Sunday, January 31, 2021

Updating my last week's post: "Nice to see that despite the massive FUD from the last week we saw a solid hodler-floor of 30k that this time couldn´t be breached. (Yes, technically it went slightly below 30k several times, but quickly recovered).

So, the FUD list grew with more massive negative news last week, but the 30k floor still hedl, again. I don't think we will ever go below it, taking into account the GME mass-awakening (see below "Endgame: The Unraveling") and this week's epic MicroStrategy event (see event info at the bottom).

Nice to see that despite the massive FUD from the last week we saw a solid hodler-floor of 30k that this time couldn´t be breached.

The massive combined campaign included the FUD regarding:

  • Double-spend
  • Yellen
  • Lagarde
  • Tether
  • Negative articles
  • Faketoshi/White Paper

  • Regulation

  • 'Futures' expiring

  • Russian 'ban'

  • Blankfein

  • Bank of England

  • People selling to buy GME

  • Hedge Funds shorting Bitcoin by billions

  • F2Pool pushing price down

If you are OOTL with any of those FUD's, just google for example "Blankfein + Bitcoin"

This guy described it well last week:

Did you buy the dip this time? or still waiting for the "next" one to go on the 20's.

Be honest, if that happens, you would be panic-selling, not buying the dip. That's the nature of people "waiting for the dips forever".

Just do Dollar Cost Averaging and Hodl long-term

Stop trying to 'time the market', that's a losing strategy.

Remember, Bitcoin always does this.

"Endgame: The Unraveling".

The piece is mind-blowing in many ways, describes the situation that lead to this moment and the few possible scenarios, and have this clear: Any final scenario will be historic.

Bitcoin addressed here:

To prop up the market and prevent the entire financial system from melting down, the Fed will have no choice but to do QE infinity and continue to prop up asset prices and now with Janet Yellen in the Treasury, the debt will be directly monetized in the form of direct payments. This will finally cause the inflation, even hyperinflation that Lacy Hunt has warned about if the Fed were to directly monetize the treasury’s debt. Once inflation starts, like a horse out of a barn, it will be nearly impossible to rein it in without turning into Scenario #1. It will spiral out of control and cause incredible amount of pain to EVERYONE, globally, as every Central Bank will have to do the same if the US Fed monetizes the national debt. Once this happens, people will end up owning bitcoin not out of any moral justification or idealism that maximalists espouse, but because it will be the only thing that people will accept for payment for goods and services as the USD is destroyed as a store of value. This is Scenario #2. It will make Scenario #1 look like the Garden of Eden.

Also, regarding Bitcoin, one of the many ways this is relevant to Bitcoin users is this one:

Robbing Hood is going down, one way or another, next week or next month. There are hundreds of thousands or maybe millions of users holding what they may believe is "Bitcoin" there, it is not, but just an IOU. You can't even withdraw or transfer Bitcoin from there, you have to "sell" it for fiat first.

If you have "Bitcoin" there: DO SO NOW, get out whatever you have in Robbing Hood, in any way, before it blows up. You can continue holding and supporting GME, AMC, etc. on more trusted platforms and Hodling Bitcoin on your own hard wallet ("Not your keys, not your coins") or on decentralized exchanges:

Let's warn as many people as we can, it would be a shame we have another Mt.Gox where thousands lose all their life savings due to another centralized massive failure.

Feel free to post this on r/WSB, I was banned a way back for mentioning the word 'Bitcoin' there, I hope that with this mess they start warming up to this decentralized option.

This event will be huge for Bitcoin.

Watch Mr. Saylor describing the event on CNBC.

From another comment:

A couple of interesting bits from that interview:

1) The Microstrategy conference "Bitcoin for corporations" already has "thousands of officers, executives, and directors" going to show up.

2) They are going to publish their "playbook": "all our accounting guidance, legal guidance, all the work we did over the course of months [...] we're going to open-source it".

Read more comments on this thread:

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An observation

So hear me out (whoever the 5 people that read this are lol)

There is a HUUUUUUUUGE hole in the crypto market rn, there are absolutely no mid level coins, just shit coin, kinda okay coin, and then Bitcoin, A Huge hole in there for a few good coins, worth probably $7k-$14k (kinda arbitrary but realistically Bitcoin will probably always be an outlier) and more than one can move up, I see no reason why doge can’t be one of them, along with other coins like xrp and eth or literally any other coin It seems likely doge’s actual value will probably go up along with its meme value, ie. It gets funnier the more doge is worth, and if we can get it accepted by some Major companies, it will just continue to go up. It probably won’t be immediately at all (in fact almost certainly) becauseThat’s just unrealistic, but at some point in the next year doge could actually have a shot to end up as one of these mid level currencies as the crypto space continues to catch further fire. The huge gap between Bitcoin and everything else won’t last, something will level in the middle Best strat would be to put $20 in multiple currencies but this is not financial advice

Another observation:

The hedge funds have until Thursday feb 4 to pay out their short sale contracts for $GME, and they didn’t even come close to filling them on Friday, four days of pumping money into $GME, with Thursday being the likely high, with lots of capitol flooding back onto the market due to all the people who hold $GME going off and selling it because the short squeeze will effectively be over

Additionally, Wednesday the 3rd or Thursday the 4th are the likely days that anyone who put money into Robinhood to buy doge, will have their funds settled, and then in turn buy doge. Furthermore, as more people hear about doge, they’ll probably try and buy on Robinhood because it’s the most well known, leading to kinda probable exponential growth as the 5 day mark continues to hit into Friday and onward, for money what transferred into Robinhood on succeeding days such as yesterday, today or tomorrow and so on.

