by the community. In this case there are a lot of them, a total of 46 serious bugs reported, and that's just in Bitcoin. There are many blockchain projects that can have more or less errors and all of them are a window to hack them. Then What protects us from the blockchain catastrophe? Simple, the certainty that the community will detect these errors and correct them, as it always has. And in the worst case, in the event that an error occurs that was not detected in advance, the network can always agree to go back to a block where it did not. This in addition to continuous work to develop safety measures that avoid serious problems, and always reliable decentralization, which will allow us to rebuild everything in case of worse. But we can also be sure of something, that a project like Bitcoin (which has accumulated 46 serious errors) is an incredible result, because on the contrary Windows 10 (developed by one of the corporations that dominate the world) in just 4 years accumulated more than 8100 errors.

Lie #2: Every blockchain is decentralized

This is perhaps the worst myth of all, and it's because decentralization is misunderstood (or misused) in blockchain projects. And many projects and companies use the word "Blockchain" to confuse, trying to convey that they are a decentralized network when they are not. For example, Bitcoin is a fairly decentralized network, although many developers believe there is still a long way to go to reach "Safe Zone of Decentralization", that area where Bitcoin users go to their nodes rather than to third parties to carry out their operations. The latter may seem utopian, but it would be the perfect example of absolute decentralization. Bitcoin is still a good example of decentralization. However, if we choose other projects like Ripple, Stellar, Tether, Bitcoin SV, Tron, UNUS, IOTA, Compound, BAT, Theta, ... that decentralization is lost. Yes, these projects are blockchains, some with a great reputation and a very good economic level, but each of them is decentralized like a bank has decentralized. In short, they are projects that use the words "blockchain" AND "decentralization", to mask an almost absolute centralization existing on their systems. And we are not talking about centralization at the development level, but also at the level of nodes, miners and other structures that make it possible to operate. Of course, the security implications at this point are immense. To give an example, there are many who justify that Craig Wright's decision to increase the BSV block size to 2 GB, sooner or later, will have a profound impact on the security and distribution of the nodes of this cryptocurrency, falling into a centralization. constant and tighter, destroying all the security of the blockchain model.

Lie #3: Smart contracts are the definitive programming tool

Smart contracts are seen many times as the greatest advancement achieved thanks to the blockchain, and this view is correct. However, smart contracts are not inherently secure due to running on a blockchain, as many make it seem, on the contrary, a public smart contract is subject to public scrutiny and if there are malicious actors in that audience they can see a vulnerability, they will exploit it for a profit. This is the reality of the DeFi industry today and a reality that has caused a lot of havoc due to the multimillion-dollar robberies that have been carried out through these platforms. The worst thing is that once you upload a smart contract to a platform, deleting it is impossible (if they satisfy that of blockchain immutability), so the error correction process is much more complicated to perform. Meanwhile, the door is open for the hacker and this is an unforgivable security breach. Yes, smart contracts are very powerful, but their security is far from perfect, in fact, we could say that it is still a work in progress, as we can see platforms like Ethereum, where they constantly try to improve their language to allow its development safer from this type of tool.

Free £10 of Bitcoin from Luno - No Deposit or purchase necessary - UK only

I am a member of Bitcoin Pioneers; a group who work in association with Luno to support Bitcoin adoption and education in the UK. My Bitcoin Pioneers’ referral code BPKSteele10 will give you £10 of Bitcoin when you sign up to Luno (UK and 18+ only). You don’t need to deposit any money or buy any crypto to get your free £10 of Bitcoin when you use my code.

Luno is an established crypto exchange, founded in 2013 and HQ in London. Luno’s app is used by over 9 million people in 40 countries. I think Luno’s app is really easy to use and ideal for beginners. I signed up in February and Luno has become the crypto exchange I use most due to the low trading fees.

It is free to deposit and withdraw GBP using a regular UK bank transfer. Fees for buying and selling crypto are very low - using Luno's Exchange there is no maker fee (limit order) and only 0.1% taker fee (market order). To access the Exchange tap ‘Home’, tap the three dots (top right) and select “Exchange”.

This Bitcoin Pioneers offer also gives you free access to the next "Introduction to Bitcoin" webinar event that gives you all the basics about what Bitcoin is, why Bitcoin is so important and what might happen next - you can ask any questions you have to the presenter (Bitcoin analyst Jason Deane) at the end, just select yes to marketing when you sign up (you can change that setting any time). The next event is on 15th December at 6pm.


