Saturday, August 14, 2021

The taxman cometh

I picked up crypto earlier this year, and have since then moved a fair amount of regular savings(which have negative interest) into some of the bigger crypto currencies. Starting out i bought Bitcoin and Eth on the Revolut app on my phone. Over the next month i had bought crypto on Binance and Coinbase as well. I spend some time with various smaller coins, but ultimately decided to convert them into ADA BTC and ETH, which created alot of taxable transactions. I didn´t really give taxes any thought, as i am often the type of person who sometimes just does things spontaneously, and worry about the details later. I´m beginning to feel like later is approaching, and that i should start looking into settling the score with my government. I live in Denmark, and dont know whether i need to pay tax on what i earned yearly, or if i can wait it out and pay the tax when i someday hopefully sell it again at a gain. Is there some free app or website that could help me get started with this process, so that i can begin calculating what i owe, if not actually pay. I realize this might have become a wall of text, but i hope somebody can help me with this next necessary step in crypto ownership.

Thanks guys

;TLDR Bought, converted and sold alot of small (~3000usd total) crypto without any regard for taxable events. Now what do?

the root of all conspiracy.

tl,dr: there was a big splash event about 5000bc, it was an extinction level event that is not yet complete. the planet that hit a populated earth was also populated. the populace of the "second" planet has been doing a cover-up to hide that there ever was a collision because we all have to live here until it is no longer habitable. great lengths have been taken to be sure it is not discussed. the second planet had a city called atlantis at it's "north (non-solar)" pole. land mass on earth was centered around africa, just before colliding, it's "north/non-solar" pole was at giza, and the "south/solar" pole was at hawaii. (before the influx of mass from the second planet.)

im not sure which flair to use.


last year i was looking for something innocent and discovered 5000 yrs of cover-up stories.

i was aware gold prices were going to skyrocket soon after bitcoin rose - (a whole other conspiracy there), so i was checking youtube about creavasing etc. for gold, then i was checking google earth for places to check in the area.

i got here... in the white, a gravel pit (kame) near where i grew up.

and then saw this .... , like it's been hit by a hammer?

closer... just a dried swamp .... with an esker around it...

so i do ground level and look around. i notice that looking in the direction of the river, there's a distinct path that this meteor must have come in at... a low angle that had "melted" the rock to the south(on the right) here ... .

follow the trail of where it seems to come from ...

so, i trace it back to what i assume it's origins... some explosion over/at/near montreal. ... and trace that back , and so on ... any rate, i end up near greenland and wondering where the "main" impact was ...

well. to me, it turns out that the "meteor" in question was a part of greenland. which was a part of eurasia, which was a part of another planet that hit earth at some point.

i mention this to a guy i know, and he points me to theia theory. i had not heard of it previous. i tell him yes, that makes tons of sense.

i then spent a great deal of time trying to piece it all together.

eventually, i will place all the supporting evidence down in an easy to follow format, but organization has not been my friend. ever.


the end conclusion is that sometime around 6000 - 4000 BC, there was a collision between earth and another planet. both were densely populated. the collision was the slowest possible collision that two planets could have.

the second planet, contained a core, magma, and crust + atmosphere, very similar to earth, only a slightly cooler temperature as it had a slightly larger orbit. upon collision, it broke open and (some) of the mantle is the southern border of asia, europe and east coast china, all inbetween and northwards for the rest of eurasia is the magma spill, the main mass, continuing on deposited greenland as the core rolled free through the gulf of mexico and left the surface of earth and became the moon, antartica continued "rolling/crashing/low angle sliding, creating the atlantic ocean by pushing south america and austrailia out of the way, until it landed where it now sits.


quick notes:

this impact altered the axis.

- the axis was not tilted, it did run straight through the planet, originating at the sun, hitting the planet in the pacific ocean - exiting through africa. the axis used to wander, but never past the pacific rim.

- this impact caused mass destruction, and is still in the running for extinction level event. it has only been ~5000 yrs., which we all know that in the giant scale of time of universe, is but a split second.

- greenland and antartica, according to my theory, would be large chunks of the other planet, broken open like a tangerine and placed onto the earth "white" side up - "orange" side down, if you will. i imagine this would create a "double layer" of "mantle" which could explain, through being "doubly insulated" from the heat of the earths core and magma, the amount of ice still present. (well, it's the simplest/most logical answer as i see it.)

im going to go on and on and on about this event and how it has dictated every political and religious move since it occurred, i hope to do that here.

about me ... no factions/devotions/religions/academia or the likes. if any, anarchism in the sense of equality of all humans, treat others as you expect to be treated. your opinion of me really will not phase me. im an addict (since grade school, about 35 yrs. worth of alcohol and drug use/abuse) in recovery for 4 years now, except for nicotine, caffeine and thc. wont even take aspirin or processed foods for that matter. i have tinnitus, which was always thought to be adhd (how would you know if the ringing was there if it was ALWAYS there?), so , really i guess ritalin(crystal meth) at age 4 was prescribed ... wonder how i became an addict lol, anyway.

here is a screen capture of where the planets collided. i don't have it in me to re-type it out or make new links, i had posted it in another sub, , in the comments i was told to come here. i came here, here is a "quick" rundown.

path of collision in white, core "roll out" in black.

from another angle ...

the decision to hide the event that destroyed earth was decided to be hidden by the greek/roman philosophers in and around year 100 - 300. the fact of imminent extinction of all life on the planet had to be hidden to avoid the chaos and mayhem that stems from the nihilistic attitude that would be unavoidable if the truth was known. -- at least until we can all "get along".

hit me with questions. i can go on for days. from "lizard people" to "freemasons" to "flat earthers" to the "crusades" to valley of the kings to greek mythology to purpose of the pyramids to the writing of the "king james version" to atlantis to the ark of the covenant. would you believe those are all related to this one event?

...more crazy to come....


Do You Believe in The Flippening?

For those unaware, The Flippening is a hypothetical event in which ETH overtakes Bitcoin in terms of market capitalization. While this hasn't happened yet, it may not be too far off. Alex Mashinsky, CEO of Celsius Network, says the process is already underway. (

What do you think? Is Check Mate in the Horizon?! Share your thoughts!

View Poll

Deathcoin [Part 2]

Part 1

I stood staring at the screen, stunned at what just clicked in my head.

Then, the Discord notification popped up for me.

It was that mod from earlier.

DeathCoinMod1 Has Requested a Private Chat with LoveNDeathcoin.

I wasn’t used to seeing my new screen name I had created for this Discord Server.

I was hesitant but accepted the DM.

DeathCoinMod1: “Hey, Mister LoveNDeathcoin, gotta pick a role. Now. Or I kick.

I sat down, looking at the screen, wondering what I should do. How did the mod know I was a guy? He was being very pushy about me picking a role.

I eventually typed back to the mod, “How do I become a miner?”

There was a moment of nothing. My stomach sank slowly as I saw the screen suddenly indicate: DeathCoinMod1 is typing…

DeathCoinMod1: “So, you want to be a digger?l Or a trigger?”

I swallowed hard: “What’s the difference?” I asked.

DeathCoinMod1: “One person pushes aggressively to increase the capital within our portfolio, the other works to lobby on our behalf in local governments.”

“Pushes to aggressively increase the capital?” I said out loud to myself. The mod was talking about killing people. More life insurance claims… But they were saying it without actually saying it.

I had to ask: “Local Governments?”

The next message appeared to be some kind of copy-paste job.

DeathCoinMod1: “Local Governments give up their right to ownership of the escrow accounts, privatizing the practice of holding unclaimed life insurance policies. Currently, Deathcoin has made agreements with six states: Florida, Texas, Minnesota, Arizona, New York, and California.”

I frowned, looking at the odd list.