If we can continue to hold the line and keep spreading the memes, we could easily see a pop on Thursday, not just to the moon but to Mars, Jupiter and out of the whole fkn solar system

I’m no expert and I could just be pointing out the obvious but keep those diamond hands steady y’all, we could be on the verge of a huge wealth transfer where millions of everyday people make a substantial amount of money, and then, and this is just my hope in humanity or whatever, but we’ll actually do some good with it unlike the people who literally just hoard all the fkn money currently and fraudulently trade all of the time yet get mad when the general people legitimately outsmart them and start to take their money. This has the makings, in conjunction with the $GME events, to be an absurdly historic time

Plus, what could be more hilarious than GAMESTOP making all the people at the top who gambled with the stock market like a game to lose, while fkn DOGE COIN rises in the background like a tsunami to even the playing field

Again, This could end up as the biggest shitpost of all time, or I’m actually onto something, or any possibly in between the two, who fkn knows

I don’t 😛

Also don’t be fkn stupid and put all your money in doge, it could just fall back down and do nothing as easily as it could go up and become the next high value crypto currency, buy doge responsibly and we’ll all be millionaires together


[Altcoin Discussion] - Monday, February 01, 2021

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* Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies

* General questions about altcoins

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HBAR economics - specifically about whether HBARS will increase in value for investors buying now

So I wanted to make a post about the economics of hbars SPECIFICALLY on whether the price will go up or down from its current price of about 0.08 USD on Jan 31st, 2021 and discuss what the value is and how it is defined and calculated.

So I was thinking about this long and hard and I don't think it's an easy subject to wrap our heads around if you really think about it because you will have to understand how currencies work in general and how they get their value, especially with a new currency and moreover a crypto currency to top that off.

But before I start talking about hbars, I wanted to establish a consensus of understanding of how familiar currencies work. So let's take the USD. USD is pretty stable (as of now at least) because we know how much a dollar is worth. We know that $5 buys us a hamburger or a starbucks coffee. We agree with this value as we work for this $5 to buy this product or that product or any other service. So we have at least a frame of reference that $1 USD is worth this much in our heads because we've experienced earning it and we have bills paid in it and we trust it (for now) that it will continue to have this same value in the near future.

So with Hedera, services are paid in USD and not hbars. This was intentional because Hedera wanted users to pay and get paid in a relatively stable currency (currently at least). This now brings up interesting dynamics. For example, if I as a service charge 0.08 USD (worth in hbars) for a file storage or file transaction, that means I get 1 hbar if the current price of hbar is 8 cents for that 1 transaction. So I service say 1000 of these transactions today to get 1000 hbars in transaction fees. I keep this for 30 days and the price goes up to 0.16 USD per hbar. I can now sell it to the market at twice as much in USD. This is great for me but it incentivizes me to hold hbars for the future to speculate that it may keep going up and up. Furthermore, when price goes up too fast, it also attracts speculators to also buy and hold and sell at a higher price one day. So it could be an event where a bubble forms like what we see bitcoin doing now. This is bad for Hedera and heads of Hedera and council members will not like this as it creates instability in the ecosystem of servicers and users of the platform/network. It's as if the USD goes up double in a month and then by half the following month. No American would like this instability since it creates confusion, fear, greed, etc. to enter the minds of users which is not what the function of currencies should be (at least if you're not a speculator, which most shouldn't be if they are just using the Hedera services as is and not trying to profit from a rising hbar currency).

I'm trying to understand what Hedera's heads' and council members' intent is for the price of hbar. I would bet that they want it to be stable so everything is fair. They could care less if speculators make money in an increasing hbar coin price. Their role for the Hedera network is to keep the trust in developers and users and that means a stable price for the coin. I would bet that if they see the price jump too much, they will meet and agree to release more hbars into circulation to try to stablize the price and to dampen any speculators from blowing the bubble even more. The scenario of what bitcoin is going through will be a nightmare for Hedera to deal with, even if their fees are in USD, because as I explained above, it gets paid out inversely proportional in hbars so a provider or user could see huge swings in how much hbars they are earning and it may not be fair for them. For example, if hbar price (in USD) goes up double in month of Feb and I as a provider got paid 10,000 transactions in hbars in Feb but didn't cash that out into USD until March where the price in USD got cut in half back to original, then I basically got half payment in USD. This forces me to constantly convert to USD if I don't want to speculate what the price will be in the future. Inversely, I would keep my hbars for a long period of time if the price keeps going up and up in a big way (say more than 30% per year).

So I have a strong feeling Hedera really wants to stabilize hbars and basically peg it to the USD for now at least (USD will not be the reserve currency and hbar will have to be pegged to some other currency in the future but that's for a different discussion.) I mean a small increase in price is not too bad as long as it's steady, maybe 20% per year is fine as well. The only scenario where I think Hedera won't be able to keep the price from increasing too fast is if a massive amount of users start using Hedera which will force demand for more hbars which will increase the price due to supply/demand even if they try to release more supply of hbars into circulation. If that's the case, I think it would be great for all anyways since anyone holding hbars can sell at a later time for more USD, as long as the price doesn't drop like a bubble.