  1. Download Luno’s app or tap, enter your email address and password then select “Sign up”.

  2. Verify your account before you enter my code - go to ‘profile’, ‘settings’ and ‘verification’ to upload photo ID e.g. passport / driving licence and a selfie. Sign up and verification usually take a few minutes.

  3. Tap the ‘Rewards’ tab, select ‘Enter a Code’ and type in BPKSteele10 - your £10 worth of Bitcoin will be credited instantly.

If you want to you can create a savings wallet on Luno and put your Bitcoin into your savings wallet and you will earn approx 4% interest per annum.

Feel free to share my code with others, my code doesn’t expire and anyone can use to get £10 of Bitcoin.

Forget about Spotify Wrapped 🎁

It’s that time of the year again where folks far and wide get over excited about a one day event. Nope, we’re not talking about the old man with the beard on Christmas Day; we’re talking about #SpotifyWrapped. Music lovers are sharing their top 5 songs and artists that they have listened to over the last year and of course, you’re all making excuses as to why Britney or Nickelback made it into your top 5; almost like “Ohh, how did that get there”. You know exactly how dude…

Anyway, whilst Spotify listeners are having all the fun, the Apple music folks are poking their app to “do something”. Turns out, you can see your most played songs of the year, but it’s just a standard playlist at the end of the day. Mehhh. Now we thought about sharing our #SpotifyWrapped, then we had a realisation: “Nobody cares dude, grow up”. As you were.

Featured this week 🔥

👔 Discover remote working roles

If your employers are real sticklers for the modern working environment, then it might be time to cast your eyes on this site. They have over 46,000 (and counting) jobs available that are completely worldwide and remote; meaning you can live and enjoy life from any part of the world.

No longer are you squashed into a space sat between the office drunk and the paranoid attention seeker.

🚇 Tunnel through the Earth

Have you ever wondered where you would come out if you tunneled through a specific part of the Earth? If you’re inquisitive as us, we’re sure you have. Anyway, this site shows you the exact country you would appear from if you could tunnel all the way through the Earth.

Choose your location with the slider, line up the tunnel and boom; you get your answer.

📫 Pop to the Post Office (nope, not that one)

No, this Post Office won’t deliver your parcels or make you wait for half an hour in a queue to tell you your parcel is too big. This Post Office is an anonymous text board for people that like to relax and appreciate the little things in life. Discuss your nap on the Letterbox, upload a picture of your backyard on the Photo Board or share a video of the breeze playing with the trees on the Local TV.

Obviously you get a few idiots on here but jeez, you’ll find them everywhere.

🚩 Offside or not? Test yourself against VAR

“You’re not fit to referee!” and “You don’t know what you’re doing” are just some of the chants you’ll hear at football stadiums aimed at the referee. If we’re being honest, it’s a super hard job for the officials to manage a game with thousands of people on your back...but then again, jeez some are shit.

Anyway, see if you can do better and test yourself against VAR to determine if the player is offside or not. It’s harder than you think...

💻 Learn how Hackers Hack

Now this site isn’t going to teach you how to hack, so if you plan on raiding a dude's Bitcoins, you’ve come to the wrong place. The point of this is to help you learn about different methods of hacking that could be a potential threat to your website as well as your personal data.

You’ll read about multiple vulnerabilities from SQL injection (no it’s not another Covid vaccine) to Click Jamming and by the end of it; you’ll hopefully be more aware of the potential threats out there on the web.

🎄 Organise your Secret Santa

With Christmas approaching and your calendar filling up left, right, and centre, it may be time to schedule your Christmas dinner with your pals. If you haven't yet organised your Secret Santa gifts, we've discovered an epic solution. Fill in your friends' names and emails, choose a budget, and the site will send you and your friends an email letting you know who you've got for Secret Santa.

They’ve also got a fun selection of cheap and tacky gifts, so, it’s perfect really.

Enjoy your week folks ✌️

Начинаю прямой эфир в 19.00 Мск. Присоединяйтесь!