DeathCoinMod1: “Deathcoin would happily push for more states to join the group. This can be done by simply lobbying local officials, appearing before town halls, and helping to push legislation through. A grassroots campaign that is silent can be surprisingly effective. Putting the privatization of the Life Insurance Escrow on the ballot is the first step. Most people do not know what they are actually voting for and thus we have a specific method of writing down something that sounds beneficial to them, as taxpayers. The ballot format is as follows.

“Shift the burden of carrying and accounting on unclaimed life insurance documentation and accounts payable to private entities, removing the cost of labor from local government clerks and allowing private businesses to improve efficiency and privacy of escrow services to the community? Yes/No.”

I blinked as I read over the last bit. If I did see that on the ballot, I’d probably end up voting for that.

DeathCoinMod1: “We also have key senators who are interested in adding some language to the next omnibus bill in exchange for an early opportunity.”

I gave the screen an incredulous look: “Isn’t that last part illegal?” I asked.

DeathCoinMod1: “Do not forget we that are a crypto currency. No one could track how much money we’re giving these individuals. Just providing them Deathcoin out of our own inventory would pay out huge dividends to them later and they would not need to claim the Deathcoin, or even show profits from Deathcoin, as they could cash it out in another currency such as Etherium, Litecoin or Bitcoin.”

I cracked my knuckles nervously. I wasn’t keen on the boring bits. I wanted to see if this group was actually killing people. I had to ask the big question: “But what if I want to fill up the current escrow with new insurance payouts? Like… Manually.”

DeathCoinMod1 is typing…

My hands were shaking.

Did I give myself away? Was there any hope that I could stop them? How could I once I was in? Surely I could go to the authorities…

I stared at the screen for what felt like forever and a day.

DeathCoinMod1: “If you’re serious, there are a few things you should know. 1) I have your name, address and social security number. I also have your SIM Card data. 2) Don’t think you can just get one and move on. You’re expected to continue digging. 3) You need to provide proof. We only do brags - no trophies - and the only proof is that you tell us about your ‘dig’ prior to it hitting the news cycles. No names, no addresses on your little posts. Those you have to give to me for verification purposes.”

I stared at the screen in shock: “You can’t do that! You don’t have that information!” I typed angrily.

DeathCoinMod1: “Hey, dumbass, I do.”

I called his bluff: “Prove it then!”

DeathCoinMod1 is typing…

What flashed up on the screen wasn’t just my PC’s IP address.

He showed me my driver’s license ID #, SSN, my home address - every address I ever lived at, by the way, the make and model of my car, license plate number, and so on.

DeathCoinMod1: “What? Do you actually believe we would let just anyone into the Discord? That ‘Vetting’ process you agreed to? That gave me everything on you. All your data. And before you start bitching and moaning: You clicked the T.O.S. without reading it, kiddo. So don’t think you can go whining to the authorities without repercussions.

I glared at the screen: “What’s stopping me?” I asked.

DeathCoinMod1 is typing…

DeathCoinMod1: "It would be a bitch if your phone’s geolocation data showed you at the scene of a murder, wouldn’t it?”

My eyes went wide.

DeathCoinMod1: “So, I assume you’re not going to go to the authorities?”

I swallowed hard: “No, I won’t. I want to be a digger. Just not comfortable with everyone having my data,” I typed.

DeathCoinMod1: “Maybe I came off a little hard. Let me explain: Only I have your data. The other diggers don’t have that data.”

I sighed in relief until I saw the chat continue.

DeathCoinMod1 is typing…

DeathCoinMod1: “Yet.”

I shivered as I typed: “What do you mean?”

DeathCoinMod1: “I mean that I wouldn’t be handing you over to authorities. I’d hand your data out to the others, if you did. You feel me?”

I typed again: “That won’t be necessary. I’ll take care of it. I’ll get a new dig for you.”

DeathCoinMod1: “Learn to type better. Everything on the internet is saved. Like I said: prove it’s yours, with a news clip before it hits the news cycle, and from there, we’ll talk about giving out extra coins. Message me with the news clip directly - then I’ll post it up for you. After you prove yourself, you’ll get full fledged ‘digger’ rights. Good luck.”

I saw that he went offline.

What was I going to do?

I couldn’t kill someone.

That’s when there were three precise knocks on my door.

I wasn’t expecting anyone, nor had I ordered a package or food recently. It’s 2021 - who knocks on a door?!

I moved to my door and checked my doorbell camera as I approached.

Standing there was a man with neat hair, a suit, despite the heat, and an overall prim and proper look to him. He turned to the doorbell camera and smiled.

I frowned, speaking through the doorbell camera’s intercom, “Can I help you?’

“Hello,” the gentlemen said, saying my name, “I’m with the homeowners association,” he smiled disarmingly, “I won’t be more than five minutes, just have to inspect the smoke detectors.”

I lived in a small apartment complex, some people were lucky to own their units, I rented. So it was par for the course for my landlord to not bother telling me about inspections.

“Sure,” I sighed, opening the door.

As I did, he walked in with a smile, speaking broadly, “We might have to reboot your router, just for a moment, should come right back,” he explained, “Have to make sure your security system is properly recovering from power events and that the smoke detectors are clear.”

That’s when he placed a small device on the table. It was black, no bigger than a wallet, but had four little antennas on it.

As he placed it on the table it had a small red light that flipped to green. He turned to me, showing a badge silently.

“Agent Waterson, FBI: ID-35,” was all it said.

Don’t talk to the authorities.

That’s what I thought, anyway. But how would they know? I hadn’t called anyone.

“Wait, how did-” before I could continue Agent Waterson placed his finger to his lips as a shushing motion and pocketed his badge. He pulled out his phone, tapping it.

I frowned, looking at my phone. It looked like it was in airplane mode now! No data, no Bluetooth, like all the wireless was turned off. What did he do to my phone?!

Agent Waterson powered his phone off.

I decided I should do as he did and powered down my phone.

“Can never be too careful,” Agent Waterson explained, looking around the room, glancing up at the smoke detectors, “I’m Agent Waterson, FBI. We understand you have invested in a new start-up called Deathcoin…”

“Yeah, that was fast. It’s barely a few days old,” I pointed out.

“It’s launch was new. The people behind it have been lobbying and preparing for some time, though we were surprised to see them launch prior to getting full support from the Federal Legislature,” Agent Waterson continued to walk through the apartment as if he were inspecting the smoke detectors.

I followed along.

“Cutting to the chase, these guys are extremely intelligent professionals. Good with technology, to the point where we even have evidence they have access to back-door monitoring software that is supposed to only be ours,” agent Waterson turned to me, “Thus turning off your phone was required.”

“Back doors?! What do you mean-” Agent Waterson cut me off.

“We need someone on the inside and that’s you,” Agent Waterson smiled, “Got any info? We can make it worth your while.”

“How can you make it worth my while?” I asked.

Agent Waterson was now inspecting through the kitchen, “We’ll match whatever it is these Deathcoin folk are offering, you’ll get a tax-exempt status for the rest of your life, ambassador status passport if you feel unsafe in the US…” he turned to me, “Name another perk later but that’s our fast offer. Also, Witness Protection as needed, of course.”

I didn’t have to think long, “There is a group within the Deathcoin community called ‘Diggers’ they execute whole families or anyone without a beneficiary in the states, they have privatized the Life Insurance Escrow practice,” I swallowed hard, hoping this wasn’t some weird test from the Deathcoin people.

They couldn’t make a fake FBI agent, right?

Agent Waterson nodded, “Can you ID anyone?” he asked.

“No, I only have their Discord screen names. The diggers don’t give location or names,” I explained, “It’s on a Discord server-”

“We know about the Discord,” Agent Waterson explained, “We don’t have full access to the ‘digger’ role rooms,” he turned to me, “So you’re going to need to become a digger.”