An aside note: Hedera board members and founders don't lose or gain anything from releasing hbars into circulation to bring down the price proportionately (keeping total market cap the same) since market cap is market cap, and their goal is keeping the coin price the same even if they have to release more coins into circulation - they would have more coins in circulation while having a stable price than to have a rising coin price with the same amount of coins in circulation, each scenario totals a higher market cap as the Hedera network grows in uses, which is Ok for them. Of course increasing in both is also OK as long as price doesn't go back down too much or if price is too volatile in either direction.

I think speculators would not gain too much from this coin because Hedera's best interest is to keep the price relatively stable for their users of the platform. It's not like bitcoin where no one controls it and no one has an objective of where the value of that currency goes to - only the speculators who want to buy it just to sell it at a higher price to someone else. Now I hope that I'm wrong in my analysis and that we will see huge adoption rates far more than what we've seen so far pushing the price anyways.

The thing is, I wouldn't know how to even calculate what "too much" demand for hbars is to the point where it has to increase the price (without speculators pushing it) currently even with more release of hbars in circulation. Hell, I don't even know if this current 8 cent will hold up. I really can't calculate what this 8 cents per hbar really means because there's no frame of reference from long-enough past usages. How do you really get to know the intrinsic value of a currency? If there was history of the currency, then yes we can see where its headed. For example, 6.4 RMB = 1 USD currently so if the Chinese economy does well compared to USA then less RMB will be needed to convert to 1 USD, but the number of 6.4 has already been established for decades. It could of easily been 1 RMB = 1 USD to start off and from there it goes up/down from that point, just like 1 EURO is whatever it is and 1 GBP is what it is now and goes up and down from there. So the question still remains, is 8 cents for 1 hbars a fair value? What if the fair value is actually 1 cent currently, and from there it goes up or down given supply/demand. What if everyone is way off? Similarly what if it's supposed to be $10 now and from there it goes up/down from supply/demand forces. There's no history to have a frame of reference. I don't know if we can use market cap to calculate because hbar is not a business, it's a currency. We can't use market caps of other coins because who's to say they aren't in a bubble and are massively overvalued. I mean alot of US stocks have a bloated market cap because they are in a bubble like Tesla so supply of currency inflates that market cap so it's all so confusing when trying to value anything against anything else in a time like this. Take Apple's market cap of $1 tril. If Hedera will be 10% of that, that would mean $2 USD per hbar but again Apple is trading at a multiple of 35 p/e or whatever. Who's to say cryptos should even have a multiple p/e ratio at all. They are currencies.

I wanted to know what your thoughts are and hopefully shed some light into how to really calculate the current value of hbars in USD. There might be basic calculations one can do to measure all this like supply (release in circulation) and demand (services paid in hbars from transactions) but the question that is very difficult to answer I think is whether the current 0.08 USD per hbar is overvalued or undervalued, and no I don't think just because Hedera will do great in the future means it's undervalued because what if 0.02 USD should be the price and 0.08 price is just the projected value in 3 years from now.

I truly want to know this as I potentially am putting a sizable portion of my portfolio into HBARS so hopefully I will get objective answers more than speculative answers.

Two upcoming events you should know about that could push the market higher

There are two events coming up in February that could have a positive effect on bitcoin and the crypto market as a whole:

  1. Coinbase is doing a direct listing of their stock in Feb or early March. This will be seen as bringing legitimacy to the biggest US crypto company and it's already being touted at a $50 to $75 billion valuation. With how other IPO's have been exploding in the market like door dash and air bnb and the recent GME/short squeeze craze, this could drive alot more institutional investment and hype to crypto.


  1. Michael Saylor's Microstrategy Bitcoin conference on Feb 3. During this event, Microstrategy will outline why bitcoin is the best asset to buy going into the digital age to other companies at the conference. Although this will likely not immdediately up the price, it will bring awareness to other companies interested in investing into bitcoin and have a positive effect in the long term. Stone Ridge which is another investment firm that got into bitcoin last year is also co hosting the event with Microstrategy.


All in all, I'm excited for next month.

For investors who got burned with Doge, here's some advice from someone who lost 3 BTC on a scamcoin in 2017.

So I recently got back into reddit after taking a break from crypto in general. I started investing in cryptocurrency around 2017 while I was still in university as i was fortunate enough to be making money while studying.

I initially only invested 1 btc and after scouring the forums and reddit, I decided to invest in this coin called Confido. TBH, i cant remember now what the coin was about as I've actively suppressed my memory of that event ever since it turned out to be a scam and I cant seem to make myself go into my telegram or google to remember it again.

This was when I just entered the space and judging from what everyone who invested in the coin was saying, it was going to be the next big thing. As a clueless and young investor (I was 20 at that time), i decided to buy another 1 btc and bought more confido tokens. My interest in crypto was increasing by the day as I started to research more into other coins and learned how blockchain worked. Ethereum intrigued me, as it seemed to have more real world usage than bitcoin, and more importantly, a lot of ICO seemed to be running on that. As interesting as crypto was, my main goal was to make money and ICO seemed to have really good returns, and for that I needed ethereum. So I bought another 1.5 btc this time and 0.5 btc was put into ETH and the rest was put in confido (typing this part hurts as it always makes me remember the grief I experienced when that coin crashed as I watched it on my laptop in my empty dorm). I think I was one of the top 10 holders of this coin after that point.

Anyways, with a good chunk of ethereum, and with better knowledge about this space, I began to research more into blockchain technology rather than just coins and started to figure out which coins would have actualy usage. Got into a few ICO and was lucky to be in the pool for the intial investment. It was at this point, i knew I shud diversify my portfolio so I only spent 1 ETH on all the ICOs I liked.