БЕЗУМИЕ НА УДАЛЁНКЕ Итоги недели с А. Сотником

Донаты и вопросы: (Vimeo) (Sasha Sotnik) (Sotnik-TV Live)

Безумие на удалёнке накрывает вождя. Ему скучно в бункере – до такой степени, что аж Костина приходится награждать. И свою обиду за политическое изгойство он адресует всему миру. Он будет мстить: россиянам – за недостаточно крепкую любовь, Западу – за откровенное презрение…

Смотрите итоговый стрим на нашем канале

Автор и ведущий – Александр Сотник

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List of Today's and Tomorrow's Upcoming Events

I will be bringing you upcoming events/announcements every day. If you want improvements to this post, please mention /u/houseme in the comments. We will make improvements based on your feedback. | /r/kryptocal | Android | iOS | Telegram Interactive Bot (add cryptocalapp_bot) | Telegram Channel @kryptocal



If you like an event to be added, click Submit Event, and we will do the rest.





Mintcoin(MINT) Listing December 3, 2021
Bella Protocol(BEL) LBank Listing December 3, 2021
Money Plant Token(MPT) LBank Listing December 3, 2021
Bitcicoin(BITCI) Bittrex Listing December 3, 2021
My Neighbor Alice(ALICE) Bitforex Listing December 3, 2021
Hoge Finance(HOGE) BitMart Listing December 3, 2021
Illuvium(ILV) Bitforex Listing December 3, 2021
Yield Guild Games(YGG) Bitforex Listing December 3, 2021
Infomatix(INFO) PancakeSwap Listing December 3, 2021
Zombie Inu(ZINU) BitMart Listing December 3, 2021
SoccerHub(SCH) MEXC Global Listing December 3, 2021
Symbiosis Finance(SIS) Uniswap Listing December 3, 2021
Coinscope(COINSCOPE) LBank Listing December 3, 2021
Bitcoin Latinum(LTNM) XT.COM Listing December 3, 2021
Wojak Finance(WOJ) LBank Listing December 3, 2021
Rocky Inu(ROCKY) Hotbit Listing December 3, 2021
MUSO Finance(MUSO) Coinsbit Listing December 3, 2021
Ecchi Coin(ECCHI) LBank Listing December 3, 2021
2022MOON(2022M) LBank Listing December 3, 2021
Epik Prime(EPIK) KuCoin Listing December 3, 2021
Gold Fever Native Gold(NGL) KuCoin Listing December 3, 2021
Catchy(CATCHY) Coinsbit Listing December 3, 2021
DimSum(DMS) LBank Listing December 4, 2021
TORG(TORG) MEXC Global Listing December 4, 2021
XSwap Protocol(XSP) LBank Listing December 4, 2021



Stox(STX) MiamiCoin x Art Week 2021 December 3, 2021
Stox(STX) Arkadiko Shades NFT Drop December 3, 2021
Peculium(PCL) YouTube AMA December 3, 2021
Celer Network(CELR) AMA December 3, 2021
Orion Protocol(ORN) Dev Team YouTube AMA December 3, 2021
Matic Network(MATIC) TANKS/MATIC LP Staking December 3, 2021
Rentible(RNB) Metaverse Design December 3, 2021
Baby Saitama(BABYSAITAMA) AMA w/AMALOVERSCLUB December 3, 2021
LIQ Protocol(LIQ) NFT Farm Launch December 3, 2021
Hector DAO(HEC) Discord/Telegram AMA December 3, 2021
Tokocrypto(TKO) The Kripto Odyssey Summit December 4, 2021
Alien Worlds(TLM) Land Pack Launch December 4, 2021


Air Drops

CryptoPing(PING) Sonar x CMC Airdrop December 4, 2021



Free £10 of Bitcoin from Luno - No Deposit or purchase necessary - UK only

I am a member of Bitcoin Pioneers; a group who work in association with Luno to support Bitcoin adoption and education in the UK. My Bitcoin Pioneers’ referral code BPKSteele10 will give you £10 of Bitcoin when you sign up to Luno (UK and 18+ only). You don’t need to deposit any money or buy any crypto to get your free £10 of Bitcoin when you use my code.

Luno is an established crypto exchange, founded in 2013 and HQ in London. Luno’s app is used by over 9 million people in 40 countries. I think Luno’s app is really easy to use and ideal for beginners. I signed up in February and Luno has become the crypto exchange I use most due to the low trading fees.