“They want me to kill a family or something and then post it before it hits the news and that’s just to vet me,” I was desperate for help. I was kind of screwed: if this was a test from the Deathcoin guys, I was probably going to be killed at some point anyway.

Agent Waterson nodded, “Give me about… 48-hours,” agent Waterson stated, “I’ll be in touch,” he took the device off the table and smiled at me, “Well, all is in order. If your router doesn’t come back online you gotta call the cable company. Sorry about that,” Agent Waterson said as he walked to the door.

“Wait, what about... Uhm… Any follow-up?” I asked, trying to remain covert.

“Oh, the HOA will be in touch with your landlord, you should call him to let him know he should be telling you about these inspections,” Agent Waterson smiled, “It’s for everyone’s safety, after all. A matter of security for everyone.” With that, Agent Waterson left.

I sighed and turned my phone back on.

I checked the Discord and, sure enough, there was no major activity. No messages from the diggers or Mod that I was caught.

“Just act natural, pretend you’re in, and you’re good,” I was hoping that being a mole wouldn’t bite me in the ass.

Holy shit was I wrong?!

The next day I got the call from Agent Waterson. I didn’t even know it was Waterson at first.

I answered the call that was coming in from a number I thought I knew. It was similar to my mom’s work number.

“Hello sir, we’re calling about your car’s extended warranty,” the voice started.

“How do you fucks find me?!” I screamed, about to hang up.

“Oh, sorry sir! We can remove you from the list, are you…?” The woman gave my name to me.

“Yes, please take me off the list, all the lists!” I shouted.

“One moment please…” My phone flickered and I frowned as the line crackled and my phone pulsed three times for some reason. Agent Waterson’s voice then came over the line.

“Hello again,” he said professionally.

“You…? Okay, that was fucked,” I said, concerned about how much power the government had over my phone.

“Here’s your story: Two men are in an automobile crash on the way home from a funeral of the mother and wife respectively. The husband is a person of interest in her murder. FYI Daryl and Darren. The brake line was cut, tragic accident, no surviving family,” Agent Waterson said, “Accident happened in New York on I-495, exit 64.”

My stomach dropped, “Agent Waterson did you k-”

“The story will hit the news tomorrow morning, so you’ve got little time to beat it. I can’t hold the story back for long,” Agent Waterson said. “If it makes you feel any better, the husband had just murdered his wife but claimed temporary insanity.”

“How do I claim to be responsible?!” I shouted.

“You drained the brake fluid,” Agent Waterson said simply, “Then, cut them off on the highway. Normal driving took care of the rest, as well as ensuring they couldn’t escape. Make up the finer details if you like,” Agent Waterson said again, emotionless, “Use your imagination, don’t feel like you should avoid embellishing.”

I frowned as the line went dead.

I knew what I had to do, so I headed to the Discord.

I was pretty much muted in the server, so I had to DM the mysterious DeathcoinMod1 - and I noticed there were almost twenty new members.

“I have a news clipping,” I typed.

DeathCoinMod1 is typing…

DeathCoinMod1: “Really? I thought you were going to get cold feet.”

I narrowed my eyes on the screen, typing: “Brake-line was cut on a car on its way back from a funeral, the dad was a suspect in the mom’s murder. Daryl and Darren, I-495 in New York, Exit 64 - they crashed after I cut them off and they couldn’t slow down or break.”

DeathCoinMod1: “Oh, you’re a justice killer, huh? Okay, okay. I feel you. Remove location and names, you’ll have temporary access to the news-clipping channel. If we don’t hear the story in the next 72-hours we’re going to boot you. Also, don’t forget: We can pin anything on you.”

I frowned and moved to the news-clipping channel and carefully thought of the format of previous News Clippings.

Two Men Dead in Car Wreck.

Today, a father and son died in a car accident on their way back from the funeral of the Wife / Mother. Father was a Person of Interest in the wife’s death. Both men died after losing control of their vehicle on an expressway.

Police are investigating the potential mechanical failure of the car.


I hit enter, wincing as my phone buzzed. The Deathcoin app showed a new notification: My news clipping. There were a few other stories as well, which was disconcerting.

On the upside: Deathcoin was worth almost $8.18 a coin. I now had almost $21,000 USD in Deathcoin.

My Discord flashed up.

TheBestDiggerEver11 has requested a private chat.

I shivered, clicking accept.

TheBestDiggerEver11: “Well, hiyah Dexter! Nice dig… Are you going full vigilante?! Don’t come after me! I’ll be The Joker to your Batman ;D!”

“Heath Ledger or Jared Leto?” I typed, trying to make a joke of it, but getting nervous knowing I was talking to a killer.

TheBestDiggerEver11: “Mark Hamil, duh! I wanted to congratulate you on your first! We can only talk so much in #brags and I see you weren’t in there yet. Wanna tell me how it went down?”

I typed in next, carefully to ensure my story was straight, “I knew the guy, he killed his wife and it looked like he was going to get away with it. I got to his car while it was parked at the funeral.”

TheBestDiggerEver11: “Careful man! Don’t target folks who might know you!! You don’t want anything to trace back to you… hit me up if you want tips or tricks.”

My stomach churned at how casual this person was about everything.

TheBestDiggerEver11: “And please… Please tell me about your next dig. I love to talk shop.”

Possible case for a backflow of funds from Crypto to Gold/Silver when Digital Currency is enforced

One thing I am willing to bet my entire net worth on is that Monetary Reset is coming and Digital Currency will be enforced onto us.

This begs the question: When Digital Currency replaces the physical dollars where all transactions are controllable, what happens to bitcoin/cryptos when they outlaw its conversion back into CBDCs? It will become a graveyard for non-digital fiat currencies.

If this is the case, then there must be an event where Crypto holders have to sell out and then the only option for out-of-system wealth preservation is in Gold/Silver.

The alternative is for the Central banks to completely ignore the Cryptos as competitors to their product.

What do you guys think?

Crypto mistakes and how to avoid them

I know that we all say we’re “in it for the technology”, but what we really mean is that we’re all trying to get rich to buy Nicolas Cage’s T-rex skull or that fancy imported ramen.

For this reason, many of us have gotten a little bold with our market moves. Maybe a little more so than what we might attempt with our other financial investments. What are some mistakes that we can avoid?