Just as I was getting into all of this, the Confido coin I had invested 3 btc in turned out to be a scam and there were posts about it all over reddit. It was a frenzy in telegram as everyone started to panic sell. I decided to keep holding as I thought there was some mistake and its not a scamcoin. I was simply in shock watching my thousands of dollars investment plunge into nothing.

I dont think I've ever been this emotionally struck by anything in my life (maybe my first rejection from a girl in 6th grade would come a close second haha). I sat there in my dorm as I wondered why this happened. I was angry at the people who shilled it, I was angry at the ppl who made the coin, and I was angry at the community managers of this coin in telegram. However, I was most angry with myself with how naive and careless I was with money. I was hoping to save that money to buy a house for my parents in future and watching all of that disappear, I would never wish for anyone to go through that.

At the end of the day, it was my fault. I put money into something not understanding how it worked and how investing in general worked as well. "Always invest what you can afford to lose" I wish i went with that mindset when I started.

I tried everything to get something out of that coin but it was too late to sell as it was worthless. I had other coins as well as I was starting to diversify my portfolio but it was too late as majority of my investment was in that stupid coin. I tried to see if my ICO coins would help me recoup my losses but the market had entered a bearish run. I gave up and left everything related to crypto and decided to focus on my degree and job. I lost more than I could afford at the time, but i decided it was better to learn at this stage than later when I have a family to support. I have become a smarter investor after that incident and I learned how to better manage my finances.

Here's my advice to ppl who got burned by Doge coin. Take it as a learning opportunity of how the crypto space works. Yes, money is lost and the feeling of pain and regret is overwhelming especially if you put a lot of money in, but know that time heals. A costly mistake always prevents you from making a similar one in future. As much as ppl like to roast others who are getting burned from the Doge PnD, sometimes its hard to know what's going through the other person's mind when they bought the coin. Maybe they were just stupid and wanted to make money for a better life, but didnt have any information. Telegrams and reddits of shitcoins are usually an echochamber of people convincing you that the coin will raise in value. For someone who is new to the space, they dont have the info as the people who have been here for years have.

Seeing so many Doge memes roasting the people who bought at the peak made me recall the time I went through and I have sympathy for them. Some of them are delusional, yes, but that doesnt mean they're bad people, just lacking in information and crypto experience. Although I do have to admit, some of those Doge memes made me crack up, only because the face of the coin is an adorable chubby shiba.

So, don't dwell on the loses and just take it as a learning experience. Crypto space is wonderful once you are familiar with it and there are so many people here willing to help others out.

On the bright side, I came to see that some of my ICO coins are doing fantastic, especially Kyber Network and REN :)

[Sun, Jan 31 2021] TL;DR — This is what you missed in the last 24 hours on Reddit


Kim Jong Un’s wife has been missing from the public eye for more than a year

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Russia arrests over 1,000 people demanding Navalny's release

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Philippines protests China green light for its coast guard to fire on foreign vessels

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Hedge fund billionaire Steve Cohen leaves Twitter after family receives threats amid GameStop backlash

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Ikea bought 11,000 acres of forest in Georgia to protect it from development

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Woman saying she wanted shoot Pelosi ‘in the friggin’ brain' during Capitol riot arrested

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Neuroscience study indicates that LSD “frees” brain activity from anatomical constraints - The psychedelic state induced by LSD appears to weaken the association between anatomical brain structure and functional connectivity, finds new fMRI study.

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Medicaid expansion in New York has improved the health of pregnant mothers, finds a new study, which suggests that Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act is an effective policy intervention to improve maternal health outcomes and reduce health disparities.

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Most high-seas shark species now threatened with extinction

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Betelgeuse from the backyard with a tilt shift effect [OC]

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My 95 hour exposure of the Dueling Dragons of Ara - a star forming region 4,000 light years away

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I captured the moon rising behind Starship SN9 and Starship SN10 — the first time two Starships have stood at SpaceX’s South Texas launch site!

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The hybrid economy: Why UBI is unavoidable as we edge towards a radically superintelligent civilization

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How automation will soon impact us all - AI, robotics and automation doesn't have to take ALL the jobs, just enough that it causes significant socioeconomic disruption. And it is GOING to within a few years.

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New ‘Liquid’ AI Learns Continuously From Its Experience of the World

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What are some hidden gem subreddits with plenty of stuff to binge read?

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You're teleported back in time to year 1821, in the same exact place as you're now (or ground level, not falling to death). What's going on around you? What would you do?

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What are your thoughts on a subreddit/community where we expose and shed light on unethical corporate practices?

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TIL of the California Genocide, an oft-forgotten event in U.S. history due to occurring at the same time at the California Gold Rush. The Native American population of California decreased from as many as 150,000 in 1848 to 30,000 in 1870. Tribes such as the Yahi were hunted to extinction.

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TIL that the common method for a spacecraft to shift between two orbits is called a Hohmann Transfer, and that the guy who calculated it (in 1925) was inspired by a science fiction book written in 1897, which gave a generally correct explanation of the concept of orbit trajectory

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TIL People in the US got free flights by buying money from the government. People would buy 1$ coins in bulk from the US mint (free shipping) and pay off their credit card bill with the coins. They would buy the coins with credit cards that awarded frequent flyer miles, thus getting them free miles.

