Monday, February 7, 2022

Part 2

People, as a whole, find themselves at a ‘now or never’ moment and many make fatalistic concessions based on manipulated information and increasingly sophisticated narratives. Info-Punk in it’s prime is so effective and complete in 2022 that having personal opinions, based in fact, that are out of resonance with the mandated vibe is hazardous to a person.


Northcote Parkinson, a British naval historian is quoted as having said the most assuring statement in times darkest before the dawn:

“Perfection is achieved only by institutions on the point of collapse.”

This is the junction at which we wait; many unknowing of what is to come. Much could be theorized and logically plotted to resemble a likely series of events or doomsday countdown but let’s rise above the western tropes of apocalypse and end days. Let’s be complete entities in our knowledge of the cyclical nature of reality; accepting the finality that Perfection equates to Exhaustion and we, the admittedly far from perfect, have the infinite ability to reject that which no longer thrivingly serves our purpose. Understanding and acceptance of the paradigm shift before us is the primary tool to wedge oneself out of stagnation; duped , spirituality and emotionally blind masses will fight to the death to save the static “normalcy” responsible for leaching the citizens life force in all its incarnations. Waking up to this challenge, armed with the knowledge to construct your own personal better days and sovereign narratives is the gift that awaits all who accept the entropy of the timeline we ride.

In our current societal structure we value convenience, and the exportation of responsibility to third-parties we essentially pay to care (or pay to make us care). This continued removal of the self further from its own personal day to day is exacerbated (and arguably caused) by High time preference and Easy Money (or credit/debt). The entirety of the current economic power structure is based upon, reliant to, and ever perpetuating ideas such as “borrow our way out of debt”.
But as we endlessly cover and dissect ‘the fall’, monitor the end of this rigged system, let’s start now what will culminate in secure prosperity via the reclamation of our central place in the lives of ourselves.

This starts with Bitcoin.

Bitcoin interacts with people, subjectively; which is amazing considering it’s human-free autonomous in its code and functionality. That is to say; everyone can use Bitcoin in their own unique way.

Multiple use cases, various levels of asset resemblance, in a sense it’s all of them and none of them; without a traditional legacy front maned by humans, there won’t be conformation on any level of speculation outside what the intentionally simplistic network and protocol carry out.

This is most noticeable after a person becomes familiar holding, moving, and storing bitcoin. And this, most would say, is the ‘high barrier for entry’ that inhibits Bitcoin. I demand that is nonsense and nothing but absolutely lazy lack of situational and temporal awareness. It’s that very absent default demeanor of the entire population that is both created and utilized to effectively ‘craft’ a reality that is suggestively geared in whatever way deemed necessary.

 I understand the helplessness that this situation implies. I trust that you as a reader aren’t willingly complicit in this unending sense of national falling; a never ending stumble. And in an attempt to accept larger forces at work and sneak out a life our own, we’ve worked at conscious ignoring, an oxymoron. I get it; as was my life at its rocky pit, nothing but the falling. 

Bitcoin is the answer for this.

Here’s how to start:

First. And this is extremely important; forget everything you’ve ever read or been told that has been geared toward dissuading one away from Bitcoin. This has nothing to do with competing opinions and everything to do with the prevalence of incorrect and or incomplete information. So in order to see clearly the insurance on one’s future that Bitcoin facilitates, it’s best to clean and prep a base of understanding.

Now; understand that Bitcoin is not actually “digital coins” that if only we could be in the network with digital hands we could grab handfuls of them. Bitcoin as a network (capital B) has the function of keeping track of Wallets and the amount of bitcoin (little b) in each wallet. So it is accurate to say that Bitcoin, the network, is just a big digital score board (or ledger) and the number in each wallet is the wallets assigned value. So when we say a wallet has bitcoin deposited, our mind sees a piggy bank and coinage going in; however, this is an inadequate metaphor for what is actually happening.