  • Ignoring risk management
    • The volatility of the crypto market is rife with risk and we, as investors, need to set our own levels of risk management. This can be like setting stop losses, paper trading to test the waters, and making an investment plan.
  • Day trading
    • The allure of fast cash is drawing many people into essentially day trading cryptos. This is not inherently bad, but it should be approached with some knowledge before jumping right in. Too many trading pairs, ignoring risk-reward, not calculating fees, forgetting the tax-man, and other mistakes can be avoided with some cursory research and a bit of practice.
  • Trading futures / options / margins / leverage
    • If you see any of these terms and you don’t know what they are… run. In these types of trading you are guessing what the price of crypto will be in the future and even borrowing money to do it! Sounds silly? It is. Sorry, did I say silly? I meant very, very risky. I’m not saying that it can’t be done, just know that your entire investment can be liquidated in seconds. Ouch.
  • Ignoring fees
    • Fees are an important part of some cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Fees are paid to miners who are completing blocks on the blockchain so that your precious transaction can be recorded on the ledger and sent through. It’s essential to understand the fee structure of a certain cryptocurrency before buying it and making multiple transactions that could burn through your profits in an instant.
    • Withdrawal fees on exchanges are another hit to the wallet. Be sure that you read the policies and fee rates for your particular exchange and coin so that you understand how much you need to allocate just to move your bags.
  • Forgetting taxes
    • There are 2 constants in life: death and taxes. All those trades that you are making as you buy and sell are taxable events in the USA. Your country may have different tax laws that you should absolutely understand before getting too deep into crypto. Get to know what capital gains taxes are and set aside some of those profits for paying the government’s share.
  • FOMO / emotions
    • With so much content being beamed into our eyes at all hours of the day, it’s hard to avoid being influenced by this information. Trading and investing with emotion can lead to many avoidable mistakes. It’s important to recognize things like fear, greed, doubt, elation and other pesky feelings that are trying to separate you from your profits. Stuff those down, deep inside, with those memories of when you wet your pants.
  • Not taking profits
    • You’ve already admitted at this point that you’re in it for the money. So why is it so hard to take profits? Everyone has heard about the incredibly low prices of Bitcoin 10 years ago and is hoping that if they just hold that they can become millionaires. Possibly, or something else can happen like a massive crash or a boating accident. Billions of dollars in crypto are simply lost every year. Take some before it affects you. Use the profits to buy back in when the price drops.
  • Not having a plan
    • “I should have bought XXX when it was $$$!” Maybe you should have, but was it part of your plan? It’s important to understand a few things about an investment that you’re interested in:
      • Capital to invest
      • Entry and exit points
      • Acceptable losses
    • If you’re going to use a dollar cost averaging strategy to invest capital into the crypto, you may want to use the same strategy to take profits out. Doing this at certain time intervals can help reduce the effects of the volatility in price.
  • Not checking address / memo
    • Transactions with large amounts of money can be scary. You’re trusting that your funds will make it to the other side. Make this less intimidating by checking the address carefully, even if you copy and pasted it. You may also want to send a small test transfer to ensure that the process is working as intended. Finally, some assets require that you include a memo before sending. I found that out the hard way.
  • Investing more than you are willing to lose
    • Don't believe for a second that you're in control of yourself or the market. Many people have dumped their hard-earned money or life savings into crypto hoping to get lambos and castles. Stick with your plan and allocate only the capital that you’re willing to lose. A downswing in the market shouldn’t decide whether or not you’re able to eat this week.
  • Not holding your own keys
    • Have a safe store for your earnings. Maybe you don’t want to take fiat profit in your coins just yet and want to hold them. At this point you can take some off the exchange and into a noncustodial software or hardware wallet, meaning that you own the keys instead of a third party.
  • Not reading the fine print
    • Bought crypto on an exchange only to learn that you couldn't withdraw it to your own personal wallets? Should have read the fine print. Now you have to pay the fees to transfer back to fiat and you’ve wasted your time.
  • Not making passive income
    • There are so many ways to make passive income in this space from shitposting on r/cc, to staking, to joining liquidity pools, loaning out crypto and other creative methods. There is no reason why you shouldn’t let your money work for you. Any rewards made from these ventures can then be compounded and increase earning potential. Don’t sleep on this.

Don’t let the mistakes of those that came before you be in vain. Know what you’re getting into, make a plan, and avoid the stress and emotion of being ill-prepared.

Intelligence is the ability to learn from your mistakes. Wisdom is the ability to learn from the mistakes of others.

List of Today's and Tomorrow's Upcoming Events

I will be bringing you upcoming events/announcements every day. If you want improvements to this post, please mention /u/houseme in the comments. We will make improvements based on your feedback. | /r/kryptocal | Android | iOS | Telegram Interactive Bot (add cryptocalapp_bot) | Telegram Channel @kryptocal



If you like an event to be added, click Submit Event, and we will do the rest.





Nano(NANO) AMA with WeNano August 14, 2021



ZenCash(ZEN) China Roadshow: Xiamen August 14, 2021
Harvest Masternode Coin(HC) Zoom Seminar & AMA August 14, 2021
KardiaChain(KAI) ETH-KAI Dual Bridge August 14, 2021
Libertas Token(LIBERTAS) Libertas VOX Major Update August 14, 2021
Ethernity Chain(ERN) Manny Pacquiao NFT Launch August 14, 2021
Datamine FLUX(FLUX) YouTube Live AMA August 14, 2021
General Event(CRYPTO) REIMAGINE 2021 V10.0 August 15, 2021
Bitcoin SV(BSV) Financial Mathematics August 15, 2021
LGCY Network(LGCY) Mainnet Launch August 15, 2021
ACryptoS(ACS) Third Daily Emissions Cut August 15, 2021
Pink Panda(PINKPANDA) YouTube Live AMA August 15, 2021
ElonTech(ETCH) Weekly Token Burn August 15, 2021



Matic Network(MATIC) ZBG Listing August 14, 2021
Chiliz(CHZ) ZBG Listing August 15, 2021


Air Drops

Badger DAO(BADGER) Options Airdrop August 15, 2021



IdeaChain(ICH) Main Platform Launch August 15, 2021



List of Today's and Tomorrow's Upcoming Events

I will be bringing you upcoming events/announcements every day. If you want improvements to this post, please mention /u/houseme in the comments. We will make improvements based on your feedback. | /r/kryptocal | Android | iOS | Telegram Interactive Bot (add cryptocalapp_bot) | Telegram Channel @kryptocal



If you like an event to be added, click Submit Event, and we will do the rest.





Nano(NANO) AMA with WeNano August 14, 2021



ZenCash(ZEN) China Roadshow: Xiamen August 14, 2021
Harvest Masternode Coin(HC) Zoom Seminar & AMA August 14, 2021
KardiaChain(KAI) ETH-KAI Dual Bridge August 14, 2021
Libertas Token(LIBERTAS) Libertas VOX Major Update August 14, 2021
Ethernity Chain(ERN) Manny Pacquiao NFT Launch August 14, 2021
Datamine FLUX(FLUX) YouTube Live AMA August 14, 2021
General Event(CRYPTO) REIMAGINE 2021 V10.0 August 15, 2021
Bitcoin SV(BSV) Financial Mathematics August 15, 2021
LGCY Network(LGCY) Mainnet Launch August 15, 2021
ACryptoS(ACS) Third Daily Emissions Cut August 15, 2021
Pink Panda(PINKPANDA) YouTube Live AMA August 15, 2021
ElonTech(ETCH) Weekly Token Burn August 15, 2021



Matic Network(MATIC) ZBG Listing August 14, 2021
Chiliz(CHZ) ZBG Listing August 15, 2021


Air Drops

Badger DAO(BADGER) Options Airdrop August 15, 2021



IdeaChain(ICH) Main Platform Launch August 15, 2021



A lot of people use the term Unicorn in crypto. Here is what a Unicorn Investment actually means (SpaceX is a Unicorn).

You see a lot of reference to people searching for Unicorns, which people typically mean to be a rare investment with strong upside. Unicorns are mythical animals and it is used to represent the statistical rarity of an investment getting to such a position.

Uniswap the popular decentralized finance application is named after Unicorns and uses a Unicorn as its symbol.

In finance, what a Unicorn actually refers to is a privately held start-up company valued at over $1 Billion. So essentially nothing in crypto is a Unicorn Investment because they are not companies and are not privately held (instead they are widely held).

Examples of Unicorns include:

SpaceX, Stripe, Epic Games, Telegram, Ripple (not XRP), Discord and Reddit.

If we ignore the company and privately held qualifiers, anything valued over $1 Billion is a Unicorn. Anything over $10 Billion is a Decacorn and anything over $100 Billion is a Hectocorn.

There are now an estimated 700 Unicorns and 30 Decacorns, the number is growing quickly.

Valuations of Unicorns are usually determined by recent funding rounds, as they are not publicly traded and often do not have strong earnings to base a valuation on (growth is the main metric).

Bonus term: Black Swan Event

A Black Swan Event is something which was thought to have been impossible or highly improbably, very hard to predict or rare. An example of a Black Swan Event may be Bitcoin dropping to $100 this year.

The term originated in Europe as something that is an impossibility (think "pigs can't fly"). In the 16th century it was commonly used in London as a statement of impossibility, as all known records and observations of Swans were white.