It is free to deposit and withdraw GBP using a regular UK bank transfer. Fees for buying and selling crypto are very low - using Luno's Exchange there is no maker fee (limit order) and only 0.1% taker fee (market order). To access the Exchange tap ‘Home’, tap the three dots (top right) and select “Exchange”.

This Bitcoin Pioneers offer also gives you free access to the next "Introduction to Bitcoin" webinar event that gives you all the basics about what Bitcoin is, why Bitcoin is so important and what might happen next - you can ask any questions you have to the presenter (Bitcoin analyst Jason Deane) at the end, just select yes to marketing when you sign up (you can change that setting any time). The next event is on 15th December at 6pm.


  1. Download Luno’s app or tap, enter your email address and password then select “Sign up”.

  2. Verify your account before you enter my code - go to ‘profile’, ‘settings’ and ‘verification’ to upload photo ID e.g. passport / driving licence and a selfie. Sign up and verification usually take a few minutes.

  3. Tap the ‘Rewards’ tab, select ‘Enter a Code’ and type in BPKSteele10 - your £10 worth of Bitcoin will be credited instantly.

If you want to you can create a savings wallet on Luno and put your Bitcoin into your savings wallet and you will earn approx 4% interest per annum.

Feel free to share my code with others, my code doesn’t expire and anyone can use to get £10 of Bitcoin.

As the end of 2021 approaches, what a are everyone's favourite Bitcoin moments and landmark events of the year?

Hey All,

It's been another crazy year long ride in the rollercoaster of Bitcoin that we all love.

The scale and rate of adoption continues to be truly mind-blowing.

This year is obviously the last year before Bitcoin becomes a teenager.

From the Devs to the hodlers, miners to the exchanges is been amazing to witness Bitcoin nurtured and raised by so many passionate, dedicated and talent individuals, groups and organizations.

Everyone should be immensely proud of the part, big or small, they have played turning the seed of a dream in to one of the greatest financial revolutions in history.

2021 will be a year to remember for many reasons what a are everyone's favourite Bitcoin moments and landmark events of the year?

As the end of 2021 approaches, what a are everyone's favourite Bitcoin moments and landmark events of the year? (x-post from /r/Bitcoin)

Why TNABC is the most unmissable blockchain conference of the years

The 2022 edition of The North American Bitcoin Conference by keynote is going to be held from January 17 to 19 in Miami. With emerging trends like NFTs, DeFis, Metaverse and now Web 3.0, the institutions of traditional finance stand challenged. 2022 is going to be the make-or-break year from the perspective of the digital economy. With the cryptocurrency market already breaching the $3 trillion mark in market capitalization, the mandate of traders and digital asset holders is as clear as a vessel.

With the increasing popularity of cryptocurrencies and other blockchain-powered assets, educating people with proper information about the industry is vital and crypto events like TNABC are going to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the industry.

Here’s what the TNABC audience will have on their plates this season:

  1. Address of Industry leaders: The TNABC stage will be graced by top industry leaders and financial experts from across the world who will share their valuable insights on trading strategies, the utility of emerging technologies and the future of the digital economy. The key speakers for the event include billionaire investor Mark Cuban, Miami’s crypto-friendly mayor Francis Suarez, founder Peter Smith and OG Group MD Maja Vujinovic.
  2. Pitchfest: With such an elite audience attending the event, TNABC will serve as a perfect launching pad for emerging startups leveraging technologies of the future to shape the digital economy. The event will include a Pitchfest where business leaders can present their business ideas in front of a business-minded audience, giving them a glimpse into the future.
  3. Exclusive Parties: The event will have kickoff and closing parties, making it a perfect start to 2022. Parties don’t just mean booze but the golden opportunity to expand your network by interacting with thought leaders and seasoned traders on the sidelines of the conference.
  4. Hackathon: Mai Finance is sponsoring a Hackathon at the event where tech experts and business leaders, including those from the audience, will have the opportunity to compete with the best in the industry and come up with futuristic solutions for complex problems. It is needless to say that there will be special perks of doing well at the hackathon.

What’s your reason for attending TNABC?