There have been many ways devised to describe Bitcoin and it’s hard to say there’s one ultimate unified explanation. A beneficial one, in terms of personal finance, is the idea that the Bitcoin network is actually more like a cyber vault. It protects the wealth you store in this vault. While your wealth is in the vault it’s stored in the form of bitcoin which has unbroken resistance to state level influence.
This threat, perceived or otherwise, is an example of what’s known as ‘3rd party risk’. Any situation where one person must rely on control from an outside,3rd party, is one that carries that particular kind of risk. Bitcoin was struck and put into function soon after the 2008 financial crisis. Consider the amount of 3rd party risk that came to shudder the global financial machinery; unparalleled. For those whose lives are still tender from the global effects of that collapse perhaps the viable alternative that Bitcoin offers, now explained herein, is all the push needed. Explain that Bitcoin is a means to avoid the constant tether of obligated acceptance that rules the globe to those under aforementioned fiat thumb and it’s nothing short of salvation.
Sadly, for the masses who’ve been carefully hypnotized into dreading needed change, “an open mind is a slippery slope; and free speech? Hell, that’s what we call ‘misinformation’!” Sound satirically comical in the recent years past but is closer to verbatim contemporary media sentiment. No matter how biased and clearly spun the media takes their message; there will always be a contingent of believers that hold noting more dear; life included. So how does one engage these resilient obelisks that might happen to be a friend or family member; after all if you’ve studied Bitcoin enough to properly teach it, those you love will be first on the list to Orange Pill (slang for helping a no-coiner come to understand Bitcoin).
This engagement of teacher / student will immediately and noticeably put strain on whatever the previous dynamics of the pair shared. My first piece of advice here is that introduction can take many forms. Don’t expect someone to make a life altering change at the drop of your foot; by increasing exposure and direct instruction, over time, the necessary trust in an educational setting can properly develop. This may sound emotionally driven or speculative but if there is no assurance that anything but the students best intentions are the foundation of intent; results will be subpar and lackluster. In all fairness subpar and lackluster will probably be the grand majority of experiences for first time Orange Pill administrators; thus a truism is helpful to remember:

Don’t try or gauge success on changing peoples minds; instead see victory expert presentation of the information.

Often times planting seeds in another’s mind via knowledge transfer is a low-time-preference process. The value of the given knowledge may seem downright trivial right up until it’s the key to adapting to and overcoming problems and challenges we didn’t even know existed.
Maybe you end your talk with your protégé and the blank stare given as a response is unsatisfying; remember that sharing Bitcoin isn’t about you or the student or me or any One person, but about inclusion in the network. The day will come for every no-coiner where they’ve become fed up with any number of mounting inconveniences or service issues in the banking and legacy finance circus and that Orange Pill will activate. Connecting the dots between fiat money, the webs and strings that seem to constantly shift, keeping a nebulous aspect as a matter of policy and the alternative option of organized points fixed in a consistent, automated, 3rd party free experience with Bitcoin.

It will finally seem clear. As it has been to the legions of Pleabs, so to will to no-coiners wane in numbers; shrinking as the tightening screw of the state creates inconvenience strong enough to clear that once high barrier for entry. There will be a spilling over that barrier, someday soon. The insatiable need to harvest passive tributes, or tax, from the people will continue to grab and pull down anyone ignorant to follow the fiat undertow hidden behind the FEDs siren song.

Using a mythical beast as a metaphor for the hybrid entity that is the government, the FED, ECB, and the multitudinous branches and departments that are sworn essential to the life of the global economy, is actually extremely useful in helping offer those who would like to fight back the creeping ooze of individual financial sanctions based on violations of proven wasteful mandate rules. This social credit system, yes the same flavor China sells, uses leverage of the state manipulated fait currency and it’s networks various controls to ‘punish’ and ‘reward’ dissident and subservient citizens respectively. Canceled bank cards, frozen accounts, locked apps, increased limits and more robust observation are the tools to manipulate global masses to act, function, and eventually think along the path of history, into the future, as those who centrally plan see fit.

Again let comparison eliminate the doubt in the usefulness or practically beneficial nature of this escape pod known as Bitcoin. State controlled currency’s are preferred by their issuing governments because the power they wield through paper currency stretches and runs and allows them to literally reach into the most important and vital aspect of you and your family’s stability; it’s wealth. Because governments call the shots in terms of supply, issuance, loan and interest rates; and can easily apply policy to nudge society into contact with pre arranged conditions known as policy.

If these realities don’t unsettle even diehard complacency perhaps a simplistic reduction of what should have been a jargon filled warning against centralized economic plumbing:

“Unless you have spent time studying monitory theory, any of the many examples I present won’t alert the need for alarm. However, there’s common ground and a universal understanding in the value and piece of mind that accompanies complete sovereignty of one’s wealth. Bitcoins greatest gift is the freedom from consideration what the state might decide to do with the time you invested in their paper promises.

We're Building a Dad DAO

A Learning Community and DApp Incubator on Algorand (

Who are we?