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What if the minimum wage was based on "The 30% rule"? [OC]

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[OC] Michael Scott (from The Office) achieved substantially better turnover rates than the industry average

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[OC] The Changing Landscape of LEGO Part Colors (1960-2020) - a sorted streamgraph representation of the average number of parts of each color per set by year.

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Lemon Garlic Butter sauce is one of the best condiments you can make in 3 steps

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Made lasagna with Bechamel instead of ricotta for.the first time last night and I will never go back.

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Is Le Creuset really the best?

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[homemade] Mini-Chicken Pot Pies in puff pastry

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[Homemade] Salted Caramel and Strawberry Pistachio Chocolate Bonbons

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[I ate] Banana Pudding Cream Puff

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New images of Ryan Reynolds & Mark Ruffalo from Shawn Levy’s ‘The Adam Project’ - A man travels back in time to get help from his younger self to confront their late father.

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Last actor/actress with a credited role in a silent movie is dead.

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My Custom Bill and Ted booth display.

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Hamster, Me, Gouache and Watercolor, 2021

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Inside beauty, Me, CGI, 2020

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Something on My Mind, me, graphite, 2018

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The Best Result of the Streaming Boom? America Finally Loves Foreign-Language TV

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'Wipeout' Contestant Died of Heart Attack After Completing Course, Coroner Rules

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Archer- archer finds something that belongs to his mom.

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Police absurdly surrounded peaceful protesters in Krasnoyarsk. Russia.

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My mom and dad on the eve of their 73rd wedding anniversary.

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I attempted to sketch myself

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The Queen's Gambit transformation

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Mountain Goat Man

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Dog showing off his sea legs.

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How To Make a 'Flextangle' - DIY Paper Toy

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Making a teapot

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My blanket looking like a post punk album cover rn:

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One of the eggs I poached this morning came out looking like a human heart

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Bitcoin mining rig being used to heat the house.

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Jacaranda trees in Johannesburg, Gauteng, Africa.

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In 1871, this 10 year old girl’s grave was built with easy access stairs so that her mother could comfort her during storms.

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A frozen birch tree

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Quick COVID-19 Anal test!

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Hot content only

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bottom feeding pranksters

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This excellent home security camera that picks up every movement

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So apparently my brother adopted a stray cat and when I came to visit, he introduced himself before I could get into the house!

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⚠️Important information⚠️ Crocodiles do elevator butt like cats

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Random Subreddit of the day: r/PixelmonMod

These are its 3 top posts of all time:

Working on a massive remake of the Sinnoh region with accurate biome mapping, more realistic terrain, and reimagined towns and structures

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What a deal!

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Just figured out when you use a healer it makes the ender dragon head move lmao

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Setting the record straight on Dogecoin’s most common misconceptions

Hello fellow shibes. I thought it would be helpful to address Dogecoin’s most common criticisms and shed some light for the newest members of the community.

Teacher Doge

1. Is Dogecoin’s supply infinite?

Not exactly. While it’s true that no hard cap exists on Dogecoin’s supply, the number of new coins that can be mined is capped at 5.256 billion per year. Currently, DOGE’s total supply stands at about 128 billion coins. Thus, the number of new coins that will be mined this year will inflate the total supply by only 4.11%. Next year, when the supply reaches 133 billion, the rate of inflation will drop to 3.94% as an additional 5 billion coins are mined.

Contrary to popular thinking, Bitcoin also has an inflation rate. Although Bitcoin has a hard supply cap of 21 million, only 18.58 million have been mined so far. New coins will be mined every year until the supply cap of 21 million is reached in the year 2140. At today’s mining rates, Bitcoin’s supply is currently growing at a rate of 2.32%. The true rate of inflation might even be higher, as some analysts believe that nearly 20% of Bitcoin’s supply is out of circulation as wallets containing Bitcoin have been lost.

2. Does a lack of a supply cap limit Dogecoin’s value?

Quite the opposite. The decision to allow a steady increase to the supply was made to keep Dogecoin accessible to as many people as possible, continue to reward miners for maintaining the system, and most importantly, to encourage its use as a digital currency—true to the original vision of cryptocurrency.

If Dogecoin were to have a fixed supply, it would severely limit its ability to grow as a medium of exchange. Like Bitcoin, few would ever use Dogecoin as a form of payment, as they would instead be incentivized to hold their coins indefinitely, expecting further gains in its exchange rate.

With its growing supply, the market potential of Dogecoin as a medium of exchange has vast, underestimated potential. Dogecoin has essentially positioned itself as a strong contender for a true form of decentralized payment.

3. Why would anyone buy Dogecoin if it can be mined?

It’s very difficult and very costly to mine Dogecoin. Even with the best Scrypt ASIC currently on the market, mining DOGE directly is unprofitable. You can join mining pools to receive a share of the block, but the equipment costs and technical knowledge needed to contribute in a meaningful way make it inaccessible for the vast majority of people.

4. Where does Dogecoin derive its value?

From us, the people. Cameron Winklevoss said it best, “If people believe Doge is money, then it’s money.” This is the same way fiat derives its value—except people are becoming more aware of the many ways fiat money is being manipulated to the detriment of the people. The recent events in our financial markets, such as the GME short squeeze and the recent rise of Dogecoin, represent an underlying frustration with a system rigged to benefit the wealthiest members of society. As Winklevoss further stated, “Doge is a protest. People are tired of the modern monopoly. They’re tired of being told what money is and what they are allowed to do with it.”