However in 1967, Black Swans were discovered in Western Australia by Dutch explorers.

The term then took on a new meaning, a perceived impossibility might later be disproven.

The term is often used in finance.

Subtipper has just tipped the top posts for this community! [20:07 GMT August 14, 2021]

Thanks to all posters for providing great content!

The top posts since the last payout (~1 week) have been tipped 1 US cent per vote, or 1491 sats per vote.

For an explanation of Subtipper and how it works, please see this article.


Winning posts:

This didn’t age well by u/Anen-o-me

[tip] - 812595 sats = 0.00812595 BCH = ~5.45 USD

Blockchain-support scam beware by u/mbc08

[tip] - 226632 sats = 0.00226632 BCH = ~1.52 USD

Fun fact - I have been putting "remind me 1 year" responses to a lot of negative comments about BCH. Reminders are coming due and so far 3 out of 3 of those users are now [deleted]. by u/mrtest001

[tip] - 222159 sats = 0.00222159 BCH = ~1.49 USD

“ BCH is trying to break $600.00 and I want to see that too because Bitcoin Cash deserves a price of $4500.00 already. DeFi on BCH, really low transactions cost for years and more years to come in the future, not to mention that it has the potential to take the first place on CMC” by u/Egon_1

[tip] - 146118 sats = 0.00146118 BCH = ~0.98 USD

Binance is MOST definitely having liquidity issues when it comes to coins like BCH that you can't conjure up out of air. Slowing down withdrawals is the first step to insolvency. Remember, we have been here before. by u/i_have_chosen_a_name

[tip] - 134190 sats = 0.00134190 BCH = ~0.90 USD

According to Coingecko 17% of all BCH is now traded on Coinflex with a 24h volume of almost 700 million USDC. by u/i_have_chosen_a_name

[tip] - 132699 sats = 0.00132699 BCH = ~0.89 USD

Bitcoin SV rocked by fifth 51% attack, serial culprit attempts double spends by u/minitoxin

[tip] - 108843 sats = 0.00108843 BCH = ~0.73 USD


Tips not claimed within 7 days will be returned to the Subtipper fund and tipped out to future posts.


To support this bot, help spread Bitcoin Cash, and encourage great content in the r/btc community, tip this post using Chaintip by including u/chaintip in your comment!


Note: this payout event was triggered by block 700835, which was mined more than 3 days since the last event and has the last three hex digits of its hash (joined as a number) strictly smaller than 7. The BCH price at the time of activation was $670.7

Banano "Adopt a Family" Project (Venezuela) - feeding children and families in-need

Just saw an interesting tweet from the Spanish-language Banano account (Banano En Español Oficial - @ banano_es) sharing an article about a project called "Adopt a Family," which takes donations in Banano, and uses them to help feed children and families in-need. I worked on a translation of the article, and wanted to share it with you here! (the bold sections are taken from the original)

Original Article (In Spanish)


Charity project feeds Venezuelan children and families with the Banano cryptocurrency

The charitable project ‘Adopt a Family’ emerged among members of the Banano community and today it has distributed food to more than 1,500 Venezuelans.

There are many cryptocurrencies that exist in the digital world. Some are better known or more valuable, and others that come in the form of memes or jokes. But most have one thing in common: a community of committed enthusiasts.

Originating from the chats of a group of fans of the Banano cryptocurrency (BAN), the 'Adopt a Family' project is an example that when a community organizes itself it can achieve great feats, it does not matter if its members coexist in physical space or virtual. Today, this charitable initiative has managed to feed more than 1,500 poor people in the city of Caracas, Venezuela.

The Venezuelan and founding leader of the project, Simón Cuberos, shared in an exclusive interview with DiarioBitcoin the history of this initiative, the work they carry out in the Caribbean country and the plans they have for the future.

Welcome to the Banano community

Founded in 2018, the Venezuelan project 'Adopt a Family' was born from the effort of a group of cyber colleagues who shared a common theme in Discord chats: Banano (BAN), a forked cryptocurrency of Nano (NANO) characterized by the image of a banana.

With no prior knowledge of digital currencies, Cuberos came to the Banano community around 2017, after receiving an invitation from a close friend. A new spectrum of possibilities opened up for the young Venezuelan, although he would soon discover that he shared other interests with some of the group's members. Beyond the passion for the fruit-themed meme token, Cuberos forged ties of friendship with a German citizen who was willing to give a helping hand to Venezuelans affected by the reality of the country.

At the time I didn't even know that [Banano] was a joke cryptocurrency. There I started to meet a lot of people. Making friends in that community, I met Fabien, who expressed his concern for the situation in Venezuela.

Cuberos relates that it was a "tense" moment in Venezuela, in which inflation was pressing and the energy crisis threatened to extinguish even the last hopes of those who still remained in the country. In a gesture of solidarity, Fabien proposed to Cuberos to send him monthly donations in Banano or Nano for the purchase of food in exchange for a photographic record of what those funds could cover.

“We started doing it month by month. At that time he would send us about USD $ 10, and I would send him photos of what he could buy with that, "says the Venezuelan.

A germ of solidarity

Initially, the cryptocurrency donations had provided financial support to Cuberos' relatives in Venezuela, including his family. But soon, the gesture of solidarity would spread like a contagious germ within the Banano community.

In December 2018 it occurred to me to buy bread, ham and cheese to prepare and distribute sandwiches in Caracas. So, after sharing my plans, the Banano community started donating to expand the distribution to more people.

That first improvised distribution of food to homeless people would mark the beginning of the ‘Adopt a Family‘ foundation. The project took shape in January of the following year, when Cuberos organized with a group of friends to continue the initiative. This time, with greater organization and logistics, they decided that they would have “adopted families”, as well as a distribution of food to children and the elderly with limited resources.

The adopted families would receive around USD $ 10 per month to buy food, on the condition that they give back to the community with photos of the products they buy. Meanwhile, they also organized a monthly food distribution to different vulnerable communities. They mainly focused on organizations and homes for children and the elderly located in the capital city.

To achieve this goal, members of the Banano community - made up of users located in various countries around the world - contribute with donations in cryptocurrency. Later, Cuberos and a team of volunteers were in charge of transforming it into actions.

It was like realizing the fact that with cryptocurrencies, no matter where you are, you can always use them.

More than 1,500 Venezuelans benefited

Cuberos told the media that during 2019 the project distributed food to a total of a thousand Venezuelans, as well as they managed to finance four adopted families on a monthly basis, which included their program. Likewise, the team also managed to finance, through cryptocurrencies, the purchase of children's clothing, which was donated to the non-profit organization Hogar Bambi.

Every time we do a distribution it is a very rewarding experience and I feel like that word falls short. It is the gratitude of people and children. During the last one, for example, the children were hesitating because the sandwich we gave them had ham and cheese on it. They said it was the richest bread they had ever eaten.

In this regard, he details that most of the donations they receive are in Banano and Nano, precisely because it is the community that has been supporting the initiative since its inception. For its part, for the acquisition of food, clothing and other implements, the project team opts to exchange digital currencies for bolivars, since they have never found a business that accepts those tokens.

This year, although the charity initiative has encountered several challenges to move forward, the project has managed to feed a total of 600 people. Fabien's withdrawal, as well as the Cuberos migration process itself and the situation in Venezuela, forced the initiative to be put on hold for several months in 2020. However, this year, after words of encouragement from some members of the Banano community, have been reactivating the project to continue supporting the most needy in the country.

Goals for the future

Among the objectives that the foundation has set for this 2021, it stands out to be able to distribute food to more than 1,000 people. For the next day of distribution they hope to provide food to a total of 90 children from the La Dolorita community, where, in alliance with other foundations, such as Fundarindia, they will also carry out recreational activities such as yoga workshops, taekwondo, nutrition courses, and others.