Michael “The Trosen One” Trosen
Demetrick “Fergulati” Ferguson
Jessie “Broke” Santiago

High-level Quick Summary:

We are putting together a multi-purpose NFT called the ‘DAD DAO NFT’ which is a novel ASA implementation (ASA proposal currently in the works) of ARC-69 in order to include additional metadata relevant to the utilization of a NFT as a controller of Discord roles/permissions in what we call ‘Dynamically Scoped Access Control’ or DSAC. DSAC will be implemented by additional metadata properties in conjunction with checking the associated creator address that is used to mint the ASA. Guided configuration of DSAC through ‘config calls’ to the ASA will update the metadata and provide the NFT holder access to resources specific to their currently selected role, team, and project in the Dad DAO Discord server.

Dad DAO NFT will also be building a DAO which will grant the NFT holder voting rights in governance of the DAO treasury, specifically the right of the individual to vote whether or not to accept or reject a project proposal. Project proposals will be created by self-organized teams of DAO members based on the specific role(s) and personalities they want to team up with. Voting will be conducted in a 1:1 NFT to Vote by all Dad DAO NFT holders.

We hope you’re as excited to participate as we are to be building this on Algorand. Follow the link here or above to join the Discord in order to get updates and participate. We hold Town Halls every week on Wednesdays at 5pm EST.

Early Adopter Vanity Discord Server Role and 50% Off Mint

As a fun way to get people to actively participate early, we will be having a reduced mint for those who contribute a unique NFT attribute by following the instructions here.

What is a Dad?

A ‘Dad’ is not only your main role in Discord, but in this community you take on the behavior of being a Dad. Dad’s cultivate, they protect, the guide, and they’re hands-on…by minting the Dad DAO NFT, you become a Dad.

Who is a Dad?

You could be.

A dad in the traditional sense of the word is someone who is there for their family. A dad watches and actively participates both seen and unseen in their family’s lives by trying to be there attending dance recitals, baseball games and overall just making an effort to be present.

In Dad DAO, a “Dad” is a member who deliberately chose and continues to choose to go beyond their abilities and comfort zone in order to shoulder more responsibilities associated with learning to work with and care for the team and community.

If we can all agree on using the loose abstraction above, well maybe we can just think of being a “Dad” in Dad DAO as simply random strangers on the internet who are trying to come together to help each other in good faith in order to educate, build, and encourage one another to do good by each other.

Why join the Dad DAO?

A higher signal-to-noise ratio of quality information and access. People are looking for ways to get involved with projects being built in all of the alternate L1 ecosystems and everyone is getting tired of incessant spam associated with joining crypto Discord servers. People are also becoming disillusioned with the DApp options as they currently exist and are beginning to show interest beyond just the speculation on tokens, using DeFi, or flipping random NFTs in hopes of a larger return.

Dad DAO is a home to curious individuals looking for a learning environment where they can accelerate their understanding of the space.

We want to aggregate high quality mentors, active and productive contributors, the best learning resources, as well as social and financial capital in order to decrease spin-up time for other people who want to come after us and are interested in building things with us.

Why Algorand?

Jessie: I started out as a newbie in crypto back in 2017, and participated in a lot of stuff in the ecosystem as a whole from Bitcoin and it’s many forks to Ethereum when it was the cool new kid on the block with smart contracts allowing the creation of the new concept of DApps in all of their unique iterations. Fast-forward a few years, congestion issues, state-bloat, high fees and general economic infeasibility to broader adoption by both users and developers have plagued Ethereum in such a way that an opportunity has been created for new and promising L1 alternatives to Ethereum. Algorand is one such promising project. Why? It’s cheap and it’s making the best strides of all L1s to hand over governance to ALGO token holders.

Algorand has of late (excluding initial boot strapping of validators and dynamic that tanked the initial price) seemingly taken steps to break the inefficient relationship of capital allocation via L1 native tokens rewarded to validation efforts (after the Early Backers Relay Node Program) and is a step in the right direction in my opinion. At the end of the day, for any blockchain to be competitive as part of the new “web3” tech stack, we need a L1 that is closer to being a utility than an appreciable asset in terms of value. If all an L1 should be doing is running a decently fast distributed computer, then it doesn’t make sense that we speculate too hard on the value of the thing that powers it. Just as we don’t have to think too hard about the cost of toasting bread with a toaster (Electricity costs are fixed and costs roughly $0.1042 / kWh and if the average toaster runs at 800-1500W and the average of toast “perfection” to slightly brown takes roughly 1-4 min. Let’s assume electricity at $0.1042 / kWh * 1000W / 1000 W (convert W to kW for toaster power consumption) * 2 min / 60 min (have to convert minutes to hours and we don’t want super brown toast, just enough heat to make it “al dente” = $0.003 to brown that bad boy.) Running a super cool distributed and decentralized computer that we can all use should have similar dynamics, no?