5. What’s next for Dogecoin?

Adoption. Indeed the democratization of currency through Dogecoin presents an opportunity to disrupt the old guard and bring about overdue change. But the only way it will get there is with adoption.

Charitable Projects: The Dogecoin community is marked by its generosity. In 2014, generous shibes banded together to donate 14 million Dogecoins to provide clean water to the people of Kenya. They also donated more than 26 million coins to help the Jamaican bobsled team reach the Winter Olympics. It’s our obligation to continue that generosity and show the world the power of a coin backed by The People.

Form of Payment: To further drive adoption, we must focus our efforts on encouraging businesses to accept Dogecoin as a form of payment. Whether it’s a major retailer, restaurant chain, or online merchant, payments will allow Dogecoin to realize its untapped potential as a decentralized medium of exchange. (Thoughts on starting with Chewy?)


Dogecoin’s supply is not exactly infinite, it grows at a fixed rate of 5 billion new coins per year. The steady growth rate positions Dogecoin as a powerful, accessible and decentralized medium of exchange. To get Dogecoin to the moon, we must encourage generosity through charitable projects, and also encourage businesses to accept Dogecoin as form of payment. How about we start with

Our Gameplan

The WHY's

The recent events with Robinhood and other exchanges, showed us that the game is rigged.If you don't understand the fudge about what I'm talking then READ THIS.

To make it simple, you're playing against the casino*.* A casino with supercomputers which makes the Stock Market a huge machine whose sole function is to drain money from average ape pockets into already rich people.


I say that sucks. Let's build a decentralized exchange with no king nor queen.

The solution ? Blockchain. No, not Bitcoin. Let's make our own crypto called WSBX and let's take its value to the moon.

You will be able to get free WSBX soon and bet on stocks without fearing for unfair regulation. You will be also able to earn money just by stacking your coins and calmly waiting for them to take in value before cashing them out.


  1. We will soon create the platform that will allow you to get free coins & explain the technical details if you apes care about reading them
  2. We will then launch a public coin offering limited in time
  3. In the mean time : susbcribe &join the discord to stay updated, that is how you will know when we will offer the WSBX coins
  4. If you want to join the project, PM me, we are looking for anybody, no special profiles, just motivated people!


We are 2 engineers & small investors fed up about BS.

Warren Buffett has said blockchain technology "will have a disruptive effect on the future of payment" during one of his dining events with cryptocurrency investor Justin Sun. However, he is also a notable critic of Bitcoin, calling it a "delusion." Here are some interesting uses for crypto:

After the Decision | Monthly FIRE Portfolio Update | January 2021

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.

- Amelia Earhart

This is my fiftieth monthly portfolio update. I complete this regular update to check progress against my goal.

Portfolio goal

My objective is to reach a portfolio of $2,585,000 by 31 July 2022. This would produce a real annual income of about $90,500 (in 2021 dollars).

This portfolio objective is based on an assumed safe withdrawal rate of 3.5 per cent.

Portfolio summary

Vanguard Lifestrategy High Growth Fund $775,158

Vanguard Lifestrategy Growth Fund $43,025

Vanguard Lifestrategy Balanced Fund $79,641

Vanguard Diversified Bonds Fund $107,429

Vanguard Australian Shares ETF (VAS) $269,445

Vanguard International Shares ETF (VGS) $117,712

Betashares Australia 200 ETF (A200) $257,703

Telstra shares (TLS) $1,662

Insurance Australia Group shares (IAG) $6,144

NIB Holdings shares (NHF) $6,624

Gold ETF (GOLD.ASX) $109,475

Secured physical gold $17,648

Plenti (P2P lending) $5,480

Bitcoin $494,160

Raiz app (Aggressive portfolio) $19,508

Spaceship Voyager app (Index portfolio) $3,106

BrickX (P2P rental real estate) $4,447

Total portfolio value $2,318,367 (+$52,337)

Asset allocation

Australian shares 37.4%

Global shares 20.9%

Emerging market shares 1.8%

International small companies 2.3%

Total international shares 25.0%

Total shares 62.4% (-12.6%)

Total property securities 0.2% (+0.2%)

Australian bonds 3.4%

International bonds 7.2%

Total bonds 10.5% (-4.5%)

Gold 5.5%

Bitcoin 21.3%

Gold and alternatives 26.8% (+16.8%)

Presented visually, the chart below is a high-level view of the current asset allocation of the portfolio.



This month the portfolio has increased by over $52,000, extending the strongest period of growth since this record started.

This has contributed to an expansion in the overall portfolio of over 25 per cent since the beginning of October last year. In this month alone the portfolio grew around 2.3 per cent.


Increases in the price of Bitcoin have provided the key motive force for the portfolio both this month and since October. Equities have made a smaller contribution since October, but the value of equity holdings actually fell slightly this month.

Part of this is related to the reduction in value arising from the payout of substantial distributions earlier this month, which will be averaged back into the portfolio over the next six months. The value of gold and fixed interest holdings have also marginally declined.

Stepping back, the result of this is the strongest consecutive four month performance of the portfolio on record, based quite narrowly on the fortunes of just two of its components, equities and Bitcoin.


A month ago I reset my financial independence objective and also signalled a gradual adjustment of the equities portfolio towards a medium-term goal of equal allocation of Australian and international equities.

Developments in both Australian and global equity markets make it a challenging psychological time to be increasing equity purchases. Many markets are expensive on traditional metrics, with the critical question being the extent to which these valuations are justified by future stimulus, broader economic recovery flowing from the rollout of COVID-19 vaccinations, increased earnings, and historically low interest rates.