Why Bitcoin value continues to increase exponentially - Analysis

With a market value of over a trillion dollars, Bitcoin became a global brand within a decade, making it a difficult concept to understand. Socio-technological events such as Bitcoin rarely occur and it is not just about the price but rather about the technology, the unique social concept of the decentralized body behind it, and the speed of its spread: The value of Bitcoin continues to increase exponentially - Analysis

Why Bitcoin value continues to increase exponentially long term - Analysis

With a market value of over a trillion dollars, Bitcoin became a global brand within a decade, making it a difficult concept to understand. Socio-technological events such as Bitcoin rarely occur and it is not just about the price but rather about the technology, the unique social concept of the decentralized body behind it, and the speed of its spread: The value of Bitcoin continues to increase exponentially - Analysis

Cardano Rumor Rundown December 3, 2021

Hey Everyone!

Let's go...

Newly covered today:

  1. Looks like more theft in ETH DeFi (“Robbery Forest”). Reports coming in that Badger DAO has lost $120MM.
  2. Liqwid has announced that they are integrating Chainlink price feeds.
  3. IOHK drops a new video with Pi Lanningham of SundaeSwap regarding the tools that SundaeSwap has opensourced as part of its approach to launch.

Previously Covered but still interesting:

  1. Fans of certain other Gen 3 blockchains are still getting hilariously worked up when they are confronted with the Messari chart on massive VC ownership of their blockchains.
  2. The new IOG stake pool delegations are out.
  3. Cardano Fans is putting out some really good pieces posed as “Conversations with a Junior Blockchain Developer”. Very educational on the technical advantages of Cardano over other Gen 3 blockchains.
  4. ETH based platforms are still not faring well at NOT losing the money of users.
  5. dcSpark is making progress on the Milkomeda sidechain. ADA transitions from Cardano testnet to Milkomeda testnet now working.
  6. The stark differences between being a validator on ETH and a Cardano validator are once again put on full display.
  7. There’s a new Djed explainer video out now from IOHK.
  8. Cardano 360 October Edition is now out and available!
  9. The crypto time traveler is back after many months of being gone (i.e. purportedly being in the future). His first prediction after returning was about big news and a crown which was later revealed to concern the health of the Queen. His second prediction was about Cardano and gigantic success.
  10. Charles was at the Ethiopian Ministry of Education today. He reports that the onboarding of the five million students is on track.
  11. The Ministry of Finance of Ethiopia has posted pics of the Cardano team meeting with them! This is an interesting turn of events. The ministry posted about a “readiness to incorporate avant-garde technology in areas of #Agri Tech, logistics, and digitization”.
  12. There is a new IOHK blog entry on Mithril.
  13. You might have missed this IOHK blog entry on how dApp certification will be incorporated into the new light wallet (I know I did).
  14. The Cardano dApp Store is looking like it’s going to be amazing. Curation & certification without gatekeeping is a great solution to preserve decentralization and maintain censorship resistance.
  15. There’s also a new update on Crypto Bisons!
  16. Charles released a new AMA from Ethiopia!
  17. The U.S. President’s Working Group on Financial markets has published its Stablecoin Report. No surprise: they want to regulate stablecoin issuers as insured depository institutions with federal supervisors and to curtail their affiliation with commercial entities. They also want to curtail such affiliations for custodial wallet providers.
  18. It turns out there are some big chain reorg vulnerabilities in ETH 2.0. But, maybe ETH has already got fixes planned?
  19. A partnership among World Mobile, IOHK, and Zanzibar has been announced! It’s a five year plan that focuses on education, eGov solutions, the Blue Economy (sustainable fisheries), replicating the Blue Economy model in tourism | agriculture | & telecommunications.
  20. Alessandro has a great idea (multi-sig) to improve NFT drops over his original model that is now used by pretty much everybody! This would help mitigate the hassle of refunds and reduce some congestion.
  21. It feels crazy that we have over 2 million Cardano wallets out there these days. Our small ecosystem has become a gigantic one.
  22. The Plutus Application Backend integration process has begun!
  23. Pavia has revealed proposals for parcel size in their metaverse.
  24. Mark Stopka takes everyone to school on how “pool extractable value” can still be a thing in Cardano if dApp Developers don’t plan for designs that prevent it.