Algorand, in terms of development cost, adoption curve, and primitive existing tooling for the application layer seems to allow for a window of adoption-lag that is great for new developers and other types of contributors (artists, marketers, etc.) to join in and build new tools while usage is cheap.

What is the Dad DAO?

The Dad DAO is a paid learning community and incubator of people interested in working together on projects as they broadly relate to crypto and DApp building. Our home is made up of beginners, hobbyists, and professionals alike trying to create an environment that serves as a “safe spawn” for everyone to learn and build things away from the “noise” that runs rampant in the crypto space. We want to understand and be objective about the tools available to us in this space as we collectively discover and build projects using relevant blockchains that are most apt for the use-case of our applications. Our goal is to create an environment where people can be rewarded to learn and work on things that are important to them in everyday life and ultimately to us all. Dad DAO will serve as a creator and aggregator of the best and accessible learning resources that will pipeline ideas from teams of people to a DApp incubator which is funded by our community treasury.

What does being in the DAD DAO look like (as told by a gamer)?

You decide your own journey just like a RPG. You buy the DAD DAO NFT which gives you access to the Discord server. You select a class (role), pick your 3-5 teammates (team), submit your proposal outlining a novel DApp (quest), get a 2/3 majority Dad DAO community approval (guild), get your starter funds and resources (starting gold, sword and shield, etc.), then go onto completing your project (quest) with your team and turn it in for your rewards (upgraded guild status and loot drop). More than just a product or service in crypto. We want a living and breathing community of people from different backgrounds and walks of life who are just beginning to learn about crypto because their kids told them at Thanksgiving. We want hobbyists who have had their fill of doing more than perusing crypto subreddits for the latest news headlines to correlate with price movements, enthusiasts who speculate from deep in the weeds of the latest yield farming project and its +100,000% APR returns or the latest and greatest NFT projects that have it all wrapped into one with a monkey or animal-inspired NFT that mixes up all the different flavors of DeFi wrapped into one.

What stage we are currently at?

We are currently working out the dynamics of how voting to approve how projects works and how Teams get funded by the treasury as well as active/passive incentive structures set in place to motivate everyone to move in the same direction. Meetings for community input will take place in weekly “Town Hall” meetings every Wednesday at 2pm PST/4pm CST/5pm EST under the ‘Events’ at the top of the Discord channel and will eventually be streamed/recorded to Twitch/Youtube as a video work log of how we are all working together as a community to figure the these finer details out. We encourage interested people to join the Discord and register for the ‘Working Group/Team’ role as well as more specific ‘Role’ you wish to learn more about. We’ll slowly begin organizing Role-specific sections for learning material to get everyone on the same page in terms of skills necessary for DApp building. We’re hoping that we can work to bring the first 100% fully-autonomous Algorand organization framework online hopefully in late 2022. Please see our current ‘Technical Roadmap’ in the text-channel ‘roadmap’ that paths out the current state of how we plan to deliver lean MVPs (NFT-as-access to Discord, Voting, Rewards, and Self-organization) that build towards the finally heavy MVP of standing up the DAO (fully autonomous framework of community funding and DApp building).

We’ll be pushing out updates to our official verified community Github ( over time to track changes to the Constitution (a high-level description of why we’re building what we’re building in terms of maintaining cohesive vision as well as aligning all of us together as a community) soon.

Important! - Please pay the most attention to the #updates channel at the top of the Discord server where we’ll continually be updating the community on everything we’re doing and any new developments as we move forward.

Thank you to everyone who made it to the end of this super long post. There’s a lot of information to get out about this project and we hope to see you in our community soon!

Click this link to join the Discord and become a Dad!

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Important Notes:

1.Please reminded that these are shared account's so do not change password/email or adding in profile

  1. To Our beloved customers In the event that you receive any faulty products and need replacement, please make sure to contact our support!