"This union strengthens the activities that each of the organizations is carrying out on its own," Cuberos commented regarding the event that will take place on August 22.

Among the goals, the founder announced that the project hopes to continue promoting cultural and educational activities among vulnerable communities, so they will continue working to strengthen ties with other foundations. It also highlights the reactivation of the official website. The group lost a significant part of its funding to maintain the website with the withdrawal of Fabien, who left the project for personal reasons.

For his part, the leader of the initiative told DiarioBitcoin that the project is considering the possibility of starting to accept other cryptocurrencies with the opportunity to reach other - and more numerous - communities in the crypto space.

It would certainly be nice to expand to receive donations in more currencies. That can also reveal other cryptocurrencies, as well as the fact that these digital assets can have significant social value.

For donations to the Adopt a Family Project

Banana (BAN): ban_1yus5q18w9eq7q6d7bwrcy56fw485h4441n73trtwhbfuikmc1udncioauk9

Nano (NANO): nano_3dz1ujj8j6r3wdgbrzc4cqsdhwuzuzcf7o7n1xcdfa5byuqhwyrydw8tgf4h

Bitcoin (BTC): bc1qef7xvtlepfsuf8xkwdfg8kjc3kyxnpkxhq4h6j


OP note: Please be aware use of these addresses is at your own discretion. I looked up the receiving address for Banano and you can see it here on the creeper, which has an activity history of large trx amounts:

The Nano receiving address has a lot of very small micro-trx

And the Bitcoin address here has 0 transaction history.

"don't trust, verify"


Miami Beach lands 2022 Bitcoin conference

Bitcoin 2021 was so successful its organizers needed a bigger space for next year’s conference. They landed on the Miami Beach Convention Center for what they’re calling the “largest Bitcoin event in the history of Cryptocurrency.” Fintech leaders and thousands of visitors are expected for four days of meetings, networking, and fun in April 2022.

Bitcoin Summer by Bitcoin Montreal - Lot's of Fun and Bitcoin related events

Hey Everybody,

Once again, I'm pleased to share these news on Reddit as there are some people that came to our events after seeing the posts here.

I hope that we will meet more Bitcoiners this time again.

Bull Bitcoin is organizing a huge conference called the Bitcoin Summer. Unfortunately the main events in person got sold out really quickly.

However you can learn a lot by following the live stream we're organizing for the occasion. Make sure you don't miss it out by following the Youtube Channel of Bull Bitcoin here:

Check out the full schedule (More than 15 speakers) here:

We also have Bitcoin related events during the evenings for those who can not join us during the day.

On the 19th of August, we have a private dinner at the best Indian Restaurant in Montreal. It will be great occasion to have a nice dinner amongst bitcoiner. You can buy your ticket here:

We also have a FREE event, the Biggest Bitcoin Barbecue Ever, happening in Jarry's Park the 21 of August. YOU DON'T TO MISS THIS ONE. There is already more than a 100 person attending

Hope to meet you there!

So let's say one hypothetically is looking at a $100k return from an initial investment into Crypto. How would I go about turning this into $1 mil?

Curious about this and it has me concerned. Yes, I am thankful these days we are in the green. Yes, I am thankful I have made more money than probably all of my friends who put money into GME. But now I need to know soon what the hell to do with that money.

I've already been looking at Bitcoin tax calculators. You need to realize that if you were to make 150k profit, and you cash it out the same year, there goes 30k in taxes.

I don't want to even go into that here though. My question is let's just say one has a $100k profit. Do I take the profit out, and diversify into more alt coins? Should I diversify into other stocks that are more stable like a savings bond? Should I contact a financial advisor? Stay strong into Eth or BTC and pray for a 1 Mil BTC in 3 years?

I realize that if one takes a $100k profit, it is still a taxable event if you put it into other coins. Long term hodling seems to be the advantage since it brings the tax-rate down considerably. (After a year)

What would you do with a $100k in the crypto market? I tend to hate stocks. I'm only invested in one or two with a very small amount. I plan on staying in the crypto market and just diversifying more of my assets.

List of Today's and Tomorrow's Upcoming Events

I will be bringing you upcoming events/announcements every day. If you want improvements to this post, please mention /u/houseme in the comments. We will make improvements based on your feedback. | /r/kryptocal | Android | iOS | Telegram Interactive Bot (add cryptocalapp_bot) | Telegram Channel @kryptocal



If you like an event to be added, click Submit Event, and we will do the rest.





Nano(NANO) AMA with WeNano August 14, 2021



ZenCash(ZEN) China Roadshow: Xiamen August 14, 2021
Harvest Masternode Coin(HC) Zoom Seminar & AMA August 14, 2021
KardiaChain(KAI) ETH-KAI Dual Bridge August 14, 2021
Libertas Token(LIBERTAS) Libertas VOX Major Update August 14, 2021
Ethernity Chain(ERN) Manny Pacquiao NFT Launch August 14, 2021
Datamine FLUX(FLUX) YouTube Live AMA August 14, 2021
General Event(CRYPTO) REIMAGINE 2021 V10.0 August 15, 2021
Bitcoin SV(BSV) Financial Mathematics August 15, 2021
LGCY Network(LGCY) Mainnet Launch August 15, 2021
ACryptoS(ACS) Third Daily Emissions Cut August 15, 2021
Pink Panda(PINKPANDA) YouTube Live AMA August 15, 2021
ElonTech(ETCH) Weekly Token Burn August 15, 2021



Matic Network(MATIC) ZBG Listing August 14, 2021
Chiliz(CHZ) ZBG Listing August 15, 2021


Air Drops

Badger DAO(BADGER) Options Airdrop August 15, 2021



IdeaChain(ICH) Main Platform Launch August 15, 2021



Cardano Rumor Rundown August 14, 2021

Hey Everyone!

Let's go...

Newly covered today:

  1. Alonzo (smart contracts on mainnet) is scheduled for the 12th of September!
  2. The Cardano Ecosystem Infographics are still getting bigger and bigger.
  3. The rankings looked a little different today!

Previously Covered but still interesting:

  1. People are starting to realize that the Stakehound private key loss in ETH may attract unwanted regulatory attention to Ethereum 2.0 while this problem could never have occurred in Cardano. Also, only a few days later another ETH stakepool (this time SharedStake...the sixth biggest ETH Stakepool) allegedly experiences a rugpull that some are valuing at over $30MM. This is another problem that could not happen in Cardano staking. It feels like we stepped into the ring, they rang the bell, and ETH just started punching itself in the head. Eventually it’s going to KO itself.
  2. Here’s another great Cardano data site. This one is from the Cardano Fans stakepool.
  3. John O’Connor of IOHK points out that France still controls the monetary policy of 14 countries in Africa. There is definitely a built in market on the continent for a project that delivers monetary sovereignty to the people.
  4. Here’s a great new interview with the CEO of World Mobile from Cardano Chats.
  5. New article from the Cardano Foundation on Governance.
  6. Sebastien explains some Alonzo HFC event changes.
  7. IOG Research update from Prof. Aggelos Kiayias. Really interesting bit right at the beginning on the history of cryptography as a field of study.
  8. Sebastien of dcSpark submits a Cardano Improvement Proposal to allow wallets to implement collateral.
  9. Coti update from Shahaf Bar-Geffen.
  10. The Mithril paper (allows for trustless light wallets) is now available for your reading pleasure.
  11. The Ouroboros Chronos paper (allows for the blockchain to be its own timekeeper) is also now available.
  12. Cardano is now a small part of Grayscale’s Digital Large Cap Fund. They actually sold off current holdings in other coins to buy ADA. This is big for institutional adoption!
  13. Catalyst Fund 4 results are here.
  14. Robert Kornacki of dcSpark releases an article on why every Cardano dApp will use NFTs. The article contains some very interesting discussion on smart contracts in the EUTXO context including language instructing that “UTXOs have smart contracts attached to them and not the other way around” and “[...]the simplest way to think about it is that when a UTXO is created it has the option to have a smart contract attached to it.”
  15. A very interesting medium article on the concurrency problem in eUTxO blockchains such as Cardano. (Article by Occam Fi....thanks to Muggy Pool for sending it my way).
  16. The concurrency issue in plutus smart contracts has also been recently commented on by Lars and Sebastien.
  17. The Cardano Foundation has released a video on its short and long-term strategies to get to one billion users by 2026.
  18. Ben O’Hanlon sets the record straight on developer interest in Cardano.
  19. As always, Cardano is straight killing the competition in terms of assets staked.
  20. Between Cohort 1 and Cohort 2 of the Plutus Pioneers program there have been 4,300 potential future Cardano developers involved.
  21. Here’s an interesting chart purporting to show the dates on which various Cardano DeFi projects might have finished products.
  22. Cardano Gainz Calculator now has a graph showing 10 year growth.
  23. Emurgo has released a guide on how to register for Catalyst voting with your Ledger Hardware Wallet.
  24. Great new interview with World Mobile’s Mickey Watkins, Charles, and John O’Connor.
  25. This infographic shows just how big the Cardano DeFi space is getting.
  26. This infographic shows just how much DeFi volume is out there for Cardano to steal.
  27. There is a new stakepool explorer available.
  28. Very interesting timing with a) Grayscale Buying $50MM ETCG, b) Grayscale adding ADA, and c) Charles joining the ETC Cooperative board given that two of the members of the ETC Cooperative board seem to come from Grayscale and DCG. Maybe the world is starting to understand just what Charles and IOHK have been able to accomplish over the last few years.
  29. There is currently a lawsuit challenging the notion that staking rewards should be taxed as income. The plaintiff argues that newly created property isn’t taxed as income and that this should also apply to staking rewards. A win here would be very nice for Cardano delegators.
  30. The Cardano Foundation’s Cardano Developer Portal is now up and running.
  31. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s party has won re-election in a landslide election.
  32. Avanti Bank of Wyoming files comments with the Federal Reserve on their new guidelines that could massively impact how the traditional banking system interacts with cryptocurrencies like Cardano. Given what role ADA is likely to play in the future of crypto financial transactions, this is extremely relevant for ADA holders.
  33. Cardano is still destroying everyone in terms of value staked!
  34. The Cardano ecosystem maps keep getting bigger and more complicated.
  35. In news that could have significant repercussions for many stablecoin reliant Cardano DeFi projects, Fed Chair Jerome Powell gave some hard signals that they will regulate stablecoins in House Committee testimony. He revealed that the Fed will issue its long-awated paper on stablecoins, CBDCs, and other digital assets in September. Powell also went as far as to say "You wouldn't need stable coins you wouldn't need cryptocurrencies if you had a digital US currency, I think that's one of the stronger arguments in its favor."
  36. We experienced a successful fork to the Alonzo White testnet!
  37. Very serious accusations are laid out against the Meld project.
  38. The European Central Bank drops news of “a project to prepare for possibly issuing a digital euro.” A digital Euro is coming and regulation of private fiat-pegged stablecoins is coming with it.
  39. IOHK releases a paper on a crypto-backed algorithmic stablecoin.
  40. A crypto media personality recently uncovered links between the Priviledge EU Project, Horizon Europe Grant Agreement 780477, and Cardano.
  41. Always the GitHub activity champs!
  42. We are now seeing the advent of a so-called “Fair Initial Stakepool Offering”.
  43. The weekly development update is out.
  44. Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury, is calling a meeting of the President’s Working Group on Financial Markets to discuss stablecoins on Monday. Prepare for regulation.
  45. Coindesk really hates us. Now they are writing articles about Cardano and using words like “crypto-colonialism”.
  46. Liqwid says it is on target to be live on day 1 after the Alonzo hardfork combinator event.
  47. According to maximalists you’re apparently not allowed to be busy with your company authoring papers if you’re in Cardano.
  48. The IOHK mid-month development update for July is out and available for viewing.
  49. Apparently “unsigned Phalices” are a thing in the Cardano ecosystem now.
  50. The El Faro article reporting meetings between Cardano, Whizgrid of Cyprus, and the brothers of President Bukele of El Salvador definitely contain some extremely interesting details related to a possible Salvadorean national stablecoin by the end of the year and a possible digitization and blockchain storage of a wide range of government related documents next year. This could be huge!!!!!!
  51. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen told regulators in the Presidents Working Group on Financial Markets that they must move quickly to regulate stablecoins. So, a Salvadorean market for stablecoins might be good for Cardano.
  52. Notable news for upcoming Cardano DeFi projects. There may be slightly less competition in the “get a return on your crypto assets” game very soon. The New Jersey AG’s office has delivered a cease and desist letter to BlockFi. The AG’s press release cited BlockFi’s interest bearing deposit accounts as unregistered securities and also mentioned the lack of FDIC or SPIC insurance for it’s depositors. This leaves some lingering questions for Cardano DeFi projects that might be planning to accept deposits or other transfers of value and offering a return of sorts. You could argue that these projects are decentralized where BlockFi was not. But, the AG’s press release seems to cite decentralization as one of the risks of DeFi projects. Also, as a practical matter, there is a question whether decentralization will be a good shield from regulators since many of these projects have companies and real humans with faces and names behind them unlike a truly anonymous founder such as Satoshi Nakamoto.
  53. EU is planning to introduce regulations on anonymous crypto wallets. This is a big deal. But, Cardano is probably more prepared than any with its identity solutions that could be used for KYC/AML.
  54. Cardano didn’t come up in the Cathie Wood, Jack Dorsey, and Elon Musk panel discussion at “The B Word” event. But, given how Elon repeatedly shot down maximalist explanations for the shortcomings of proof-of-work chains in energy consumption and throughput, the whole thing ended up sounding like a long-form pitch for proof-of-stake and Cardano. Seriously, you should check it out.
  55. Gary Gensler, SEC Chair, indicates that crypto assets providing synthetic exposure to securities will be regulated as securities. This should be scary news for any Cardano projects that are aimed at exactly that!
  56. The mainstream press is suddenly realizing the behavioral economics tools that a central bank with CBDCs could wield. There is definitely a universe where this becomes a very dystopian and jarring introduction to virtual currencies for the mainstream.
  57. Wolfram CEO, John Woodard, drops a guest article with IOHK on NFT liveminting. The article seems to have a good amount of focus on the community building potential of NFTs. I think that could be a big growth area for the future.
  58. IOHK has released its Conclave paper on collective stakepools.
  59. Here’s the IOHK Development Update for July 23!
  60. Cardano received some coverage in the Motley Fool as an eco-friendly crypto!