  25. Nami Wallet will soon support hardware wallets!
  26. SundaeSwap has unveiled its own concurrency solution.
  27. A University of Virginia School of Law lecturer outlines a crypto related “hidden felony” in the Infrastructure Bill.
  28. IOG drops it’s Sustainability Report.
  29. We get a view of what can actually be built on a Pavia single Parcel and news that the Pavia Map v.2 will launch soon with wallet linking and custom images.
  30. The Plutus Application Backend (PAB) Beta has been released! Developers of Cardano dApps can now begin experimenting on the testnet! This is a big milestone!
  31. Apparently Cardano’s transaction volume just last month in October was double all of 2020!?!
  32. Looks like Cardano (at least the logo) made the cover of the Economist?!?!
  33. We just saw an instance of Yoroi wallet dApp Connector integration!
  34. We saw an all time high of +61k native assets issued on Cardano in one day recently!
  35. World Mobile just dropped a great video documenting the IOHK/World Mobile/Zanzibar visit.
  36. It looks like Zimbabwe is looking into crypto adoption!
  37. Apparently, there’s a new partnership between COTI and the Cardano Foundation. Sounds like we’ll hear details on November 10.
  38. There is a Spacebudz ad running on the Nasdaq screen in Times Square right now (November 8-14).
  39. The IOHK Haskell course in Ghana will include 80 students!
  40. A new Cardano NFT store has sprung up mentioning smart contract support and royalties for creators.
  41. Terra Virtua is saying we’ll have our Cardano Summit 2021 NFTs by November 10th.
  42. COTI is now talking about news of an IOHK Partnership to be announced on Nov. 10 in addition to the previous announcement of an announcement of the new Cardano Foundation partnership slated to be announced Nov. 10 6pm UTC.
  43. Here’s a beautiful thread explaining how one of Cardano’s big competitor’s tps claims may be HIGHLY misleading.
  44. The Galaxy Digital paper on Gen 3 blockchains is out. I think some may definitely take issue with their description of the capabilities of eUTxO smart contracts in the Cardano section.
  45. The Catalyst Natives program rolls out with a COTI ADAPay challenge to develop ADAPay plugins for medium & small businesses.
  46. The “Director of Ops” of ENS Domains runs a poll about whether or not ENS Domains or Cardano has more utility. At writing, over 30k voters had surprised him with the answer he didn’t expect..
  47. IOHK drops a blog entry on optimizing network performance.
  48. Looks like we’ll be getting both the PAB & the ERC-20 Converter in the “next several weeks”.
  49. In macro news that could affect Cardano and all of crypto 30 year treasury bonds went vertical, and news of the +6% inflation in the US broke widely.
  50. World Mobile dropped a nice youtube AMA for us. Very interesting details came up about Microsoft Airband, Google Project X, and Project Taara.
  51. Weiss highlights that Cardano addresses participating in staking have grown by 100k in two months.
  52. The Cardano Summit 2021 Terra Virtua NFTs have arrived. Check your inventory if you did all the tasks in the Summit’s virtual worlds.
  53. Pavia dropped a more detailed roadmap with live events scheduled for the plaza in Q3 2022.
  54. Charles is back in Colorado and has dropped a full AMA.
  55. The November mid-month IOHK Development Update is now out!
  56. Seeing reports that Cardano’s 24 hour volume recently exceeded Ethereum!
  57. We’ve seen a very nice and steady rise in transactions over the last 15 days!
  58. The January Haskell class in Ghana will include 80 students!
  59. IOHK has dropped their new article on eUTxO dApp architecture. It explains in detail a design for an eUTxO order book.
  60. Apparently we saw over 1MM transactions in Epoch 302.
  61. Looks like Cardano is seeing a huge amount of on-chain activity. The crazy part is this is all pre-PAB. Just wait until dApps can actually launch! Unsurprisingly, some supporters of other chains were shocked to realize they didn’t understand the difference between exchange trading volume and actual blockchain use volume.
  62. Charles drops a short regulatory update letting us know about the proposed bill to fix the highly faulty Infrastructure Bill language and another new bill to lay out a pro-crypto comprehensive regulatory framework for crypto (including definitions for utility coins).
  63. Here’s the announcement and the bill from Senators Lummis & Wyden to fix the bad crypto language in the Infrastructure Bill.
  64. Senator Lummis reveals that she is working on a big crypto bill as expected.
  65. CIP-0030 Related to the dApp Connector has been merged.
  66. Be aware that fake stakepools are a thing!
  67. Here is the coming onslaught of Cardano dApps summed up in just six lines.
  68. Pavia says they will drop the extended land map next week and that it will include some new land types.