In these extraordinary times it is also still an open question whether many investors are seeing equities acting as an imperfect store of value and hedge against rising inflation expectations over coming years.

Applying the revised investment policy this month led to continued purchases of Vanguard exchange traded funds, with units bought using Selfwealth in each of the international shares (VGS) and Australian shares (VAS) funds.

Force majeure – portfolio impact of Bitcoin

The past month has seen the price of Bitcoin reach all time highs. A plethora of reasons have been provided for this, including increased institutional interest in the technology, irrationally exuberant market behaviour, and impacts of fiscal and monetary policy expansion.

This has created a position never anticipated in the design of the portfolio, or at the inception of the small experimental purchases driven by curiosity across 2015-16. At the final purchase in early 2016 the total funds I had used to make these Bitcoin purchases represented just 0.5 per cent the portfolio, and an amount I was comfortable entirely losing.

With no further investments since that time, Bitcoin holdings have unexpectedly grown to make up 21 per cent of the portfolio.

This is a rare occurrence. In the five years I have owned Bitcoin, it has only exceeded 10 per cent of the portfolio across only a handful of months. Yet the fact remains, it currently sits as the second largest portfolio component, if measured as an asset class.


The ‘if’ in that last sentence is there for a reason.

The inclusion of Bitcoin in these updates and portfolio estimates is designed to recognise that it currently represents a large monetary value. It is not to suggest that Bitcoin is an ordinary investible asset alongside equities, property, or fixed interest, which should form part anyone else’s portfolio.

Rather, it is there as a significant financial asset for the moment, which may, or may not successfully transition over time to a store of value. Further, it may emerge over time to have some value as a non-correlated ‘option’ on certain (low probability) future states of the world.

Response to the (re)rise of Bitcoin

Given time, markets teach humility to all. When this record started, I naively expected it to be a story of relatively steady progress of equity focused purchases and market growth over time bringing about the reaching of portfolio goals.

As it turns out, markets had other ideas.


So the choice is this: to write about the journey I expected to have and omit the inconveniently inconsistent parts, or write about the one I am actually experiencing. That is no real choice, if the purpose is to act as a genuine record.

Despite the significant price increase, my views on Bitcoin remain fundamentally the same as when I wrote about my approach to its portfolio role in mid-2019.

I would not recommend it as part of a financial independence portfolio.

Rather, I personally view it as an intriguing innovation and a possible emerging store of value with some option-like characteristics. It also may possess some uncertain but potentially useful diversifying features as part of my specific existing portfolio, taking into account my risk bearing capacities and appetite.

Most of all, the price increase has led me to seek to follow the discussions about these potential emergent properties more closely, and to work to further increase my knowledge.

This useful debate between a skeptic and Bitcoin adherent brings out some of the issues nicely. Significant traditional investment managers are similarly publicly discussing the characteristics and prospects of Bitcoin, in contrast to a number of previous dismissals of its future. Bitcoin is also drawing out fascinating debates and discussions amongst adherents around the nature of money as a technology (video).

According to this exchange commissioned report last year (pdf), curiosity and adoption is also growing here. Around 1 in 5 Australians owned some cryptocurrency in 2020, up from the previous year, with growth in the 25-44 years old demographic driving this increase.

Trends in average distributions and expenses

The holidays and Christmas period resulted in a substantial increase in total expenses.

Even so, average monthly expenditure on credit cards has continued to track below previous years, by nearly $1,000 per month. The rolling average level of distributions in the chart below has been revised due to the much higher than expected levels of December distributions.


This clearly indicates that distributions have moved significantly ahead of average credit card expenses, the actual crossover having occurred in the middle of the last year.

The record of distributions compared to total expenses provides a broader picture of progress against total monthly spending.

The chart below shows that the capacity of the portfolio to support average spending over the past three years is approaching 90 per cent, having started at around 30 per cent at the beginning of this record.



Measure Portfolio All Assets

Portfolio objective – $2,585,000 (or $90,500 pa) 89.7% 117.0%

Total average expenses (2013-) – $85,600 pa 94.8% 123.7%


January usually provides more time to think about the portfolio and progress on the financial independence journey than any other point in the year.

Having reset my portfolio goal and adjusted the course, there now seems to stretch out ahead a year that I know will bring events I have not contemplated, and which in some cases cannot be guessed at. A prolonged flat period, or reversals, are well within the range of possibilities.

While I am comfortable with the plan, and the current risk exposures of the portfolio, this does not mean an end to thinking and learning. New information and perspectives continuously present themselves.

An example is this paper Stocks for the long run? Evidence from a broad sample of developed markets which examines a fuller sample of equity market history. It finds that the risk of underperforming inflation over a 30 year period with diversified equity holdings is 12 per cent if broad multi-country equity market data is assessed, versus just 1.2 per cent if ones’ view is restricted to an inevitably narrower US data set.

Another example, from one of original academic advocates of stocks for the long run, is Professor of Finance Jeremy Siegel pointing to the likelihood of higher inflation and bondholder losses as a consequence of current fiscal and monetary policies.

With the extra time this month it was enjoyable to catch up on this annual review from Pat the Shuffler, Strong Money Australia’s plans for 2021, as well as this in-depth Mad FIentist podcast with the founder of Early Retirement Extreme – one of the pioneers of the US FI movement.