  61. Big lesson for future Cardano DeFi projects: Uniswap Labs just had to censor the Uniswap UI to ban synthetics of underlying securities. Bucket shops have been around for 150 years and illegal for 100 years. It turns out that you can’t do it in crypto either.
  62. Check out this new video of the World Mobile Team on the ground in Zanzibar. Doesn’t this feel like a better mission for our ecosystem than DeFi?
  63. Reports are coming in that Amazon plans to integrate Bitcoin, Cardano, ETH, & BCH in the very near future. This has apparently been a work in progress for several years.
  64. Adam Dean brings us open source code to accept ADA in your Woo Commerce store.
  65. Weiss Crypto has very good things to say about Cardano.
  66. Check out this new bot that tweets every time it discovers a Cardano Giveaway Scam! The tweets show ISP and geolocation info for the scammers. Follow this bot and report the scammers! Brought to us by @nicknikiforakis. Thanks for building this, Nick!
  67. The regulatory purge of stablecoins is getting into full swing now with Bloomberg running a piece on a DOJ criminal probe of the Tether founders. Of particular note for the Cardano ecosystem is that the first attack surface for regulators is the relationship of the stablecoin with legacy banking institutions. This is something that Cardano ecosystem stablecoin, Djed, may already fix with its own crypto backed reserve system.
  68. Nami Wallet now allows you to mint NFTs for no extra fees (only Cardano network fees) inside the wallet.
  69. More pressure for Crypto regulation is coming to bear today in the U.S. This time it comes in the form of a letter from Senator Elizabethe Warren to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen (in her position as Chair of the Financial Stability Oversight Council which brings together 10 different financial regulators including the SEC, CFTC, and the Federal Reserve). The letter was sent after a Senate Banking Committee hearing titled “Cryptocurrencies: What are they good for?”
  70. Stephen Wolfram does the first NFT liveminting event where he creates NFTs of cellular automata from the computational universe while live on stream. The first two created were “Crashing Waves” and “Down Arrows”.
  71. A new Cardano NFT Marketplace is now live and receiving a lot of attention.
  72. Project Catalyst now has 30k members!
  73. Emurgo has released an article about what we can expect from the Yoroi dApp Connector.
  74. Reports are coming in that the new bipartisan Infrastructure Bill contains new provisions that might require a whole host of actors within crypto ecosystems like Cardano to report transactions over $10k.
  75. But this bill is an even bigger deal. If passed as-is, we can probably say RIP to the Wild West Era of crypto (2009-2021).
  76. The July Cardano 360 can now be viewed on Youtube.
  77. John O’Connor was on SkyNews discussing the Ethiopian Ministry of Education project! He stressed that this was not a profit center for IOHK, and had a chance to refute the “crypto colonialism” strain of thought.
  78. We are kings of the github commits once again!
  79. The differences between the currently dominant smart contract blockchain and Cardano’s upcoming smart contract architecture keep getting highlighted by dramatic failures of the former.
  80. Don’t forget that registration for the Cardano Summit is live.
  81. In case you missed the July Cardano 360 and don’t have a lot of time. Here is the always great Cardano 360 Mini!
  82. Reports are coming in that we’ve got final language from the crypto tax reporting piece of the Infrastructure Bill. It’s better but not great or even good.
  83. The Charles AMAs returned on August 1 after a brief break.
  84. A quarter million votes were cast in Catalyst Fund 5 voting! Apparently, this is over 10x what we saw in Fund 2.
  85. Here’s a very good read on one vision for prosperity via CBDC and how such a currency should interact with existing blockchains like Cardano.
  86. Cardano has been listed by Bitpoint in Japan!
  87. Senators Wyden and Toomey are trying to fix the crypto provisions in the Infrastructure Bill!
  88. SEC Chair Gensler gave another speech strongly signaling that a lot of stablecoins, lending platforms, synthetics platforms, and other DeFi projects are probably non-compliant in the eyes of the SEC. I would heed this warning very carefully if I were one of those projects.
  89. The Yoroi Wallet is already making improvements in preparation for the dApp Connector release!
  90. We’re now up to 5 different states that are getting after BlockFi for their crypto lending activities. Reportedly, this includes New Jersey, Vermont, Alabama, Kentucky, & Texas. Probably relevant for those building lending solutions on Cardano.
  91. Charles dropped an update to let us know that Light Purple Alonzo will come next week. That will bring in exchange partners. Mid-month there will be an update with official dates given for a primary date and a fallback date for triggering the hardfork combinator event. The fallback date will likely be one epoch (five days later). Part of this depends on how the exchange partners are doing with their integrations. Charles says it looks like late August or the first week of September. There will be a live HFC party where they will deploy “some things” minutes after the HFC. The Plutus Application Backend (PAB) might be integrated on something like September 10th.
  92. Cardano’s closest competitor, Ethereum, carries out it’s EIP-1559 London Fork which creates a new transaction fee scheme including some burning of fees and a more predictable base fee with an additional tip option on top. While the long term impact is unclear, the immediate aftermath of the fork seems to be even higher fees. We’ll see if this is just due to high transaction volume at the moment. Of course, part of this is already solved by Cardano’s deterministic fee system enabled by its local state as opposed to the global state in the Ethereum system.
  93. Senators Toomey, Wyden, & Lummis took to the Senate Floor to plead for a vote on their amendment which would fix the overly broad crypto tax reporting provisions in the Infrastructure Bill.
  94. The Toomey, Lummis, Wyden Amendment was then challenged by a competing amendment from Senators Warner, Portman, and Sinema which only excluded proof-of-work block validators and sellers of wallets from the tax reporting requirements. This terrible competing amendment was then immediately endorsed by the White House. This is a serious danger to our industry! Please call your Senators and ask them to support the Toomey/Wyden/Lummis Amendment!
  95. Charles announces the Alonzo Purple testnet is out! Many new segments of partners and others will be onboarding with availability to any developer soon!
  96. It turns out that Janet Yellen lobbied lawmakers on Thursday against the Wyden-Toomey-Lummis Amendment according to the Washington Post.
  97. Check out this awesome “12 Facts” style article about Alonzo from Sebastien Guillemot form dcSpark.
  98. Senator Warner made not one but two revisions to his amendment to the crypto provisions in the Infrastructure Bill. Both revisions were good for Cardano since they included proof-of-stake implicitly and then explicitly.
  99. Both Gene Simmons and Ted Cruz came out in support of the competing Wyden-Lummis-Toomey Amendment to the Infrastructure Bill. Gene Simmons has previously revealed his Cardano purchases.
  100. After the Senate called it a day on the Infrastructure Bill Amendment debate, it sounded like there might have been some dealmaking going on among Wyden, Portman, Warner, and Toomey. The Senate will be back at it tomorrow at Noon.
  101. No agreement on an amendment to the crypto tax reporting provisions of the Infrastructure Bill materialized today.
  102. Senator Lummis (a co-sponsor of the proposed crypto-friendly Toomey-Lummis-Wyden Amendment) is holding out hope that they may be able to get a vote on amendments tomorrow.
  103. Charles is already planning a strategy for dealing with the bill once it’s in the House of Representatives.
  104. Very action packed day today (Aug 9). The Toomey-Lummis-Portman-Sinema came together and proposed a compromise amendment to the crypto tax reporting provisions in the Infrastructure Bill. They were not able to include any section for exclusion of developers from the “broker” definition but did cover the previous progress on transaction validators and wallet sellers.
  105. Toomey-Lummis-Portman-Sinema sought the required unanimous consent, but their attempt was thwarted by a disagreement over $50 billion in defense spending.
  106. Several co-chairs of the Blockchain Caucus have already written a letter to all the members of the House of Representatives letting them know of the dire need to fix these crypto provisions once the bill hits the House.
  107. There’s a new CIP to create an off-chain metadata standard from Matthias Benkort, Michael Peyton Jones, and Polina Vinogradova.
  108. The Biggest Lobster Trap Harvest ever!!! A hacker decided to harvest over $600 million from the Polynetwork Bridge. We learned this lesson in the 2016 DAO Hack, but it’s really time that people stop giving up custody of their coins.
  109. Senator Shelby laughably tried to claim he actually supported the crypto amendment in a tweet. The derision from the crypto community flowed like water out of the Amazon.
  110. IOHK’s “Essential Cardano” list of projects keeps growing!
  111. dcSpark is hiring for a few non-programmer positions.
  112. We got some coverage in Forbes over the Alonzo date reveal.
  113. Over $1 million in NFTs has now been sold on
  114. This graphic pretty much sums up all the Cardano criticism.
  115. Emurgo has published an article about the status of Yoroi as the Metamask of Cardano.
  116. We’ll get the August mid-Month Development Update today (Aug 13) and we’ll also find out the exact date for Alonzo!

~Army of Spies