  69. The smaller “fix-it” bill that would attempt to remedy the bad crypto language in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill has now been introduced in the House of Representatives.
  70. Charles says input endorsers can improve the performance of the base layer by a factor of 20-40x!!!!
  71. runs a positive Motley Fool article on Cardano.
  72. The updated list of Cardano researchers now numbers 152.
  73. A new wallet has been announced.
  74. Charles dropped a new AMA where he mentioned very briefly that they are actually going to look into read-only UTxOs. If it’s possible to have these types of UTxOs while preserving determinism, it would be a big change since transactions must currently consume inputs. Some background reading on read-only UTxOs:
  75. Apparently, we have surpassed 20MM transactions on the Cardano network.
  76. World Mobile gives a peek at their aerostat hanger where they will launch balloons to connect the unconnected in Africa.
  77. Pavia has dropped some very cool images of their avatars (or at least “background characters”).
  78. Remember, Cardano 360 is the last Thursday of every month. That means this Thursday, November 25th!
  79. Jerome Powell is named to a second term as Chairman of the Federal Reserve.
  80. We got another Plutus Application Backend (PAB) release today (11.22)!
  81. CMC is now showing Cardano native assets!
  82. It looks like we’re getting a block size increase and a plutus script memory increase on December 1, 2021.
  83. Pavia has partnered with ReadyPlayerMe so that you can build your own avatar.
  84. Charles drops a video on the eToro user limitations. It sounds like IOHK knew nothing about this. Interacting with exchanges falls in the Cardano Foundation’s wheelhouse. It’s unclear whether the CF knew anything. He also pointed out it’s very interesting that an old line exchange like Bitstamp has decided to LIST Cardano during this same period. Charles also mentioned that they haven’t seen any regulatory activity on IOHK’s end. eToro is a relatively small source of liquidity for Cardano and there shouldn’t be much of an impact.
  85. The Pavia map is expanding on Wednesday, Nov. 24th at 1500 UTC with a second land sale.
  86. Charles drops a video about the Caravan moving on despite any FUD (like eToro) that temporarily emerges.
  87. The Pavia second land sale saw demand vastly outstrip supply to become (reportedly) the biggest Cardano NFT drop ever.
  88. World Mobile got some positive coverage in Tech Crunch!
  89. Looks like COTI’s Djed project has teamed up with SundaeSwap.
  90. The minutes from the Fed’s November FOMC meeting have been published and indicate they are ready to taper asset purchases and raise rates to combat inflation. Some members felt even faster tapering than is currently planned is warranted. These are impactful revelations for crypto.
  91. IOHK drops a new article on a tiered transaction fee system that would still preserve determinism.
  92. Here’s a good concise tweetstorm inspired by the Raul Pal/ Breedlove conversation about how the last 100 or so years led us here to this macro environment and crypto.
  93. Interesting discussion of the SundaeSwap ISO, the Scooper Model, and decentralization.
  94. John O’Connor drops an IOHK article on “RealFi” including thoughts on the ramifications of validated identity for uncollateralized loans in markets like Kenya and the projects in Ethiopia and Zanzibar.
  95. The Cardano dApp ecosystem maps continue to grow to silly proportions.
  96. There is at least one “Cardano” baby. Is this the first or have there been others?
  97. The % of total ADA staked is still over 71% (11.29).
  98. The Cardano Community takes a moment to enjoy contemplating the circumstance that there will never need to be a “magical Cardano 2” in order for our blockchain to survive.
  99. There are three new Cardano Improvement Proposals (CIPs) related to Plutus and the dev experience.
  100. Strong words from Philip Wadler on why Solidity is so terrible for smart contracts.
  101. Interesting point by Charles regarding Cardano having the expressiveness of Ethereum and the attack surface of Bitcoin.
  102. It looks like there is another Cardano project that says it will attempt to increase connectivity in sub-Saharan Africa.
  103. Charles dropped a video with his thoughts on ISPO’s and regulatory issues. Whale makes a very good point about Cardano inflation vs. almost all of it’s competitors.
  104. Sundaeswap is planning to hit the testnet this weekend.
  105. We are approaching 1 million staked addresses!
  106. ADA Whale drops a Top 50 Cardano dApps list.
  107. Yet another hack has occurred in Ethereum DeFi. This one is being listed at $31MM.
  108. Cardano increased it’s blocksize and Plutus Script Memory yesterday (12.1.21)!

~Army of Spies