This month it was also pleasing to see the blog recognised in an excellent Sharesight listing of ‘Top 50 Finance and Investing Blogs’, and also to somehow come in at the top of the global Dividend Driven leaderboard for financial independence portfolio income for 2020.

Amidst volatility and transition, it is often difficult to distinguish the signal from noise. The recent trading events around GameStop illustrate this, with interpretations ranging from it being an unmistakeable sign of a market top to representing the French revolution of finance. History and intuition both suggest revolutions are usually bad times for investors.

Whether revolution or a long period of quietude lays ahead, decisions have been made and a goal set. From here, the rest truly may be tenacity.

The post, links and full charts can be seen here.

My 3154 % Gain Post Removed After One Hour.....My Follow Up And Strategy

Not Sure Why All The Hate And Censorship? I posted pics to prove it was possible to make that kind of return. I thought this was a board to discuss investing.

First off, thanks to the 19 upvotes that said congrats and Fuck off. I am truly flattered. This is not the story of a rich guy making a half million in the market in one year. I am a single dad, almost 50 stuck in the same blue collar job for 28 years. I put my few thousand in each year to my TFSA and as you can see I had a few years of red prior. I have played the market on and off for almost 30 years.

I look for up and coming sectors and trends. I do not jump on what is hot. I like liquid penny stocks. I am a gambler by nature and will go all in often on one or two stocks at a time.

I use tools like and stockhouse to get a feel for trends.

I use a paid subscription for $10 a month to and follow the buying of houses on certain stocks and look for patterns.

I pay attention to upcoming events like Bitcoin halving, presidential election, wave 2 flu season etc. And make my bets ahead of time as to how they will impact certain sectors and dig out stocks that should be impacted by those events.

I make a plan, and take profits often....then look for my next opportunity.

Some months I made a few hundred percent a couple months I was down 25 percent.

I have go to stocks that trade high volume and can be volatile. If one has a sudden drop, I see an opportunity. ACB, HIVE, NDM, SONA all offered great swing trades this past year.

Learn to read fear and greed on the message boards. The smell of fear offers great opportunity in the stocks I listed above...

Avoid the current hot will often end up buying at the top.

Read SEDAR and SEDI documents and know what you are investing in before you hit the buy button. Do your own DD and make you moves with confidence.

Have a plan....) make one monthly because it can often change. I will list upcoming financial release dates, price targets, resistance points from the graph.

That's just what I do and is in no way financial advice.

I tried to give one of my picks yesterday, but got roasted on here. Not a very friendly environment for a new comer....


About economy crisis

These days all the economic systems are connected, central bank - bank - firm - funds. For this historical event. I think the first short hedge fund must bankrupt and they must borrow more money for short covering. Don’t you think when they shorts cover the big money flow will affect all economic system. Such as Lehman brothers. It was start of an economic crisis. So I’m thinking that GME,AMC,BB light a fire of the wick of the bomb. And it’s economy is chain system so Fed will QE more money and the worth of dollar will plunge to the ground.
And they will QT(Quantitative tightening) or they will revive the gold standard or gold,silver standard or bitcoin. This is just my personal opinion about this event,, So I’m just wondering about other’s opinion

Psychic Finance Announces Its Service Offerings

With the increased adoption of blockchain technology for wealth creation, the need to take advantage of blockchain to generate passive income cannot be overemphasized.

In a bid to give more crypto enthusiasts the opportunity to increase their income streams, the team behind Psychic Finance is pleased to announce the introduction of its yield farming and prediction market. Psychic Finance is a blockchain-powered platform that gives investors the opportunity to earn income from yield farming and on the prediction market.

Psychic Finance has a native token with the symbol PSY. Users can pay for transaction fees, buy goods and services on the Psychic Finance protocol with the PSY tokens. In fact, users can stake PSY to earn a decent return on their investments. If you choose to join the Psychic Finance's prediction market, your PSY tokens can earn you extra income. We will talk more about the prediction market in the next section.

How The Prediction Market Works

As with other prediction ecosystems, the Psychic Finance prediction market rewards those who predict an event and it comes to pass. Most of the events that you'd be predicting are related to the crypto space. For example, if a participant predicts that by March 2021, Ethereum price will level up with the price of Bitcoin, he/she will receive PSY tokens for the correct prediction.

You can use your earned PSY tokens to purchase more NFT prediction cards. This will enable you to earn extra income. However, keep in mind that the reward that is paid out to you is as per the value of your NFT card.

How Psychic Finance Is Different From Other Crypto-based Projects

●      Psychic Finance has a fun and exciting prediction market where users can place bets, list predictions, and participate in game voting for profits.
●      The project gives room for participants to challenge the outcome of a bet if they feel aggrieved.
●      The project allows participants to serve as betting executives, referees, or predictive registrants.

About Psychic Finance

Psychic Finance is a Binance smart chain project that gives crypto enthusiasts the opportunity to earn income from yield farming. The project combines the power of innovative farming and NFT to present investors a world class farming experience. At its core, Psychic Finance consists of three markets, including farming, NFT, and lastly the prediction market.

Psychic Finance parades a team that is highly knowledgeable in yield farming and the prediction market. With their knowledge and experience, they continually strive to bring innovations to the project.

You can get further information on the Psychic Finance website; other media contacts include Telegram channel, and Telegram group. In addition, their Medium page can easily be accessed, while other social media include Twitter as well as YouTube.7

1031 Cryptocurrency tax event Robinhood (x-post from /r/Bitcoin)