  2. Always indicate your shoppy order id whenever you contact us for account replacement.

  3. Make sure you enter correct email, Check spam box in case you haven't received the account yet.

  4. We respond to all queries or email and we will refund your funds if we fail in replacement.

  5. We have different timezone so please be patient for requesting a replacement account

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Zika Virus Disease Symptoms and Treatment

Zika Virus Disease Symptoms and Treatment

Zika virus is primarily transmitted by the bite of an infected mosquito from the Aedes genus, mainly Aedes aegypti, in tropical and subtropical regions. Aedes mosquitoes usually bite during the day, peaking during early morning and late afternoon/evening. This is the same mosquito that transmits dengue, chikungunya, and yellow fever.

Zika virus is also transmitted from mother to fetus during pregnancy, through sexual contact, transfusion of blood and blood products, and organ transplantation.

In October 2015, Brazil reported an association between Zika virus infection and microcephaly. Outbreaks and evidence of transmission soon appeared throughout the Americas, Africa, and other regions of the world. To date, a total of 86 countries and territories have reported evidence of mosquito-transmitted Zika infection. 

No vaccine is yet available for the prevention or treatment of Zika virus infection. The development of a Zika vaccine remains an active area of research.

The History of Zika Virus

The rise in the spread of Zika virus has been accompanied by a rise in cases of microcephaly and Guillain-Barré syndrome. First identified in Uganda in 1947 in monkeys, Zika was later identified in humans in 1952. The first large outbreak of disease caused by Zika infection was reported from the Island of Yap in 2007. There are currently several countries experiencing Zika virus outbreaks.

1947: Scientists conducting routine surveillance for yellow fever in the Zika forest of Uganda isolate the Zika virus in samples taken from a captive, sentinel rhesus monkey.
1948: The virus is recovered from the mosquito Aedes africanus, caught on a tree platform in the Zika forest.
1952: The first human cases are detected in Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania in a study demonstrating the presence of neutralizing antibodies to Zika virus in sera.

1969–1983: The known geographical distribution of Zika expands to equatorial Asia, including India, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Pakistan, where the virus is detected in mosquitos. As in Africa, sporadic human cases occur but no outbreaks are detected and the disease in humans continues to be regarded as rare, with mild symptoms.
2007: Zika spreads from Africa and Asia to cause the first large outbreak in humans on the Pacific island of Yap, in the Federated States of Micronesia. Prior to this event, no outbreaks and only 14 cases of human Zika virus disease had been documented worldwide.
2013–2014: The virus causes outbreaks in four other groups of Pacific islands: French Polynesia, Easter Island, the Cook Islands, and New Caledonia. The outbreak in French Polynesia, generating thousands of suspected infections, is intensively investigated. The results of retrospective investigations are reported to WHO on 24 November 2015 and 27 January 2016.

2 March 2015: Brazil notifies WHO of reports of an illness characterized by skin rash in northeastern states. From February 2015 to 29 April 2015, nearly 7000 cases of illness with skin rash are reported in these states. All cases are mild, with no reported deaths. Zika was not suspected at this stage, and no tests for Zika were carried out.
1 February 2016: WHO declares that the recent association of Zika infection with clusters of microcephaly and other neurological disorders constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.

Symptoms and Treatment

The incubation period (the time from exposure to symptoms) of Zika virus disease is estimated to be 3–14 days. The majority of people infected with Zika virus do not develop symptoms.

Symptoms are generally mild including fever, rash, conjunctivitis, muscle and joint pain, malaise, and headache, and usually last for 2–7 days.

Complications of Zika virus disease

Zika virus infection during pregnancy is a cause of microcephaly and other congenital abnormalities in the developing fetus and newborn. Zika infection in pregnancy also results in pregnancy complications such as fetal loss, stillbirth, and preterm birth.  

Zika virus infection is also a trigger of Guillain-Barré syndrome, neuropathy, and myelitis, particularly in adults and older children.

Research is ongoing to investigate the effects of Zika virus infection on pregnancy outcomes, strategies for prevention and control, and effects of infection on other neurological disorders in children and adults.

Prevention and control

Protection against mosquito bites during the day and early evening is a key measure to prevent Zika virus infection. Special attention should be given to the prevention of mosquito bites among pregnant women, women of reproductive age, and young children.

Personal protection measures include wearing clothing (preferably light-colored) that covers as much of the body as possible; using physical barriers such as window screens and closed doors and windows; and applying insect repellent to skin or clothing that contains DEET, IR3535, or icaridin according to the product label instructions.

Young children and pregnant women should sleep under mosquito nets if sleeping during the day or early evening. Travelers and those living in affected areas should take the same basic precautions described above to protect themselves from mosquito bites.

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